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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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1198337 No.1198337[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1198368
File: 103 KB, 540x453, 1613732451307.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she's not your girlfriend, you can't be a cuck. Idols are entertainment, not for dating.

>> No.1198370
File: 752 KB, 994x1304, 1613063556221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the Vtuber meme thread?

>> No.1198382

I have never given them a single cent nor turned adblock off. It's free entertainment

Now what?

>> No.1198387

>you can't be a cuck
Vtubing is inherently cucked, its like all the bad parts of having a GF but someone else gets to have sex with her.

>> No.1198390
File: 5 KB, 184x184, 1583060406186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kills the gachikoi.

>> No.1198397

Image above show the guy dislike man and women together

Image below show girl singing and entertain the viewers

What the fuck does it mean?

>> No.1198406

So you are getting NTR'd for free?

>> No.1198416

Is this implying I'm supposed to want to throw money at normal couples? Maybe if they broadcast themselves on a screen with a microphone your dogshit 'meme' might actually make some sense

>> No.1198426

You dont understand his point dont you?

>> No.1198433
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>> No.1198442

No I get it. You spend your time listening to a girl drone on and on about her day and all her stupid BS but you don't even get to have sex with her.

>> No.1198443

>its like all the bad parts of having a GF
She's not your girlfriend. She's an entertainer. You can go and get a real girlfriend, anon. It's not that fucking hard, and you shouldn't care if some entertainer has their own personal lives.

>> No.1198449

They're playing characters...

>> No.1198460

All women are fake

>> No.1198466

You think I think I'm in a relationship with them? I just enjoy watching them draw and talk in my free time. It's way better than watching whatever mind poison gets broadcasted for the tv.

They could have a boyfriend and I wouldn't give a fuck. They are just performers you can see on youtube, for free.

>> No.1198470

It's a commentary on how people aren't interested in women if they're in a relationship, but when they're a Vtuber they can be in a relationship and get money off people so long as they never allude to that fact that they're dating.

>> No.1198478

Damn, next time I go and see a standup show, I'll complain to the comedian that I can't fuck him in the ass even though I've just sat through an hour of him complaining about his life.

>> No.1198489

All women do that and the performance ends after marriage

>> No.1198499

If you like watching female standup comedy I don't know what to even tell you.

>> No.1198501


>> No.1198502
File: 140 KB, 285x286, kyoukolaugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look everyone! Look at the incel(s) and laugh! Look at how bitter they are! AHAHAHAHAAH! The absolute state of loser faggots.

>> No.1198505

I literally said him in that post, you illeterate retard.

>> No.1198511

Oh man what a zinger, are you going to accuse me a virgin next?

>> No.1198514

Literally the same guy every post

>> No.1198515

>Incel wants to find a GF

Feel bad for you OP

>> No.1198516

>NTR’d for free
As opposed to paying for it?

>> No.1198518

Yeah, man. When I buy a CD from a female artist, or watch a film with an actress that has a boyfriend, that is just like if my wife or girlfriend was getting gorilla-fucked in my bed, and not at all me paying for entertainment.

>> No.1198529

>I literally said him in that
Yikes you should really do those ESL reps before tossing around the illiterate accusations

>> No.1198537

Clearly it triggers you. Virgin.


>> No.1198540

>Turn off the screen
>It's over until next time

It's all on demand so they better be pleasant. The "worst parts of a girlfriend my ass", they are just comedians for the most part. Anyone can get a cute anime rig but if their personality is vapid and dull, they don't get viewers. Which is why most of the top vtubers are hikki neets irl. They are funny weirdos that are at best like 6/10 and would have never had a chance with regular streaming. Before vtubers I had never, literally never, watched women perform because to get to the top IRL as a woman you better be pretty, which leaves those actually talented in the shadows.

Anime avatars are the great equalizer. Anyone can get one, but only the most talented or pleasant get to succeed, instead of the most caked up bimbo showing their tiddies.

>> No.1198546
File: 294 KB, 900x900, virg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know bro, totally triggered

>> No.1198550
File: 368 KB, 691x556, based on what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope all chuubas get laid daily, I watch them because they're entertaining and not as a substitute for IRL sex and relationships.

>> No.1198552

>Yagoo is dating all of hololive

>> No.1198558

But... I don't give them money.

>> No.1198564

>They are funny weirdos that are at best like 6/10
A few quick google searches would prove you very wrong

>> No.1198569

Congrats you get no pussy. At least you win your internet debate.

GL with finding your anime GF!

>> No.1198574

Marine is one of the few vtubers that I fully believe has never been with a man. Her act of being lewd is the equivalent of a 14 year old bragging about all the sex she has. But instead is being done by a 28 year old awkward fujoshi otaku. It's kind of cute but also cringe.

>> No.1198575

nice thread, everyone

>> No.1198576

>muh Riajuu hate
This is the ultimate cope.

>> No.1198578

You give them your time, is time not money?

>> No.1198584

If it were a western vtuber it would be a guy on that microphone

>> No.1198592

That wouldn't be surprising though, all 28 year old fujoshi hikkis are relentlessly horny and sit around all day jerking off to their favorite shipping fanfics.

>> No.1198601
File: 48 KB, 900x900, AAUvwniD4ONC_TZcAgZi-mD-vz8O7efhjGwA5vkyJ-KnPQ=s900-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a pinoy and his waifu reviews are great.

>> No.1198607

No one is productive all the time every time. Even grandmasters and geniuses only practice their craft for 6-8 hours a day. The rest should be spent as you please, without caring if it produces money or not.

If you think all time must be spent producing, you must be livid at worker rights law that ensure they work 40 hours and get vacations.

>> No.1198610

Do you consider watching TV or movies "cucked", incel-kun? It's basically the same thing with a slight amount of interactivity.

>> No.1198617
File: 42 KB, 600x525, ios_large_1550697088_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you doing this to me... I have mental problems!

>> No.1198626

Time is only money if you're giving it to someone as a service or otherwise spending it doing work/chores. Time spent on hobbies and entertainment is not equivalent to money.

>> No.1198645
File: 938 KB, 2000x1545, 1601727280313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awful thread

>> No.1198647

>the vtubers are arguing with me over who has to take the trash out again
Meds. Now.

>> No.1198648

>The rest should be spent as you please
Fair enough I guess eroding away your limited lifespan for a women you will never have is even more cucked then giving her moeny

>> No.1198669

Hows Restera been treating you?

>> No.1198708

Which vtuber hurt you anon?

>> No.1198722

Anon I also watch cooking shows. You think Gordon Ramsay is cucking me as he gets to fuck his wife and I don't? Stop being retarded.

>> No.1198723

>Not looking up all the dox shit you can on your oshi before giving them money
Beginner mistake

>> No.1198743

>Ctrl+F "virgin"
>Crtl+F "incel"
Should you all be posting in a Kiara anti thread right now /cgl/?

>> No.1198752

I'm a heterosexual

>> No.1198763

Anon, do you have any female friends that you don't secretly want to fuck? I think this might be a personal issue.

>> No.1198783

I dobut he sees the women in his life as anything but "femoids".

>> No.1198787

>do you have any female friends

>> No.1198796

Some of those idols don't have boyfriends.

>> No.1198803

damn she's based, imagine paying for that shit

>> No.1198847

at least use alt accounts lmao, he is not very bright

>> No.1198904
File: 199 KB, 1256x1080, 1611664752941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idols are for worship and they are married to their fans ONLY

>> No.1198928


>> No.1198938


>> No.1198944

funny you say that while posting the most obvious whore of the bunch

>> No.1198968

No. Hideous Eleven culture.

>> No.1198991

Better than r/braincels has been treating you.
Sure as hell didn't answer my question either.

>> No.1199003

I don't use reddit.

>> No.1199023

Wait are accusing someone of being a Redditor for NOT being a white knight?

>> No.1199049

>Life is all about Sex
>Unable to have sex

Name something more cucked than this mindset.

>> No.1199072
File: 154 KB, 322x315, 1612847481714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can feel the seethe coming from the tranny that made this thread. How do we manage to consistently live inside /qa/'s head?

>> No.1199087

Who are you quoting?

>> No.1199100

I know what you mean.
Contrast it with those radio "relationship advice" shows that boils down to some aged dirty wine aunt just talking about sex in the most dirty yet unexplicably unattractive way they can, the kind of stuff even people with a whore fetish can't get off to. They're so desperately trying to be hip by being open about sex but it just comes across like listening to an obese fatass talking about their period in ways only a tranny or a committed "anti-normative" wokester would pretend to enjoy. (Gundou almost approaches this style but she's honestly nowhere near as bad)
Meanwhile Marine tries talking about sex and it's just ends up cutesy.

>> No.1199113

>Idols are for worship and they are married to their fans ONLY
Anon your dox reps

>> No.1199137

Go back to watching pokimane if it offends you

>> No.1199141

anon you are retarded and should be thrown in jail

>> No.1199150

I only watch Vshojo

>> No.1199181


>> No.1199188
File: 119 KB, 231x231, 1605552872838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please expose yourself as retards that eat up everything you read here, it never gets old

>> No.1199223
File: 489 KB, 960x717, 1614288764461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>listen to chuubas while working from home
>not actually working from home and just trading stocks
>do just enough work to get a good review
Simple as

>> No.1199224

not just a virgin, but also ESL apparently

>> No.1199238

Thanks wojak

>> No.1199244

Don't pretend you don't understand what I am talking about virgin-kun

>> No.1199256

But who were you quoting?

>> No.1199279
File: 682 KB, 1124x1351, 1614288669509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome. Wagie threads are the best content on 4chan. It's pretty based knowing I just dick around for half the day and still make decent money, while watching my chuubas.

>> No.1199344
File: 120 KB, 1172x1050, bad thread bot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread should have been firebombed like ops house

>> No.1199357

there's literally nothing wrong with simping

>> No.1199370

At least someone is finally being honest with themselves.

>> No.1199416

depepends on how you define it honestly

giving money to women for a services, goods, or entertainment = nothing inherently wrong

giving money to women for no reason = weird bro

giving money to ethots who mock you and call you a retard for paying them and you still give them money= fetish and wrong
