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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 165 KB, 1200x675, projektmelody.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11934440 No.11934440 [Reply] [Original]

>Melody will never be by gf
Why go on living?

>> No.11935010

she's everyone's gf

>> No.11935023

just become Melody

>> No.11935036


>> No.11935439

She doesn't have a big futa cock either, goddamnit

>> No.11935486

Actually I prefer it that way, It's fine if you're into that, but I'm just not.

>> No.11935539

she's even better than a gf
she makes you coom and is kind and cute and entertaining and doesn't ruin you emotionally like a real gf would

>> No.11935609

Isn't she an actual prostitute? You could probably pay her to be your girlfriend for a little while.

>> No.11935765

I know, right? It think she genuinely appreciates her audience and isn't just in it for the money like a lot of other cam girls. She's a genuinely good person, I think all the VShojo girls are.

>> No.11935790

No she's just a cam girl as far as I know.

>> No.11935909

Youre right, do the right thing and kill yourself. Melody might even hear about it and talk about you on stream.

>> No.11935934

Nah, she's too rich for that

>> No.11935964

Are you implying a woman can't enjoy sex, chud?

>> No.11936029

Based GFE enjoyers. Based sex havers. Based life experiencers.

>> No.11936105

No, I'm just saying she wouldn't enjoy it with you, no matter how much you try to pay her

>> No.11936260

Unfortunately there are too many freaks out there who would rape and/or murder her so she would never fuck a fan IRL. Big sad.

>> No.11936604

she laughed at lost pause cause he's 5'8"

>> No.11936881

Well I'm 6'1" so I don't gotta worry about that.

>> No.11937048

Not with that attitude anon

>> No.11937096
File: 66 KB, 720x720, 1634115539684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally a whore
>"muh men have to be top 10%"

Yeah that's what I expected from an American woman. The great thing about vtubing is no one has to see how obese you actually are.

>> No.11937310

We know what they all look like and none of them are obese, unless you were talking about them not seeing how obese you are

>> No.11937344

From all the possible vchuuba you chosen insufferable, married bitch. What's wrong with you?

>> No.11937373

>t. Mussel

>> No.11937407

I saw that clip, and what she was laughing at was the fact that LP seamed tall in Japan despite only being 5'8" and I'm willing to bet Melly has no problem with short guys anyway. You niggas always jumping to conclusions

>> No.11937519

She isn't fat. It's also pathetic you hate her because she might think you are unattractive. Also very ironic you say that shit and post Anya

>> No.11937540

dude, she was clearly laughing at how he thought he was tall

>> No.11937564

I'll be honest, I think you're full of shit, mate.

>> No.11937653

Well, 5'8" isn't tall

>> No.11937703

Whatever dude I'm not a manlet anyway

>> No.11937835

There are probably thousands of girls like Melody out there, and I think 70% of the anons on this board, probably including OP, would be capable of getting them.

>> No.11938507

>This rich attractive girl will totally date me because I'm not a manlet!
She can swipe right on tinder for 10 minutes and get 100s of men over 6ft, cuck.

>> No.11938562

Why are you guys fixating on the manlet thing? The point is she laughs at people over things they have no control over

>> No.11938597

Mel is into shota and loli, so she has no problems with short guys

>> No.11938631

more like 5%

>> No.11938667

>I think all the VShojo girls are
Don't look up history on the cheater then. Best to live in ignorance.

>> No.11938713

you'd be right if the cuck wasn't a pawn for globohomo killing random people in Afghanistan, it was karma all along

>> No.11938824

That's not the point. You're a fool if you'd trust a woman with her past and think of her as a good person.

>> No.11938880

You want a ditzy, camwhore, wall flower as your gf?

>> No.11938959

I think of her as an entertainer, just like any other vtuber
If I can listen to the music of a guy that burned down multiple churches and stabbed a guy 23 times, she ranks very fucking low in terms of immoral deeds done

>> No.11939370

too add to the "very fucking low in terms of immoral deeds done" part, it wasn't even physicial cheating, just discord ERP with some weeb dude

>> No.11939434

how does arcadum keep getting away with it?

>> No.11939491

Why do you want a literal prostitute as a gf? We’re reaching levels of cuckoldry that shouldn’t even be possible.

>> No.11939568

that had nothing to do with Arcadum, it happened a few years earlier
he did try it with Mel and got quickly shot down by her

>> No.11939582
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>> No.11939718

until I see evidence I'm gonna assume you're talking out of your ass

>> No.11939769

go on nyafuu/desuarchive and do your reps, anon

>> No.11939773

Anon, that doesn't make you chad.

>> No.11939861

considering all the fags on this site that worship le pure waifu are all KHV with perma autism, it makes him a bigger chad than them at least

>> No.11939884

Being a noodle slurper makes you a cuck which is the opposite of a chad

>> No.11939919

the opposite of a chad is a virgin, so fucking sluts makes you a chad

>> No.11940263 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 645x773, Wojakeyeroll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay, I see see a lot of hearsay that Froot cheated on her husband. Why should I take this seriously?

>> No.11940361

You shouldn't because she was never married
People just added things when nobody cared about the original story

>> No.11940398

it happened, though it was all just some cringy ERP over Discord, none of the parties involved ever met up in person
>Why should I take this seriously?
no idea really, some /k/fags are still mad about patches so they stir up shit in every thread mildly related to Froot

>> No.11940438

Yeah that's what I suspected. I thought it was common sense that you can't trust everything you see on the internet, but perhaps not.

>> No.11940519

>You shouldn't because she was never married
This bit of information is new
source on that? if he actually pulled an Arcadum, that would be extra hillarious

>> No.11940933

To be fair, being into vtubers in general is totally cucked. You are paying a girl so she can fuck someone other than you at the end of the day. That's why it's important to be an alpha cuck. Order your vwhore around, grooming her into who she should fuck so you can get your rocks off in the way you personally find most satisfying, with no f*moid baggage dragging your life down after the fact. All the pros of being saddled to a woman like a normalfaggot, with none of the immense, life-ruining downsides.

>> No.11943047 [DELETED] 
File: 160 KB, 523x584, beforemarried.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ironic that you are twisting it right now.
She was married. Husband was a tanker in the army. Deployed at the time.
Most of you people didn't even know of her existence when this was all going on, but chimp out as new fans acting like you know something.
"But the proof doesn't exist that she was married..." That happens when you cheat and scrub the internet of the long distance relationship you had.
Ask her ex.
Find Dsyncronizer and get your answer.

"ERP" is a bullshit excuse because being intimate with randos online while in a relationship is still cheating.
These kissless fags just spin it is roleplay as cope. Because not like e-girls tend to have a long history of being shitty, especially in Vshojo.

I'll take my vacation now.

>> No.11943242

how is >ERP bullshit when that's all that happened? it is still cheating, yes, but most /k/fags hide that part and just jump to straight up physical cheating, which did not happen at all
with years passing by no one will give a shit about that, no one considers that an irredemable sin lke murdering an innocent person

>> No.11943639

The claim never was that she stabbed some innocent old lady. An anon >>11935765 said that he thought all of vshojo are "genuinely good people".

Then was told that one cheated, which you've agreed is a shitty thing to do. Just because >>11938959 (who I assume is you) goes full schizo trying to equivocate the two acts and say you'd still watch it was never the point to begin with. And even if that isn't you, but you chose to use their stupid argument to make a point that was never on target to begin with, doesnt change the fact that cheating on someone is a pretty good sign that she is not a "genuinely good person" as was the entire reason for the reply chain. Learn to read, nigger.

>> No.11943943

To do better than that, senpai.

>> No.11944303

>scrub the internet
Sure. She scrubbed all references to her getting/being married from her and her 'husbands' social media and from the social media of all their friends and families.
Hackricot got skills.

>> No.11944941

It's not real life. If I wanted a gf, I'd talk to women IRL.

>> No.11944957

honestly lads I'm not sure discord ERP counts as cheating

>> No.11945017

That said, is Melody's roommate even single? Does she have a significant other?

>> No.11945057

erp is just a zoomer way of saying you were sexting. if you think sexting with others is ok while youre in a relationship youre a cuck. simple as.

>> No.11945061

Earn money and pay that slut so she will suck you dick.
OP proves that only incel simps watch Vshojo's ethots.

>> No.11945358

Have some self respect, you can easily find a better woman.

>> No.11945824

I don't give a shit about that cuck.
Why should i be mad at something happened to someone i don't even know.
Probably he was some pre-ejaculating limp dick that never made her cum once. The fact that he started shitting on her on the internet after she dumped him is a good telling of his personality.
I bet he was some reserve whose duty was cleaning toilets and drinking beer while holed into some bunker.

>> No.11946808

>erp isnt cheating
holy fuck the absolute state of "men" in 2021

>> No.11947212
File: 30 KB, 638x540, 1450283397736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically a seething manlet, here's your (you)

>> No.11947516

>you can easily find women as autisticly dorky and adorable as Mel
I don't know where you live, anon, but I'd love to move there.

>> No.11948028

Just go to any deserted alley way and you can pay someone who is basically melody in everything but name to pretend she's your gf. Problem solved

>> No.11948143

Where did I say it isn't cheating?
I'm saying you're fucking autistic for blowing up a shitstorm over some discord ERP

>> No.11948203

Go to any anime/comic convention. Plus most of them wont be literal whores who've taken miles of cock and lack the ability to emotionally bond with a man

>> No.11948465

Im not blowing up over anything and dont care about froot. Im simply laughing at you for being a cuck that would be ok with your gf erp'ing with other men

>> No.11948490

Are you that pathetic to make up strawmen just to feel better about yourself?

>> No.11948571

not nearly as pathetic as a self admitted cuckold

>> No.11948593

take them

>> No.11948633


>> No.11948843

samefagging won't help you

>> No.11948908
File: 299 KB, 1439x2433, Screenshot_20211024-165728_Read Chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11948951

neither will editing

>> No.11949004

>Nobody can disagree with me, you must be samefagging!
Get over it lil guy

>> No.11949028

neither will seething

>> No.11949045

lmao you told me to take meds but youre the actual schizo here

>> No.11949074

Meds. Now.

>> No.11949075

Oh no! Ya gonna do a cope little fella? Did the big bad 4chan make fun of you again?

>> No.11949109

the cucks mental is fragile as expected

>> No.11949171
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>> No.11949237

brokenrecordchama. got any lines other than "meds"?

>> No.11949238

so you can get a gf that isn't a whore

>> No.11949240

He seems finna mad. Idk guys. Give me another sign lil man

>> No.11949274

this post reeks of copium

>> No.11949282

I bet if some female would ever decide to have a relationship with you, this would not stop you from fapping to camwhores and give them tips.
And is that all the shitstorm about Froot? Cheating by ERPing? Fuck off!

>> No.11949285
File: 349 KB, 638x480, 1563233933925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11949327

Can you dumbasses shut the hell up about how Froot had hot sweaty erotic digital sex while her husband was stabbing sand niggers in some shit hole hut.
It gets repetitive.

>> No.11949400

Can you say it louder for the people in the back?

>> No.11949508
File: 144 KB, 490x380, 1576789058616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lose wife
>lose war
>lose all dignity
a permanent reminder of what happens to those who serve the globohomo

>> No.11949512
File: 41 KB, 441x325, DbBHP_gU0AA1lqu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder defending froot means you're unequivocally a cuck
there is no argument and no amount of coping will change she's a fucking whore

You can continue to argue in circles defending your stupid oshi or realize that if it really wasn't that big of a deal she wouldn't try so hard regularly to bury it. Hell, if it wasn't a big deal, you retards wouldn't have to defend it nor would anyone complain.

>> No.11949569
File: 906 KB, 295x305, 1576890299594.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

le meds

>> No.11949670

There'd be no need to defend her if the /k/ucks didn't feel the need to save the dignity of their king cuck.
Now go cry over your patches for your tactikool fanny pack.

>> No.11949779
File: 402 KB, 431x512, 1632148791978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Implying this has anything to do with her cuck husband and more just that I laugh to myself she pretends she's "wholesome," and that she genuinely cares about her paypigs or gives a shit about them.
It is infinitely amusing that you think there's two camps when I'm an outsider looking at you shit-flinging retards.

>> No.11949793

You will never have a stable relationship with that mentality. Im assuming you are a woman. If you are a man, oh boy prepare to get abused your entire life if youre not an incel already.

>> No.11949846

>fapping to camwhores and giving them tips
i dont give money to random women wtf is wrong with you. only my family and those im dating

>> No.11949893

You can pretend to be someone else all you want, but you'll always but just another /k/uck defending his cuck overlord.

>> No.11949937
File: 260 KB, 500x400, CUt4bs7VEAAcJWe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I legitimately don't even know what the fuck /k/ is when all I do is browse /vg/ and /vt/ because they're genuine shitstorms like this, but whatever helps you sleep at night anon.

>> No.11950112 [SPOILER] 
File: 79 KB, 290x208, Frootloops_brand_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is almost painful to have encountered you in a different thread months ago just to see you here again. I know it's you, anon. You may as well be a namefag with how deranged your text style is. You're the only anon I've seen reply to the same post multiple times because you thought of something diferent to say after you hit enter.
It saddens me to see you relapse like this. To return to this painful cycle without end. To see you return to these...

>> No.11950210
File: 50 KB, 1871x174, schizo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11950255

Youre actually a fucking schizo, we're two different anons and I have no fucking idea what thread youre talking about. I dont even watch vshojos

>> No.11950457
File: 13 KB, 275x183, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally nobody believes that.
Much less me since you posted a minute after the other and you've already shown you're not the best at self control.
After all if that was the case, you would've escaped this loop a long time ago.

>> No.11950483

and then what, you just start talking to people? seems like a good way to have everyone think you're a creep

>> No.11950575

As much as I have VShoujo, Mel has my respects for making 3DPDs seethe.

>> No.11950585

No amount of these mental gymnastics will change froot being a whore btw

>> No.11950701

No, i'm not you.
And i'm planning to have an online open relationship, inwhich we both ERPfuck lots of other people. While i'm the one that will keep feeding her womb creampies.

>> No.11950746

>As much as I have VShoujo
Gunrunsama, I kneel...

>> No.11950796

yeah dude...you just start talking to people...
how did you expect to get with melody if you dont talk to her?

>> No.11950858

good luck with that cuckbro

>> No.11950888

You should stop living in denial.
"Melody" is a dude.
You're a faggot.

>> No.11950942
File: 6 KB, 300x168, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon I've never watched a single froot stream.
I just like fucking with you when I realize you're in a thread is all.
You're my little fruity fuckboi anon.
How does that make you feel?

>> No.11951098

this fanfic-tier shit is hilarious

>> No.11951122

ive never been able to figure out how people do that. like, do people really just go up to people they dont know and start talking to them? and get positive responses? i feel like theres no way anyone would ever respond positively to that, with me at least. i guess ive got a mental block or something. ive actually been to a con. didnt talk to anybody or do anything outside of the con events

>> No.11951144

OP you can literally make her cum if you throw enough money at her at the right time.
I speak without sarcasm or irony when I say holobronies would kill in cold blood for that opportunity.

>> No.11951257

Shush. We are all aware that the vtubing community is all about old men pretending to be lolis. Just let us living the dream.

>> No.11951365

im not gonna lie to you, most of the time youll have like a 2 minute conversation about some random thing and then go your separate ways. the whole anime romance thing where you and the hottest girl at the con click and start dating immediately isnt gonna happen. but if youre worried about people finding you creepy for trying to strike up a conversation, they probably wont. its only creepy if you try pushing boundaries too far too fast. the best way to get better at stuff like this is trying and failing many times over

>> No.11951370
File: 43 KB, 350x350, fruit_loops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing but the best for my, fruity boy.

>> No.11951778

There's no real evidence of her ever being married. The other members would know by now since they're close friends. Even then, if Froot was ever doxxed, people would find out if she was engaged irl. But as far as /vt/ or people in general, there is no such evidence to prove these claims aside from online roleplay.

>> No.11952077

Are you saying there is no evidence or are you saying you haven't been feed any evidence? There's a big difference.

>> No.11952285

I'm saying unless there's any proper evidence to prove she was married irl, the claims made about her are bullshit.

>> No.11954052

Don't do the digging bros... her chin...

>> No.11954358

It's funny because it's actually three of us now. I was posting earlier and just came back to this shit thread to see what kind of autism you were stirring up. Please get a life

>> No.11954362

Uh huh.. yeah did she wear a wedding ring in any of her photos? No? Then shut the fuck up or do more research.

>> No.11954623

I don't even understand. You're not even arguing that she cheated on her boyfriend just that she didn't cheat on her husband. Does that really make it better in your eyes?

>> No.11954692

yeah i feel like you already need to be good at it for this to work, otherwise after the 200th time of "why the fuck are you talking to me" its just going to harden your desire not to

>> No.11955058
File: 57 KB, 540x537, 1521928414992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're not even arguing that she cheated on her boyfriend just that she didn't cheat on her husband.
I have no reason to believe something if there's no visible evidence to prove it happened aside from a discord roleplay session which could have meant anything. You niggers have been pushing this narrative for over a year and have dug up NOTHING to prove these claims after so much digging. Also, if she really cheated on her husband or had one at all, he would try to expose her on twitter or some shit after discovering she's a popular vtuber.

>> No.11955319

>show me a peer reviewed study proving she cheated on a man she was in a relationship with

>> No.11955482
File: 16 KB, 389x389, 1606280014538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A pic of her wedding ring. Her saying "husband" or "I'm married" in a discord message. Or proof that she had a previous last name. Anything. I'll wait.

>> No.11955763

>You have dug up nothing except the evidence I said isn't real.
I don't believe the army guy, or the national guard guy, or the navy guy. They're all after my pwecious virgin frootyloops.

>> No.11955836

virtual youtubers
projekt melody

>> No.11955889

Honest question, if they exist and actually held a fucking grudge against her, they'd have made it public about how scummy she supposedly is according to /vt/.

>> No.11956584

The guy she was cheating with did drop it on /k/ and apparently facebook from one of the images I could find. I know this wound is fresh to you but to them it was years ago, fighting against your ex and her legion of simps isn't how you live your life. You'll never fuck or meet this exceptionally chinned woman anyways. All it really matters is that I'm correct and you're not.

>> No.11956636

>The guy she was cheating with did drop it on /k/ and apparently facebook from one of the images I could find.
Then post it.

>> No.11956869
File: 152 KB, 950x1280, dd3977d5-2ddc-402e-8dcf-2c0881f3343f_1.a97136c5af2d041305896647778010bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot approximate how fucking hilarious it is to read that. You're a very special boy, you crunchy sweet delight.
You missed me so much you came back for my milky goodness.

>> No.11957029

There were no british airmen at HKIA,so even if frootcuck was still serving his ass wouldnt even touch afghan
T.us soldier who worked with brit forces in kabul

>> No.11957041

It’s also pathetic how you defend a literal goblin, Jesus Christ her face…..

>> No.11957090

She’s looks like a goblin lol

>> No.11957328

I find it fucking astonishing how /vt/ has become like as your standard obnoxious paparazzi. A group of fags obsessed with the personal private lives of famous people.

>> No.11957451

Fuck all doxxfags and doxxfag supporters.

>> No.11957487

Not out fault her irl self porn videos are plastered every where dude

>> No.11957495

The man was literally in this thread 8 hours ago dude, did you just respond so that you could feel like you got the last laugh?

>> No.11957665
File: 140 KB, 275x226, 1449091141995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even get this logic
>I wanna support this vtuber
Like what the fuck, man. I think anyone who does this needs more help than the vtubers they claim are pieces of shit.

>> No.11957672

All thanks to the Aloe incident.

>> No.11957716

No good person will ever be vtubers.

>> No.11957724

Thats more her fault for being a camwhore and being "friends" with someone in the rival company

>> No.11957790

You don’t get this logic because you like to pretend play with your barbie dolls and think everything is peaches and cream when it’s all mud water underneath the surface waiting to drown you in their filth and poo like the vermin you are

>> No.11957865

Looking through this thread it doesn't take a hawk's eye to see that dox fags aren't exactly the healthiest in terms of mental fortitude or self control.
It's like little kids watching videos of people getting run over by trains or getting beheaded. It isn't healthy for them and alot of them are at least aware that it might not be good but they lack the self control to actually stop themselves.
Look at him. He's still here. Does this look like someone who is in control of their own life? Dude isn't even in control of the way he formats his fucking text.

>> No.11957947

Dude I just want to watch retarded 2D women do and say stupid shit. Why should I or anyone be remotely concerned or interested with their private lives. It's creepy and unhealthy.

>> No.11958455

Nah aloe incident enabled this kind of faggotry because she ended up graduating.

>> No.11958509

>Calling me a doxfag
Parking lot, now.

>> No.11958574

She graduated for breaking contract by posting Aloes model on her roommate twitter before debut

>> No.11958852

See what I mean? He comes back again and again, maybe because he has nothing better to do, maybe his dopamine receptors are fucked. I don't know.
But it's pretty self evident isn't it? The funny thing is this describes a good bit of /vt/ but at least we're happy watching 2D girls fuck around on screen. He literally can't help but come back and he can't ever actually say that he wants to stay here or acknowledge when someone implies he literally cannot leave because of how pissed off he allows this shit to make him because that would be admitting how little control he actually has over his actions and emotions.
It's just weird seeing these kinds of people.

>> No.11959771

>doesnt even know how long you need between posts to detect samefags
You are really fucking dumb.

>> No.11961258

I have no clue what that means. But if this shit posting helps you when you go off your medicine then post away anon

>> No.11961321

Melody sounds like a chain smoker, why though?
