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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 75 KB, 900x900, fallenshadow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11915909 No.11915909 [Reply] [Original]

shill me your best menhera chuubas

>> No.11916120

Ellie is cute, and some of her ASMR roleplays dealing with loneliness and anxiety have really helped me out. How's she menhera?

>> No.11916443

I'm happy this place let me know about this one but sad that it was in such a shitty context
It made me look her up and she seemed cute and now I'm fairly sure that this board shits on a cute insecure mentally ill girl for basically some random off-hand emotional tweets. Which I wouldn't care about but then I saw how cute she was in her ASMR and streams. I don't wanna get in too deep because I don't want to fall again, esp. for somebody with such a long-lasting career, she probably has years old "gachikoi" at this point...but its really tempting. I wish I had some means of looking into her roommate info to know about whether I'd be getting cucked or not. Hololive is easy in that regard at least.

>> No.11916819

She implied she had some falling out with Lemonleaf over her "new incarnation". Based on recent artwork she seems to be over it though.
They need to collab again.

>> No.11917103

See >>11916819. With menhera you never know, but anons have toned down the hate after they (apparently) made up.

>> No.11917157
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>> No.11917892
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Shadow is a sweetheart, the issue is that she wears her heart on her sleeve. Holofags love drama and rrats so picking on some mentally ill girl no matter how pure and kind she is just is par for the course. I doubt she has any kind of relationship, last time I checked she was still a teenager and she's talked briefly about not having an education and not leaving the house for multiple years on multiple occasions.
I think her biggest draw for me is that she's clingy and menhara, but also hardworking, motivated, cute and never takes it out on her audience.

>> No.11918052

not sure if menhera or just fucked up interests, but i am pretty sure akira mazono counts, right?

>> No.11918142
File: 39 KB, 365x513, Matsuri on the computer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matsuri will bring down hololive in one of her menhera attacks.

>> No.11918178

god just imagine a tiny rushia crawling up your dick while you're asleep and nesting in your balls and refusing to leave when you wake up

>> No.11918759

>a teenager
Hasn't she been doing this since 2017?

>> No.11918797

She said in 2017 she was 15 years old, she's a longtime neet. You don't find many like her.

>> No.11919095

She has schizoaffective disorder.

>> No.11919316

>depression, schizophrenia and mood disorder combined into one
I am going to gosling

>> No.11919709

Bros....are they friends again?

>> No.11919787

that thumbnail, haha.

>> No.11921132
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>> No.11921200

Fair enough. I can't say the age is really a good enough reason to say she isn't in one. I might be biased though, since western streaming culture seems to have no issue with lying to and hurting the most vulnerable people in their audience, so I hesitate to put myself at risk like that.
I might also be biased because of her having that relationship with Lemonleaf though.

>> No.11921235

I'm into siscon...

>> No.11921411

She is a open Lolicon that has a fetish of her OC being abused, nothing new here

>> No.11921626
File: 278 KB, 918x1545, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this sort of virtual stalking common on Twitter or what?

>> No.11921803

If he's responding to all of her tweets, I do this with Rushia...

>> No.11922181

Extremely. Simps hopelessly reply to all posts to be noticed by their oshi as if she's not cringing at their ugly icons or straight up has her notifications turned off to avoid them. She not going to fuck you.

>> No.11922703

I could see shadow pretending to have made up with her just so she can clear her name. She’s admitted to being /here/. She probably saw the hate threads for herself and realized she fucked up.

>> No.11922896

This makes me uncomfortable, does the word restraint mean anything to these people?
Like fuck, it's okay to reply to your oshi but going full "I support you" calling her dearie and sweetheart is just abhorrent.

>> No.11922976

They’re both menheras. It’s a match made in heaven, anon. Maybe it will work out for them!

>> No.11923067

You know what? I hope it does.
I think I might be menhera myself but I just bottle it.

>> No.11923687

spoonfeed me. what happened?

>> No.11923717
File: 84 KB, 997x247, ceres_anti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

schizo getting called schizo here

>> No.11923913

>anons have toned down the hate
have they really though?

>> No.11923953

Here's an example one of my tweets, it's about average I'd say, usually my tweets are around this level
>I hope your break is going well and you're feeling at least a little better, it feels like forever to me already
>I miss you a ton and hope we can see each other as soon as possible
>My one wish is to wake up to your beautiful smile
>I want you to be happy, and I want be someone who makes you happy...but I don't know what I can do
>Maybe I should just go to sleep lol
rate it out of 10 please

>> No.11923971

seek medical attention/10

>> No.11924017

I will NEVER take my meds
I've only deleted something once and it required 9 separate tweets after shortening it multiple times AND it was in Japanese so way more stuff in the tweet.

>> No.11924025

Please post an hour-long ASMR more.

>> No.11924045

I used to bottle it up but at this point I figure I'd rather try and learn how to guide it

>> No.11924441

How did she not leave the house for multiple years??? Does she live with her parents?

>> No.11924534

What did Fauna do this time to bring you faggots around? Did she suck off her boyfriend on stream? Why do you even support that disgusting whore, do SEAmonkeys love getting cucked that much?

>> No.11924542
File: 389 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by the gods, I need more girls that's like this

>> No.11924584

My memory hardly functions these days but I feel like I have memories of her talking about a boyfriend in years past, and it not working out.
Maybe some other anons who actually remember shit can correct me on that.

>> No.11924610

Anon while there are a lot of cucks here and she clearly got started getting talked about here because of Fauna, with how many gachikoi are on this board it wouldn't surprise me the least if some checked her out and began to watch her because of how she is

>> No.11925454
File: 37 KB, 442x418, _20210825_210720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Fallenshadow matuli of asmr world?

>> No.11925484
File: 371 KB, 680x514, 1627263264278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a man who cares about his oshi and that commands respect. cucks wouldn't understand

>> No.11925577

Matsuri never tried to cancel her "best friend" by revealing sensitive personal info that has nothing to do with vtubing.

>> No.11925905

Matuli was never betrayed or ghosted abruptly by her best friend to warrant such a reaction

>> No.11925965

No, she's Russia

>> No.11926001

Anons they already made up. (You) are holding a grudge longer than they are

>> No.11926153

Fallen pretending everything is good now to not stir more drama isn't the same "making up"

>> No.11926232

Define betrayed.
A friend getting a promotion and part of that promotions contract is to not direct fans to randok 2views isnt betrayal. Its buisness and shadow should get over herself, which looking at things she has.

Betrayal would be throwing a friend directly into harms way or fanning the flames. The example i always remember is when pewdiepie said nigger jacksepticeye, a guy who owes his career to pewds, uploaded a video SPECIFICALLY to say "im friends with him but that is unacceptable and i disavow" when you could just stfu

>> No.11926286

Don't care. That schizo deserves the rope for what she did.

>> No.11926849

she didn't even respond to Fallen's DMs
it's completely different
also it wouldn't have hurt that Fauna before debuting could have contacted her and explained the situation

>> No.11926861

t. Faunacuck
enjoy paying for Fauna's bf condoms

>> No.11926927

>That schizo deserves the rope for what she did
Make a vague tweet?

>> No.11926948

reminder that fallenshadow has onlyfans where she got fucked by her black boyfriend

>> No.11926961

Anon, you say that about every vtuber, even the male ones...

>> No.11927021 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.12 MB, 640x944, cumo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

faunacucks deflecting with stupidest rrats imaginable would be hilarious, if it wasn't sad
