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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 178 KB, 1280x720, ina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11788139 No.11788139 [Reply] [Original]

Every EN should take note.
THIS is why Ina is winning. She plays actually good games.

>> No.11788192

Super Bunny Man and Minecraft confirmed top tier.

>> No.11788280

Also because she's good at games, plays at the same time everyday, and doesn't baits for SCs and chooses to ignore most of the thirsty cringe faggots.

>> No.11788282

don't false flag

>> No.11788304

If that were true, the Bayonetta and Ender Lillies playthroughs would do better. It's just a meme to like Ina because orange bird bad.

>> No.11788319

Don't use my Oshi for obvious baitposting

>> No.11788337

>Also because she's good at games
half life 2 chads would disagree

>> No.11788362

Ina is a blessing from God. The rest of EN is your typical western woman.

>> No.11788375

For collabs they indeed are.
But when alone she plays a lot of fantastic games. I am not really an Ina fan because i prefer more genki vtubers but everytime i see a clip of her she is being cute and playing a game i think is interesting

>> No.11788406

I dunno which west you're living in where entertainers of their caliber are typical but it sounds like a fun place to be
You should probably log off and explore it some more

>> No.11788410

>good at games
Look man, I like her as well but that's a fat lie, just compare her Hollow Knight playtrough to Fubuki's.

>> No.11788454

>The boring principle
>Good games

>> No.11788456

Fuck off back to twitter, simp

>> No.11788488

>not a typical western woman
Were you not there when her mask slipped? As far as I am aware only her and Anya have directly talked shit about their fans being virgin weebs which really says a lot about who they are.

>> No.11788563

Oh cool. I'll actually watch this stream. I quite enjoyed that game. I hope she manages to get the stars.

>> No.11788574

Yeah it says they're based

>> No.11788599

Ina is a slob and doesn't shave

>> No.11788612

Uh fine
She's good at games(for a girl)

>> No.11788671

did she really hurt your feelings anon by simply insinuating that people who get mad at watching people play video games might not be well adjusted.
hit too close to home maybe?

>> No.11788685

Ina recognizes that we are all losers including herself. The others hide it and talk shit about you behind your back while thinking they are better.

>> No.11788723

If you ever use my wife for your shitposts again, i will rape you

>> No.11788740
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>> No.11788757
File: 19 KB, 415x415, 1604130754734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even watch Ina, but these white knights having to rush to defend her is quite concerning... has the priestess fallen that far?

>> No.11788782

How does it feel like to be a brainlet?
Honestly asking.

>> No.11788793

Not everyone who watches vtubers are losers. It's really only the actual losers that say shit like the entire fanbase are losers. Like it justifies being a creep or something.

>> No.11788803

Fuck off Ikas

>> No.11788855

>Not everyone who watches vtubers are losers

>> No.11788865

>we are all losers including herself.
Lol she is an extremely successful artist and streamer
Saying "oh no i'm a loser nerd too just like you guys sniff" is completely retarded as an attempt to gain sympathy from her fanbase. It would literally be better for everyone involved if she didn't even attempt that one.

>> No.11788882

I'm sorry your life is this way.

>> No.11788888

>Not everyone who watches vtubers are losers

>> No.11788920

SBM is top tier thank you for agreeing.

>> No.11788948
File: 114 KB, 1154x719, 1617606956560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not everyone who watches vtubers are losers.

>> No.11788972

They prefer to be called tacos.

>> No.11788990

Ina's "actually good games" streams do way worse than her other streams. I'm thankful she keeps doing them despite the poor numbers.

>> No.11788991

>Not everyone who watches vtubers are losers
Don't tell me you actually believe this

>> No.11789004
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>> No.11789021

inner is live, no point in arguing

>> No.11789035

>kneels to chinks
>blessing from God
choose one

>> No.11789057

>Not even breaking 3k 5 minutes into the stream
Holobronies are largely kids who only watch Minecraft I guess...

>> No.11789199

>3k watching one of the best games of the 21st century.
I hate Holobronies so fucking much.

>> No.11789249

minecraft is KINO i dont even watch ina if she streams anything else besides that or a collab

>> No.11789264

This game is an utter garbage and is extremely boring. No one likes watching boring puzzle games.

>> No.11789380

I want to play it someday so I refuse to spoil myself

Sorry Ina

>> No.11789503

It's incredibly popular no doubt. I guess it's just hard for me to accept EN's success is tied to the doom or gloom of a single building blocks game.

>> No.11789548

I choose “blessing from God” you fucking retard.

>> No.11789573

If you actually do, then you're forgiven. Although if "someday" means a few years from now, then you might as well watch it. You'll forget most of the puzzles by the time you'll actually play it.
Not to mention there are a lot of puzzles that require thinking out of the box.

>> No.11789589

its all about the possibility of impromptu collabs my dawg

>> No.11789636

>4000 viewers with over a million subscribers

is this what winning feels like takodachi??

>> No.11789642
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It was a trick question, there is no god.

>> No.11789795

They know that and even started doing surprise collabs in single player games like rhe rat and the owl did yesterday,
That being said, what are some good other online games they could play together? Vallheim will be kino when they definitely do it someday. Hopefully it gets some more content until then because the devs seem to be snorting coke from the hype money they made.

>> No.11789902

Seeing this really makes me want to play the game again.
Does Ina have the Serious Sam DLC installed?

>> No.11789945
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>The Talos Principle

>> No.11790027

More like she is winning because of her husband Omegatranny fucking with everyone else

>> No.11790205
File: 16 KB, 300x237, anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11790300

>her husband Omegatranny
Doesn't she lives with her parents? Can you post a single proof or is this all in your head?

>> No.11790365

Yes, I am Omega and I am Ina's husband

>> No.11790487

maybe if a blank wall wasn't more entertaining than she is I would watch her

>> No.11791286

So does Gura but it doesn't help her. Why?

>> No.11791639

Do you think the jp girls don't think their fans are losers? The fans ARE losers, look at the expo crowds.

>> No.11791771

JP girls LOVE their fans and would gladly shake their cum dripping hands with a smile on their face.

>> No.11792041

I know you're joking, but let's be real. JP girls love money and only money.
At least most of them do.

>> No.11792158

The self-loathing in this thread is so thick it's palatable.

>> No.11793441
File: 1.04 MB, 500x281, 5865204.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open stream
>shit western ye olde 3d graphics
>close stream
I watched wild hearts because EIGHTIES THEMATICS FUCK YEAH, but Ina doesn't interest me as a streamer. She's ubrelatable, and that became clear when the mask slipped. Also, I happen to like cucumbers dipped in french or asian sesame dressing. We will never see eye to eye.

>> No.11793985
File: 156 KB, 508x545, 1407628225245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy.

>> No.11796002 [DELETED] 

That's something a chink would say

>> No.11796955

Too bad she's boring as fuck with a shit stuffed nose voice.

>> No.11797072

t. brainlet coomer

>> No.11797960
File: 455 KB, 884x874, 20211001_092838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look, i like ina like every other tako, but let's not pretend that every game she plays is gold.
most of these "games" are the 3D equivalent of a choose-your-own-adventure book where you follow a heavy plot and make some cheap puzzles to make you believe you are part of the story.
at least in minecraft she's the author and protagonist of her own actions; whenever she's doing one of those "game" stream i just pretend its a movie watch-along and it make a lot more sense to me.

>> No.11801536

I just saw this thread and I must say Ina is so base i will bump this thread from page 10 to full life. Thanks, OP
