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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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11669435 No.11669435 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is about vtubers that play a lot of FPS and/or compete in FPS tournaments (Vspo, etc.).
Anything goes, even if it's not related to an FPS stream.
Collabs with non-v are common so posting about the typical collab partners (CR, KNR, 芸人旅団, etc.) is also on topic.

Previous thread: >>11572457

>> No.11669612
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Runa has forsaken me, so Senasex will save me.

>> No.11669713

nazuna 3 year anniversary stream if you missed it. worth watching for some (pre) vspo history and behind the scenes stories alone. nazuna must have put a lot of effort in to editing all that so respect

>> No.11669853

Bora is sex, but today is/was big day for Nazu-tyan.

>> No.11669888

This is from true OP of the vspo thread. Please follow his vision and legacy.

>What is this thread actually for?
There are a lot of vtubers, whose main games are APEX, and because of this, they often collab with each other. This thread is to gather the discussion about those vtubers and the people surrounding them, all in one place.

>Who are these vtubers exactly?
There is no definite list. Vspo is usually relevant since most of their vtubers mainly play APEX. Anyone who has participated in CR cup is probably relevant to this thread too, even if they're not really a vtuber. Even your favorite indie who spams APEX and collabs with no one else might be allowed in here.

>Do posts have to be related to their APEX streams?
No. You can post about your apexchuuba and her redbull addiction, and it's fine as long as she's part of the chuubas relevant to this thread. This means you can talk about other games too - they don't always play APEX.

>Why did you have to make this thread? We already have threads for those vtubers.
The thing that makes this scene special is that these vtubers are bound together by their frequent collabs. It's hard to get a conversation going about two apexchuubas when they're usually posted about in two completely different threads, and that's commonplace for the APEX vtuber scene.

>> No.11670005

How about people just don't get triggered by mentioning a chuuba playing Apex in the Apex thread? It's really quite simple. As we even mentioned, we've had Pekora mentioned in here when playing TF2 and no one cared, no one cared when Haachama played Valorant one time either, so why did one faggot in particular get so salty this time?

>> No.11670039

Might also be worth adding some clarity about chuubas from other agencies that happen to play apex. I think there should be a rule that said chuubas have to have both
1) played in a tournament
2) have had at least one conversation with a Vspo girl
to be considered relevant here. And frankly if you don't know if your chuuba fulfills both of these conditions, they probably didn't.

>> No.11670151

jesas, just couldn't leave it in the previous thread. it had died down too. now we got freaks coming up with their own extra rules

>> No.11670175
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I think Mimi is really cute.

>> No.11670461

We're on /vt/. We ought to have proper rules to gatekeep the retard posters and have some civility in here. I don't want the thread to turn to utter garbage like any other holo/nijiEN thread on this board as Vspo continues to grow larger. I've been here since this thread was in /jp/ which we got kicked out from.

It has always been vspo+friends or when there's a collab going on with vspo. Other chuubas have their own threads that warrants their own discussion.

>> No.11670491
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I feel like I haven't seen default Sena in so long, I miss it.

>> No.11670532
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>> No.11670808

Even wokka and yukaf are tanking hal rp...

>> No.11670860

Nanoka is singing very badly with the aim of reaching 400 subs.

>> No.11670887
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This is like an instant way to get me not watching.

>> No.11671271

How about people just don't get triggered by mentioning a chuuba playing Apex in the Apex thread?
So much this, I will talk about my oshi in this thread and there's no faggot here can do shit about it.

>> No.11671350

i think we agree on the aim but maybe not the method. like you said most other threads are war crimes and this thread is one of the most chill*. maybe it's what the interpretation of +friends is cause i quite like having a place where we get some discussion of jp (former) pro streamers etc. that was partly the og op's justification for moving to /jp/ in the first place (i think he was right but here we are). i don't even really mind the 2 view poster. the central issue like it always is, is striking a good balance between gatekeeping and just ignoring bait

*been here from just before we moved to /jp/ briefly and a bit after that i was making the majority of new threads. back then they looked like this: >>/vt/thread/S7192016 but it was too much effort to keep that updated so i got lazy at gave up.

>> No.11671371

B-but my 2 view Buibato chuubas D:

>> No.11671394

Don't worry, your gatekeeping is already being retarded and throwing out the last vestiges of civility.
Or fuck off, to put it in your terms.

>> No.11671534

literally die maggot

>> No.11671576
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Remember that one time Enako did something good?

>> No.11671655

Based anon

>> No.11671689

I think as long as a VTuber is at the moment playing a competitive FPS game they're welcome to be discussed here, on the grounds that the discussion is substantial.
Selen did pretty good this match, I like that she commits fast to decisions but she tends to go solo quite a bit. = OKAY
It might just be common sense but maybe it's worth putting out there.
If the VTuber is an FPS Vtuber first and foremost I feel like they're welcome to be discussed here anytime. i.e. 3-4 days in their schedule are all FPS games, consistently.
This is just my opinion though, but I feel like this is already the general consensus of those that follow this thread, albeit an unspoken consensus.

>> No.11671744

This is the logical way to go about it, and without one guy getting triggered by the simple mention of Pekora playing Apex we wouldn't even be having this discussion.

>> No.11671817

agreed, I'm glad we can have this sane discussion. Only other thing I'd add is ignore obvious bait.

>> No.11671827

unspoken consensus should (and hopefully is) all of us just ignoring the baiters and retards

>> No.11671869

is it that unthinkable that a group of viewers who enjoy watching vtubers playing apex... also enjoy watching a vtuber playing apex?

>> No.11671902
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Anyway, I'm going to Sena post because I love Sena and none of you can stop me.

>> No.11671917

>triggered by the simple mention of Pekora playing Apex
>this is already the general consensus of those that follow this thread, albeit an unspoken consensus.
exactly, if people don't overreact to shit everything's fine. but i understand the impulse cause if someone posts some bullshit while vspo / the thread is growing like it is you don't want new people to think that it's okay. dunno if anyone has ever found a way to deal with that on an anonymous message board though

>> No.11671971

Not at all. Personally I think it's fine for someone to mention "pegor is playing apex", but there's no reason for this to become pekora or selen general.
There are threads large enough for that already. Although when someone plays an fps once in a blue moon, they probably don't belong here to start witth.

>> No.11672066

See, I only posted the Pekora stream because we recently had Jun being somewhat relevant in here, so I figured at least one person would find it amusing that I mentioned his rrat girlfriend to be playing. I didn't expect anyone to blow it up into some big issue about who can and can't be posted in this thread.

>> No.11672072

Christ I just came back. There's quite an obvious falseflagger who's baiting and escalating shit in these threads among the people who just want to chill in here. Have some awareness ffs stop responding to bait and aggravating the entire thread

>> No.11672112

based Sena poster, I hope your wife gets more cute art soon

>> No.11672176

On your second point, I agree, but it's fun to discuss them when it happens e.g. Haachama plays VALORANT out of the blue, you can't really discuss the FPS aspects of her stream, e.g. her actually having decent aim for her first FPS, in her general thread. But that doesn't mean that Haachama belongs here now, just that in that moment, she's open for discussion, as long as it's relevant to the FPS aspects of her stream. I feel like you know this though but I'll put it out there anyway incase newfags read it.

>> No.11672274

Case in point, pekora playing tf2 might have been the first tf2 related content I’ve seen in 5+ years, let alone vtuber related

>> No.11672300

And no one batted an eyelid when it was posted here, rather just had fun with the moment. I have no idea why her playing Apex was received so differently.

>> No.11672408

>benisex forced on break
>vspo thread gradually devolves into madness
we’re not gonna make the whole month bros…

>> No.11672410
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fucking knew naruse was cracked. everyone said i was high when i claimed he was at least as mechanically good as gorilla. fucking diamond whatever for cr cup. okay, i'm basing all this on the player name not being fake but just give me this...

>> No.11672423


>> No.11672446

Faide streaming rn

>> No.11672483

Yeah, that kind of thing is interesting.

I would like to see some more variety within fps games. Runa went through some CoD singleplayer the other day. Otherwise it's mainly Selen and Botan doing that kind of thing.
Even just hopping on the latest multiplayer titles for a few games. E.g. Splitgate is past it's prime already, but that would have been fun to see the girls play.

Which is why I'm vaguely hopeful for Halo Infinite, because that will be the only big fps title coming out in the near future, that has some form of competitive play. I can only hope Microsoft tries really hard to push it with sponsored streams.

>> No.11672559

>I can only hope Microsoft tries really hard to push it with sponsored streams.
At the very least we already know they are more than happy to jump on the Holowagon with a few Holos already doing gamespass stuff. Botan playing it wouldn't be all that surprising all things considered, I don't know how willing Microsoft would be to go outside that bubble to promote the game in the chuuba audience though.

>> No.11672573

because i hate holofags :) i hate all of /vt/ in general and i dont want those vt posts to seep into here

>> No.11672588

CR cup Unreal Tournament 2004, make it happen ojiji

>> No.11672595


>> No.11672677

Naruse is on controller so its kinda hard to compare. But his controller is really good either way.

>> No.11672726

that reminds me: https://youtu.be/fe300m5QhKY

>> No.11672841


>> No.11672990

that listener has to be a nip right? the way he types is so autistic though... anyways nice clip

>> No.11673037

predicts HALS master score when hes done tonights stream. Ill say 10100


>> No.11673189

10190, he’ll grind at 10k for most of the stream before ending on a 6kp champion

>> No.11673211


>> No.11673231

yeah, i'd think so. i think noah was pretty pissed about this getting clipped though as i think it was what she was referring to in one of her tweets + talked about it a bit in another stream but i didn't really get it. i think something about making her/uruha's listeners look bad. like you say, autism

>> No.11673410

someone get qpi an adderall prescription for the love of god (or is that banned in japan)

>> No.11673439

Kaede forgets Daruma and Arisaka are CR, hilarity ensues.
Timestamp: 2:02

>> No.11673553

>As mentioned above, all medications containing stimulants are prohibited. This includes Adderall, a standard medication used to treat ADHD symptoms in the US. (Update as of March 2018: Vyvanse and Dexedrine have also been added to the prohibited list.) If you bring Adderall into Japan for any reason, you risk arrest and imprisonment. Currently, the only drug used to treat ADHD that is legal in Japan is Concerta. While Ritalin is available in Japan to treat sleep disorders, it is not prescribed to ADHD patients.

Very illegal.

>> No.11673607

damn, legit think she has adhd or something

>> No.11673706

Sena is single right now

I've watched this a few times and the way darusaka handle it is perfect. And Daruma's reaction to the mention of ghosts.

>> No.11673875

Time to fly to Japan, make her my wife and treat her like a queen.

>> No.11674430
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I love your 2 views don't worry bud.

>> No.11674657

concerta works very well so its not that big a deal

>> No.11675441

What he started with -> 10500 -> 10000 and then call it a night after a round of naifai naifai

>> No.11676136

I'm impregnating her and drinking her milk

>> No.11676622

She changed her goal to 500 subs. Obviously not content with getting to 400 this stream.

>> No.11676697

ano hi mita sora

>> No.11677417

lol, tbf from his perspective that does look dodgy as hell

>> No.11678228


>> No.11678237


>> No.11678761
File: 6 KB, 349x77, cell_leader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From shibuhal's chat. Spit my food out imagining the announcer saying it.

>> No.11678982

How man cells was he carrying?

>> No.11679073

dome fights sound so fucked when ping is 100+

>> No.11679088

26, I think.

>> No.11679171

Did he not need to carry any ammo?

>> No.11679700

is this girl going to stream all day every day? imagine the smell

>> No.11681492

hal bout to do it

>> No.11682002

What the fuck? 500 hours and this is my first time hearing about this.

>> No.11682085

12 hours and Hal went up 600 RP.

>> No.11683468

At least he's gaining RP this time.

>> No.11684009

I didn’t know about that either until I saw that stream. Actual good info.

>> No.11684033

8 hours and Nanoka has 477 subs.

>> No.11685402

if only she could bounce her oppai in the thumbnail

>> No.11688141

6 more now.

I didn't know that either. So that's why everyone thinks the flatline is overpowered.

>> No.11688164
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Nose WILL shower today. I feel it.

>> No.11688530

Will she stream it?

>> No.11688823

Yufie (POV), Uruca, and somebody I don't know. Watch this if you wanna see people actually climb.

>> No.11688986


>> No.11689261

It's nice to see 2views reach their targets.
She's definitely dedicated. The other new debuts haven't put in the hours as much as Nanoka.

>> No.11689421

When preds stream, you get two streams for the price of one because they play other games while in queue. Uruca is playing some platformer and Yufuna is deciding between Minecraft, Terraria, or other stuff.

>> No.11690018

Why do so many play on colourblind mode?

>> No.11690493

yeah, pretty cute. and she's going long past reaching it

>> No.11696018

Triple champ on pred. Wow.

>> No.11696211

Just keep an eye on her twitcast this week.

>> No.11697342
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I love mahimahi

>> No.11697399
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>> No.11699626

damn nice. uruca got back his points. He's got back up to rank 335 from rank 450

>> No.11699649

Changes reticle color. Also makes some of the armor colors brighter.

>> No.11700096

Hinosaka Iroha of Buibato plays APEX Legends

>> No.11700844

I think I like her voice better than the other

>> No.11702088

WTF she said she likes drifting and I thought as a spectator, turns out she owned an RX7 FC and a Nissan 180sx in the past, damn. I love her.

>> No.11702559

damn, i want to fuck her while drifting

>> No.11703313

Okay, she sounds based I will sub.

>> No.11704441

ema cold war https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQhfoHKx17s

>> No.11704770

Ema giggling...

>> No.11706090

i will defend ema's honor

>> No.11706547

I have shamed her by having sex with her before marriage

>> No.11706863

It can't be helped, she's built for sex.

>> No.11707749

she doesn't look at the map...

>> No.11707834

Am I crazy, or does Ema sound like Met at times?

>> No.11709406

She does actually now that you mention it. Specifically when she gets shouty/raises her voice.

>> No.11709855

Do any other vtubers play PlanetSide 2? It's an older game but I really enjoy it.

>> No.11710056

Rinshan's voice makes me gay for him. It's so soothing and gives off a tranquil feeling

>> No.11710423

I just missed it

>> No.11710999


Seems like Hinano is off-collabing with Nazuna and Lisa (before this she tweeted that Nazuna and Lisa are annoying lol)

>> No.11711133


Hinano being bullied in the bathroom by Nazuna and Lisa

>> No.11711160

are they live anywhere?

>> No.11711197


Hinano is a tsundere


Lisa singing

>> No.11711238

living on my bed

>> No.11711354

Hoshimeguri custom starting in a couple of hours

>> No.11711380

This should be it

>> No.11711399

Uruca is finally getting an update from PNGtuber... To GIFtuber.

>> No.11711459

He wants people to confuse him with Uruha even more

>> No.11711674
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The teams.
I only recognise the pochi one in the top left, and Sakura Aoi in team 14.

>> No.11711789

Apex ranked
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6iIVTM3fRw Noah
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaHMjIOnGUI Mimi

>> No.11711812

I recognize Nobunga in team 17 but I only know him for his Kanae lust tweets

>> No.11712064


>> No.11712411

>qpi in dia4
>every game someone runs ahead then dies and they are now down by 1
>eventually the other teammate dies to some random shit
I don't even bother with ranked in this game but this seems like absolute hell

>> No.11712432

I'm not really sure what more she can do, except for getting so good that she can outplay any teams on her own.

>> No.11712475

I just don't understand why japs don't understand their own playstyle, they are running carelessly all over the place when japs are known for camping buildings everywhere. Out of all the regions their games are the slowest because the majority sits in 1 place, yet some of her teammates are just running into the spider's web over and over again.

>> No.11712485

Kanzashi Iori APEX

>> No.11712577

The average fps player is simply retarded, regardless of his nationality.

>> No.11712619

i was really impressed by the effort she put into the vspo history video - must have taking fucking ages

>> No.11712650

It was nice to see some history. Especially since a lot of those videos are gone now.
Any idea why most of Nazuna's streams pre mid-2020 are removed? Was there something like the holocaust for vspo too?

>> No.11712699

Flare cup.


>> No.11712747

Not really, I'm pretty sure that nazuna's old videos were still available 1-2 months ago. No idea why she decided to private them.

>> No.11712775

i don't think there was a holocaust in the sense of permissions or even a lot of stuff getting removed in one go across all members. possibly just stuff which was fine when they were small but risky or doesn't fit with how vspo is today? also a lot of stuff for nose etc. was on mildom so that's gone

>> No.11712857

connected to that, you can normally do a bit of archaeology on twitter to find out which vids are gone but lisa deletes her stream announcement tweets. i asked before but does anyone know if this is a recent thing with her?

>> No.11712985

And Sumire makes loads of videos members only. Even collabs where you can watch the other perspective.

Team AlphaAzur won that first round pretty easily.
The squads aren't really balanced at all - there are 4 or 5 good teams and the rest are wood league tier.

>> No.11712995

Her big on-screen chat is too distracting

>> No.11713023

I don't know if it's a recent thing for her sk can't answer that, but vtubers I follow do this to keep their twitter media tab free of clutter since a Youtube link counts as media. Hope this helps or is the reason.

>> No.11713035
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First round results

>> No.11713209

ah thanks, that makes sense

>> No.11713469

well so much for gorilla steam rolling

>> No.11713704

Channel won that round

>> No.11713768
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Second round results

>> No.11714202

The commentators just call him Masanori. Do they not know the Channel is more important?

>> No.11714389

Sumire's 3rd anniversary

>> No.11714545
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thanks leona

>> No.11714696
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Third round results

I'm surprised at how well-produced this custom is. Considering I haven't heard of Flare and their website is trash.

>> No.11715041

maji de egui

>> No.11715186

Nothing quite like my wife's cooking

>> No.11715262


>> No.11715550
File: 241 KB, 473x222, nanokanon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hiiro Kanon APEX


>> No.11715575


I'm having a threeway with Senasex and Ema later tonight.

>> No.11715787

Ema's frame

>> No.11715970
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Final results

>> No.11716177

With all that stalling I was wondering if she'd start cooking at all.

>> No.11716775
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>> No.11716860

Noah is playing Apex again

>> No.11718407

Starting in 8 minutes.

>> No.11718439

At this rate I'll believe it when I have my Senasex on screen.

>> No.11718926

guys what's this R301 care package thing I see in chuubas' comments

>> No.11719107

devs hinted it on twitter that r301 might go into carepackage next season, basically the same way they hinted every other weapon before

>> No.11719569

Wtf. Sounds pretty stupid.
That's like the basic gun, they shouldn't even fucking touch it at all what more CP it.
But hey, at least we'll get the Alternator back, hopefully.

>> No.11719873

True, everyone from Gold down is going to be running around like headless chickens without the R301, ME INCLUDED!

>> No.11720319

That's partly it.
The major thing is the 301 is THE balanced gun. I shudder to think what they'll do to it.

>> No.11720376
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just learn to use other guns?

>> No.11720484

That's nice and all, but I'm waiting for them to fuck it up when they take it back out.

>> No.11720627

anon they're gonna fuck it up when the new patch comes out anyways, there'll probably be some seemingly minor buff to an underutilized weapon, like maybe they'll give the scout an accelerator capacity like the rampage and it'll turn into an oppressive shitshow all over again

>> No.11720749


>> No.11720864

I don't remember that happening starting from S8.
Most of the buffs were pretty obviously good.

>> No.11720935

Who do you think I am? ImperialHAL? Too hard bro

>> No.11720992

should have been Lstar tbqh and alternator is kinda ok as a crate, 3take should come back

>> No.11720997

Honestly the only reason I pick a 301 these days over heavy ammo guns is because I just got that nice legendary skin recently. Now I can't use that anymore.

>> No.11721097

Nainai-kun is having a threeway with Hinano and Nazuna...

>> No.11721193
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>> No.11721413

wait, isn't nainai-kun a boy?

>> No.11722030

You got a problem with a boy dressing like that?

>> No.11722178

Shibuharu is starting to get cocky.
Activate the stream snipers.
Yes... and make sure they shoot the death boxes...

>> No.11722331

I wish I could feel Nose in the shower.

>> No.11722638

Hinano and Nose are the only 301 mains I know.

>> No.11722640


The cutest Apex chuuba is live.

>> No.11722692

I think everyone's an R301 main. Myself included, I insist on using the Wingman but when I unwantedly pick up an R301 I end up performing much better.

>> No.11722700

watching wokka and yukaf carry hal ass and there still retard say that its was impossible to get carry in rank.

>> No.11722739

they get more exposure he gets more BR points. win win for them

>> No.11722748

Fuck it, I'll say it.
Most girls main 301.

>> No.11722770

youre not wrong anon

>> No.11722790

301 is their pet name for my penis.

>> No.11722838


>> No.11723397

pred baby

>> No.11723531

He should just stop here to avoid embarrassment.

>> No.11723593


>> No.11723916

sorry but qpi is married to flatline

>> No.11724013

noah too

>> No.11724110


>> No.11726157

Nazuchang bath stream when? Surely she was inspired by Bora the other day.

>> No.11726217

I feel like she wouldn't be able to take it seriously and would laugh like an idiot the whole time, so it would be pretty great.

>> No.11726885

Maybe I need to watch Ema's CoD stream from earlier. It sounds like she was emitting the standard CoD screeches.

>> No.11726928

We failed. He got pred.

>> No.11727892

Listen to that voice when she gets loud, she’s not Beni. This is how Met got into Vspo.

>> No.11727900

imagine the sounds in bed

>> No.11728122
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>> No.11728397

It's happening..!
When's the new teetee dropping?

>> No.11731144

Twap will make it happen

>> No.11732702
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VSpo members height comparison. Also, is it just me or Sena, Lisa, Qpi, Runa, and maybe Toto's faces are bigger than the others?

>> No.11733004

Not just you. Sena's head is huge. Lisa's is also pretty big, but it doesn't feel out of place to me.
The others don't look that out of proportion. Runa and Toto have a similar height head to Mimi, although both are a bit wider.

>> No.11734610

It's a great honor to have some random couple's kid be named after you and your girlfriend. Noah had a baby named after her too.
All this baby talk makes me happy... The world isn't that bad if a loving couple can still make new life in it.

>> No.11734700

It's cute that they had a baby but imagine your kid growing up and seeing that the reason he has his name is because of an Apex streamer who isn't a vtuber who is in a business relationship with another Apex vtuber

>> No.11735265

Why would that be weird? Isn't that the same vibe as parents giving their kids the name of the celebrity they love? I think it's infinitely better than getting pun names...

>> No.11735395

I never said it's weird, just think it's a little funny. Kamito is a good guy so it's fine, and yes people do name their baby after celebs and even game characters. Just interesting.
I have also heard stories of people who marry on vtuber anniversaries since it's vtubers who brought them together.
Also helps that Kamito is a normal name. Imagine naming your baby DarumaIsGod

>> No.11735759

I only know Nose and Hinano. Did she start collabing with Kamito more often or are they still trying to keep it on the down low?

>> No.11735904

>they still trying to keep it on the down low
Absolutely not. They play together all the time.

>> No.11736103

That's cute.

>> No.11737097

They play together all the time even off-stream. They always seem to have stories to tell about something that happened off-stream.

>> No.11737180

So this is what it looks like when an eop makes a wild narrative to a fluent japanese speaker. They couldn't sense the banter and detect the joke at all from the dev.

>> No.11737583

Damn, that was a crazy good 1v2 domefight clutch from shibuhal against the final team.

>> No.11738684

You can see glimpses of how much they hang out off stream. The comments on this video are jumping at Hinano's line here, because it implies she's flaunting how familiar she is with his impression while other people are hearing it for the first time.

>> No.11740470

Fucking lol

>> No.11743049

It'd be a shame if Kamito went to 0 after getting +250

>> No.11744066

Uruca apex pad account got hacked

>> No.11745078

+400 in 2 hours, it'd be a real shame

>> No.11749387
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>> No.11749554

yes its fucking stupid. My smurf got hacked too. Every origin account pretty much have been data leaked and hacked if you don't have 2FA enabled. They use your accounts to cheat and boost people.

>> No.11749806

Her voice reminds me of Noah so much

>> No.11751674

So that's what Beni's up to during her break...

>> No.11755531


Nazuna and Hinano's morning in the hotel

>> No.11758545

Noah Apex

>> No.11759734


what in god's name. Uruca now has a melee button assigned?!?! the world is falling apart

>> No.11759870

I can confirm it's not her fault, she's been on my cock this whole time

>> No.11760209

I made this post.

>> No.11761211

Wth Noah... scan before you jump onto the roof. The guy was there waiting and blasted her when she climbed up. Did she forget she was on BH?

>> No.11761294
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is this you?

>> No.11761454

Beni pussy so good it brings a man to tears.

>> No.11762166

Looks like Noah is losing it now. Screaming in her stream. She has already done a solo Master challenge before, dont see why she feels the need to do it again.

>> No.11762688



>> No.11762819

Noah is just Ars if you could understand what Ars is saying.

>> No.11762874


Now they are having sukiyaki with Lisa

>> No.11762946

I laughed my ass off at the melee part.
Even k4sen's account with 2FA got hacked.

>> No.11762998

I don't get how their security is so shitty that they get hacked, I know 2fa still is hackable but god damn

>> No.11763011

>If the 301 is going into the care package then I'm going in there too
If I find Nose in a care package I'm not swapping her out for a flatline.

>> No.11763263

BSA deleted his video of r301 going into care package. Genuine mistake but still big lols

>> No.11763467

bobsappaim was being a narrativefag

>> No.11764600
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The teams for tonight's ShibuHal Custom. I'm looking forward to Hinano, Runa, and Lisa~

>> No.11764812

nice, had to check his reaction to getting banned. Instead, I found him doing a rta on getting his account back while jamming to tunes

>> No.11765418

Fuck, cant decide if go for smoka bitch or runa...

>> No.11765455

Why not both?

>> No.11765840

troll brothers is back. I miss them

>> No.11766498
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>> No.11767137
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I see nothing wrong with this


>> No.11767159
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It's hard, isn't it?

>> No.11768013
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cute rinshan shotabo moments

>> No.11768619

didn't realize bora was doing well enough to be able to buy her mum a car

>> No.11768624
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Kanzashi Iori APEX

>> No.11768785
File: 2.67 MB, 960x540, noah wattafakk[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fqnsxt0.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moving in any direction or just a&d spamming eliminates most of the horizontal recoil and you just have to pull down
I don't understand jap too well but I assume it is what they are talking about, jitter aiming also kills the recoil on flatline entirely which is why 2-4x and 3x are better on it than 2x

>> No.11769781

She's been doing as good as a mid-JP despite being KR right?

>> No.11770133

@noa doomposter

>> No.11770527
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11958 now. Hal getting carried.

>> No.11770608

sure, but still surprising to me. like, noah still lives with dodgy electrics for example and i'm not sure if she still does but at one point was having to stream from a shared family room. i guess a lot of people blow all their money on ubereats too, lol

>> No.11770640

Back to shota because he's being held through rank like a baby

>> No.11770981

Google shows that in SK new cars are kinda cheap plus she lives with mom and probably doesnt pay rent so she is able to save quite much.
No idea how much Mondo is a car freak but him recommending stuff might have also helped

>> No.11771049

noah still lives with her family, and apparently in a somewhat remote place as well. dodgy electrics probably don't have anything to do with her income.

>> No.11771515

12018 now.

>> No.11772677

Kaga sisters drinking zatsudan.

>> No.11773179

KNR fanservice

>> No.11773237

They're imagining Shibuya Hal's underwear colour. Is this what happens when you become an apex predator?

>> No.11773952
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>> No.11774117

yeah, and once you get good enough to win algs you can get them to play apex legends with you

>> No.11774132

Will that get them to have sex with me though?

>> No.11774152

what the fuck smokah bitch not live i need to hear that VOICE I NEED IT

>> No.11774193

You can hear her on Masanori Channel's stream

>> No.11774200

For that, you gotta boost them in VALORANT

>> No.11774232

thanks anon

>> No.11774260

They just talked about Sumire's teetee prospects.

>> No.11774291

Everyone is being brought up. Mondo, Reid, Yashiro.

>> No.11774553


Fubuki 3.0 playing Apex.

>> No.11774557
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>> No.11774576

Man, I'm not sure Beni's pussy is quite worth having to play Valorant.

>> No.11774741

what do you think the tears are for

>> No.11774759

It all makes sense now.

>> No.11774844

Daaaayium Fubuki looks like that??

>> No.11777105

Has she even left the firing range yet? Seems to take awhile...
Though she says she's new to FPSes apparently so I guess that makes sense.

>> No.11777357

This is at the very least her first time playing Apex on stream, and it definitely shows with her aim so far in the firing range.

>> No.11777425

Looking at the description she's played on PC before, but first time on PS4 apparently.

>> No.11777450

I thought she never succeeded in it?

>> No.11777725

yeah she never made it.

>> No.11778447


Lmao did Nazuna really expose the colors of Hinano's underwear during the zatsudan stream today? It seems the bottom is white and the upper one is black? Give me timestamp in the zatsudan please.

>> No.11778548


Nose getting gang banged.

>> No.11778740
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I didn't hear that, but she exposed Sumire, who exposed Nazuna. And they were wondering about Hal's underwear.

>> No.11778873

Kamito complaining about his teammate's name.
While it's true that the dude is stupid, I think it's silly to make a big deal about it.

>> No.11778935


It's already being clipped xD now I only have to figure out the time stamp of that clip in the source stream.

>> No.11778962

What it say? My kanji reps are lacking.

>> No.11779006

Kamito Weak

>> No.11779142

So yesterday Nazuna met up with Hinano and Lisa, then Nazu + Hinano stayed the night in a hotel.
Do they all live pretty far from each other and met in the middle? Or were they on a trip somewhere?

>> No.11779233

Seems a little sensitive to even care about it.
It's something you can just laugh off.

>> No.11779305

i want to play maplestory with daruma too and show him my high level illium in kms

>> No.11779478

well nazuna's staying alone at the hotel now

>> No.11779550

She's not alone, I'm keeping her company. Nainai-kun is also here and her won't shut the fuck up.-

>> No.11779561

So she didn't end up staying at Sumire's place.
Then it seems that she's pretty far away from all the others now, when before they used to live together. That's a shame.

>> No.11780233

When did he talk about maple?

>> No.11780587

Isn't this new Legend Ash basically just wraith??

>> No.11780626

Go ask /axg/

>> No.11781646

What difficulty are Uruha and co playing B4B on?

>> No.11782078

Yeah. Lisa went home because she had laundry out. They did a twitcast before sleeping. They had a plan to go shopping with sumire and lisa.

>> No.11782156

all the time on his stream

>> No.11783392


>> No.11783440
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man I just wanna bone ema as she coughs to death

>> No.11783487

and if she survives she'll die at childbirth

>> No.11783693

So it's the scout instead of 301-kun. And her ult doesn't look as powerful as it sounds, thankfully.

Sumire definitely coughs more than Ema.

>> No.11785817
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>> No.11787625

Uruha said she's never properly spoken to Bobsappaim before.

>> No.11788324

does everyone just hangout in kamito's chat nowadays?

>> No.11788673

Any idea why this stream of his https://youtu.be/0z_hbeQKm2w from earlier is privated?

>> No.11789215


>> No.11789349


>> No.11789456

I think he showed his desktop in that stream.

>> No.11789609

Kamito is having fun with cheaters
for future its 8hours 38 minutes game

>> No.11789736

Perfect thread OP for 3rd anniversary btw.

>> No.11789922

i don't get why they can't limit the fire rate of like the g7 server side if key presses are sustained faster than humanly possibly

>> No.11790063


>> No.11791107

rpr about to assasinate kamito's remaining 52 points

>> No.11791296

qpi too
Kamito isn't going to do well out of this

>> No.11791554

hell no, please don't tank gorilla's hard won rp

>> No.11792010

Wait they're teaming with RPdrainer?

>> No.11792070

it stands for RP remover

>> No.11792230

Just him for now.
Hopefully Gorilla does the smart thing and pretends to be asleep.
The guy may be ALGS champion but he can't be trusted.

>> No.11793011

Qpi can't be accused of boosting if she doesn't gain any points.
