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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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11760978 No.11760978 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11761080

If you want watchalongs of pony canyon anime.

>> No.11761101

It just means gura is based as fuck for making weebs seethe at the mere reference of mlp.

>> No.11762066

She has an mlp-style avatar and was asking chat if they were OK with her using it. She seemed happy with the result. Wouldn't be surprised if management is blocking her though.

>> No.11762087

its normal for girls to like it

>> No.11762141 [DELETED] 

She's a girl. Liking ponies doesn't mean she's mentally ill.

>> No.11763133

Adult men who still like Pokemon are mentally ill.

>> No.11763134

>holobrony is just a mem-

>> No.11763244

I like Pokemon, but damn the games need more new stuff.

>> No.11763282

the very least they could do is add more than they remove each gen but apparently that's too much to ask for.

>> No.11763411

It means that she doesn't forget her roots anon. What else do you want?

>> No.11763600

people to like what i like and ONLY what i like

>> No.11764200

Okay anon, mind telling us what you like?

>> No.11764360


>> No.11764419


>> No.11764606

Kronii's a brony

>> No.11764947

forgot my "?" gomen

>> No.11765388

Anonchama, I don't know what to tell you but everything after Black & White sucks ass.

>> No.11765845


>> No.11766047

hey, sun & moon had some great segments, like Po Town and the Eevee sidequest
I still like gen 5 the most though

>> No.11766094

>he doesn't know

>> No.11766473

That she is a girl and likes ponies

>> No.11767135

Gura is less and less ashamed to show her degenerate side as time goes on....... I like it.

>> No.11767763

>liking cartoon horses

>> No.11767868 [DELETED] 
File: 209 KB, 900x900, Fluffy_pony.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fluffy Pony greentext reading when?

>> No.11767927

So, Applejack is definitely her favorite right?

>> No.11768362 [DELETED] 


>> No.11771659

If you think making weeks seethe is something a vtuber should be doing you need to be lobotomized

>> No.11771914

She just want to confirm "holobronies" is accurate or not

>> No.11772932

Noone pointed it out cause it's true

>> No.11772983

I gotta be honest guys before it was all creepy and there was only one season out, I thought that MLP was legit good.
I was 15 or 16.

>> No.11773119

Women can't be bronies because they're the people that mlp is actually intended for. It's only weird when it's a man over the age of 14

>> No.11773829

The age of consent is usually greater than 14 in the west where mlp is produced, so your opinion is already invalid.

With that said, FIM was cute girls doing cute things except they were horses. Obviously that's gonna cater to adult men. It kept being decent for a few seasons before starting to spiral downward. Once it became stale and mlp became completely consumed by fetish generals, that's when liking it became truly cringe. You couldn't like it for the plot because the plot became shit. You couldn't like it for the characters because as a part of the loot they too became shit. At that point, when all entertainment value had disappeared, that's when only the cringiest faggots would stay the course instead of hopping to the next trend (vtubers).

For women it's different. They're the target demographic because ponies are cute and girls play with dolls, and nobody expects women to ever have truly good taste in entertainment. That's why nobody bat's an eye at gura still liking mlp, as she probably liked it as a kid and will continue to like ponies as women do while us guys continue strip mining fads for all they're worth before moving on to the next novelty.

>> No.11774928

Most definitely.

>> No.11777292

Sometimes... you just know.

>> No.11777474

Barbie Pony Adventure game, not MLP

>> No.11777480

>Seethes at reference of MLP
My Little Pony was a mistake

>> No.11777562

>The age of consent is usually greater than
you know you're in gura thread when posts start like this

>> No.11777598

After gen 3 the game quality went down. Gen 4 was still playable though.

>> No.11777625

I had a Brony phase back around when the 3rd season was airing. I was never a furry, but I got into it because although the fandom can be creepy, there was a high level of creativity there that tends to come when small communities explode in popularity, but before too long become stale and repetitive.

>> No.11777651

Even when everything about Pokemon turns to shit, the only good stuff to come out from all this is the porn.

>> No.11777703

Are you a female?

>> No.11777877

I thought the dialogue was funny and the characters too.
I started feeling off about the actual show at the end of the first season, rainbow dash did some sort of rainbow fart and won some sort of thing. I don't think queefs are funny.

>> No.11777917

No wonder she can mesh well with Gura. They really have many common interests

>> No.11778086

Seethe more anon if she didn't like MLP especially FiM, most likely a vtuber we know as Gawr Gura won't even exist in the first place

>> No.11778190

Pony Canyon publishes some pretty good stuff. Hell, they've published most of KyoAni's recent works.

>> No.11779173

stealth /mlp/ containment breach thread?
stealth /mlp/ containment breach thread?

>> No.11779339

Just like Hololive then
