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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 183 KB, 1280x1348, marine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1168332 No.1168332 [Reply] [Original]

watame is a self admitted lolicon
marine was and partially still is a shotacon
some of the girls enjoy schlicking to doujins of themselves
noel has an asmr roomate who enjoys lewding and showing off her massive tits anonymously

>> No.1168362

oh also

>> No.1168394

Marine is a failed manga artist.

>> No.1168438

All holos are lolicon, shotacon or don't see a problem with it.

>> No.1168448
File: 528 KB, 595x584, 1603960532171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matsuri wants a live action adaptation of Geiger Counter

>> No.1168489


>> No.1168554

Vtuber models are never ugly on purpose because nobody wants to normalize ugliness except hate filled indie comic artists

>> No.1168557

Matsuri mentioned she wouldn't mind having sex with a dog

>> No.1168585

Isn't masturbating to lewd pics of your [virtual] self basically the textbook definition of narcissism? Which chuubas do that?

>> No.1168598

well she did get published for a little bit at least

>> No.1168806

>marine and matsuri are degenerates
but anyway.
From watching alot of marine I feel a lot of her degeneracy originates in the same way that many anons here become degenerates that being the terrible combination of super high libido and crippling levels of being unable to form any kind of romantic relationships and her loneliness in that area is something that seriously bothers her. She however has a extremely easy time making friends with just about everyone aswell as maintaining said friendships, so I wonder what exactly held her back from getting a romance?

>> No.1168810
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>> No.1168831


>> No.1169176

I need that noel roomate
Haato. Without a doubt

>> No.1169187

isn't it flattering to see handsome insatiable men with nice cocks mating press you while saying how insanely in love with you they are?
i mean, at the end of the day, someone likes your personality and character if they're drawing that. most of the time anyway. just look at marine's doujins, they're based more on her horni personality than her looks.

>> No.1169369


>> No.1169622

Are japs into loli/shota partially due to fact the average height over there is 5' 4" and everyone looks like a kid anyway

>> No.1169691

haachama is also a loli lover

>> No.1169753

which vtuber isn't

>> No.1169765

i think it's more an autistic overthinking of natural human human cuteness. most men will find a little girl cute, most women a little boy cute, but i think the isolation and autism of japan, as well as abundance of otaku, makes them then use the natural cuteness to explore sexual dimensions.

>> No.1169818

>noel has an asmr roomate who enjoys lewding and showing off her massive tits anonymously
Ummmm... PROOFS!?

>> No.1169883

you'll find it naturally over time if you keep watching her videos. youtube-kun likes recommending it if you watch her asmr specifically.
think of it as a reward which must be earned

>> No.1169903

only white roasties and anglo soibois find loli problematic. think about why chinks are gooks are fine with loli shit. whites age like milk.

>> No.1169952

women in the east are still grossed out by lolicons. it's just less of an 'end you life' sentence, like in the u.s.a

>> No.1169955

Couldn't care less about ASMR i wanna whack me snake to her boobies

>> No.1169984

A live version of giger counter already exists. The actress is 22 and she doesn't even look young

>> No.1170005

don't care, earn it coomer by giving her views

>> No.1170042

i said lewding on purpose. she doesn't whip them out. she just likes showing a suggestive amount and having them worshipped.

>> No.1170046

Even drug dealers know to give someone a taste before doing this shit
I'm leaving

>> No.1170063

lol calm down, anglo cunt. its just a fact that most asians are fine with loli shit.

also blacks rarely crticise loli. you rarely see them shitting on loli. only whites chimp out

>> No.1170076

>what exactly held her back from getting a romance?

>> No.1170092
File: 154 KB, 322x315, watamelontoast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watame is a self admitted lolicon

>> No.1170119


>> No.1170212

is this archived in her nico channel?

>> No.1170223

i'm sorry but even marine's jap chat started shaming her a bit for being a shotacon. she had to justify it to them for a good thirty minutes plus.
that and there's a difference between being a sexual lolicon and normal lolicon.

>> No.1170272

Someone posted in global during the nioh stream. Just look on /t/ asmr threads and through the archives

>> No.1170302

It's not narcissism, it's loneliness.

>> No.1170316

Its not really "western". The ones who always get triggered by Japnaese lewd stuff are Whites, especially Anglos. Most poc dont have a problem with it unless they are brainwashed by Anglos, and Yuros arent so insecure about it. The rage always comes from Anglos jealousy and bigotry.

>> No.1170469

check her 2020.08.31
thank me later

>> No.1170559

I have no idea what that means, please help, i wanna see more.

>> No.1170687

And they barely hide liking young people, while trying to have the moral high ground. How many fantasies, porn and what not involved schoolgirls in uniforms, and why is "barely legal" and teen porn so damn popular? Better to have a relief valve than trying to act superior.

>> No.1170969
File: 1.58 MB, 1222x2845, implying loli is worse than cp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A reminder that the UN considers loli manga a perversion of the natural order.

>> No.1170988

they consider fiction and reality to be one and the same, anglos are the type of people who try to ban GTA because they think it causes car jacking.

>> No.1171037

no one cares about the UN, including it's member countries

>> No.1171049

kill yourself you underage retard, learn how to look up thing yourself and not to rely on spoonfeeding, do you have sperm instead of cerebro-spinal fluid?

>> No.1171070

The UN also considers china an authority on human rights so go fuck yourself

>> No.1171079

the UN is a perversion of the natural order
i want them dead

>> No.1171084


>> No.1171157

I got a fucking date and nothing else you cocksucker. Fuck you.

>> No.1171166

>what is a filename

>> No.1171172


>> No.1171179

use your brain you dumb nigger

>> No.1171257

how did reddit react to this?

>> No.1171294

Forget it, i don't wanna see it anymore. Im gonna dumo my cum inside your mothers cunt instead, she loves it and then begs for more in her ass.

>> No.1171763

If her ring fit streams are anything to go by her stamina is insane, just imagine

>> No.1172026
File: 217 KB, 960x1080, [HorribleSubs] Anime de Wakaru Shinryounaika - 02 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_04.00_[2020.02.22_17.58.29].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1172259

blue helmets make easy targets

>> No.1174378

And the UN representatives have been caught red-handed with cheese pizza or abusing people they're supposedly helping.

>> No.1174466

i'm confused where's the seething this is just based

>> No.1174533

Who cares about what the UN says, lmao.

>> No.1174728

not much of a writer probably, but still capable artist
otherwise, none of them really stand out if you compare it to this board users. Except we don't get paid for shitposting

>> No.1174799

Not really, unless you make your 2d avatar by yourself.

>> No.1174823

Miko did JAV

>> No.1175002
File: 109 KB, 1080x608, 1613086730718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate the antichrist

>> No.1175332

>Live action
Who cares about that when the manga actually inspired someone to try the trick in real life.

>> No.1175755

Forgive me for being a tard but what's the nico channel

>> No.1175797

I hate that you guys turned senchou into a horny shotacon when she'd never actually do something like that. She probably regrets being honest and hasn't talked as openly about herself in a while

>> No.1175984
File: 833 KB, 1581x955, ver2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of the Holos are racist by American standards and few would even comprehend what a tranny is

>> No.1176068

t. never been to Japan
Girls and children asking to touch your brown skin is the racism you get, and maybe old men saying something about gaijin because we're all the same to them, white or otherwise. If you fuck off to the middle of nowhere bars in tokyo you might not be let in. Still better than most American places with similar attitudes where you'd be beat or worse.

>> No.1176109
File: 136 KB, 1280x1101, takeyourmedsbulbasaur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still better than most American places with similar attitudes where you'd be beat or worse.
You're literally delusional if you believe this

>> No.1176246

This. Anon is deluded if he thinks the average Japanese woman is okay with this sort of thing. He should keep in mind that the sort of person to become a chuuba is likely to be an otaku.

>> No.1176286

>western faggots
>4chan virgins
>trying to say what Japanese women think
>all the while ignorant that this is not true
The west can't fall soon enough.

>> No.1176308

You absolute retard, I actually know Japanese women.

>> No.1176371

She likes oppai lolis

>> No.1176410

you forgot to add a few others like
>pekora is nationalistic and hate niggers
>most JP holos dislike niggers or call them gorillas
>Choco fucked a teacher when she was in highschool
>Ayame have a boyfriend
>Shion love to go out and be in parties
>Noel and Coco use tinder for fast sex
>Fubuki and Suisei are shotacon
>Pekora find transsexuals disgusting and scary
>Aqua dislike western people
>Kiara was a real slut

>> No.1176447

>Ayame have a boyfriend
lel, I like how this is listed among all the extreme stuff

>> No.1176454

How much does she masturbate to porn of her avatar?

>> No.1176479

The incident this rumour is based on happened before the manga released. Stop perpetuating myths you don't bother to fact check.

>> No.1176497

the only one in this list that's actually true is the Ayame one

>> No.1176570

Soo the fubuki and suisei one is just played to take the piss?

>> No.1176608
File: 106 KB, 1436x784, ars zoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely based

>> No.1176670

>Pekora's nationalistic and hates niggers

Trying to imagine Pekora doing the Roman salute before she hits a Zainichi with a bat

>> No.1176703

Fubuki just likes being in control, and shotas fall under that because they're young and she'd easily be able to assert herself over them. Same reason she loves pathetic losers too. Suisei is just a joke, when you actually look at the types of boys she says she likes, they're not really shotas.

>> No.1176793

People keep saying kiara is a pornstar or whatever but I haven't seen any actually proof.

>> No.1176803

stop it. go get some help.

>> No.1176867

Ars is always based

>> No.1176896

She did vaguely lewd cosplay stuff and some probably sketchy amateur idolish jobs like a wrestling thing where a guy groped her as part of the show. I don't think there was anything more than that, especially since anons like to exaggerate about chubas they don't like

>> No.1176903

There's only one thing that will truly cause any western moralfag to melt down into sheer primal rage:

The women of hololive succeeded on their own merits without needing to resort to any sort of gender solidarity or supremacy.

>> No.1176916
File: 75 KB, 1095x778, ame_trying_to_find_your_dick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1176944
File: 1.57 MB, 1235x1756, 1612367094758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Ars

>> No.1176973

she wants to say it so bad... she will force Cover to hire a black girl for Gen 2 so she can get permission to say it.

>> No.1177019

Some decent rrats in there but you had to ruin it by pushing your desperate and pathetic schizo narrative that these girls living in Japan have not only formed an opinion on people of color, a group they are likely to have limited if any experience with outside movies, music and video games, but have formed an opinion that happens to coincide with your own fringe views.

>> No.1177050

She's so cute
