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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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11705245 No.11705245 [Reply] [Original]

why do Vshojo vtubers (or twitch streamers in general) don't have the burnt out problem that many holos are having?
Maybe playing video games 3h a day isn't that hard after all.

>> No.11705327

HAHAHAHAHA, What the fuck are you talking about? Have you seen Zen's twitter feed?
Faggot makes Matsuri look normal and stable.

>> No.11705330

Why is Nyanners so evil

>> No.11705352

Unironically less expectations from the viewers

>> No.11705372

The problem is playing video games at all. Most of them weren't interested in games, but what can you do when the best you can do is related to internet stuff?

>> No.11705418

I play games 17 hours a day while talking to the voices outside my head and i dont even get paid.

>> No.11705434

Vshojo is far less controlling than Nijisanji and Hololive. The streamers can pretty much tailor their content how they want. Plus, someone like Nyanners has been doing it for a long, long time.

>> No.11705439

Theyre not forced to play minecraft. Also people are not looking out for yabs in their stream unless they say the gamer word.

>> No.11705474

Calli told that not being able to stream her favourite games stops her from streaming like 8 hours per day, so blame perms

>> No.11705507

3 hours a day is nothing.

>> No.11705513

don't they react to videos a lot?

>> No.11705529

probably because they just do what they like, instead of constantly getting steered by corporate guidelines and restrictions

>> No.11705547

NijiEN has none of HoloEN burnout problems. If anything they are doing guerilla collabs every two days now.

>> No.11705619

Yes, that’s a massive chunk of their streams.

>> No.11705620

Nijisanji seems to actually be having fun when they collab, which probably helps.

>> No.11705621

NijiEN hasn't even been around for 5 months.

>> No.11705658

Doesn't matter they simply don't have Hololive problems.

>> No.11705668

>average viewers 8.5K
Damn, this is pretty good for someone I've been told is circling the drain of near-irrelevance.

>> No.11705723

She and Vei are doing great.

>> No.11705802

>i am just gonna ignore Zen

>> No.11705817

They're relatively new, but I do like their energy. I do wonder how much leeway Nijisanji lets them have, but overall, I think having to stream on Youtube, not playing or literally doing whatever it is you feel like doing on a given day just wears on you. At the very least, Nijisanji doesn't seem to be as autistic about literally every little thing like Hololive.

>> No.11705822

>Comparing what are essentially indies to people working for a company

Aside from the obvious problem of needing permissions, people in Hololive do a ton more than just game or react to Tiktoks.

>> No.11705847

Cool argument faggot. Let's have this conversation again in 7 months. Unlike hololive most of the nijiEN girls have to do this on top of a regular job to pay the bills.

>> No.11705867

Ironmouse as well, honestly.

>> No.11705926

Sure let's have it in 12 months too. Because in half a year there are zero signs of burnout. If anything Finana is dragging people into gorilla collabs left and right.

>> No.11705930

As far as I know only Pomu and Rosemi have jobs and Pomu has already gone part time in her job aiming to quit by the end of the year. 2/10 is hardly most.

>> No.11705979

Pomu does it for insurance and Rosemi does it because her parents don't know she streams.

>> No.11706032

He’s a male though. Men just aren’t mentally equipped to handle streaming as a female.

>> No.11706040

Selen will burn out. She is running herself ragged.

>> No.11706048

Holy shit someone thats the same brand of schizo as me
Niji girls get to stream with the same sc ammounts as some holos while having 80% less pressure on them they can do pretty big yabs and get away with it with at most an awkward emoji from managers
Probably why their mental health is way higher on avarage i get why holos are always on a menhera breakdown considering the fan pressure and shit managers also especially lazulight is just a group of neets besides pomu they wouldnt be doing anything but this in the first place

>> No.11706068

Because she's based

>> No.11706169

Ask me how I know you don't know shit about the VShojo girls.

>> No.11706171

I was going to say NijiEN seems to be more focused on hiring people with experience of regularly doing streaming content than HoloEN too. Out of 10 of them I think there might only be 1 that didn't have a year or so at least under their belt as a vtuber or streamer prior to joining. So they probably have a better idea of what to expect the lifestyle to be like when they sign up.

>> No.11706220

Too bad Vshoujo are just a bunch of shitty whores.

>> No.11706244

That's called desperation, anon. It's not about working harder. It's about working smarter. If they can earn the same amount as one who streams twice as much as them: they're the winner in that situation, while the one who works themselves to death is the loser. That's the truth.

>> No.11706258

Nyanners literally cries on her sub-only youtube streams (that are just unlisted links) about how tired she is, burnout, how much she hates the persona she built for herself like an idiot, and blaming her barely year old company for a decade of her own work.

If you're curious, there's some links in their general, lurk there and you'll eventually see a stream of hers. She's menhera and does this shit like twice a week.

>> No.11706266

and how long has Council been around?
Yeah less than 2 fucking months

>> No.11706309

Saving this post for /vsj+/. Not that we didn't already know you guys lurk our threads.

>> No.11706358

Holy copium
Do you even watch them or do you just watch clips and then ego brag about money THEY earn...

>> No.11706361

It's the difference between being self-employed and just another wagie spinning the wheels of yagoo's corporate machine.

>> No.11706404

>different people are different
Wow, ground-breaking

>> No.11706419

Yeah well let's see what dealing with a person like Nina for more than a month does to their psyche.

>> No.11706439
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and yet she still streams more consistently than most EN holos (look at the red line)

>> No.11706452

also nijis are actually allowed to quit/get fired which sounds like a stupid thing considering how often it happens but it's actually really important.
literally the entirety of first gen hololive, sora and half of gen 2 have had huge moments of "do i want to keep streaming" only to force out a half assed apology the next day acting like that was just a joke haha, aqua especially and it's been happening since members only streams that are now lost to time from like 3 years ago

>> No.11706467

t. ugly, autistic man afraid of western women so he copes by pretending and wanting to be Japanese

>> No.11706519

Holy cope. If you saw any of their collabs you would know they are actually having fun.

>> No.11706522

It's an anonymous imageboard anon, for every poster posting there's at least 5 lurking. Doubly so for this board. Only thing your post proves is that your generals full of newfags, but granted so is half of this board.

>> No.11706530

>person whose only contact with the outside world is her chat and colleagues because she spent her entire life burning bridges streams a lot because it's the only way she can talk to people

>> No.11706557

They do though. Nyanners was feeling that way not long ago, Vei a few months back, Zen's was kind of obvious... I could go on but basically the only one who hasn't needed a break is mousey who looks at streaming as her break from real life.
Everyone needs a break now and then and being a vtuber can involve a lot more than time spent on stream.

>> No.11706623

The funniest thing about this is how rrats that never left the board scared corporate so much that she had to spend like an hour on stream crying through the worlds fakest most forced apology. Even Hoshikawa sounded more genuine about the shoplifting thing and I know for a fact she didn't care about some dumb shit she did as a pre-teen.

>> No.11706693

see >>11706439, you can see she took a break around September but after coming back she streamed more than usual to make the Hours streamed line linear again.

>> No.11706715

>t. Western woman

>> No.11706838

>Zen's was kind of obvious
You mean the "sent to a mental ward and came back in barely a week" thing? As an american? Dude would still be in there if it was legit.

>> No.11706858

Link? What apology was this?

>> No.11706896


>> No.11706986

Nope, not a woman. My cock's too big for me to ever be a woman. Try again, bro.

>> No.11707011

September 7th stream according to quick archive diving.

>> No.11707306

>she treats chat as a surrogate friend
I will now watch your streamer, only loneliest of menheras for me thanks

>> No.11707721

>stream more=better
ahahahaha what is this fucking loser neet logic. i'm sure amoranth is a hardworking girl that deserves all her success.

>> No.11707806

too much money, no time to spend, preasu understand

>> No.11707822

This year? That video doesn't seem like a crying apology stream. Was a comedic investigation into the existence of cryptids.

>> No.11707828

Becasue that is the only way to grew in twitch you need to stream at least 6hrs to get to the top. that is why they take more breaks.

>> No.11708031

Where the fuck have you been? Nyan just recovered from a long bout of depression, Zen just came back from a severe mental breakdown, Froot nonexistent lately, Silver always complaining about her "Brain Worms"... Seriously, do you follow them at all?

>> No.11708089

Or allowed to fuck off to school for almost an entire year, or just quit streaming due to being tired of it, or take a month break for no reason

>> No.11708110

This entire thread is trolls who don't actually watch streams replying to trolls who don't actually watch streams. They need to permaban anyone that posted on /qa/ from every other board.

>> No.11708196

A lot of the common lines you see about Nyanners are rrats, because it makes people mad that she turned her back on her former audience here and wound up successful anyways. That said, I think this anon is actually talking about the 6th, which was her first stream back after all the Arcadum stuff.

>> No.11708200

"Brain Goblins"

>> No.11708333
File: 37 KB, 790x579, thediplomat-virginity-2015-figure-790x579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Statistically speaking, japanese women do not have sex.

>> No.11708365
File: 327 KB, 1075x2088, IMG_20211020_115744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see >>11706439
also see pic

>> No.11708379

Take your meds OP
You even posted it at the same time as yesterday.

>> No.11708468

>Out of 10 of them I think there might only be 1 that didn't have a year or so at least under their belt as a vtuber or streamer prior to joining.
That was Finana and she has the 2nd most streamed hours now. Pomu might have been ahead of her if she hadn’t had the surgery but she’s been pacing herself almost toe to toe with Elira who is an endurance chuuba through and through.

>> No.11708548

is there an easy way to see those stats for the nijien streamers?

>> No.11708665

hate pink cat

>> No.11708736

I don't think so. There'sno holostats equivalent for niji.

>> No.11708808

this, the average twitch viewer is under 13 years old

>> No.11708964

You're thinking of youtube which parents sit their preschoolers in front of to avoid raising their kids themselves. You have to be 13 just to get a twitch account and watch anything at all. Most twitch vtubers, including vshojo, also have their content set to mature and instaban anyone found to be under 18. While in contrast certain oyher companies make a conscious effort to actually target children.

>> No.11709050

Yeah and you have to be 18 to go on Pornhub you dipshit.

>> No.11709100

because no one would ever lie about their age on the internet

>> No.11709111

Pink cat...

>> No.11709447

The real answer is that Hololive is more like an actual job and the talents have expectations on them. They are expected to produce songs, organize collabs, learn a different language (or at least learn enough to communicate with different branches), get permissions for games, etc. Do they have to do all this stuff? No, but the fans expect it and won't be happy if they don't. A lot more goes into being in an organization like Hololive than just the gaming streams. There is a lot of behind the scenes work they are doing. Vshojo doesn't really do all this stuff.

>> No.11709584

>produce songs
lazy members like Ame or Kronii don't
>organize collabs
Vshojo doesn't have collabs?
>learn a different language (or at least learn enough to communicate with different branches)
nice joke, their language skills haven't improved (especially in holoEN) since they joined Hololive
>get permissions for games, etc
they only need to ask their managers to do that

>> No.11709603

>nyan depression
she's got white lady depression
>zen mental breakdown
see >>11706838 only replace american with texan which is even worse
>froot nonexistent
has nothing to do with any kinda brain shit and just >EU internet
>silver complaining about brain worms
silver is literally the most menhera english vtuber out there, and even compared to niptubers she's up there with meiro so probably the only one who actually has a reason

>> No.11709635

cool, guess I'll go watch vshojo then, they're good at... watching youtube videos?

>> No.11709638

Unironically they can always fall back on lazy reaction content.

>> No.11709657

>learning languages
Hahaha, holy fuck. Korone's been """"""learning"""""" english since she debuted, can she form an actual sentence yet?

>> No.11709664

Niji streamers don't get a salary, that's why they can do that, its no loss to the company if you fuck off for months.

>> No.11709665
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>lazy members like Ame or Kronii don't
kill yourself

>> No.11709691

>can she form an actual sentence yet
no really, go fuck yourself anon
you are not welcome in vsj+

>> No.11709720

Anonchama, scroll up...

>> No.11709725 [DELETED] 
File: 1.55 MB, 2016x2010, 1631272732057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do Vshojo vtubers (or twitch streamers in general) don't have the burnt out problem that many holos are having?

>> No.11709741

>Produce songs
Literally only 3 people do this at the moment.
>Organize collabs
Kiara is the only that bothers to do this, a fact she lamented when she talked about the upcoming Among Us and wishes just once she could sit back while someone else does the work(TTRPG is an exception of course.)
>Learn a different language
Yea, Gura and Ame's JP lessons are going SUPER well.
>Get permissions for games
That's the manager's job.

>> No.11709748
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>why do Vshojo vtubers don't have the burnt out problem?

>> No.11709753

this isn't vsj+ retard

>> No.11709764

Gura certainly isn't fluent but she went from knowing nothing to being able to have a full collab with a JP member (Shion) and it was a good collab too. She has progressed quite a bit.

>> No.11709767

Ah I see. Just a shitter all around.
Hope he finds the rope he so desperately needs.

>> No.11709796

No she fucking didn't, they went nuts with the deep L on that stream.
She knows some pronunciation cause of her singing japanese songs but that's about it.

>> No.11709812


>> No.11709837

Does Hololive pay a salary?

>> No.11709878

Yes. That's why they don't bother to stream.

>> No.11709897

Her japanese in that collab was broken as shit with constant pausing though?

>> No.11710855

Makes sense

>> No.11710948

The trick is to work exactly as much as you can sustain, not more or less. Nyanners is experienced and has figured out what she can handle and when to take quick breaks here and there to keep going. The others take regular breaks, or in the case of Froot and Hime simply stream a few times a month. Ironmouse keeps going through sheer force of will, it seems. Zen is a grinder but really needed to be taking more time off between streams given the recent blow-up he had.

>> No.11710964
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>Her japanese in that collab was broken as shit with constant pausing though?

>> No.11710986

>posts someone that exclusively does react content and the offchance where it isnt, its a sub 1 hour collab

>> No.11711981

When you mostly watch videos without actually interacting with chat or playing games while interacting with chat streaming becomes far easier

>> No.11712114

>learn a different language
Lmao, that is the funniest thing I heard in like last 10 years or so. Hololive is notorious for their weak languages and lying about learning languages.

>> No.11712436
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>you are not welcome in vsj+

>> No.11712461

They can do Youtube binge watching when they don't want to stream and not give a fuck.
Period? Hurts too bad and they don't feel like playing some shitty game for hairy nerds? No problem! Just sit back in a chair and watch 5 hours of "Weird meme compilation #xx" and call it a day.
"What's a 'Game Permission'?" If there's a category for it on twitch, it can be streamed!
What do you mean manager? I'm my own boss and do whatever i want.
Schedule? BAH!
Seiso and 13 year old kid friendly? They don't pay subs! Just stay within Twitch TOS.

Everyone would need a break without perks like this.

>> No.11713130

No, thats pure delusion about how much they make in supers. Only the very top of NijiEN earns as much as the lower earning HoloENs, and the rest of nijiENs struggle to make half of that.
Pomu, Elira and Selen, which are the top 3 for NijiEN all average 17-20k a month from supers since debut.
Ceres, Hakos, and Mumei are the lowest 3 earners in HoloEN and averaged 17-20k a month since debut even with their lighter streaming schedules.
Pretty much all of HoloEN1 earns double or even triple that per month, Ina is the only one that dips below 40k/month and she actively discourages superchats and doesn't do super readings.

This is not even taking into account memberships, of which roughly 1% of subs become members. (Kronii has 4.5k+ members with 475k subs, the others have similar ratios)

>> No.11713173

because she spends 90% of time just reacting to youtube vids

>> No.11714078

You illiterate retard never said just en holos only

>> No.11714140

You need to remember a lot of people on this board tend to forget that the Japs exist, and tend to mog the ENs, especially where Nijisanji is concerned.

>> No.11714182

>playing video games 3h
so even vshojo is that low uh, what the hell
so many indies do easily 5h, some closer to 8h per day, even with a job on the side (corpos are mostly full time).

>> No.11715195
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>he doesn't know

>> No.11715505

t. I don’t have a counter argument so I’ll call him an incel instead XD

Queen, if you can’t refute his point stfu

>> No.11715957

Anon they just stream 2-3 hours playing video games/collab/talking with chat. I don't know how they get burned out by that knowing they earn so much money compared to the average streamer. Don't tell me that "they also need to be entertaining" when some Ame streams are literally just her grunting for 30 minutes to bait chat.

>> No.11717108

Mouse, Nyanners and Vei are always doing 5+ hour streams.

>> No.11717216


Implying wahmen have anything but emotional arguments.

>> No.11717493


>Mel’s last three streams
4 hours
6 hours
3 hours
>Nyanner’s last three streams
5 hours
8 hours
3 hours
>Mouse’s last three streams
6 hours
7 hours
5 hours
>Veibae’s last three streams
5 hours
6 hours
3 hours
>Silvervale’s last three streams
4 hours
5 hours
6 hours
>Zentraya’s last three streams
4 hours
4 hours
7 hours

It’s really not hard to look this stuff up yourself, anon

>> No.11717498

Which bridges did she burn? Explain?

>> No.11717759

4chan not that it matters to anyone with a functioning brain. Anons have to cope with Nyan succeeding somehow

>> No.11718876

I Mean if most of her stream is just reacting then, why should she feel burnout?

>> No.11718955

What do the viewers expect out of the EN girls that makes them so different then? Ina and Mori are the only ones that have more on their plate with being artists in addition to the regular streaming. JP has all of their idol stuff going on but EN is pretty removed from the additional workload these event bring with them.

So tell me, what are the expectations that make them burn out

>> No.11719041

How new are you

>> No.11719114

Twitch streamers can stream for many many more hours because they can easily just sit there watching youtube videos from other content creators and react and people will throw money at them for doing so.
Then they play 2-3 hours of whatever else game they think of and thats it.

>> No.11719139

Doesn't even sound like her at the time.

>> No.11719154
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>posted on her main channel
>"its not her"

>> No.11719219

Didn't know an anonymous Vacaroo was youtube

>> No.11719303

Next you will say she never sang moonman either, oh wait here she is https://files.catbox.moe/eufczo.mp4

>> No.11719355

You still haven't proved it's her, retard.

>> No.11719387

Ame is a bad example because she's the most innovative and creative vtuber on the planet, she can do whatever she wants.

>> No.11719425

>baseless conclusion is an argument
You know, girls might not like you just because you're ugly, but also because you're fucking retarded. I mean, you two literally cannot argue so you play the
>you disagree with me? Then you're an X
card that SJWs made so popular.

>> No.11719434

Is this really the point we're at with newfags these days?

>> No.11719471

Twitch tourists are fucking retarded

>> No.11719470

there are a thousand girls with that voice. It could unironically be LilyPichu for all you know

>> No.11719528

This. Fucking vwhores actually just watch clips of Hololive and react to them sometimes.
Plus vwhores are streamers only, holos have a lot more shit going on like meetings or side projects. Not saying that's good, but it's comparing apples to a fruit bowl

>> No.11719589

i think the main difference is that hololive has actual projects and non streaming responsibilities. nijien and vshojo as far as i know are purely streamers. holomyth has talk shows, songs, special celebration events, covention QnA, interviews, etc. they actually have to bust so much ass as holomem and i think its easy to pretend like all they need to do is stream and be chill but thats not the case.

>> No.11719725

Hololive makes original content
Vshojo steals it

>> No.11719749

holy cope

>> No.11719775

Nyanners audience is children and all her "content" is piss and shit jokes. When your job is that easy, it's hard to burn out.

>> No.11719828

then why doesn't Gura stream more

>> No.11719895

quit promoting your shitty anti youtube channel

>> No.11719902

Doing idol shit is not original.

>> No.11719934

Not getting over-managed.

>> No.11720078

All that work and vshojo earns more than them.

>> No.11720193

You are so wrong its not even funny. You do know all of their twitch info got leaked barely a month ago right

>> No.11720215

Yeah and that's evidence on how vshojo makes way more money than Hololive with far less workload.

>> No.11720258
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delusional tourist

>> No.11720260

Its because they dont have to deal with permission bullshit and they can stream or react to whatever they want

>> No.11720272

>making original songs isn't original
smartest vshojofag right here folks

>> No.11720337

Imagine being so retarded lmao. Vshojo still earns more when you factor in donations, merchandising and sponsorships while doing far less work.

>> No.11720362

Those numbers dont factor in merchandise, sponsors nor the salary that Cover is paying them either you fucking retard

>> No.11720372

Wait, do you really think 90 hours in 30 days is a lot? Thats hilarious.
Kiara in 1 week streams 40 hours. Even Gura streams around that in 30 days

>> No.11720407

Cover still takes a big cut from them and they've been streaming longer than vshojo has. In the end Vshojo is earning way more money within the same period of time.

>> No.11720492

Holos need to so more than just stream. They also don't sit back on reaction streams

>> No.11720578

NTA, but the Twitch leaks covered Jan 2019 to Sep 2021, and streamers confirmed that it wasn't *all* the money they get, so it isn't exhaustive. Granted, that image probably isn't as well.
Songs are nice but ultimately I think mixing idolshit with being a virtual streamer is something that only really works for Japan, or, a US agency has to really up the competition. HoloEN and ID don't do nearly half the shit the JP ones do, and so far only Gura has gotten a sponsorship of any kind.
Vshojo's flexibility and personalities are more appealing because Twitch is the #1 streaming platform and they appeal to all anime fans, not just people wishing they were Japanese. Talents with Japanese companies that don't reside in Japan themselves are subject to being treated with less importance, do less big collaborative project, and are subject to Jap interpretations of what a western market would want. Again, the only way I see this idolshit working outside of Japan is if say, a US company gathered girls in New York or LA or whatever, got on top with stream permissions, and gave them dancing/singing lessons.

>> No.11720604

Imagine being that much of a vshojo fag to make up facts

>> No.11720686

>#1 streaming platform
Do you realize how shit twitch is that even the likes of Ninja and his normy shitheads were willing to join a different company if they felt dissatisfied with that company at one time?

This is just false flagging

>> No.11720695
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A rrat, you can say.

>> No.11720708

4/5 vtubers in that image started streaming in 2019
>YouTube: 2019/12/28
>YouTube: 2019/07/18
>YouTube: 2019/07/17
>YouTube: 2019/08/11
With the 5th one being late 2018
>YouTube: 2018/08/08

>> No.11720732


Zen may be male but he ain’t no man

>> No.11720803

I wish I never saw Zen’s Twitter, it ruined everything about the persona I picked up from the avatar and now they’re unwatchable

>> No.11720956

i mean being paid shit loads of money to move your streams over to a new platform isnt the same as willing going over to it for free.

>> No.11721001

Correct, what it means is that they make next to NOTHING on twitch if they are willing to accept a 1 time payment deal to switch which makes the platform as a whole even more of a joke

>> No.11721103

thats what happens when you have someone go from cringy militant vrchat RP to trying to vtube

>> No.11722205

I'm in the peice of mind where theres nothing wrong with any streamer/vtuber taking a week or so off to recharge once in a while. People with regular jobs do it, why couldn't they?

Though it does seem less of a problem for bigger people, i've seen indies taking breaks that just slash their viewer numbers.

>> No.11722265

You're more concerned about their earnings instead of your own enjoyment. You seem like someone that is into cuckold which wouldn't surprise me if it were the case.

>> No.11722673

Yeah its a real shame

>> No.11723099

People with regular jobs get like a 4 weeks off per year (if you include holidays) so I don't see a problem if a streamer/vtuber takes a simular ammount of time to rest and recharge.
If it's much higher than that, then it's definitely an issue. I won't downplay all the work that goes into being a vtuber but surely it can't be considerably more exhausting than the absolutely menial and unenjoyable existence of a wagie.
