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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 249 KB, 1084x1500, mom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1133010 No.1133010 [Reply] [Original]

I want to be her cats.

>> No.1133075
File: 340 KB, 1272x2048, Kiara2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this adorable chicken like you wouldn't believe!

>> No.1133079
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>Penis inspection day at KFP
>Tenchou carefully examines every employee dick with a cold look on her face
>You have a nice thick dick and Kiara notices it
>Takes your hand, leads you to the boss office, and closes the door
>You get a blowjob from Tenchou
>The next day you get turned into some tendies

>> No.1133104

Worth it.

>> No.1133117

Did she swallow or not?

>> No.1133259

I know she loves her cats but why can't she be like Ame who just tells her pet to fuck off when she's streaming

>> No.1133297
File: 71 KB, 640x911, 1613087581882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're gonna watch Kiara play with her cats and you're gonna like it.

>> No.1133396

The cats are the real streamer and Kiara is their pet.

>> No.1133418

This, why can't she just be like Ame who abuses and hits her pets

>> No.1133479

I also want to forget she even exists soon after she's gone.

>> No.1133518

I do wish you a speedy recovery on your rent free chicken tulpa, anon

>> No.1133523

hey, at least she seems happier

>> No.1133550

>you have a nice thick dick
This is how I know it’s just a dream

>> No.1133553

Hardware Unboxed speculates that their shadowban was caused by logging into their account from an unfamiliar location (one of the owners logged in while on vacation):


That suggests Kiara's shadowban could have been triggered simply by streaming from Nene's computer for the O'Riends concert. Also, streaming from a new continent probably doesn't help, though her shadowban started before the move.

But, Hardware Unboxed got an account security notification from Youtube before their shadowban. AFAIK Kiara hasn't mentioned receiving anything like that, has she?

>> No.1133568

nope, but she probably dismissed it

>> No.1133594

Instead of shadowbanning for such a retarded reason, why don't they just have the account-holder verify their identity? You know, like e-mail servers do when they detect you logging in from another IP?

>> No.1133647

She also streamed with mobile data.

>> No.1133699

Because youtube is a shit company

>> No.1133701

That... sounds very Kiara-like lol

Seriously, it seems pretty reasonable that in the internet age, someone could potentially access their account from a new device or location. Going straight to an automatic shadowban seems like an absurd overreaction.

Ahhh, that's right! Those were her last streams before getting shadowbanned too.

>> No.1133702

Youtube is fucking trash. How many times do you need to hear this?

>> No.1133738

so are we going to complain about YT or talk about kiara's new stream?

>> No.1133776

YouTube is Kiara anti.

>> No.1133807

KFP has declared war on YouTube, get with the program.

>> No.1133864

Because it's CUTE

>> No.1133880

I would like to discuss this topic.

>> No.1133912
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>> No.1133950 [DELETED] 

You will never be a woman
The list is also missing God

>> No.1133952
File: 391 KB, 4252x1344, samefag 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try

>> No.1133982

>CEO of Youtube
That's literally, unmistakenably a joke, jeez
What? Never heard of that?
>Everyone else
Does it never occur to these people that people from more than one social/ethnic group may hate Kiara, however reasoable or unreasonable that may be?

>> No.1134018
File: 54 KB, 513x261, 1592820769237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck One Single Person and fuck takodachis.

>> No.1134037
File: 164 KB, 1826x1887, chicken antis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does it never occur to these people that people from more than one social/ethnic group may hate Kiara, however reasoable or unreasonable that may be?

Sure there are people who dislike her, but most of them are not autistic enough to spam anti threads every day and samefag.

>> No.1134047

Because CATS are superiors to fags DOGS which only barks while cats are more quiets and chill

>> No.1134048

>Does it never occur to these people that people from more than one social/ethnic group may hate Kiara, however reasoable or unreasonable that may be?
No, they really think its only one person but they keep changing their position on that matter every now and then.

>> No.1134059

>communicating anything to their users

>> No.1134064

The fact that the pic in pic related is (I think) an Orokin from Warframe, who are literal schizos that ruin(ed) the day for everyone including themselves, is hilarious.

>> No.1134067

something something youtube shit

>> No.1134093

Nene logged into her account and streamed on her account for about 1 minute before noticing it. That's probably the reason.

>> No.1134107

I didn't mean it that way. I asked why it never occurred to the people posting these "lists" that people from multiple groups hate/dislike Kiara.

>> No.1134182
File: 546 KB, 1271x2625, samefag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because 99% of the stuff posted is the same copy pasta text, maybe slightly modified every couple days. Which implies it is the same person most likely. And this person has been confirmed to be SEA

>> No.1134183

Didn't this happen with Ame and Gura once too? Ame accidentally streamed Apex on Gura's channel for a bit? Did Gura get shadowbanned then?

>> No.1134217

No idea

>> No.1134488

Wtf, Nexat apparently did Calli's channel trailer too?
Is this kid the luckiest clipper ever?

>> No.1134547

fuck clippers

>> No.1134588

According to the KFP discord, Kiara did get a message like that.

>> No.1134646

If true, probably got a referral from Kiara. He worked on an official clip montage for Kiara already.

>> No.1134691 [DELETED] 

He's also a doxxbeat (comments on roommate account) so a referral may have not been necessary

>> No.1134721 [DELETED] 

>He's also a doxxbeat (comments on roommate account)

on Kiara's or Calli's?

>> No.1134744 [DELETED] 


>> No.1134753 [DELETED] 

Most of the prominent KFP people follow the roommate accounts.

>> No.1134860 [DELETED] 

Commenting ≠ following though.

>> No.1134914 [DELETED] 

I mean, many of them are mods on Discord. To be a mod over there, you probably need to know about doxx so that you can delete it quickly.

>> No.1134972

this. could be a huge (((coincedence))) that he happens to comment on both accounts.

>> No.1134996

While Youtube might be a shit company, it's been speculated for a while that they want to move away from independent creators. Not sure how true that is, but the way they treat those creators it sure seems like they want them off the platform.
Hololive girls aren't independent, they just aren't the right kind of corporate.

>> No.1135019

this makes actually sense.

>> No.1135278

Of course is not a coincidence and it's really suspicious when multiple people from a community follow a random person on youtube.
Same thing happens with chicken and the multiple people following her even though she mostly blogposts.

>> No.1135284 [DELETED] 

since we have a youtube discussion going on:
>dont put the reason why you are commenting under the video. No "I comment for the algorithm" BS. Write a nice comment about Kiara or the stream. It isnt that difficult!
>dont recommend shit like "spamming community polls for the algorithm" to Kiara. Nearly had a heartattack, when that bird admitted on stream, that she spammed polls for the algorithm.
I know you wanna help Kiara, but you arent doing her a favor like this. Makes her look bad to the casual viewer. She is entertaining enough to grow naturally. I'm not a discord nigger, so it would be nice if these fags get the message aswell somehow.

>> No.1135330

>random person on twitter

>> No.1135365

She didn't do the polls because of the algorithm though.

>> No.1135393

Every deadbeat is a doxxbeat

>> No.1135432 [DELETED] 

thank you, what you said is true. now delete this post before antis see it and do exactly what you just said.

>> No.1135622

>have a shitload of pirated content and Amazon Prime all at my fingertips
>any number of high budget movies or exciting shows one click away
>instead lie in bed while Kiara talks to me about her cats

What is happening to me

>> No.1135628

Call me superstitious but this shadowban arc just seems like a sign from the stars that Kiara should just stop comparing herself to others. At the end of the day, you can only do so much on YouTube, and luck is by far the biggest factor to success. One day you may be a nobody, and then the next day you've gone viral.
I wish the core KFP fanbase tried harder to get this through to her. "You won't fall behind!", "Do X for the algorithm!" and "Your numbers will improve!" is all just bad advice.

>> No.1135717

i know that feel. whats even more ironic to me is that i stopped watching porn thanks to her. i simply dont have time for that anymore because im busy consuming her content.

i will start to lift soon probably. she motivates me to shape up, get real life and find my own Kiara.

>> No.1135744

I doubt chimken will ever grow out of this due to her previous work and shit.

>> No.1135903

I honestly hate KFPs more than Kiara. I don't watch her but the fanbase is more obnoxious than Kiara herself.

>> No.1135922

I used yo just listen to kpop all the time too, during work and during my cycling runs. Now I just tune in whoever's live at the time (usually Kiara or even Ollie.)

>> No.1135968

You're gonna watch Kiara play with her pussy and you're gonna like it.

>> No.1135977

>stopped watching porn thanks to her

Me too, not with Kiara specifically, but nowadays I much prefer ending the day with 30 minutes of a more relaxed vtuber chatting stream. I fap about once every 10 days now lel

>> No.1135987

>I used to play video games and watch anime
>Now I watch a cute anime chicken play video games
Life certainly took a turn.

>> No.1136000

I'm pretty much the same with streaming in general, not just Kiara or Hololive.
I don't remember the last time I followed a TV show and the only movies I've watched are the watch along ones with HoloEN girls.
Which is pretty good I guess cause Hollywood is going down the shitter anyway.

>> No.1136123
File: 75 KB, 232x227, 2B965FDA-A797-442F-98C3-CCABA1B3E725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retired wrestler tries and fails to lead a new life outside of wrestling

>> No.1136124

>watching Hollywood in 2021
There are still good movies being made out there, but they certainly don't come from Hollywood.

>> No.1136128

i was super addicted to hentai RPGM games. this is even more dangerous than normal porn because it wastes much more time because of the gameplay in between.

meaning sometimes a fap session would be 4+ hours long. it completely fucks up your life.

im so thankful to kiara for helping me. all she has to do is to exist. this is enough to cure people kek

>> No.1136198

I was randomly going through twitch and found a streamer that was watching a Kiara archive. Turns out it was the guy that made the video she mentioned on stream today.

>> No.1136202
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Based coomers getting healed.

>> No.1136216

The tech whatever guy?

>> No.1136244

>I was randomly going through twitch
For what purpose

>> No.1136245


>> No.1136249

The youtube channel is Nagzz Discovers

>> No.1136280

kiara mentioned nagzz? i thought she was talking about hardware unboxed

>> No.1136488

she was talking about both

>> No.1136607

She talked about watching the video and thanked him for not showing her sad moments.
She talked about hardware unboxed concerning the shadowban.

>> No.1136893
File: 643 KB, 3500x3500, 1613342466246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

L-O-V-E Lovely Ki-a-rah!
Time to catch up on some Super Mario!

>> No.1136911

You're lonely and craving companionship.
I would know because I'm there too ;_;

>> No.1136922

Yesterday's LotR talk must've left an imprint. I dreamed that Kiara came back from the dead as Kiara the White. She was dual-wielding two staffs at once and she was already 3D, though she was only doing a chatting stream, speaking words of wisdom.
I believe our birb has yet to evolve into her final form.

>> No.1137583

Ame brings up Bubba and kisses/plays with him all the time on stream.

>> No.1139421

I dreamed about my tweets getting many likes from Kiara for whatever reason.
I mean my tweets already get a lot of likes from her already, but I guess my subconscious wants her to think only about me. Scary.

>> No.1139762
File: 165 KB, 898x1200, 1612995311412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is kind of weird. I felt like that when I was constantly catching live shows since I felt directly involved with everything, but now being cut off mostly and watching the videos I see the chat more objectively as a business flow.
I'm still on Kiara's side and stuff, but I feel like the charm spell has worn off.

>> No.1139904

For me the spell's been getting stronger the more I've followed Kiara.
The casuals leave one by one while the devout few stay and reap their just rewards: getting even closer to their oshi.

>> No.1139910
File: 205 KB, 900x720, 1602851126711.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it makes sense that I feel involved since I watch the live shows and message her a lot and she responds my messages and likes them too. Some things that happened lately made me even more attached to her.
I don't worry too much about my dream though because the last thing I would do is act like one of the several schizos that are after her already, or do something that would damage the fan-oshi relation we have going.
Giving it a positive spin, I just care a lot about her and wouldn't replace her for anything else. I think she appreciates being a bit too involved if you really, sincerely care for her and try to understand her.

>> No.1139925

why are you cut off?

>> No.1139958

Imagine sticking your fingers into her snatch, guiding her around the house with them, unable to resist, only for her to fall onto all fours from exhaustion, becoming your cat guided by sloppy slippery fingers.

>> No.1140002
File: 251 KB, 858x1200, 1612995134038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She changed her stream times so I'm catching up on archives instead of constantly participating in live chat. It's not like I superchatted anything or was a member, but the feel is different. I'm not participating. I'm watching. (Which is fine.)
It's fine. I get it too. I like the Kiara character. It was created to be liked. It's a lot better than a lot of other forms of entertainment available today.
I kind of wonder what would happen if I let down my wall and she let down her wall and we actually talked. They say never to meet your heroes but it does make me feel a little curious.

>> No.1140059

do you own a truck by any chance? just asking

>> No.1140097

>I kind of wonder what would happen if I let down my wall and she let down her wall and we actually talked. They say never to meet your heroes but it does make me feel a little curious.
Moments like that happen every now and then when she opens up with her chat and talks about her past experiences or her worries. You would need to be an active participant in the streams and even Superchat sometimes to get that experience though.

>> No.1140136
File: 112 KB, 885x1126, EJEGBEUXkAAwnXm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like this is a reference to that one guy with the 18 wheeler, but I DO have a pick up truck available to me. I own a paid off comfy car though.
I'm this thread's resident author that does the Kiara Quest shitty meme drawings.

>> No.1140176

I wonder how I'd break the ice if I get to talking with her. Ideally I'd keep my mouth shut and pretend I don't know who she is, but inwardly I'd be dying to give her a sign of some sort. Everything I'm thinking of (e.g. mentioning I also work at a fast food chain with never-ending shifts) would be too overt though.

>> No.1140243

If it was an organized fan meeting

If it was a casual encounter on the streets
"Hi Kiara! I'm _____ from your streams! Sorry to bother you but I'm a super big fan! could you sign this for me?........ and how's is it going? are you busy? bla bla bla....'

I imagine something like this.

>> No.1140245

why not say the truth and say youre a fan and happy to meet her? why try to lie or hide something

>> No.1140254
File: 612 KB, 2100x2450, 1613060383041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel the same way, and it's why I'd let her contact me first and won't make first introductions. I'm fortunate enough to be able to stand on my creative works and would cooperate professionally and from there feel things out and find boundaries.
It'd be a punch in the gut to piss off someone you like.

>> No.1140287 [DELETED] 
File: 123 KB, 1000x1000, 1600810184209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara giving you the most erotic blowjob of all time
>Lets you nut inside her mouth
>You withdraw your dick and wait to see if she spits or swallows
>NOM NOM NOM, lol cum swallowing ASMR right guys? omg let me turn the echo on on my microphone (chicken laugh)

>> No.1140331
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>> No.1140379
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Then there's guys like this that say silly shit and make me laugh and make it weird. But that's fine I guess.

>> No.1140430

I dream about Kiara a lot. Once I had a dream we went on a date to the movies, but at the movie she was live streaming and everyone in the theatre was acting annoyed with her. I just kind of laughed and awkwardly put up with it and then when the movie was over she asked me if I enjoyed having a "one-of-a-kind experience."

I find I dream about her if I leave her stream on while I'm sleeping, which I guess makes sense.

>> No.1140528

Yeah but Ame doesn't take dog breaks or trim its fur. You know what, I think it's fine for now. Kiara really missed her cats and maybe this is just her just releasing her stockpiled desire to cuddle them while she was away for a year,

>> No.1140680

Ultimately, the difference between Bubba and Kiara's cats is this: when Bubba interrupts the stream, we hear Bubba barking; when Kiara's cats interrupt the stream, we hear Kiara acting like a cute and clingy mother. I much prefer the second one.

>> No.1141325

It was a really fun stream, enjoy it!

>She changed her stream times so I'm catching up on archives instead of constantly participating in live chat. It's not like I superchatted anything or was a member, but the feel is different.
I totally get that. I used to be able to catch her live in the evenings and now I'm watching her as I'm getting ready for work/at work. I'm fortunate to be able to work from home so I can still catch the majority of her streams live, but of course I can't give them the same attention as I could when I'm off work.

It was also nice to be able to unwind after work with her stream. I could still do that by just watching the archives after work, but at the same time I don't want to miss out on the live experience if I have the opportunity to do so, especially now when she's so down about losing live viewers to the shadowban.

>> No.1141359

>"Hi Kiara! I'm _____ from your streams! Sorry to bother you but I'm a super big fan! could you sign this for me?........ and how's is it going? are you busy? bla bla bla....'

What if she says:
>H-how do you know who I am and how I look like??
>Y-you didn't stalk me, r-right anon-kun?

>> No.1141505
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Lucky. I mean technically I could get up when she streams, but I would have to drive to work before she finishes streaming and just tuning in for like 2 hours at most means I need to go to sleep earlier and I just can't. I'm so anxious not even sleeping pills don't work. (Must succeed at all cost, -50hp)
I'm leaving video comments and tell my real life friends about the channel but I don't remotely seem weeby irl so it kinda just gets a passing nod. "Yeah that's cool." So I'm not really sure there's anything I can do to help birb girl.
I'm like 2 hours into the stream now. Earlier there was a meme trap where a green bird popped out of a hole and did some damage and jump scared her. I instinctively went KIKERIKII when it did because bird and thought I was so funny.

>> No.1141655

we are so lucky she streams almost daily for us losers. cant imagine what it would be like with only 2~ streams per week like most other holos do

>> No.1141815
File: 130 KB, 894x982, 1613332891113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I don't see streaming everyday something that'll happen forever, so I'm enjoying it while I can. (Never know though. Some people really like streaming. like TrU3Ta1ent, another streamer I like. He's a machine.)
It's entertainment at the end of the day. I do hope we're all working hard so we really don't be actual losers on the other end of the tunnel. You've only got one life after all.

>> No.1142260

>It's entertainment at the end of the day. I do hope we're all working hard so we really don't be actual losers on the other end of the tunnel. You've only got one life after all.
hehe y-yeah... i agree...

>> No.1142326
File: 29 KB, 500x399, 1601095079999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon Kiara has only existed a few months. Get it together fren.

>> No.1142595

This is Kiara's main job and outside a few trips every now and then I see streams happening almost everyday for a long while.
We are almost as important to her as her cats are. She can't live without interacting with her fans.

>> No.1142683
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It is a fun time.

>> No.1142703

>We are almost as important to her as her cats are
you sure? she lived w/o her cats for a year. can she live without us even a full week?

>> No.1142793

>she lived w/o her cats for a year
And she was depressed as all hell during that whole time.
I fold her this before but while getting shadowbanned sucks, at least she can stream and we can tune in to her streams.

>> No.1142830
File: 296 KB, 418x456, 1613446550090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welllll.....she did just dump her old time slots to cater to a new audience. She wants an audience I'm sure, but I don't think she's too worried about who the eyeballs belong to.

>> No.1142954

>She wants an audience I'm sure, but I don't think she's too worried about who the eyeballs belong to.
Don't say that anon. She needs to keep time for herself in her new timezone and her sleep in check and healthy.

>> No.1143015
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Yeah. I'd feel pretty bad if she hurt herself. It is like her first week back afterall. I'll just enjoy the vids, it's not that big of a deal if I can't catch her live.

>> No.1143036

Also she has been pretty sad to lose her fake australian audience because of her new streaming time. Clearly it matters to her.

>> No.1143048

It kinda pisses me off that she takes the pill for something as stupid as acne. Instead of simply eating less chocolate (which causes the acne)
She fucks up her body over nothing.

>> No.1143066

Cats are just fucking assholes. Even if Kiara tells them to fuck off they would still come back and walk all over her set up.

>> No.1143087


>> No.1143149

Yea yea no roommate talk I get it. It just seriously pisses me off.

>> No.1144944

The only noticeable difference in EST is her Friday is a dead day for some reason and her Saturday is in the day instead of at night. Her weekday streams were shit if you had a job before this week.

>> No.1145041
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I'm a 2nd shift worker full time, definitely not a morning person. My free time is from 10pm to 2am. Like I said earlier it's not that big of a deal, I just miss catching her live.

>> No.1145153

I thought it seemed like the majority of her streams were still in the morning when she was in JST.

>> No.1145269
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They were, but she had it set up where she'd stream 40%-50% of the week for JP/Euros and 40-50% of the time at 10PM EST (So I'd usually stay up past my free time for her superchats and found it really comfy.)
I just caught up later on the JP friendly ones and interacted a lot during the streams I could catch live. Now I can't catch any live, but I can't predict the future.
What I can say is if she wants to come back to 10PM EST she'll have to get up at like, 4AM her time and KIKERIKIIII at sunrise and I don't think she'll do it. (Which is understandable.)

>> No.1145284

Not having the midnight stream everyday helps with the sleep schedule though.

>> No.1145472

If I were a streamer I would probably try it on a weekend at least once. Seems like she wants to try afternoon first though, and will probably do it again since she won't get accurate numbers until subs work.

>> No.1145483

Her situation makes me wish I was an ultra-popular Hololive EN streamer with Minecraft server access, shoot her a shout-out that gets her numbers to 10-20k+, rebuild KFP on the MC server, and earn her respect and adoration.
Instead? I'm just some fat dweeb. Life is unfair.

>> No.1145513

I wish I'd worked as hard as kiara while I was still young

>> No.1145655

>tfw worked that hard when I was young
I still have nothing to show for it. Unfortunately, success if a dice roll, 8/10 times.

>> No.1145680
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Most entrepreneurs don't open their businesses until way later on. I'm 34 and my works still haven't taken off, but it's not the end til your heart stops.
I tried to think of something that would actually impress Kiara, but I've come to the conclusion I don't know her that well. Just do your best man. That's all anyone can ask for.

>> No.1145923

I know. I'm doing my reps now. Starting from scratch at 30 isn't fun.

>> No.1145992

>tfw 40 trying to become a writer
kill me

>> No.1146039

Her numbers are getting pretty bad because of this Shadow ban. Is there nothing that can be done? Does she just have to wait it out?

>> No.1146068

we're gonna get there boss. we might get there when we're bald and wrinkly and creep out the youths who started at a reasonable age but we'll produce content.

>> No.1146133

Pretty much.
Youtube doesn't give a shit about anyone.

>> No.1146152

Damn that sucks

>> No.1146153
File: 1.17 MB, 1685x1436, de7vduo-9653a666-b5f5-4d9f-9399-0a860eb41ac8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just keep your chin up fren. iirc Kiara said before Hololive she was up shit creek without a paddle and look how a few months turned it around. Bigger risks mean bigger rewards. Look at your risk tolerance and figure out what you need to do to meet your goal.
As an author, I haven't been able to quit my day job. Writing the books aren't too hard if you've got the mind for it, it's the competition...and Stephen King has a lot more resources and ghost writers than us. We're even competing against the dead. That said, don't give up. Every story gets told eventually.

Okay so I finally caught up. She's better at Mario games than she thinks. I feel like she expects to clear everything first shot but if she did there'd be no satisfaction for the win, you know?
I feel a little called out in the superchat portion for basically watching podcast mode (But how would she know?) Overall, it was a very fun stream. She's a little too rough on herself sometime. Nobody starts good at any game, especially one they pick up once a week. I had a lot of fun watching.


>> No.1146380

>She's a little too rough on herself sometime.
She has been rough on herself since the beginning. It's not something that's gonna change easily if it changes at all.
But she did good this stream and she even recognized she didn't do that bad after all.

>> No.1146459

Nah, I'm probably never going bald, I got this far already. Wrinkly, definitely, though. Creepy? Can't be creepy if I never leave the house.

>> No.1146659
File: 3.42 MB, 5312x2988, 20210302_230159_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'm proud of self confidence birb. Run towards the goal line. Get that grub! (Sorry food on the brain to look weird dinner tonight LOL)

>> No.1147541

What if she is supposed to take steps to secure her account, but she can't do that because Cover can't let her 2FA it on her phone?

>> No.1147643

shut up

>> No.1147985
File: 130 KB, 1200x675, loser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina is now ahead. Chicken is now officially the most unpopular vtuber in HoloEN. Her last 3 streams combined have less views than 1 single stream of Ina on average.

I think it's over for her. This will destroy her already shaking self esteem.
Expect the new few streams to be salty/sad mood Kiara. And expect tons of memes and people who laugh at her.
Yeah i think it's over for her. Especially when EN Gen 2 launches.

>> No.1148028


>> No.1148650

Looks like Kiara actually responded to that. It's kinda sad.

>> No.1149005

I wisb Kiara would grow a futa cock and fuck me in the asshole.

>> No.1149231

Same anon, same...

>> No.1149372

Ame collab in 18 hours

>> No.1149441

What? There are pills to fight acne?

>> No.1149443
File: 916 KB, 640x800, 1613420794844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm off tomorrow so I'll likely be able to show up. Yey.

>> No.1149506
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>> No.1149519
File: 55 KB, 462x600, Takanashi.Kiara.600.3139477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara's sc streams are so fucking comfy

>> No.1149797

their names are Nana and Tama

>> No.1151596

Any idea if Ame has confirmed that they're playing Clubhouse games?

>> No.1152939

They were confirmed ON STREAM to be "baby 1" and "baby 2".

>> No.1157308

Which one the chonky ones?

>> No.1157369

Baby 1 is the tsundere
Baby 2 is the chunky one

>> No.1157659

I want to cave Kiara's skull in with a hammer.

>> No.1157678

She uses birthcontrol pills to fight her acne. Yes she is that stupid.

>> No.1157689
File: 243 KB, 500x500, 1602627656679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Superchat stream happening while I'm at work
Fuuuck she better still be going when my lunch break starts

>> No.1157696

that's pretty common you retard

>> No.1157727

No it's not dumbass. Who the fuck fucks up his body with hormones like that instead of simply using anti acne stuff.

>> No.1157730

>wanting to be one of the cats of the crazy cat lady
But why?

>> No.1158105


>> No.1158661

Can you ask your boss to let you go home faster today, because of it?

>> No.1158718

I don't have a boss. But I also have appointments all morning that I can't get out of. Oh well.

I'm going to miss early morning Kiara streams. They used to be kind of perfect for me when she'd be on 5:00 AM my time, it was great to have playing while doing my morning routine.

>> No.1158864
File: 133 KB, 2048x1376, 1607584661379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally what the fuck.

>> No.1159098

Birth control pills do a whole bunch of things. Some women take them to stop cramps

>> No.1159146


>> No.1159260


>> No.1159330

You should use that rrat with another person and not Kiara since we know her face. And before You Say "make up"
If your acné is so Bad that You need pills, the make up won't hide it
Source : i have acne since i was 15years

>> No.1159352

Now they doxx the cats
Can't have shit on /vt/

>> No.1159423

>I came from a Vietnamese anime forum

>> No.1159587

>Hi Kiara!
Mistake from the get go.
If we take a highly improbable theoretical situation that I'd meet her somewhere, I'd come up to say hi and express that I'm a big fan too, and act as chill and non-threatening as I possibly could, AND, I'd refer to her only as K****. One persona is public, other is supposed to be a secret, it's established and should be respected.
Only after saying my goodbyes I'd say something like "...and good luck with your streams, see you there." Because she knows we know. And we know she knows we know. But anything more forward than this would be seen as creepy.

>> No.1159665

Virgin detected.

The pill was originally invented as acne control, and the side effect was literally birth control.

>> No.1159781

its literally on her twitter

>i've been taking the pill for years due to my horrible acne, and it really helped, but i stopped taking it a few months ago because I ran out of it and I didn't wanna see a doc in JP who can't even prescribe me the same thing so anyway my skin has been SO BAD for months ugh
>i thought I am out of that acne age but i guess i'll have to continue taking medication for it rip
>but yeah this is why i love that wearing masks is a thing now everywhere. no need to show my ugly acne. THANKS CORNELIA

>> No.1159826

Of course you wouldn't call her Kiara if know enough to recognize her on public. I was avoiding saying that because thread was comfy and nice, but it's devolving in roommatefaggotry real fast now, again.

>> No.1159845

I would still invite her to the trucking convention.

>> No.1159888

>he didn't enjoy Amelia barking with Bubba during the LA Noire stream

>> No.1159901

Well, good job, by trying to not bring it up, you brought it up.

>> No.1159964

"here's a guy who doesn't know anything about girls".jpg

>> No.1160514
File: 145 KB, 850x850, 81F441F2-E6A0-4A1D-A0E6-3C9DD3FDCB56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is weird. Let’s share things we like about our boss instead!

>> No.1160552

Agree. I really like when she does this.

>> No.1160571

Agree. I really like when she does this.

>> No.1160611

Agree. I really like when she does this.

>> No.1160641
File: 938 KB, 1920x1080, 065E6ED0-19DC-4EF6-9ADD-9BF0D3BD0FEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1160734


>> No.1161222

ded thrd
this tori is cooked

>> No.1161261
File: 14 KB, 504x142, commie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife is a communist.

>> No.1161422


>> No.1161565
File: 78 KB, 602x421, our chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deal with it.

>> No.1161575

That's one C too few and one P too many.

>> No.1161758
File: 75 KB, 768x432, lenin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She makes typos very often, birb brain pls undastan

>> No.1161787
File: 803 KB, 1105x820, 1604734085460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20 minutes

>> No.1162091
File: 5 KB, 358x42, 【Superchat Reading】SUPERMEGAULTRACHATS 💓 #kfp #キアライブ .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe we're getting close to the end of the scuffed Australian ;) arc?

>> No.1162361

Just get her unshadowbanned and we're good.

>> No.1162366

No goddamn way.

>> No.1162377

Youtube recommended one of your irl videos to me. They do this for almost every vtuber actually. It looked very interesting and engaging and nice so I clicked and sat through it haha :)

>> No.1162429


>> No.1162485


>> No.1162507

>she just calls off the stream and never returns
Legitimate fear.

>> No.1162570

>Still hasn't broke 1k viewers.

>> No.1162571

Not only is he an orokin (the guys that fucked up the solar system and everything else), he's actually THE orokin that fucked up the solar system and everything else. He practically ended all life in the solar system in two separate occasions and on god he'll try a third.

>> No.1162651

She did just after this post, but I imagine she'll be hovering a few hundred or so above it for the rest of the stream.

>> No.1162702

Well, it's SC reading. Most people usually check out on those.

>> No.1162711

Shut the fuck up, numberfagging is Tenchou's job.

>> No.1162717

Haven't played Warframe in quite some time, so I don't recall all tht much, but when I did, I was obsessed with it. God, Warframe lore really is fucked, even on a meta level with how much DE dicks around. With that being said, the Orokin really deserve all the shit they get/got if I recall correctly.

>> No.1162719

Europe, your internet reps...

At least he's Natah's bitch right now and he gave us a big sword to kill her with. Everything is still his fault though.

>> No.1162739

she needs to look for business line, expensive but supas gonna rain

>> No.1162745

Her mic sounds deeper.

>> No.1162754

>In the street where I live
Oh you mean you address in Never Gonna Give You Up, chicken?

>> No.1162778

She's complaining about her internet and I've been living with 15/5 up/down for years. pls kills me

>> No.1162787

Not only 5G is slower, but it's also slower than 4G at this point, because it doesn't cover as much.

>> No.1162848

I don't know how it is in other countries, but I pay 40€ for 300/100 up/down and unlimited mobile data. Actually, I'm paying 40€ for 100 simmetrical, they just called one day and said "hey so we're gonna upgrade your down speed to 300 and you won't have to pay extra".

>> No.1162865


>> No.1162894


>> No.1162895

Why western internet is so shit? Move to Fucking finland

>> No.1162933

Just tuned in! That's great! Did she explain what was causing the issue?

>> No.1162954

My parents have the same shit.

>> No.1162992
File: 507 KB, 544x889, ???.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys think she’ll believe it if we tell her that Youtube probably thought she was spamming because she uses the same thumbnails over and over for SC readings? Maybe that’ll push her to change it each time and help her stop debuffing some of her best content.

>> No.1163018


>> No.1163043

No its because nene logged into her account and streamed for a little. Basically someone logged into her account ( which she was logged in as well) and streamed from it. completely different IP and everything.

This is why she got that "suspicious activity" message.

>> No.1163052

>Kiara talking about weight loss

>> No.1163064
File: 791 KB, 4001x3088, 03C951A5-BB79-4A82-B848-448D94680D2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just spent a thousand dollars on a phone and wanna save money but Kiara is so fucking cute and I wanna throw cash at her AAAAAHHHH!

>> No.1163068

>rommate has been ordering more food
well, say goodbye to cooking arc, no reason to learn if she's going to keep buying from ubereats

>> No.1163092

Subaru accidentally did the same thing with her thumbnails for awhile and youtube didn't give her shit for it.

>> No.1163095

why is her avatar lagging but the rest isn't? same shit yesterday. super mario was fine but her avatar was like 10 fps lol

>> No.1163138

Don't buy a phone or simp. Go buy her merch in her official hololive shop.

>> No.1163165
File: 26 KB, 641x369, 1583433569583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1163176

Because she's a dumbass that doesn't know how to set up OBS.

>> No.1163201

Calli confirmed shotacon?

>> No.1163205

>doing cat commentary now
I love this birb.

>> No.1163211

Wow Kiara, you are a good wrestling commentator...

>> No.1163224

I already own the voice pack and bought multiple holo myth shirts though

>> No.1163228
File: 306 KB, 2000x640, 1607825440111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1163267

While 100€ for 1000/50 is of course a pretty high price, it should be more than enough to stream in 1080p60 and play whatever online game you want. Can we please try to tell her that?

>> No.1163291

Yes. Now that Kiara is out of her hair she is gonna team up with Suisei to go out hunting.

>> No.1163292

but she didnt have that problem in japan or?
and the settings on her PC and everything should be the same.

>> No.1163305

Man I really want to see these cats in action already. This is one situation where being a VTuber is a limitation.

>> No.1163306

>but she didnt have that problem in japan or?
Yeah she did.

>> No.1163334

>Doesnt hide her L2D while going away

>> No.1163354

It has been 34 minutes of cat talking, Internet talking, and eating salad. SUPER CHAT my ass.

>> No.1163365

Salad eating ASMR?

>> No.1163372

...no? when i watch a random old video of her her avatar is 60fps like the rest of the video.

>> No.1163457

Haven't watched Kiara in a while because of the Youtube fuckery, is she phasing out the chicken voice?

>> No.1163465

Imagine thinking your message will finally be read and she just rambles on forever and munches open-mouthed into your ear.

>> No.1163481

Buy more, and share with poorfags. Or Daki.

>> No.1163504

She was fucking around with the mixer according to earlier in the stream.

>> No.1163509

Actually it kind of seems like it. Or maybe that's just me, but her voice sounds deeper than usual.Her pekora laugh also seems to be partially gone, but what do I know.

>> No.1163528


what even is a voice pack? is it just random recorded voice? then whats the point of buying? cant you just pirate it?
or is it some personalized stuff where she reads your name or something?

>> No.1163532

I think she already forgot what she supposed to do.

>> No.1163563

>cant you just pirate it?

>> No.1163573

To think she used to be uncomfortable about eating on stream.

The former, like one of those soundboard sites but for yourself.

>> No.1163574
File: 206 KB, 963x1367, 20210207_124144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thrown into the youtube gulag because of Nene being retarded.
How does one stop the Nenechi?

>> No.1163584

I bought it to support her. Also for that one audio file of her forcing herself onto us.

>> No.1163613

>100€ for 1000/50 is of course a pretty high price
The deal is ridiculous. Why the fuck would you ever need a 1000? She probably asked for "best package for streaming". And it is, for streaming TO your device, not FROM it.
She should find a normal 100/50 for 15-20 euros and go with it.

>> No.1163616

The people willing to pay for a VP aren't the type to share it.

>> No.1163662

here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o00j6XXsPPs

>> No.1163681

She is actually correct. Cats see humans as just very weird looking big cats.

>> No.1163694

So she still doesn't know that 'foef/foof' is slang for a cunt in dutch.

>> No.1163695

Rate it

>> No.1163697

Yeah but the problem is she is blinded by the high speeds from Japan that she probably never fully utilized anyways, But she thinks because she was having some trouble there that her speed was too low, when it was 99% some other issue. She just needs someone knowledgeable to tell her that.

>> No.1163702

>lol dude there are no indogs who would share the shit out of it to fuck with her profits

but yeah i agree if youre not a subhuman you shouldnt steal. i just dont really see the point. is it like a few seconds? a few minutes? i dont really understand what exactly a voice pack is. what is she saying? kek

>> No.1163712

>all her SC readings will just be eating and cat meows now

>> No.1163726

She force fed you your own cum

>> No.1163727

thanks fren, will take a look at it after the stream

>> No.1163745

This is why i'm here

>> No.1163747

You buy it to support the chuuba. Kiara's voicepack is meh anyway, no reason for pirating it.

>> No.1163768

Dunno, never bought one. In fact, I've spent zero dollars on VTubers and I can't stand fifty ads so I run ad blockers (and yes, I'm a poorfag, too boot, so no, you can't get my money anyway). I imagine it's a collection of RP clips for not-safe-for-public-consumption, ASMR material, and sound profiles for windows like bootup sounds, etc.

>> No.1163782

Because that would be competent and competency is anathema to youtube.

>> No.1163784


>> No.1163788

Fuck. I didn't expect her to see my complaint in chat. I'm first in the line for usual room now.

>> No.1163804

hitler dood

>> No.1163808

Nene can't keep getting away with this!!!

>> No.1163815

>sound profiles for windows
I wish.

>> No.1163854

What'd you say? I had to mute for a few minutes for a phone call.

>> No.1163873

Seems like an easy shoe-in for a product? Wonder if they just hadn't thought about it or what?

>> No.1163883

>hurr noone else logged it

>> No.1163902

Kiara absolving Nenechi of any responsibility!!

>> No.1163908
File: 2.86 MB, 320x309, 1593555125576.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Late post best post.

>> No.1163922

Fuckin chimkin cannot into IPs, probably memory holed fuckin' IP geolocation, kek.

>> No.1163960

inb4 rrat:
>she is just saying that protect nene

>> No.1163970

I believe anon said that it has been almost 50 minutes and she read only 5 SC or so.

>> No.1163973

>understanding the concept of IPs

>> No.1163991

She got SB before she even left Japan.

>> No.1163999
File: 956 KB, 1754x1754, THEROOM[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fhawpo0.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1164008

She's not the brightest bulb, please be patient.

>> No.1164021


>> No.1164022

Did you forget she logged into someone else's computer to stream while collabing in JP?

>> No.1164026

Botan does

>> No.1164046

I think it's obvious that Botan is not the best example of what the average woman is like

>> No.1164055

Was it before or after she created waiting room?

>> No.1164062

Absolutely correct. She's a goddess.

>> No.1164077

The average women does not even know how to configure a windows 2000 server

And neither do you.

>> No.1164086

Well, it was with JP holos, so before she took flight? In fact, one of them accidentally logged into her account the next day because Kiara was too tori-brained to log out properly.

>> No.1164112

>implying most tech isn't googlefu

>> No.1164116

Waiting room was setup after the O'riends collab.

>> No.1164119

Now him but why the fuck would you configure a windows 2000 server

>> No.1164150

she also logged in from the studio for the first O'riends. She also logged in from her hotel in hokkaido...

>> No.1164167

Yes. Because I don't need it. People usually learn things when they need them.

>> No.1164172

bragging rights.

Every retard knows how to configure linux shit.
If you know how to fuck with windows 2000 servers you are the king of nerds.

>> No.1164183

>you are the king of nerds
No. You're not.

>> No.1164199
File: 2.81 MB, 640x800, super chad god super chad blue.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up. youre wrong and im right, get that in your head.

>> No.1164209

No that would be a gentoo server

>> No.1164251


>> No.1164280

what a nice cracc

>> No.1164283

Holy fucking neckcrack

>> No.1164304

how will america recover from this?
are they gonna open hate threads now?

>> No.1164329

Is it me of her voice got less annoying?

>> No.1164365


>> No.1164369


>> No.1164430

her voice has never been annoying. youre just slowly starting to fall in love with her. watch 5 more streams and you will whiteknight her.

>> No.1164584


>> No.1164590

Takamori is dead. Let's sweep in boys.

>> No.1164636


>> No.1164637

Implying Nene isn't too powerful to need protection

>> No.1164674

"Please RIP" wasn't just a slogan, I guess.

>> No.1164696

So is there a collab with ame today or not?

>> No.1164703

Why are there always retards telling her about their tragic most likely bullshit stories in SC readings? Why would you pay just to tell a girl behind a virtual character about your problems to read to her entire chat? Why are ENs like this?

>> No.1164710

Yes, on Ame's channel

>> No.1164740


i dunno
I have seen this alot on twitch on too.
>yooo sad day, my brother just died and i love watching your streams they cheer me up! also here have a 100 bucks lets fucking gooo

>> No.1164750

Because they want her to feel(or atleast make it seem like she feels) sorry for them.

>> No.1164776

I thing this cat obsession is not healthy. How she will be doing Holotalk?

>> No.1164791

Yea, at least this one ended on a positive message.

>> No.1164792

Close the door?

>> No.1164796

It's a coping mechanism because she's cut off from everyone. Once she's on Holotalk she'll probably revert.

>> No.1164810

She will calm down a little pretty sure.
She hasn't seen them for a year. The magic will wear off.

>> No.1164851

ahhhhhhhhhh i wanna give this birb a superchat but i dont fucking want to give youtube money ahhhhhhhhhh
i want her to read my message, i want her to know i exist

am i normal?

>> No.1164864

I'm hoping she has enough sense to ignore her cats during collabs

>> No.1164866

No but most people here aren't either.

>> No.1164892
File: 147 KB, 1200x900, 1613935851836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1164898

Don't hope.
>open Kiara collab
>Kiara is talking about her cats
>close Kiara collab

>> No.1164908


>> No.1164916

Hope so too... guess we will find out later in the ame collab.

>> No.1164931


>> No.1164960

>she's griping about people not able to keep up with her schedule now
Okay, well, I gave her an honest shot.

>> No.1164991

Tweet at her or just say something in chat during Ryza streams. I’ve had her like my tweets and read my chat several times.

>> No.1165019

yeah these people are annoying as fuck.
>dude why dont you stream in JP prime time?
>omg stream for us americans!!
>wtf where is european stream????

disgusting people. just watch archive

>> No.1165040

>open Kiara collab
>the other person is talking about Kiara's cats
What do?

>> No.1165072

So after this whole cat thing it's basically confirmed that Kiara will get a cat ears alternative outfit, right?

>> No.1165102

Yes and a tail

btw guys, what is the hek playlist? Can't find it. She said it's on her channel but i can't see it.

>> No.1165111

Mix up the schedule. 2/2/2

>> No.1165130

I missed the last 30 minutes or so. What did that superchat say? Was Kiara directing at Americans? Glad I'm NEET so I can catch all her streams regardless if she's back in yurop now.

>> No.1165170

From: >>925249
>Tenchou, I’ve been in the past six years with no goals and no dreams, because my mother is in very poor health. She has a very serious cancer. There is no possibility of cure. The doctor said this is a rare case. Finally, my mother received hospice care in the hospital. At that time, I can only wait for my mother to pass away, and I can’t change anything, but my boyfriend let me know HOLOLIVE, and I know Tenchou. You cheered me up again. I will learn to drive and find a job again. Live earnestly and actively.

>> No.1165188 [DELETED] 


bully talk

>> No.1165193

this will fuck up your sleep and eat rhythm
unhealthy as fuck

>> No.1165197

What else? Become a Mori anti.

>> No.1165245

That's even worse. Everyone loses. If there's a schedule that's bad for you you can at least still have a VOD watching routine. Mixing defeats the point of having a schedule in the first place.

>> No.1165307

Man this whole job talk is making me anxious about not having a job, I'm not sure how I'm gonna explain the huge gap in my resume

>> No.1165312

KFP. Are your Oshi's schedules going to more EU friendly now? I can never seem to catch her mid-afternoon streams, but this latest schedule falls in mainly in evening, which is perfect.

>> No.1165362

Worldwide pandemic is a pretty good explanation, especially in my area that has a huge service industry that had tons of layoffs/furloughs due to COVID.

>> No.1165384

Super Bunny Man for the Ame collab today!

>> No.1165415

In my case I don't think you can even call it a gap, there's basically nothing I can put on my curriculum.

>> No.1165454

Same. I've been studying most of my life.

>> No.1165457

She started this stream in EU primetime, 6PM in her timezone and mine.
So if she streams at times like this stream's, her schedules are going to be very EU friendly and get rid of dead hours, because she'd be the only one streaming at the time.

>> No.1165459

We've had a guy like that once. He told us that gap was to 'renovate' his house.

>> No.1165475


>> No.1165502

It's private and I didn't save the link because it's just videos she wants to get views, like Hinotori and Heart Challenger.

>> No.1165530

>It's private
Ok but then why the fuck did she say "please check out the hek playlist"

>> No.1165532

>Amelia collab is not a fucking Clubhouse for once

>> No.1165563

You can explain any gap by mentioning a mental i;lness. Lie and say a family member died for example, then you fell into a depression and it spiralled from there. Literally nothing the employer can do but sympathise and believe that you've been strong to overcome it.

>> No.1165677

Kek. Why say shit like that when you can just do what this Anon said >>1165563
I don't know it's like elsewhere. But in the EU you cannot discriminate when employing staff. So saying you fell under hard times through no choice of your own is something they will let slide.

>> No.1165680

Kiara, those noises, please never do them again.

>> No.1165700

I've seen people reply with it on Twitter, and I'm not in the Discord but they probably pinned it or some shit.

>> No.1165705

Sounded like she sucked dick

>> No.1165735

Shut up Yagaru.

>> No.1165738

it's unlisted. i think it had more clips before.

>> No.1165750


>> No.1165788

It had her songs and "am" videos except frog.

>> No.1165805

>Not wanting your dick sucked by beak

>> No.1165820

Thank you

but i expected some semi lewd shit or something lol

>> No.1165906

wait does she also read 1 dollar SC? i thought she only does 50+ bucks

>> No.1165969

Kiara, you idiot, model lag is not because of the internet!(probably)

>> No.1166027

>shes on meds

>> No.1166036

She reads some SCs that are interesting to her despite the amount.

>> No.1166043

I thought the priority was red, then weird currencies she can't tell if red, then not red ones she wants to.

>> No.1166048

Depend whats written on it, and luck. I got read once with a 2 euro one

>> No.1166095

Wide Kiara was a $5 SC

>> No.1166111

What was about Gura? I was away

>> No.1166147
File: 256 KB, 639x666, 1611232888540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1166163

She reads and kisses every red, then anything with a message that catches her eye. There are a few other things like thanking pink ones and ignoring flushes.

>> No.1166174

I can't believe what she did to gura...

>> No.1166310
File: 989 KB, 2000x576, 1593503367678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She said Gura doesn't deserve it and just got lucky. I can't believe chimken said that.

>> No.1166362


>> No.1166373

Because your boss told you to; because your client runs Server 2000; because the jurassic software they insist on using doesnt run on anything past 2003; because some esoteric portion of an airport infrastructure is fueled by cobol and voodoo and if you dont connect these three printers in this exact order to this windows 2000 server the whole thing goes tits up and stops working.
If you ever work in bottom of the barrel tech support you'll see how many mission critical hardware runs unpatched XP and Server 2003.

>> No.1166374

Something about how throwing her in the ocean is okay because she’s a shark and needs it.

>> No.1166460

Remember when Kiara was slapping the viewers for blank SCs? Good times.

>> No.1166493

And here I am still using AS400 for alot of important administration...

>> No.1166556


>> No.1166592
File: 772 KB, 2481x3508, 0FCAA244-890D-440B-8F80-58F49F951AD8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enable SCs Kiara onegai! I need kisses!

>> No.1166702

The 80s or the 2000s one? Either way just dont do that.
Just put up a better server.

>> No.1166818
File: 683 KB, 1920x1080, 1587306783154.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1166983

I hope some KFP employee eventually settles down with Kiara and her babies

>> No.1167003

Yeah, me.

>> No.1167017


>> No.1167062

For some reason I've been thinking about that Soutpark episode with the catsniffing. That would explain so much right now.

>> No.1167150

Nah she's probably infertile due to the decade long daily injection of birthcontrol.

>> No.1167203
File: 582 KB, 616x887, D114C083-5133-4EE9-8856-66CCDF88BECF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would stop me from trying every single goddamn night!

>> No.1167224


>> No.1167227

she stops speaking english, what a disgusting language.

>> No.1167234

Wouldn’t*. Goddamit

>> No.1167237

She's my plan B in case I fail with Mori. I was considering Marine for the role, but I do want to have kids, and the other candidate (Coco) is already married.

>> No.1167249

Very nice chikin tummy

>> No.1167295

>fan marrying celebrity
I don't think I've ever a relationship like that didn't end in a complete disaster

>> No.1167308

E- easy on the chocolate, Kiara...

>> No.1167342
File: 41 KB, 383x680, 1612931415395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can finally relax on my "day off" and I find she's streaming. At least I can get the "I need to be in live chat" out of my system until the end of the stream.

>> No.1167350

This is why I love Kiara. When she's in a good mood, she's just such a blast to listen to. I can't wipe the grin off my face.

>> No.1167377
File: 357 KB, 1583x2048, 20210303_130900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1167393

there will be a collab with ame on ame channel in 2 hours as well.

>> No.1167522


>> No.1167561

>in case I fail with Mori
What's your height?

>> No.1167588

new thread when?

>> No.1167593
File: 760 KB, 2809x3368, 1612937105081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking forward to it, and that's what I was expecting to happen today. This superchat reading caught me off guard though. I just saw the red ((o)) next to her name on my subscriptions.
Something to look forward to.

>> No.1168249

Eh, it's over anyway. She is just eating now with noises

>> No.1168353
File: 986 KB, 1555x1230, 1612936579909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll make one when he hit page 10 unless someone comes in and says they want to. I don't wanna make double threads on accident.

>> No.1168461
File: 18 KB, 722x224, 【Superchat Reading】SUPERMEGAULTRACHATS 💓 #kfp #キアライブ .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken messages from today

>> No.1168491
File: 436 KB, 2000x1556, 1613503340962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad normalcy is returning. So weird that stuff like that happens in the first place.

>> No.1168534

>thank ewe

>> No.1168544

wtf i love watame now

>> No.1168586
File: 53 KB, 500x500, avatars-nGuoBJqkxnbmstR1-1pyozg-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do our threads go on the way to the archive? Why, they go into Watame territory!
am sheep!

>> No.1168677

I hope this is the first step for things going better, I hope she gets un-shadowbanned tomorrow

>> No.1168756
File: 107 KB, 793x579, 1613332847454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New thread made

>> No.1168782

How do you do this? Is that a browser addon or a website or something? How can you filter the chat of specific persons?

>> No.1169170

>She uses birthcontrol pills to fight her acne. Yes she is th
That doesn't make it any less dumb, missing periods is really bad for you and your bone density. She's basically inducing early menopause because she's insecure about her appearance.

>> No.1169326
File: 448 KB, 527x465, 1610285964417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extremely high quality post, my friend.
all kfp employees are honorary watamates.
