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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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1161670 No.1161670 [Reply] [Original]

How bad is the Haachama situation going to get?

>> No.1161815

Worst case scenario is that she graduates after her soul-searching, and then mobs of Haatons will go on a crusade against hololive. Nothing will ultimately come of this since they are a corporation with a bunch of other talent. It'd be different if Haachama took others with her but I don't see any chance of that, nor would she even want it.
Likely case is that she goes away for a while, rests and recharges, and figures out some other project she can work on more in-line with Cover/YouTube guidelines, but she'll never be the same.

>> No.1163147

I dont follow the chef much. Whats happening?

>> No.1163218

We are still in second trumpet, worst case scenario it could devolve into sixth trumpet but for now it's unlikely.

>> No.1163272

What happened? I only just noticed she's private all the 'lore' videos, have hololive suddenly done a heel turn or did she do something?

>> No.1163287

Best Case: 3
Most Likely Case: 5
Worst Case: 7

>> No.1163314

What was Amegddon

>> No.1163327

Other way around. A graduation, a forced one if you would, would be a godsend in exposing Cover's corruption once and for all

>> No.1163336

This, except Cover could graduate her today if they wanted and they'd catch almost 0 flack for that. It's like nobody here understands how idol industry works in Japan. Holo management is honestly surprisingly timid with their talents, they could've been much worse.

>> No.1163340

Check the description for her latest video.

>> No.1163381

With how many rrats exist of "Haato not being liked" I doubt 7 will happen unless she does have some legit close friends in Cover we dont know of

>> No.1163402

>0 flack
wrong timeline buddy

>> No.1163417


>> No.1163428

Haachama graduates, loses rights to the character, and tries to start the story over with a different character. Interest dwindles when she fails to re-capture the magic and novelty of the original series and she ultimately becomes a mostly forgotten indie with a small but dedicated following.

>> No.1163450

Haato will be replaced by Nyanners

>> No.1163517

All of this rampamt shitpost is making me like cover more because of how irrational people acts sometimes, was this planned by yagoo? I dont want to be a corporate shill

>> No.1163521

>mobs of haatons
What haatons? Lmao
If she's graduated nothing will happen. Most jap haatons are gone and eop haatons are all redditors. They will complain for a few days and then be posting yagoo best girl memes within the week.

>> No.1163540

Being a contrarian faggot doesn't make any of the lies you spout legitimate.

>> No.1163603

>Have a chance to make a different kind of idol company with various talents gathering various target demographics by giving them creative freedom so long it does not drift off into illegal stuff or overly gory or explicit violence

>Become the same kind of stifling iron grip management BS that turned the Japanese idol business into this emotionally crippling and false perfection and purity pursuing illusion business anyway

>> No.1163640

Haachama will get right back to reviewing H content in no time. What the fuck are you people even on about.

>> No.1163664

idolfags pay up. sorry

>> No.1163684

can't wait for more apex, minecraft and undertale, yay
what a great studio, an amazing project, a grand enterprise

bravo yagoo

>> No.1163701 [DELETED] 

this mutt is so dumb

>> No.1163715

whats stopping you anonchama make the best agency on the world

>> No.1163725

Which is why AKB48 and other Japanese idol groups never found fame in the West.

>> No.1163750
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>Haachama will get right back to reviewing H content in no time


>> No.1163806

she is retarded

>> No.1163812

but the top akb girl is a whore
doesn't the westerners like that?

>> No.1163823

Cope redditnigger
They kneeled when Mel got buttraped by her manager, when they graduated Aloe, and when Coco got shat on by zhangs.
Haachama will graduate and they won't give a fuck.

>> No.1163827

maybe YOU'RE the whore, anon

>> No.1163831

She will come back and continue like always, unless she explains what happened we will never know

>> No.1163848 [DELETED] 

do you amerimutt faggots seriously believe if she moves to holo en or some mutt agency she will get """ creative freedom """"" and fully successful

nothing funnier when amerimutts are talking about """creative freedom"""" when their media is absolutely censored by woke puritans

>> No.1163875

Yes, because this is the first time Haachama has schizo posted. Monkeys.

>> No.1163881

do deadbeats really?

>> No.1163921

This shit is actually serious. Management just stopped her from airing her masterpiece. The thing she took months to build up to. Fuck off haatoanti

>> No.1163927

If anything ledditors are the worst at letting holos go. One fucking flash of pink and they're typing 'gone but not forgotten' though misty eyes.

>> No.1163934

Imagine this zhang trying to create an English equivalent of "bugmen" in order to sow discord within Cover and Hololive's fans.
Sorry, but stop trying to make "Amerimutt" a thing. "Amerimutts" will never be a thing.
Stop trying to make a false equivalence and go back to your golden shield.

>> No.1163957

She'll b back in 9 months

>> No.1163995

>mutts are actually this fucking stupid
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. No wonder /int/ laugh at you fucks.

>> No.1164057

>"Amerimutts" will never be a thing.
amerimutts have been a thing for like 5 years now, is this your first day here?

>> No.1164070
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>> No.1164092 [DELETED] 

hahahaah idk this board was so "innocent" and this reddit-y, amerimutt

amerimutts cant even handle her avatar. all your sjws are gonna cancel her just because she "looks" underage and her loli content/taste and such.

>> No.1164125

jesse what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.1164127

Not within this context of equating EOP to Amerimutts, no.
We all know what's happening here.

>> No.1164133

Chang, stop. Just stop.

>> No.1164144

Are you taking this as an opportunity to try to discredit the long standing Amerimutt meme? I'm not sure if that's clever or retarded.

>> No.1164149

What the fuck are you on about you fucking retarded amerimutt? Do you not get that you are an amerimutt? Fucking mutt.

>> No.1164163

>Haato schizo posting
Anonchama, this is business as usual.

>> No.1164168 [DELETED] 


>> No.1164178

If you can't even understand proper English then it's time for you to head back.

>> No.1164217 [DELETED] 

if she joins some mutt agency she will immediately face your sjw outrage.

cover is like a buffer zone to protect their members from the mutt woke cretins. you dont have such a company. your entertainment industry is too polarised. literally get woke or die.

>> No.1164224

VShojo and most Western indies are unironically this. Do your reps.

>> No.1164238


>> No.1164245


>> No.1164249

I'm pretty sure the SJWs haven't complained about Mousey's or Mel's or Kani's content yet.

>> No.1164261 [DELETED] 

they arent tolerant to loli shit. its obvious.

>> No.1164301

>Haachama situation
What happened?

>> No.1164320

Is Haachama a "loli" though? I mean she isn't Gura but go off, chief.

>> No.1164332

Haachama doesn't know how to end her current schizo series, and made a video saying so in the description.
Cue the rrats.


>> No.1164354

We're in 3 right now since it's vague if the break is a suspension or not, has the potential to get to 4 if it's a graduation

>> No.1164375

>doesn't know
She has a video ready retard.

>> No.1164401

she didnt finish it mong

>> No.1164405
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What level was the Taiwan incident? 7 since it nuked all of HoloCN?

>> No.1164442

Isn't that the
>Haato is dead
>actually she's alive
>actually Haachama's dead now
>but wait she's alive
And it was just that back and forth for like a fucking month?

>> No.1164446

Because of the new retard "rule" from Cover. Not her fault.

>> No.1164471 [DELETED] 

she talks fucking a lot about it and love it. such an "immoral" "toxic" person cant get """creative freedom""" in the mutt scene.

>> No.1164475

7 either way
imagine if hatoo and coco graduated

>> No.1164508

What rule?

>> No.1164519

It's Dark Souls, but for VTubers.

>> No.1164521

It's a suspension. She was suspended 2 months ago for the Shampoo ASMR for 5 days. That's what Cover won't tell you. Anyways, we're already at 4 since it's being talked about on Twitter right now.

>> No.1164528


>> No.1164546

Is there a chance her abusive parents force her to stop the job?

>> No.1164587

she was working out a multi-ending style story, it just came out repetitive because of the way she released the videos one by one instead of all at once

>> No.1164621

Nobody fucking knows.

>> No.1164645

Dunno, you tell me.

>> No.1164650

featuring Coco from hololive

>> No.1164704

>yagoo stole the dragon's fire and created "time"

>> No.1164743

You're all a bunch of fucking redditors, what kind of reddit fag seriously defends Hololive right now after this shit?
You said you wanted them to do whatever they wanted. Well, here's them doing whatever they wanted. Shitbrains.

>> No.1164747

is there a chance that her videos were really close to breaking one of Youtube's ToS and Cover felt the need to make her take them down since they didn't want to deal with Youtube's shit? then again, we're speaking of Youtube, a company known for letting "Nude Yoga" and "Jelqing" videos slip trough their bots

>> No.1164764

What is "Kiara's screenshot"?

>> No.1164779

Haachama isn't, but Lolichama is.

>> No.1164785

That's EXACTLY what we wanted, Zhang. Now we're rightfully turning on Cover for disallowing freedom.

>> No.1164786

Oh lemme guess they only want creative freedom as long as it keeps their parasocial complex alive, right?

>> No.1164807

Cover is such a shit company. I really wish all Holos moved to Nijisanji.

>> No.1164818

I could care less if Haachama graduates. I think it's right for her anyways. She would be infinitely more prosperous as an indie or with VShojo or Atelier Live, you know, where she would have all of the freedom in the world to carry on her greatness.



>> No.1164830

>That's EXACTLY what we wanted, Zhang.
You WANTED one of the holos projects that they've spent hundreds of hours on and possibly actual money doing to go up in smoke in a tweet and a silent suspension?
Are you fucking stupid?
Is your brain made of pure manure?
Do you pay someone to clean it out or does it just accumulate naturally?

>> No.1164832

Well... yeah. That's why I started watching VTubers in the first place, as a surrogate GF.

>> No.1164846

>thinking Gigastacy Hoshikawa would like working with absolute fucking amateurs

>> No.1164863

>I could care less if Haachama graduates.
Then off yourself, get a rope, hop on minecraft, and go through the portal.
The people who actually care about Haachama NEVER wanted to see this happen with something she spent a month on and probably months more preparing for.

Have you seen how big that Tower of Babel is? That shit didn't make itself. It's probably going to burn down from lightning before she can get back to it.

>> No.1164895

Yes. It would mean Cover would be rightfully exposed and Haachama could prosper on the next stage where her fanbase would only grow. A free Haachama is the best Haachama. Let her stream what she wants, when she wants. Do you even fucking 4D Chess, newfag?

>> No.1164920

I only watch this fucking disgusting brand for Haachama regardless faggot. You're not one to tell me if I care or not. I want her OUT of that black company and many of us feel the same.



>> No.1164943


>> No.1164953
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no way, 4 at best

>> No.1164954

only an american would have this much of an inflated ego

>> No.1164965 [DELETED] 

chinks and mutts are the same commies tho. both of them are driven by puritanical moral standards.

>> No.1165017

Rent free
The former brainwashes its entire populace, the latter allows freedom of all forms of thought and opinion to exist one way or another.

>> No.1165024
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>this is your brain on burgers

>> No.1165054

>allows freedom of all forms

>> No.1165141

Yes Zhang. I'm sorry they told you otherwise.

>> No.1165154

Trumpets are on a different scale now since there's a full board to take the happenings, when it was just a single thread I could see the CN shutdown being a 6+

>> No.1165160

ogey american go to your local college and say white lives matter. have fun in overnight lockup.

>> No.1165164

spoken like a true amerimutt

>> No.1165194
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>probably months more preparing for.
Haachama rarely plans more than one stream ahead. She wasn't preparing stuff days in advance, let alone months

>> No.1165208

Done. I live in Arkansas and no one cared when I said it.

>> No.1165892

best thing that came out of hololive was other agencies that are doing similar things but with their own rules
I won't name them because people here are mental and I don't want them anywhere near quality

>> No.1165960

>they arent tolerant to loli shit
are you trying to convince me to them?

>> No.1166124

>that one ame event was only level 3

>> No.1166206

There is an rrat on /tv/ that western companies keep japanese/korean women away because they are too feminine and progressive management hates that. It's something that will become more of an issue for companies as korean media get more popular.

>> No.1166207 [DELETED] 
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*casts a spell to make Towa commit the next big yab*

>> No.1166273

Dude the US woke crowd cancels you for thinking men who cut of their dicks are weird.

>> No.1166291

I see 5 viable for a full-branch graduation, but 6-7 is way too much. 6 should be for extreme events that might lead to shutdown of Hololive or graduation of a more than half of them (e.g. matsuri necking herself). As for seventh trumpet, I can see it being on a scale that not only affects Hololive but entire chuuba scene as a whole.

>> No.1166308

you're being worked you dumb fucking marks

>> No.1166365

My name is not mark

>> No.1166375

>loses rights to the character
she never had them

>> No.1166394

This is true, her JOPs put up with Hachaama’s English pandering for months because they know she’s a numberfag. Many of them have left because her content has changed so much, hlg/old haatons pretty much hate her new content. EOPs will just bitch and forget about it (most of them won’t bother to look for her reincarnation and just circle jerk about how much they miss her lol)

>> No.1166396

7 has to be reserved for shit so serious that open roommate talks can no longer be held back by mods because of how crazy it gets. A holo gets arrested for something serious and ends up in the papers, shit like that.

>> No.1166420

Why do people think she'll retire just because her series got tos'd, sounds like you're all just dramafagging
to be fair though I don't watch her so I'm not sure how special this project was for her

>> No.1166559

>why do people think she'll retire just because her series got tos'd
because everyone is like 13 years old here

>> No.1166578

It's not a Cover rule you retards, youtube changed their rules.

>> No.1166610

lurk moar

>> No.1166631

It just happened and people are still amped up, people will get the schizoposting out of their system eventually. Probably.

>> No.1166662

if its Vshojo you're talking about, i would like them more if they had more talents which gimmick weren't being "dirty"

>> No.1166709
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I'm so tired of the trolls and seaniggers trying to stir shit and kick Haachama while she's down. She didn't deserve any of this.

>> No.1166808

In any case the new rules are preveting haachamas chanel to be deleted for violating YT ToS (suicide, self harm, gore)

>> No.1166817

Silver and Froot streams are like that. I love when Silver streams with her mom

>> No.1166855

This is what I thought too but is there any actual proof they recently changed their rules?

>> No.1166896


>> No.1166899

Youtube TOS says "Effective as of November 18, 2020" at the bottom

>> No.1166958

I would not be surprised if the Holofag fanbase was secretly at least half women with how much you faggots love drama

>> No.1166995 [DELETED] 

fact is she doesnt give a single fuck about gaijins. she just cares about her speaking english. she has yet to reach the level where she can actually relate to them

>> No.1167162

>she graduates after her soul-searching
I usually like rrats, but this one is too retard, Haato will not graduate, because she is not stupid, ogey?
Only your average autistic neet in /vt/ could think of throwing away years of effort, hard work, recognition, fans hard earned and a suitable income, for something like this.
She is a talented vtuber that reached 1 million subs, top ten in the world, a pro if you mind not a loser like (You)

>> No.1167177
File: 131 KB, 332x302, 1614677931118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hololive Hate
Drama Consume
Simple As

>> No.1167233

The only thing that can make her graduate is her stupid family. She should start living alone ASAP to be free to stream whatever the fuck she wants when she wants.

>> No.1167283

I fucking love soap opera, anon...

>> No.1167286

Haachama is actually confirmed much better at English than she conveys in her streams I’m pretty sure. Alot of her really shitty English is on purpose

>> No.1167364
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Wait is this Cover's fault or Youtube's? I 'm confused

>> No.1167380

our fault

>> No.1167422

>How bad is the Haachama situation going to get?
I want to say it won't get that bad but western saviorfags will probably try to make it a bigger thing.

>Haachama spends a month doing horror themed lore streams that include decapitating one of her personalities
>does a stream a few days ago using a piece of lewd fanart as the thumbnail, stream gets banned before going live by the Youtube content moderation AI likely because of the thumbnail
>lore streams are going to end today but it's just a short video with a description saying she couldn't do it due to "new rules"
>posts on twitter that she's taking a break
>the likely reason is that Cover doesn't want to risk angering the volcano god again and told Haachama she can't do those kinds of streams anymore, Haachama takes a break as she tries to figure out what to do next
>westernfag rrat turns into "Cover are evil incompetent bastards suspending Haachama because she wants to make weird videos instead of streaming games and destroying their idol image"
>because they're morons they're being easily prodded and goaded by chinks and Nijiniggers

>> No.1167428

Haachama fault

>> No.1167550

>and when Coco got shat on by zhangs.
i agree with almost everything you said except the above, you are speaking up your ass.

That day here were multiple threads complaning and raging, memeing but doing nothing effective as usual, but over there were riots at the oficial subreddit, multiple post and comments erased, Taiwan flags, Cover kneeling to China, Pooh, Tiananmen, Cover Mod had to remove the view of the downvotes of their apology statement, and later the statement itself, it was fire greater than tweeter, if anything probably we still have Coco and Haachama because of that, and maybe that day they decided to leave the CN market.

Since that day that sub is heavily modded, access restricted, and they quickly erase any subversive or controvert post or comment, before it causes trouble.

>> No.1167659

There is the reason coco can't collab with EN, because the Taiwan flag, and chinese hate copypasta spam, making everything way worse.

Youtube channels can actually be terminated for promoting hate in their chat

>> No.1167728

>and they quickly erase any subversive or controvert post or comment, before it causes trouble.
just like china

>> No.1167773

I may just need to take my meds but I'm genuinely surprised Coco hasn't said anything defending Haachama yet, especially if you believe the rrat the Coco showed Taiwan on her YouTube analytics deliberately to support Haachama after the chinks got pissy at her for the same thing.
Her defending a literal camwhore who's not even affiliated with Hololive while being completely silent regarding Haachama's break tells me that Haachama is basically fucked with her association with hololive to the point that even showing support to her would get an idol in serious shit with management.
or I could just be devolving into a schizo at this rate. That's also pretty likely

>> No.1167776

yup, i remember people protesting for the post that were erased

>> No.1167809

>they're being easily prodded and goaded by chinks and Nijiniggers

>> No.1167850

It's already been hours since it happened. At best second trumpet, but we already hit first trumpet a while ago.

>> No.1167892

The only valid concern is for haato trying to figure out what to do next.
Half of the appeal of hololive is anime girls saying "motherfucker" and other forms of shitposting reminiscent of 00's era YouTube. How is she, and by extension the livestreaming portion of hololive, supposed to keep the growth and momentum if talents have to be constrained by platform rules; moreover said rules aren't even properly enforced.

>> No.1167917

Youtube but that doesn't matter to schizos.
Expect more Cover hate threads and chinks rrats until she streams again.

>> No.1167976

Cover's fault. If youtube did something the videos would just be gone with no notice. It makes no sense to private the videos to avoid youtube issues because they still strike private videos.

>> No.1168022

They already struck the #BADEND video.
It's completely deleted instead of privated.
It's one of the videos that shows "deleted" instead of "privated" in my liked videos.

>> No.1168032

I don't think it was youtube since she didn't only take down the streams, she also took down harmless meme videos which had 0 chance of getting taken down. Not only that, but she also deleted all of the tweets with the videos. I think the management is just sick of the schizo arc and forced her to stop.

>> No.1168047

inb4 haato announces she is moving to bitchute

>> No.1168121

I guess this is why Coco started streaming on her roommate’s channel again and opened memberships. She knew

>> No.1168174

Then why she streamed today?

>> No.1168858

Could be Cover or her being overly cautious
Would be pretty retarded on their parts if that’s the case though

>> No.1168868

Coco probably realizes her virtue signal made everything worse and is staying the fuck out of it this time like she should've originally. If someone fucked up, the best you should do is apologize for them instead of making it look like they did it on purpose.

Anyway, Haachama's repeated mistakes and management's failure to compensate is probably the real issue here, and I think current year degeneratechama would feel more at home with vshoujo than hololive. But if she stays, I'd imagine her content gets a lot tamer and she starts phoning it in solely for the money. If that happens then I'd drop support for her in a second for becoming just another greedy cynical ethot.

If you're gonna be a creative degenerate like in the west and want to be an en streamer, she should go for it. The west likes bilingual streamers who can bridge the cultural divide. What we don't like is insincere people who feign concern to exploit others, and I hope big red doesn't go in that direction after coming back. If there's no passion, a streamer shouldn't be streaming.

>> No.1169149

Cocogeddon is officially at third trumpet. The walls are closing in. It all comes tumbling down. Kanatan must be beside herself right now. The only question is whether or not Coco will redebut or stay independent.

>> No.1169254

She even privated the 1M subscriber celebration stream

>> No.1169261


She maybe will go to university and is trying to find a way to either retire or even find a way to do both, but it definitely seems like she can't keep both at the same time.

We should just archive her and maybe Coco's channel just in case and wait til her break is over.

Have a good day /vt/

>> No.1169270

Did anything happen during that?

>> No.1169290

No, that's the point. Was literally a normal stream thanking everyone.

>> No.1169298

>go to university and is trying to find a way to either retire or even find a way to do both

Impossible unless you do some useless, retarded meme field like women's studies or art.

>> No.1169306 [DELETED] 

nobody defends a menehra move. eop faggots like you dont know anything about whats going on there

virtue signalling? what kind of casual faggot are you

>> No.1169335

she never virtue signaled for haachama, that was a rrat made up by NGA to justify their belief that she was intentionally trying to spit on the one china policy, which got perpetuated by reddit who reinterpreted it as her defending a colleague.

>> No.1169337

Haachama stated she doesn't want to go to college and she hated the whole school environment. I don't think that's her plan, unless she is being forced by her parents.

>> No.1169359

That’s odd

>> No.1169384


She goes on hiatus for a few weeks, comes back, and everyone forgets about this until the next round of drama a few months from now.

>> No.1169454
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>The only valid concern is for haato trying to figure out what to do next.
she's the only one who tries not to fall to trends or flavor of the month games

>> No.1169469

rrat: the TRUE END was her successfully transfering to EN, which she had already gotten permission to do, but at the last second, the higher ups cancelled the permission and she couldn't release the ending anymore, as it would showcase her joining EN 2nd Gen

>> No.1169486

I think it is a big nothingburger to be dessu. Sucks that Cover or YT imposed these rules but it is what it is. Cover is in the business of making money so if they thought what their talent was doing was going to get her demonetized then it is what it is. Though it is kind of funny that this all happens a day after she goes on stream to say that she doesn't care if her channel gets banned. Almost as if she was already told by Cover about the ramifications of continuing.
The ark was supposed to end today anyway. I think it will be a little awkward if/when she comes back to streaming but as time passes it should get better.
I unironically just wish she does what thinks is best for her. I will find something else..I always have.

>> No.1169530

Wait, when was this?

>> No.1169539

>Sorry, but stop trying to make "Amerimutt" a thing. "Amerimutts" will never be a thing.
t. newfag

>> No.1169586

her #BADEND stream where she broke kayfabe & let her fans know she was fine but doesnt know how to end the lore & will take it day by day but remember that haato/haachama are still one & the same.


>> No.1169608

Thanks, was hoping someone had translated this.

>> No.1169623

It was kinda like we got some director's commentary from the mastermind behind it all. I thought it was brave to be open about it.

>> No.1169756

God looking at this video after all the shit that happened today makes it even more painful

>> No.1169815

She seemed so excited about the true end too.

>> No.1169931

there is a reason haatons are pissed, she literally put an end date and made it a deadline on 3/3 with whatever conclusion she had planned so both her and the base can be at peace since haatons would've been fine with any ending.
this suspension couldnt give closure to either of them now.

>> No.1170893

That because some Chinks antis try to spread false information and make Reddit hate Cover

Some Redditor cap NGA plan and translated it

>> No.1170974

You are a retard. Cover killing Haachama might fly in Japan but they would lose a significant portion of their Western fans overnight, and the rest would rot away afterwards. They would lose all their momentum immediately.

>> No.1171051

>they would lose a significant portion of their Western fans overnight

>> No.1171115

They would lose money. Much more money than Haachama could have ever cost them.
Do you understand what money is? Do you understand that Cover is a business?

>> No.1171118

The problem is she still played ******a** the most basic bitch trend game of all. She didn't even get a unique game nobody else was playing.

>> No.1171119

Anon, I'm pretty positive she still has Japanese fans.

>> No.1171168

The Western fans are not stupid.
Haachama violate a out some rules of Youtube ( Suicide and etc)

I can say it's miracle she can stream to these day

>> No.1171193

So are there any archives or reuploads of the Haachama arc?

>> No.1171199

ok zhang

>> No.1171215


>> No.1171244


>> No.1171295

>She didn't even get a unique game nobody else was playing.
Cooking Simulator.
It's also one of the most fun streams from her.

>> No.1171392

people are not going to shut up about it, best case scenario, she comes back as if nothing happened and the threads will stop talking about it.

worst case scenario, she graduates with the possibility of other members doing the same, the community will lose their shit, EOPs will boycott the company and Cover is no more.

Or this is just EOPs looking for drama, again.

>> No.1171426

this is assuming that haachama was actually suspended and didn't just go on break to figure out a new gimmick

>> No.1171471

>I want to say it won't get that bad but western saviorfags will probably try to make it a bigger thing.
They're gonna milk the shit out of this and you know it, like they always do.

>> No.1171502

She's been streaming on her roommate brand on another site for a while, now.

>> No.1171545

Just EOPs looking for drama.
EN was a mistake.

>> No.1171557

Man, why'd they have to make her delete the new songs?

>> No.1171756

True, now we'll have to see shit like this everytime there's a fuck up. Drama channels are going to milk it dry, people with savior complex are going to sperg about the topic for months and they're going to stir it up to the point that everyone will think of the worst case scenario, and now that V-tubers are on the eyes of EOPs, there's going to be a lot of drama (I'd say even more than the china situation).

>> No.1171823

Tons of vtubers have played that

>> No.1171890

The video that had this song was KINO.

>> No.1172563

I've quit jobs where I've made less $ than she does for less. I'm in a position where I can do that though while she probably isn't

>> No.1172840

>BADEND got deleted because of the garbage self insert game and the gay joke

Where were you when Indonesian destroyed Akai haato

>> No.1172855

I don't understand the Kiara thing, what happened with her screenshots?

>> No.1172944

All this stems from the fan-game Haachamaa played on stream where it misrepresented YAGOO in a negative way.

YAGOO was mad and told Haachama to stop everything.

>> No.1172998

Personally, I'm just here for the memes. I was here to shitpost about Amegate, and I'm here to shitpost about the disappearance of akai haato. Never let a crisis go by without milking it for all the memes its worth. That's the way of anonymous.

Coco played lots of mahjong, tons of ark (of course), mixed it up with Markiplier tier variety games, then did an irl makeup-less stream as a cute megane trying on clothes. Seems like she's having much more fun than being hololive.

On a related note, I finally understand why she's the queen of Supa and thought she was hot shit. Turns out she looks like hot shit. Those Asian genes, man. Can't even watch kanatan anymore because envy's a bitch like that. 10/10 would netori.

>> No.1173001

Both this >>1171890 and this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbHq3d_arXw&ab_channel=Sophii are so fucking great, just as Haachama's creativity was thriving so was the creativity of Haatons. Seriously whoever axed this should get fucked in the ass by rabid squirrel

>> No.1173042

>holofightz last stream features Yagoo beating the girls
>wrassling OP skips his sunday stream (presumably due C&D)
You might be onto something.

>> No.1173704

Anyone have archive? I remember the creator did a self insert and had some homophobic slurs in there

>> No.1173987
File: 160 KB, 852x659, 1560293699212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bad End has a chunk playing a fangame scuffed on multiple levels

I don't like it, but it makes sense.

>> No.1174284

Imagine if the fan creator put some surprise porn in it.

Haachama would 100% be graduated immedietly.

>> No.1174315


>> No.1174447

>Gay gay gay

Jesus christ, what is this 2010 humor

>> No.1174516

My schizo theory: this is not about haato/haachama that has been going on for a while but about the HololiveEN2.0 shit she did. She was already warned not to use the HololiveEN hashtag before and HololiveEN2.0 was one of the most recent vids before the purge. Someone's pissed that she keeps pushing boundaries and wanted to put her in her place.

>> No.1174536

>lose a significant portion of their Western fans
about 1-2k at best, rest will be upset for a week or two then move onto their second best waifu

>> No.1174577

Raping her would have been faster and more private, just because it didn't worked with Mel it doesn't means it won't work with Haaro.

>> No.1174745

My theory is that EN management wants to split from Hololive And JP

Kind of like Texas and America.
Once they grow big enough they'll betray them and go indie

>> No.1174802

I seriously doubt Yagoo even knows what goes on on anyone's streams.

>> No.1174862

He might be the CEO, but he's a software dev at heart. Therefore he is a degenelate and watches Haachama

>> No.1174958

It's HoloEN not CN

>> No.1175227

Has no one considered that she may have known about these new rules before today, and that she was trying to push it back until the last minute? Like maybe she was given multiple warnings until it finally got to the point where they told her she had to stop. If she kept on, she was going to be a martyr for her work.
I just don’t think Cover or YT decided to enforce this on the literal day it was supposed to end. The timing just feels too weird.
And if they DID enforce it the day of the ending then that is pretty fucked. No one really wins here.

>> No.1175474

I agree with you

Subaru stream hint about this as well

>> No.1175504

What it's the difference?
Replace the CCP with Twitter and it's the same thing.

>> No.1175561

>the tming feels weird
nah youtube updated their rules and cover and proabably most content creators didnt saw them.
it is a shame but nothing to be done and is cover just not letting hachama get banned. Specially if one of the videos got struck down.

>> No.1175604

it can't be youtube because she would have just put it on twitter

>> No.1175694

Okay zhang. Lets all hate on the 19 year old girl than the stupid cover corporation.

>> No.1175751

>it can't be youtube because she would have just put it on twitter
she started everything on youtube and twittter has just as insane rules so would be the same shit.
People are looking too muuch at this. The break is becasue she is sad she couldnt finish it she will be back and do something new.

>> No.1175843

It’s not hate. In fact her actions seem exactly like something a 19 year old would do. You know you have to stop doing something and you’re just dreading having to let down your fans. You try ignoring it or thinking it will fix itself until it’s the very last minute. Then you’re backed into a corner and have to finally address it. Imagine how on edge and terrible she felt carrying this knowledge. I’m hoping she at least feels relieved now that the band aid was ripped off.

>> No.1175936

With the stupid shit that Haato has pulled before, I won't be surprised if there is some truth in that.

>> No.1176794

your rats are without meaning. find something better to do with your time.

>> No.1176837

she got the managerial bonk and took that shit down. decided to go find herself like some kind of hippie.
youtube was probably getting pissed about the self-harm flavoring with her killing herself back and forth, but anon would rather shit his pants and cry that big bad cover is taking away his favorite menhera.

>> No.1179244

I assume Cover would be fine. Why the hell wouldn't they like even quicker growth? But again no use in trying to figure out the whims of the volcano god.

>> No.1179316

Retardchaama CN antis and poltards flooded the official sub full of political memes about Taiwan, China and were trying to burn the whole place down, the sub felt like hlg when it gets raided. The mods made the account and karma requirement and to no ones surprise 99% of the political meme spam and burn Cover down rhetoric disappeared. The mods let a lot of discussions still happen there, when the Muse Dash shit happened redditfags review bombed the game and openly talked about it on the sub.

>> No.1179478

Yeah, but she had no reason to open up memberships or bother with YT stuff when she could just do it on her hololive account. However, Cover seems to be collapsing behind the scenes
>Pekora's project gets denied by management
>haachama forced off of EN minecraft server
>hachaama's videos get taken down
>rumored collab blacklist
>cover employees "accidentally" mod coco's antis
>too strict on permissions and refusal to seek them
She's probably setting up a fallback just in case it keeps declining.

>> No.1179507
File: 361 KB, 1300x1500, 1607119969554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not punished, you're all stupid, if cover wanted to slap her fingers they would have done it 5 streams ago

>> No.1179517

>youtube was probably getting pissed about the self-harm flavoring with her killing herself back and forth
There is literally fucking nothing indicating this. Fucking nothing. Where the fuck do you faggots even get this stupid as fuck narrative from? Fucking hell.

>> No.1179539

Shit, what are the other signs? They must be there. Has FBK been acting strange lately?

>> No.1179554

If youtube were "pissed", they'd just nuke the videos themselves. They don't even give warnings to channels with 10million+ viewers before nuking their videos/removing their stream rights/shadowbanning their channels. You think they'd bother to give cover some sort of ultimatum?

Hololive are ants to youtube.

>> No.1179589

Why are you guys giving cover the benefit of the doubt rather than haachama? Do you guys even like haachama?

>> No.1179597

They're redditors who can't comprehend how their wholesome chungus yagoo might actually be running a black company

>> No.1179649
File: 31 KB, 621x668, dd1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

channel awesome type shit probably going to end up happening.
the last time this much autism was involved in managing talent, as well as the talent, it fell apart spectacularly.

>> No.1179678

>Expecting the corporate-simps to actually care about the actual talent.

>> No.1179715


Sup Ben.

>> No.1179722

While I do agree with you, youtube is also fat fault, you have hardly any freedom on youtube anymore, its like you're creating with a noose around your neck and at any point they can kick the chair out from under you, no creator is consulted when new guidelines are created either.

>> No.1179744

i'm an unironic corpo-rat simp -- i still dislike clover. i'm for efficient corporations with room for acquisition and refinement of human capital, not corporations which decrease human capital. i think a good business can still exist within the v-tuber space, i just think hololive is too narrow sighted and sedimentary.

>> No.1179757

Coco still has memberships? What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.1179805

People really overestimate Cover's lasting potential. AI Channel was far bigger than anything they've done to this point, and it still fell apart due to corporate meddling and micromanagement. They can fall too. NijiEN might lapse them if they're too stringent on permissions.

>> No.1179877

Nobody on this site cares about mildom.

>> No.1179911

>Mori seemingly can't collab with musically inclined senpais despite it being make sense
>During the big vtuber apex tourney, Cover insisted that no female talent be paired with males, even tho Fubuki and Matsuri have collabed with males before
>Supposedly they want a manager present for the next big vtuber type tourney in the future

Something is def fucky.

>> No.1179960

All she does is show her rocking bod and stream ark lol

>> No.1179985

You're misunderstanding. I'm saying Coco is opening up memberships on her roommate's channel to build up a solid fanbase there and transfer as many of her gachikois away as possible from Cover. Why didn't she do this before? She's had that channel for years. Something caused her to start doing this. My narrative is that her insider knowledge is behind that motive. She doesn't like where Cover is going as a company and wants to get away from it.

>> No.1179992

my capitalistic boner gets so erect imagining more efficient management of talent. it would be like a constant climax to go into clover and clean house of all the non objective bullshit rationale. i seriously doubt most managers have actual reasonable explanations for their decisions.

>> No.1180002

All it'll take is for one successful NijiEn x VShojo or NijiEN x popular streamer/youtuber collab to happen and Cover gonna be looking real retarded with all their restrictions on collabing.

>> No.1180019

I don't care if she's the most beautiful woman or ugliest woman in the world. I care about ark. I wish I was her friend so I would finally have someone to play ark with. I don't need a waifu, I need a felllow arkchad.

>> No.1180059

i don't get the simping for coco. her face just makes me uncomfortable. i could see getting used to that look, but as is it's uncomfortable.

>> No.1180087

Cover is a classic case of grew to damn big, to fast. While I don't think its necessarily falling apart at the seams, they do seem to be a little heavy handed on restrictions lately, they're consistently fucking up permissions to(JP only permissions, blew Dark Souls permissions for ENs, Gura was unable to play Trials Fusion but Botan can for some reason.)

Though they have been shown to be fairly incompetent, the Towa situation stands out as one of the stupidest things they've ever done, never mind the Mel situation on top of that.

>> No.1180132

What happened with Towa?

>> No.1180146

People give Mori the most shit for her trash taste collab and keeping up with indies, but she's by far one of the smartest girls in the company. She clearly wants to push forward and do new and exciting things, but Cover won't let her. She has street smarts, the kind you get living on a paper-thin budget.

>> No.1180175

You said
>she had no reason to open up memberships or bother with YT stuff when she could just do it on her hololive account
Which is retarded because Coco IS her hololive account, which DOES have memberships. So what other hololive account are you talking about?

>> No.1180187

>She has street smarts, the kind you get living on a paper-thin budget.
and being american
american dream type shit is somewhat real. many are conditioned to take every opportunity for all it's worth.

>> No.1180195

Are we sure it’s Cover not Youtube shit again? These are all just assumptions right?

>> No.1180202

She has a second account, separate from hololive. I said she was opening up memberships on THAT account. Her roommate's account.

>> No.1180236

Male voice in stream.

>> No.1180253

Exactly my boner gets fucking 30-Rock tier type shit

>> No.1180256

Did you even read what you wrote? You're implying that she had a second hololive related account somewhere and suggested that she use that one for memberships instead of her roommate's.

>> No.1180258

>Towa was streaming, barely past her debut stream at that point
>A man's voice was heard, most likely a discord call
>She came back and said "Oh its just my manager"
>Cover forced her to retract her statement, apologize and take 2 weeks off.

They basically murdered her momentum right out the gate, it wasn't till EOPs took notice and flooded her chat that the gooks started coming back and she started gaining more subs.

>> No.1180274

Do your archive reps, newfag

>> No.1180285

Rando male voices popped up in her stream. She didn't think up a good excuse and lied and people called her out her lie. She was already the least popular or second least popular of 4th gen, so Holo antis attacked her. Retards think its because muh idols like they think about Aloe but that reason is overblown by people who aren't actually into idol shit.
There's some speculation that it has more to do with her HoloEN 0 gen/2nd gen gimmick.

>> No.1180289

YouTube DID announce some new content restrictions about self harm. As noted several times in this thread tho YouTube's self moderating ai is shitty. So cover most likely had her stop to avoid a future issue like demonetization. So while youtube got the ball rolling, cover watched it pass.

>> No.1180371

>"I was caught making up shit, better tell him to do his reps!"

>> No.1180476

You are aggressively stupid.
>You're implying that she had a second hololive related account somewhere and suggested that she use that one for memberships instead of her roommate's.

To quote my original post:
>I guess this is why Coco started streaming on her roommate’s channel again and opened memberships. She knew
>started streaming on her roommate's channel again and opened memberships.
Context matters.

>> No.1180582

Imagine you head to Japan, fresh outta Harvard economics, with some dunkie donuts in your left hand and some dunkie coffee in the other, on call to make Clover more efficient. You walk down Tokyo on the first day, people catching glimpses of the Gaijin in the freshest ass American suit they've ever seen with his fancy coffee. They see you down that donut like hooking a uie on bah habah. You're entering the parlah of hololive.
>"Mr. Beanneto? Yoroshiko Oneegai-shimasu. They're expecting you on floor 12"
You slap your business card on the counter for the receptionist, tell her to setup your in company email.

Next thing you know you're staring down a sweating disgusting half chink half jap trying to explain his decisions, your superior American capitalist brain can see right though his failed communist gook shit. It's then you realize you'll need to call in Ben Garrison to save this company.

>> No.1180644

You should add her roommate on steam and hit her up anon. You’re one of dozens ark players out there

>> No.1180660

How in the FUCK am I supposed to interpret
>Yeah, but she had no reason to open up memberships or bother with YT stuff when she could just do it on her hololive account.
As anything other than you saying that she has a second hololive related account? I'm not talking about her roommate's youtube, but a suppposed account that is neither related to Coco or her roommate!?

>> No.1180987

Not the person you’re arguing with but stfu with the semantics. No one cares

>> No.1181146

You're right, nobody should care about this

>> No.1181174

Cant wait to hire minorities and faggots to make things more efficient.

>> No.1181569

unironically this. get some people from bawston in there and you'd have all the permissions and shit no problem

>> No.1181686

>"You won't give our company permissions?"
>"I can't believe you'd refuse to give our company permissions because they hire homosexuals. I'm going to have to post this on twitter..."
>"Oh you'll give us permissions after all? Thanks so much!"

>> No.1181767


>> No.1181800

more like cut throat shit, you're think cali but the boys in bean town don't fuck around. you haven't seen shit till you see a bostonian as a manager seeing some bullshit.

>> No.1181966

>Yeah, but she (coco's roommate) had no reason to open up memberships or bother with YT stuff (on her kson channel) when she could just do it on her hololive account (coco's channel).
it's not hard to interpret at all retardchama

>> No.1182174

But Cover are evil incompetent bastards just like the rest of the other evil incompetent bastards (Ichikara, Nanashi, Activ8, Appland and Brave.) Fuck, even Gyari is an evil incompetent bastard

>> No.1182279

Having a plan B, I guess.

>> No.1182331

>you'll need to call in Ben Garrison
how will mercilessly executing every single person in that company help?

>> No.1182412

There are litarally only two holos that play unique games, everybody else keeps recycling the same shit.

>> No.1182462

based clipwatcherkun

>> No.1182752

Damn, now I'm curious to see what the roommate account is all about. Got a link?

>> No.1182754

I think Cover is just playing it safe at this point, they had issues with youtube in the past like Mel for example (she's not called the BANpire for nothing) or with choco who had to cover her chest area in her Live 2D. So I wouldn't be surprised if it's because of youtube guidelines

>> No.1182818

Shut the fuck up zhang

>> No.1182945

ben can tell a chink from a gook from a jap -- old ben has a respect for the slant eye'd ainu but as soon as your ears stop producing wet wax he becomes the nine of the rhine

>> No.1183070

it's the truth. her face isn't cute like a normal girls as much as overly sexy. i dislike it. you do you man but someone with a similar face must've fucked with me as a child or something because it makes me uncomfy.

>> No.1183606

American dream type shit works insanely well in un exploited markets like hololive.

>> No.1184247
File: 454 KB, 960x538, coco cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah anon, such a weird, non cute face we got here. Jarring...

>> No.1184292
File: 1.98 MB, 1919x1079, cococute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could cover come up with this uncomfortable face?

>> No.1184434

She's channeling the chungus.


>> No.1184529

wasn't he talking about her roommate's face?

>> No.1184544

we were talking about the japanese girl she lives with

>> No.1184689



>> No.1184721
File: 9 KB, 242x243, 1613813589684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will all blow over in a week.

>> No.1185022

>Subaru stream hint about this as well

what happened with subaru?

>> No.1185273


>their idol image
Cover has no image. The vtubers they hire have an image. And what image they have should not matter so long as it pulls in earnings.

>> No.1185448

Wow, she is CUTE! Nice pair of boobs, too!

>> No.1185468

to be honest that;s why I cant blame cover. Right now youtube is the biggest platform in the world for streaming video, and they are most likely making money hand over fist. Does it suck that they killed it RIGHT when we may have got an ending? Yeah. But shit is what it is when it comes to protecting the rest of your brand and capital.

>> No.1185745


She is very attractive yeah

>> No.1185752

You know...I've been reading all these threads about how Haachamaa's true end video has been taken down and her taking a break and all that.

My question is:

Couldn't she upload her True End video to another vod site?

>> No.1185813

That's why we think it's 100% cover not wanting whatever's in the vid, twitter's community guidelines aren't nearly as retarded as youtube and she didn't put it there either

>> No.1185841
File: 888 KB, 1283x1055, 1603288981252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's unironically against the United States of Dragon America

>> No.1185849

If Fubuki leaves, I'm finally done with Hololive

>> No.1185932

Youtubers can, Haachama as a Cover character can't, unless someone from the inside leaks it.

>> No.1185935

This doesn't make much sense from a self-harm standpoint because think of the other things the other holos stream as games. Tons of suicide/self-harm/gore/viscera/even nudity and racial slurs (thanks LA Noire).

Nobody cares when it's them.
They only care when it's someone doing something themselves instead of just streaming things someone else made.
I know you're not saying that you agree with the decision, but at every level this decision is flawed. That's exactly why you can blame Cover. They made this decision and it was stupid.

>> No.1185977

She could just upload it and then take it down. Archives will do the rest.

>> No.1186002

>Thanking LA Noir for racial slurs when there's GTA V

>> No.1186012

I've attempted to do some searching, but I can't find anything related to "amegeddon". What is that?

>> No.1186026

Fuck I forgot about that.
Miko driving on the road and mowing down ragdoll pedestrians is apparently O K but Haachama fighting with her inner demons is yab.

>> No.1186054

ame slapped gura in font of yagoo because gura slept with shion's fiance.

>> No.1186094

Wait, that was REAL?! I thought that was just BS paranoid rrat posting, no wonder it got a name like that.

>> No.1186107

>Like sands in the hourglass, so are the days of our Yabs

>> No.1186167
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Friend isn't leaving tho.

>> No.1186193
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, tommy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hi Mark

>> No.1186233

She said she would if things ever went south at the company.
I have faith in friend.

>> No.1186248

Ame has had a boyfriend

>> No.1186249

I mean if this is part of the lore as well then I will FULLY
Submit to Haato.

Actually making me genuinely afraid for her future as a hololive talent as part of the lore behind her character is 10D chess that I was not expecting from a little pepeloni hating girl on the internet.

I don't think that's actually what is happening, though.

>> No.1186282

If true, then good for her. I hope they got along well and had a positive influence on each other, although I can see how a career like v-tubing could cause conflict between them.

>> No.1186348

>hey babe doing that simp shit again tonight?
>yeah im making mad bank i'll suck your dick to make up or it
and thats how anyone with a working brain deals with it.

>> No.1186356

With video games, it can just be construed as the Holos having fun, or them watching a fictional character struggle with their own problems. Like with Asacoco, it's a jab at drugs, not a PSA or a "get high with real drugs today" message. Unfortunately, Cover probably saw Haacha's as being too personal and artistic.

>> No.1186357

>Wanting a collab with vshojo or anituber/ethots

>> No.1186397

>EN having relationship
Is west, is expected
>JP having relationship
Otaku yab

>> No.1186405

The issue is how many people with non-functional brains that fame attracts. While I wish to believe she was with someone who was good for her, there's always the chance they're just doing it for the clout, cash or opportunity.

>> No.1186429

I doubt it's just that when Watame had a bigger BF nontroversy that just got referenced as a Coco joke.

>> No.1186598

I have near zero sexual interest in Watame so I'd be happy if she had a boyfriend. Only reason it'd make me change behavior is if said boyfriend was an ass -- who you date is a reflection of who you are in some way.

>> No.1186619

not her first rodeo and won't be her last.

>> No.1186702


>> No.1186836

>they would lose a significant portion of their Western fans overnight
The ENs would still be around

>> No.1186851

i don’t care oshi has bf but don’t want to hear about bf

>> No.1187043

Honesty I think it's much worse if they have a BF and don't talk about it. If they treat having a BF as normal you're under no delusions, whereas if they don't you can go full schizo over it.
It would be nice to normalize loving relationships as a positive attribute in a female idol's persona. Unless they're purposefully done to be sexual for you.

>> No.1187259

To some of us, sure. But in the idol and pop industry, it can come as a danger, if not in viewership, than to attracting some of the delusional fans. Kpop and Jpop are full of such toxicity and the cyberstalking laws in Japan are archaic. Just look at what happened to Aloe and the guy the fans thought was her BF.

>> No.1187587

the vod contain the shocking truth and they don't want haachama to reveal it....

>> No.1187747
File: 71 KB, 480x360, 1614580218115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no secret, preas unrerstand

>> No.1187887

I don’t think delusion is bad also schizo.
Similarly don’t want to know their real private.
If want to know their real private no need vtuber.

>> No.1188381

Yeah because /hlg/ is representative of what the JP fanbase thinks. Just go on her twitter and look at the Japanese comments before you start believing that larping as a nip on /jp/ makes you Japanese

>> No.1188416

There's also nothing that indicates that haato was suspended but that didn't stop you faggots from circlejerking it all over the board now did it?

>> No.1189940

>minorities and faggots

>> No.1190836

check my rrat
Haachama had a psychotic episode irl and was told to take a break. She doesnt strike me as the most stable person and all the schizo stuff is only half ironic

>> No.1190862

>niggers making rrats as always
>...additions for the Inappropriate language, violence, recreational drugs and drug-related content guidelines...

>> No.1194040

can you scroll up

>> No.1194407

That just says that she can't run ads on some of them, not that she can't upload them at all. Which means that the fuck up is 100% on Cover.
