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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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11541904 No.11541904 [Reply] [Original]

>Entire company is dedicated to monopolizing anime licensing and makes experiencing anime worst for everyone in the West for 15 years straight with their butt-buddy Funimation
>Use the money from the dumbfucks that caved into their streaming service to fund their Steven Universe ripoff """anime"""
>Cut to 2021 with them making a v-tuber and suddenly everyone loves them
Was it really that easy for you guys?

>> No.11541963

You're reading in to it too much, touch grass.

>> No.11542005

Whatever you say Crunchy shill

>> No.11542023

>you guys
Nah, fuck 'em. I haven't touched that piece of shit cash-grab. Anyone who has is both a fool and not my nigger.

>> No.11542385

I fucking hate this leech company. Literally all they do is leeching.

>> No.11542798

>rigging is shittier than Gura's
>basically a boring whore
Nah imma stick to VOMS and Haachama

>> No.11542920
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Women will spread those cheeks for whoever offers to pimp them.

You can tell the real oldfags from the overt faggots based on their reaction to krusty princess. Oldfags who remember the glory days of actual fansubbing, when each episode took months and rippable dubs (which included the oh so coveted subs) sometimes took years, would rather an anime go unlicensed than be sat on. The western corporatization of subbing led to the interspecies reviewers debacle, and no oldfag will ever let the western streaming service cartel or their employees live that down. Either do it right or don't license series at all. Together with woke-ist dialogue changes, katsuroll as a brand is dead on arrival as far as any uncorrupted anime bro is concerned.

Just because they have a vtuber doesn't mean that they're forgiven for monopolizing licenses, releasing inferior products, and disincentivizing quality independent subbing. There's nothing more unforgivable to a nerd than a company commoditizibg what you enjoy and then bastardizibg it into a vehicle for pushing politics while stopping (either actively or inactively) anyone from doing better.

>> No.11542935
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>You're reading in to it too much, touch grass.
>touch grass

Not even a fucking argument. I hate you types.

>> No.11543152


>> No.11543323

>I hate you types
Not even a fucking argument, cope.

>> No.11543663

I wish crunchy hime was my crunchy wife

>> No.11543782
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CR is shit, but their sins aren't her fault.
During her gameplay stream she didn't shill for crunchyroll a SINGLE time, nor did she spout any sjw shit. She was able to talk for 2 hours straight, had a ton of energy, and interacted with as many chat messages as possible. Her engagement was unironically better than any other ENtuber out there. It was only her first stream though, so it remains to be seen if she can keep it going. Keep in mind, I watched her out of sheer curiosity and came in wanting to dislike it due to the CR association

>> No.11543902

Crunchy is shit. But she's pretty good.
You realize you can just watch her with adblock turned on and youtube won't even display your fucking view right? You can literally enjoy her while depriving them of any income.
Maybe if we're lucky she'll get poached by a Jap corporation.

>> No.11544038

>Maybe if we're lucky she'll get poached by a Jap corporation
HoloEN gen 3 here we come!

>> No.11544084

>your standards are this low

>> No.11544113

Cover doesn't hire good streamers, they hire """talents"""

>> No.11544180

Nijibrony cope

>> No.11544204

America is the disease, Crunchyroll the symptom. I refuse to support them in any way.

>> No.11544230

Don't worry bro I still ahoy anime. I'm not subbing to Crunchy Roll lol.

>> No.11544299

Mad because it's true. kek

>> No.11544599

Seething and rent free, you're why Holofags so despised by fans of every other company, startup, and indie.

>> No.11544715

>Seething and rent free
Yikes, seething and rent free

>> No.11544756

we don’t love the company, we love her

>> No.11544763

>everyone loves them
define everyone, I hate the tikthot they hired

>> No.11546655
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>by fans of every other company
4% or 6% as much? roru

>> No.11546823

Read the OP. You can't refute the facts by going "you're reading too much into it." It just makes you out to be a shill, paid or not.

>> No.11546862

Its only paid shills that are "loving" her
After all crunchyroll paid good money for her to shill their product

>> No.11546885

And yet, they get good streamers consistently. Pretty impressive, it must be said.

>> No.11546905

>Fuck corpos i'm gonna watch these corpos

>> No.11547407

>poaching a tiktok influencer that is literally rich from all the sponsorship deals she does to shill shit on tiktok

She would unironically lose money by going to hololive

>> No.11547418

Shut the fuck up shill, doesn't matter she should be indie then ! I don't care if she's not SJW she should be political as long as it aligns with my ideals and others like me that migrated here after we got kicked off of other social media in 2016 !
I joke of course but nice observation

>> No.11548094

This level of corporate Vtuber is in a really awkward spot, I think. I watched the first Odyssey stream and at first, it seemed normal, cute even, but There's a certain pressure over the whole thing, with her asking "What's your favorite anime?" "What anime anime are you watching right now?" like it was a contractual obligation. Then the conversation was mostly just about normie anime, all stuff CR has I assume. Then there was the point she accidently said vibrator. In Hololive, another company that gets accused of keeping things really sterile in modern times, it would be acknowledged and played off most the time, save for some that might play into it as a running gag or something probably not though. But in this stream, she quickly corrected herself and had to move on immediately, completely ignoring the chat reaction, if was quite offsetting. At the end she was thanking fans and remembering people from her first stream, clearly showing that she wants to make a connection and defy the ultra-corporate stigma in some way, but it's a real uphill battle with what Crunchyroll seems to require. I'm not subscribed at the moment, but I'll probably check stream again sometime to see if anything has changed.

>> No.11550064

I doubt she makes that much off her Tiktok. Rates for Tiktok are garbage and Canadians don't even get money from the creator fund. She wouldn't have taken the vtuber gig if she was making bank.

>> No.11550561

a real sincere and good faith analysis, anon. good on you, i'm similarly curious to see where this goes but haven't gotten around to watching this because i don't really like CR as a company but not for the typical reasons you see here, you know?

>> No.11551893

Where does that say anything about hating corporations? Also I thought VOMS was so indie that pulling triple digit viewers is impressive for them?

>> No.11558954

Don't be confused by the corporate astroturfing

the grass is plastic
