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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 130 KB, 1200x675, loser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1148210 No.1148210 [Reply] [Original]

Takanashi Kiara is now officially the most unpopular streamer in all of HoloEN.
Her last 3 videos have less views than 1 (one) average stream of Ina.
Meanwhile Ina doesn't even give a fuck, she isn't even trying.
Yet Kiara is the most hardworking person in HoloEN. She spams the most streams, has the most collabs, does the most SC readings.
Yet she is the least popular.
This must be a huge motivation killer. I expect her to lose hope. She will not recover from this especially with a salty/sad mood. Her next streams will be garbage.

Once Gen2 launches she will be destroyed.
Yeah it is over for her.

So fellower anons, what can we do to cheer her up? Any ideas?

>> No.1148236

Take your meds, schizo

>> No.1148278
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Meds anon , come on you have to

>> No.1148292

If you don't wanna help her then go away. This is a thread where we discuss how to cheer up our lovely chicken.

>> No.1148294

God I wish that happens to Calli

>> No.1148439

Imagine crying about only having 800k subs

>> No.1148505

yeah poor chicken, cries in 800k subs and +400k bucks

>> No.1148540

That is not really the problem.
The problem is your self esteem.
Imagine working the most, yet be worth the least. This is a super shitty feeling. It isnt really about money. It's about yourself.
e.g.: I know for sure i would be mad as fuck if i work for 12 hours while my co workers work only 4 hours yet i would be worth the least. Then why even work if everything you do is gonna turn bad?

You get my point?

>> No.1148570

Again: this is not about money.
She cares about numbers. And being last will drive her crazy.

>> No.1148610

If you are actually being serious about it, she's not last, she's ahead of like 50% of the entire Hololive crew.
She works less than most of the JP girls yet has more subs.

>> No.1148643

It would actually be really funny if Ina and all of Gen2 hits 1 million before Kiara

>> No.1148691

She has less subs than Ina. Ina is ahead.
She has 3x time less views than the previous most unpopular vtuber of holoEN. Which makes her 3x as unpopular.
She works the hardest for sure in HoloEN there is no doubt. She is streaming almost daily, usually 4-6 hour streams.

I don't care about JP i was talking about EN.
Officially she is the least popular HoloEN vtuber in the world.
You think she doesn't care about that? lel
Her mood will ruin her next streams even more, mark my words.

>> No.1148850

If you genuinely want to help, watch her streams, participate in the chat, like/comment the archives, and retweet her stuff. You can also try tweeting at Youtube to help bring the shadowban to their attention.

Doom posting doesn't help anything.

Her last two streams have low views due to being shadowbanned, but they were still fun streams and she still got superchatted like mad. She'll be fine once the shadowban is lifted.

>> No.1148854

making a lot of assumptions here anon

>> No.1148860

I mean, someone has to be in the last place, and i don't mean it in a bad way.

>> No.1148937

everyone sub to Ina let's get her to 1m

>> No.1148968

I fucking hope she gets permanently shadowbanned. She fucked up many times and is the main cause of controversy in Hololive EN and JP. Also almost ruined my Oshi's life.

>> No.1148978

>I expect her to lose hope

>> No.1148995


>> No.1149001
File: 6 KB, 754x95, numberfag2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a cock gurgling homosexual.

>> No.1149018

Take your meds

>> No.1149024

This isn't about me. It's about Kira and yes she DOES care about numbers. Being last is bad for her mentallity

>> No.1149037

Why are tentacucks like this?

>> No.1149042

Imagine having such low self esteem that you find value in numbers

Sounds like her problem

>> No.1149077

Kira is a guy.

>> No.1149083

The only thing you should be worrying about right now is your fucking sorry excuse of your life, sitting on 4chan in your parent's basement, talking about some bullshit numbers literally nobody cares about.
Stop worrying about someone else who is doing perfectly fine, clearly you have bigger problems in your life. Go read a book, do your reps, or anything that's more useful than this.

>> No.1149086

I don't have social media. All i can do is like her stream once.

>She'll be fine once the shadowban is lifted.
Yeah about that... there is a high chance that won't happen. And it will definitely happen too late.
Kepp in mind most people switch to other vtubers if they dont get anymore content. And they got ZERO content from Kiara because they don't even know she streamers due to the shadow ban.

Lot'd of people wont ever return, even if the ban is lifted.

>> No.1149103

Drop the Takamori angle. Sure some people will be upset that they can't have their lesbian lust stories, but do you really want to just be known as "the gay one" whenever people think of you?

Stop complaining about numbers. When people bring it up, just say "hey I'm not here for that, I want to make sure we have a good time instead."

Screaming for 10 minutes isn't attractive. Not when it's because you decided to pull a dumbass move and insist you know better. You aren't Pekora.

That's it. None of this has to be immediate, but then again no one's really looking for actual advice for her, are they?

>> No.1149108

Bruh, Kira already graduated.
It's time to move on...

>> No.1149111

Poor quality bait thread, got KFP rent free in his head.
OP you gotta take your meds.

>> No.1149127

God I want to beat Kiara up in a completely non-sexual context

>> No.1149134

Nice self-derailing thread Kiara

>> No.1149142


>> No.1149168
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I know 4chan is like this with everything, but somehow I didn't imagine that /vt/ would be this tribalistic about which 3d anime titty rig is worse than Hitler.
I don't even watch Kiara's stuff, but the haters are fucking weird for caring this much about someone they allegedly don't watch at all.

>> No.1149172

You know what? Maybe you are right. Maybe it is time to leave the sinking ship.
I never really cared about Ina because she was last, which means she must be boring or something. But now? Seems like lots of people are subbing to her because Kiara can't deliver.

Yeah maybe it is best to support Ina after all. Especially if i look at the mad KFP people in this thread. Instead of trying to help, they insult me.

Is the Tako community better? Is it worth unsubbing from Kiara and subbing to Ina?
Can someone tell me?

Any tako boys here?

>> No.1149189

>another kiara thread which turns into a schizofest

>> No.1149194
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>> No.1149204

How long have you had this thread ready to post, anon?

Once her shadowban ends, she'll pass Ina again in no time.

>> No.1149214

If you found kiara in your room what is the first violent thing you would do to her

>> No.1149235

I would hug her and tell her she is doing her best

>> No.1149239

He didn’t get the reaction he wanted on the KFP thread.

>> No.1149251

>turns into

>> No.1149260

I don't use violence. I would whisper in her ear: You will have to live with me from now on. Also your cats have to go.

>> No.1149279

Right. I keep forgetting it's an ongoing raid.

>> No.1149284

Because said 3d titties is intrinsically linked to her real world persona, whom is incredibly controversial.

>> No.1149289

That depends, while it's my room, is she expecting me? Is she on the bed or a chair?

Something like this >>1149260

>> No.1149297

As i said, many of them will not return. They think of Kiara as someone who doesn't deliver. Understanable.
Nah it's over for her pretty sure. She will never catch up again. Sad.

>> No.1149326

>Is it worth unsubbing from Kiara and subbing to Ina?
That's not how it works anyway. Imagine typing all that and thinking that you're le epic troll.

>> No.1149351

feels bad man

>> No.1149371

Samefagging isn't going to make Kiara go away

>> No.1149374

Nah im serious. Her community (you) seem like shitty people. I only heard good things of takobros so far.
Plus i don't really wanna be subbed to the least popular girl. It is kinda dragging me down... do you know what i mean?
I don't know what to do

>> No.1149398
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>> No.1149416

> India
are you retarded?

>> No.1149423

India isn't SEA

>> No.1149432

Maybe because she's doing 4-6 hours streams people tune in while they have free time and don't worry about being around the entirety of the stream.

>> No.1149440


But then again, fans are like this towards any high profile celebrity, be it online, hollywood or otherwise. It has always been like this. Go to /jp/, /mu/, /tv/, /sp/, /asp/ and it's the same thing. Just substitute 'oshi' with wrestler/politician/actor/actress/comedian/football player/idol/jav actress/musician and you get the same shit.

The only thing Hitler did wrong was invading the Soviet Union and not go full throttle on the holocaust

>> No.1149483

No one outside of these boards gives a shit about most of the rrats posted here.

>> No.1149489

>do you really want to just be know as "the gay one" whenever people think of you?
Bro why are you calling out Artemis like that

>> No.1149492

>Malaysia is SEA
>part of the British East Indies
>So is India
>Hence SEA
I know you Muricans are inbred to the point of retardation, but at least do your history reps.

>> No.1149499
File: 252 KB, 860x568, 157-1578067_popteamepic-poptepipic-poputepipikku-bkub-manga-pop-team-epic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's only linked if people get autistic and try and pry into other people's lives, or for that matter, give a shit about them.
When I watch Korone, I'm not chomping at the bit and pulling out my abacus trying to calculate the odds if she's sucked 87 cocks in a row on the Yamanote Line before her debut.
I just watch her play a game.
Autism is a hell of a drug.

I guess its silly to think people would stay in their own lanes.
I figured that since there isn't a competitive nature to this entertainment that people would be 'somewhat' more chill.

>> No.1149502

She was last for the first few months.

>> No.1149518

This the same niggah that was complaining about Kiara on /jp and cut his dick off?

>> No.1149531


>> No.1149536

>Taking a week off due to moving in an industry that lives and dies on near-daily content.
She'll bounce back, faggot.

>> No.1149580

So I'm Kiara's roommate now?

>> No.1149606

/vt/ was born out of /jp/, being autistic was a given.

>> No.1149612

Alright friends, i will go and take a nap.
Have fun with the thread. Hopefully you will figure out how to cheer her up.
Maybe a couple of you can tweet her something nice? Like:
>don't worry about being the least popular holoEN vtuber in the world, it doesn't matter to us, we still love you tenchou!

or anything! Help her!

With that being said though, and i can only speak for myself: If she is still the least popular when i wake up i will probably unsub from her and sub to Ina instead, for the reasons i mentioned here >>1149374

Anyway good luck bros!!!!

>> No.1149615

Kiara is just such a sad, miserable, pathetic human being. Part of me despises her but I also feel sorry especially for her parents.

>> No.1149622
File: 2.57 MB, 1080x1235, 1612330590895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board needs a goddamn rule about there being only one Kiara thread allowed at this point. It feels like at any moment 1/5 of the board is dedicated to shitting on Kiara.
And I say this as someone who doesn't like Kiara. It's getting retarded.
It's just trolls pretending to be KFP trolling trolls, with a few absolute schizo seanigs that are insane and truly want to harm Kiara.

>> No.1149626

>IP count hasn't changed in 10 minutes
This is getting old

>> No.1149628

She bounced back with a shadow ban. Delicious irony, since the bitch probably thought Youtube would only use it against "hate speech" which is something she supports, and not annoyingly loud chickens instead.

>> No.1149629
File: 720 KB, 1440x1080, 1599121706973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I expect her to lose hope.

>> No.1149643

Or just implement ID's so retards get called out.

>> No.1149665

Post your proof

>> No.1149668


>> No.1149683
File: 1010 KB, 500x250, Death Note 1545110775984.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's about Kira
Anyway, chicken is fine. Her style is not for everyone, but the people that like her like her a lot (no other hololive can replace her, even her antis must admit this). She streams a lot because she loves the viewers that she has. Kiara is unironically a very seiso person, in terms of her mentality and outlook to life. In one of her streams, a superchat said he was going to die from cancer, and she made sure to treat it seriously and thank the viewer. Chat yelled at her that it was probably fake, but she then said something that sticks with me to this day (and I'm a teamate):
"It doesn't matter whether it's fake or not. If it's real, I want to thank him and bring him joy. That's all that matters."
I can't find the video, but she wasn't acting there.
>Tl;dr: Chicken loves her fans, and I think she will keep putting in effort for them regardless of whether she is last place or not. As for the fans: they love Kiara, and nothing can really replace Kiara since she has such a unique style.

>> No.1149685

Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!

>> No.1149694

What do you think would be the best method of torturing Kiara?

>> No.1149695
File: 31 KB, 269x223, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IDs? What??

>> No.1149702

Found the video:

>> No.1149709

Doxxing isn't allowed anon. Do your reps on what Kiara's roommate is all about.

>> No.1149712

I've been on board with this since my main thread on another board has been taken over by a severely schizophrenic faggot dating back to 2018. There's no saving this hellhole of a website anyways.

>> No.1149716

4chan already has an ID system on certain boards.

>> No.1149729

fuck off tribalniggger. Tentacultists are comfyCHADs. UNITY LOVE

I love Ina!

>> No.1149738

On /pol/ and /biz/ only

>> No.1149792

>there isn't a competitive nature to this entertainment
Cover, Nijisanji are corporations. If you have shit performance and rake in poor sales, you're out. For indies, It is only human nature to compete with your peers. Even if you think you don't care about the numbers, but subconsciously you do.

>> No.1149844

/pol/ assigns a random set of letter and numbers to you the first time you post in a thread which is specific to that thread. To put a stop to samefagging as it was an even larger problem there than on other boards. I dont even think IDs are needed here as its pathetically obvious which posts are made by OP in this thread. Schizos simply cannot disguise themselves very well

>> No.1149943

Is this what being a zoomer is like?

>> No.1149959

Reminder that you only need to BTFO a SEAnig to have threads like these die.

>> No.1149965

Maybe someone should tell Kiara that being a boring idea of what she expects out of a mainstream idol isn't good. She wants to be AKB48 while Hololive got big by being BiS.

>> No.1149989

>She fucked up many times and is the main cause of controversy in Hololive EN and JP.
you spend too much time on /vt/ if you believe this
>Also almost ruined my Oshi's life.
lol sure

>> No.1150013

Stop replying to bait

>> No.1150023

It'd be even funnier if something causes Zoombie to blow up overnight and shoot past Kiara. The public seething from KFP and private seething from Kiara (that leaks out as passive aggressiveness) would be entertaining considering Kiara's ambivalence towards her.

>> No.1150060

This thread reeks of reverse trolling

>> No.1150063

Wouldn't a lower subscriber count makes a stronger community?

>> No.1150071

>So fellower anons, what can we do to cheer her up? Any ideas?
Refraining from numberfagging would be a good start. Sub count hardly matters anyway

>> No.1150077

I feel like most the Kiara hate started ironically (since admittedly seeing the phoenix get bullied is funny and the highlight of any ENcollab stream) but then a bunch of socially maladjusted losers who weren’t fully in on the joke joined the bandwagon no other reason to fit in.
She’s not my favorite either frankly, but I can’t muster up the energy to dislike her.

>> No.1150096

Ina would unironically prefer lower numbers

>> No.1150143

Almost all of threads like these are made by a schizo or a few dedicated to try to rile up kfp

>> No.1150465


>> No.1150532

I don't like Kiara because I don't think she's funny or entertaining and she comes off as annoyingly insecure but that just reached a point where I stopped watching her streams. But trolling and riling up KFP is fun and really easy so it's less about her at this point.

>> No.1150542

Bitch still rakes in a lot of dosh from her equally mentally ill fanbase. She has no reason to complain about numbers, otherwise she would come off as an attentionwhore which she isn't, right, KFP friends?

>> No.1150641

You may want to visit a psychiatrist sometime. Your life may start improving in unexpected ways.

>> No.1150655

See what I mean? Never fails.

>> No.1150697

Just saying that learning to acknowledge and deal with antisocial traits would make you function better in a society.

>> No.1150736

I would wrestle her.

>> No.1151710

>an entire fucking thread feeding a concerntroll
Oh for fuck's sake.

>> No.1152614

>Drop the Takamori angle. Sure some people will be upset that they can't have their lesbian lust stories, but do you really want to just be known as "the gay one" whenever people think of you?
The only reason why Takamori was so prevalent was because both Kiara and Calli were in Japan, now that they're separated I haven't heard Kiara mention Calli except for a comment where she wished she could spread sun lotion on Calli's back.

>> No.1152675

I never browse /pol/, but that ID thing sounds like reddit tier cringe. Aren't we supposed to be based?

>> No.1156113

Ahhh, just another thread to rile up KFP and Kiara.
