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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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1138536 No.1138536[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I can kind've understand this for a twitch thot or whatever else, after all the sell you the GF/softcore experience, but for v-tubers? Outcast girls who have purposefully made their streams about their personality, abilities, and entertainment value -- going so far as to divorce themselves from their female body?
Is it an unproven necessity holdover from Idol culture? Is it to do with Japan's view on virginity and femininity? Is it that a large amount of men really do view them as lovers? Is it due to a small but wealthy segment of viewers? To simplify the question: do you think the average Holo would lose viewers over attaching their lovelife to their character's persona?

Now, regardless of if this stigma actually has reason behind it, how do you personally feel? I, for one, actually enjoy women talking about boyfriends. Not when they're talking about assholes, normal dudebros, or anything like that, but when it's about men they absolutely dote over who're described like a dream. I'd be happy to hear Watame talking about a kind guy she really loves who means the world to her, and hear about what she does for him and what he does for her.
It's a good feeling to know two good people are making each other much happier. Especially when you enjoy both of them. If you're sexually interested in your girl, I can kind've understand it, but I'd ask you to get away from V-Tubers if you have that kind've negative impossible trapped one-way relationship.

Of course this isn't the same as hearing about the girl's riding a cock carousel of shitty ex's. Nor is it the same as making the streams about their personal life/relationship.
But streamers in the west have used relationships as an enhancement mechanism, part of what drives people to their streams -- is this an untapped market for V-Tubers? Surely there's a demand for talented outcast girls, whom you can connect with, finding love and happiness with guys you can likewise connect with.

>> No.1138619

How many anime have you watched where the main heroine has a boyfriend that isn't the protagonist? How many of those anime aren't cuckshit? There's your answer.

>> No.1138667


>> No.1138699

Railgun, Kotoura-San, probably some more I watched without caring or noticing much. You know how the list expands.

>> No.1138727

But Misaka is in love with Touma and they're not dating.

>> No.1138763

have you by any chance heard of the reproductive strategy of the cuckoo bird

>> No.1138810
File: 149 KB, 699x1000, Shinyaku_Toaru_Majutsu_no_Index_Light_Novel_v13_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caters to the same demographic though. Do you really think enjoying reading about a woman drenched in fluids, absolutely infatuated with her guy, constantly chasing his cock, is all that different from reading about a girl who is absolutely infatuated and has the guy? That and every couple volumes you get KamiKoto scenes.

>> No.1138851

Ollie has literally admitted to having a BF and he's also been heard on stream before. Nobody cares. But that's just ID.

>> No.1138900

I self insert by thinking "Wow, look at those two. Love is real. There's still hope in this world. I hope my daughter/son can experience this".

I've no sexual interest in any of the girls except Marine, and that's just masturbatory.

>> No.1138942

The question isn't whether anime girls are allowed to have love interests but boyfriends. Plenty of vtubers have characters or even people that they're clearly in love with(Caliope x Critikal, FBK x Mirage, Ame x Bubba, etc) but turning them into boyfriends would be entirely different from innocent anime romance.

>> No.1138944

>Ollie has literally admitted to having a BF

>> No.1138971

Did you not watch the Choco + stars collab where she shared her past date experiences with men

>> No.1138975

That's her brother anon.

>> No.1139000

so if fans enjoy seeing them interact how is it a major leap to seeing fans enjoying them together?
i would greatly enjoy seeing two people i like have a good time together. not two people i'm into, but two people i find to be good people.

>> No.1139030

I have. But Choco's not exactly the most successful v-tuber. Neither did she confirm she had one currently.

>> No.1139054
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I would feel bad supporting her actually (in the sense of keeping adblock off). I'm not going to membership or sc dayo

>> No.1139156

Why? Wouldn't you donate to a man who has a girlfriend?
At the end of the day you have close to 0% chance with a v-tuber. I think you actually hit 0% if you start throwing money at them, permanently cements a relationship of fan and idol, I'd imagine.
Seems unhealthy to play imaginary girlfriend with them.

>> No.1139228

Not mutually exclusive terms.

>> No.1139271

>Why? Wouldn't you donate to a man who has a girlfriend?
No, why the fuck would I donate to someone who is more successful than me? What the fuck? What kinda retard gives money to those above them on the totem pole? Why aren't they giving me money as a tax for their success?

>> No.1139319

>What kinda retard gives money to those above them on the totem pole
Do you eat food? Watch movies? Hold a job?

>> No.1139326

You think Idols are less successful than you?

>> No.1139340

I actually don't care, in a sense, if they had a bf. I don't like that they're treated negatively for that from idol culture, but I wouldn't watch one that did because it would just make me feel like a loser.
You only really watch vtubers because of their cute and feminine charms which you are attracted to but knowing that someone you're attracted to is actively getting railed just makes you feel like shit.

>> No.1139343

>Choco's not exactly the most successful v-tuber
Successful enough to be featured in cross over media.

>> No.1139357

I'm on foodstamps, I pirate movies, I've never had a job in my life. Checkmate?
No but that's why I don't give money to idols. I might give money to a small indie vtuber on their road to success because I want them to make it and be happy. I'm not gonna give money to someone thats already made it, that's retarded.

>> No.1139374

>No, why the fuck would I donate to someone who is more successful than me?
-Plebe, Rome, with shit dumped from a senator's house on his head, in an alleyway, refusing to pay to see the new drama in town, circa 100 A.D

>> No.1139383

>I'm on foodstamps, I pirate movies, I've never had a job in my life. Checkmate?
I guess checkmate in the sense that your life sounds terrible and depressing.

>> No.1139388

Anyone here complaining about girls dating guys are just weebs trying their best to mimic actual japanese otakus

>> No.1139406

No anon, I don't sc or membership regardless of whether or not they have a bf. However, I do turn adblock off. Now, if she has a bf, I'm not turning adblock off.

>> No.1139409

What's depressing about it? I have enough money to support myself and I get all the shit I want for free.

>> No.1139415

the main appeal is that lonely dudes get to feel like the chuuba is performing for them specifically. deep down even the loneliest guys (that aren't literal stalking schizos) know they will never have a meaningful relationship with them but the illusion that they are pure virgins who are only devoted to their fans can help keep that delusion alive

personally I don't actually care but the kayfabe is why I prefer chuubas over other streamers in the first place so I prefer if they keep it separate. I can't think of any examples but I would be ok if a couple were both chuubas but when we get into real life shit I just completely lose interest

>> No.1139422

I think you should find more job rather than watching vtuber and shitposting on 4chan

>> No.1139451

>I think you should find more job
Pretty disgusting, this board is /jp/'s child, I'm ashamed of you anon.

>> No.1139498

>You only really watch vtubers because of their cute and feminine charms which you are attracted to but knowing that someone you're attracted to is actively getting railed just makes you feel like shit.
Once you find confidence in yourself you stop caring about such things. Being upset your mother has a loving husband who means the world to her, being upset your daughter has a loving husband who means the world to her -- these all sound silly, no? It's a good thing to know good people are finding happiness -- it partially means your time, if it hasn't come, can come (if you've seen the roommates you know already they aren't exactly prized for looks. wouldn't it make you happy to know they found someone who loves them for who they are, without knowledge of their idol career?)
That's how I think about it anyway. Especially if the man they're dating is a good man.

>> No.1139550

Say that to them and bring back replies please.

>> No.1139587
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On the one hand, vtubers are characters played by actors. The actor's relationships have little bearing on the character.
On the other hand, there are otaku who disliked the Haruhi Suzumiya anime because Haruhi's voice actor was not a virgin.

>> No.1139590

You live relying constantly on public programs and welfare systems never actually gaining any amount of independence or personal wealth? How is that not sad? You are a slave in a gilded cage.

>> No.1139619

I should elaborate more -- a girl choosing a man which isn't you isn't a rejection of yourself. It's an incredibly negative and self destructive view of the world, one which leads to constant pursuance of women at the cost of stability, happiness, and a meaningful family life. It means you can't separate a whole 51% of the world from being thought of with your dick.

>> No.1139621

I don't really care, but if they start to show him off then I'm out.

>> No.1139632

We're their illegitimate child with /trash/ that they refuse to take responsibility for or pay child support, in classic /jp/ fashion, because they're hikkiNEETs.
Is your life dominated by a desire for personal wealth? I can afford the things I care about, what more do I need?

>> No.1139654

>I can afford the things I care about, what more do I need?
Probably a woman and a lot more than what you have...

>> No.1139661
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The wagie fears the neet
(I actually have a job but will not fill her pockets while he fills her insides. If she needs money she can go to him).

>> No.1139669

Some of the most popular anime and manga are like that. Did anyone think Goku would end up with Bulma?

>> No.1139668
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So you have no interest in independence? Consuming good food, traveling the world and owning land?

>> No.1139697


>> No.1139737
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Why would I want to own land or eat expensive food? I'm not a serf, my ideals are far deeper than a lust for worldly desires.

>> No.1139769

Yeah niggers are pretty nasty

>> No.1139770

I wouldn't be upset that they had a SO in a sense, Infact I would be happy that they're happy. It's just a matter to if I would actually want to watch a vtuber who had a boyfriend. for vtubers to be a escapist fantasy it's broken if they do have bf, which is nothing wrong on the vtubers part, its more of a personal thing since vtuber should be free to be about anything they want.
I don't see it as a personal rejection, just not the the kind of content I, and maybe others, would watch specific vtubers for.

>> No.1139789

Apparently some people want to live like Diogenes. I appreciate that.

>> No.1139818

But hes not even doing that, Diogenes was not supported by any public welfare systems, and hunted his own food.
