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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 114 KB, 1349x715, FBl9Mj3VEAAtNnL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11367151 No.11367151 [Reply] [Original]

i miss the old times when only HoloMyth could play in the EN server

>> No.11367206

When did that happen?

>> No.11367234


>> No.11367265

Say bye to your precious trees and hills

>> No.11367283

>One JP Holo falls though a hole in EN Server
>Hole fixed next day

>> No.11367285

I miss when doctors killed retarded babies like you

>> No.11367363

Man, imagine if it was Aqua as the victim (elytra and all)

>> No.11367407

Don't tell me it's completely filled up

>> No.11367475

Last I know of, Kiara put a slime block at the bottom to lessen the chance of dying down there. But if someone fell, good luck getting back up (or just dig up)

>> No.11367484

screw kiara, hates fun

>> No.11367626

It's the tranny manager fault though. JP server is filled with traps all over the place but god forbid EN has a single fucking hole in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.11367675


fuck management, never do anything useful except ruin stuff

>> No.11367798

Management was strongarming the talent. At least when Kiara does it she cusses the omegafag off.

>> No.11367872

I'm torn between telling you to fuck off because it's not JPs fault and missing the days when I was able to keep up with whatever was happening on the server. Usually it was only one or maybe two members who played minecraft primarly at a time, now it's most of them and it lost it's appeal. Too much of the same and too many changes happening between streams I am able to catch. It wouldn't change much if JPs really overrun the EN world with buildings now because it's already too much to keep up with.

>> No.11367965
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A fucking door that says "this is a trap" above it doesn't count as a trap. That hole has caused like 4 zenlosses up to this point, there's no reason for it to still be there.

>> No.11368014

fuck off omegafaggot
bitch shouldn't have strayed off the fucking path into the wilderness for no fucking reason

>> No.11368052
File: 222 KB, 716x692, 1620247695842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"this is a trap"
>can't read it because it's in japanese
dilate some more omegafag

>> No.11368094

They put nipples to the Amelia statue though.

>> No.11368140 [DELETED] 

nooooooo not my heckin' serverino's natural beauty

>> No.11368215
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>That hole has caused like 4 zenlosses up to this point
And all of them have made the audience go "Ha Ha". Their job is to make the audience go "Ha Ha".

>> No.11368237

>A fucking door that says "this is a trap" above it doesn't count as a trap.
That's maybe like half of the peko-traps, I'll admit. But what about pekoland? Roller coasters that are so badly engineered that you die half of the time? Berry-bushes traps? And the dozens of other deadly traps and/or badly engineer facilites. The JP server is very dangerous for tourists. Even TTT is not safe.

>> No.11368306

this but unironically

>> No.11368346
File: 15 KB, 290x241, 1633453043553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can guarantee I dislike Omega more than you complete dimwits do. There's a difference between a "trap" where it's incredibly obvious it's meant to kill you and just a random hole in the ground that can zenloss you. It's funny as a viewer to watch someone zenloss sure, but the hole's existence (especially to people completely unaware of it) is malicious in nature.

>> No.11368364

God forbid anything to ever fucking happen in a videogame. I looked just to be sure and not even the comment section of clipwatching retards agrees with you. Get graduated.

>> No.11368445 [DELETED] 


>for vtubers

They’ll really make up a bullshit job for anyone to launder money lmao

>> No.11368447

>It's funny as a viewer to watch someone zenloss sure, but the hole's existence (especially to people completely unaware of it) is malicious in nature.
So are most of the enemies in most of the games. That's what makes it good.

>> No.11368471

How is it malicious if it's in the middle of fucking nowhere? Minecraft world generation makes a million holes that will kill you.

>> No.11368588

it's an inanimate fucking object anon, it has no intent therefor cannot be malicious

>> No.11368642 [DELETED] 

>management feels the need to micromanage fucking minecraft
what the fuck
they must really have nothing to do

>> No.11368708

it's one faggot that had a special oc donut steel made so that they could insert themselves into the overall "story"

>> No.11368864

It's They/Them you bigot!1!!

>> No.11368904

Kiara actually listened to her viewers and didn’t fill it up to the point of eliminating it completely. That one slime block is effectively there as a compromise, despite how needless it really is.
>it only became problematic once Suisei fell in

>> No.11368920

you're an inanimate fucking object

>> No.11368956

Do we know what server rules are "given" by management?

>> No.11368964

yeah after watching the clip I'm sorry, Kiara actually tried to compromise for the hole lovers

>> No.11368991
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whatever they are, they dont apply to Shiraken

>> No.11368998

fill me in?

>> No.11369030

>minimum of five hours a week on block game
>no bullying jp
>erecting a statue of omega (tba)
>no traps

>> No.11369057

I’d assume the general rules are no wanton destruction or aggressive PKing, but I don’t know the true outline.

>> No.11369094

no digging holes
no haachama

>> No.11369293
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It seems the faggots are getting uppidty...they must be reminded

>> No.11369309


>> No.11369370

i wish i had enough free time to get upset over minecraft

>> No.11369390

Falling down a hole in the terrain in broad daylight has ended more of my hardcore runs than I'd like to admit

>> No.11369460

That's one inconsistent shizo alright.

>> No.11369705

JP not gonna stop until EN server land is as FLAT as Rushia! D:

>> No.11369896

where the fuck have you been since en2 debuted?

>> No.11370001

JP whores creating their rat nests, soviet blocs, and retarded "le ebin!xd" traps

>> No.11370238

It was Omegatranny, Kiara was against to fill the hole, so to not have to fill it up like him wanted she just put a slime block at the bottom to not make them die by the fall

>> No.11370275

>"le ebin!xd" traps
not if omegatranny has anything to say about it

>> No.11370298
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Fuck off Omega

>> No.11370305

Not here?

>> No.11370387
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KFP faggots will cope, that stupid hole should of been sealed MONTHS ago.

>> No.11370389

have you watched the first en2 collab?
if so you already have all the info you need

>> No.11370454

Pekora doesn't design zenloss traps. You may die, but you're always prompted to remove anything valuable before. Also the rollercoaster isn't poorly engineered, it's genius because to get through you need to trust in Pekora.

>> No.11370491

is that actually a trans manager's self insert? wtf cover who approved that

>> No.11370518

>a game where everyone can pretty much do anything
>impose artificial rules, where people cannot do certain things

It would be sad if per say - they deforested the area around the Ame statue. But, if that is what happens, that is what happens.

>> No.11370534

screw it...I'll plug that damn hole myself

>> No.11370552

the zen, has been lost

>> No.11370574
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>but you're always prompted to remove anything valuable before

>> No.11370600

It's funny that you complained about "they" and then used it yourself in the same post.

>> No.11370678

why else does it exist?
A-chan is a known "character" that's been part of tale since day 1. EN management that has been more of a hindrance to virtually everything than a help is some fucking nobody and yet they are given a character for some reason.

>> No.11370736

Kiara should plug the hole off stream. Wonder by the hole the next day WHOoooo filled in my hole KFP. Chat and VT racks their brain for weeks trying to solve the RRat. Was it Kiara,Myth,Council, HoloJP, or management that did it.

>> No.11370741

so it's just a hypothesis, we don't know the guy's actually trans. Still, I thought they only hired female managers after previous problems

>> No.11370774

Learn the nuances of english grammar.

>> No.11370788

I don't know you, but I'm not walking into that expecting to survive.
Also that's the first thing she really designed with explicit intent to kill. In over 2 years.

>> No.11370864

She is not that intelligent to do that anon

>> No.11370915

The trans shit and the actual number of them is not known but comes from the ambiguous character design and retarded twitter shit where they shouldn't have answered but did anyway something along the lines of "my gender doesn't matter" or whatever the fuck it was.
More likely it's a group of managers just like how Enma was several individuals lumped together into one for simplicity's sake.

>> No.11370988

what you said is patently false and your attempt to move the goalposts only cements just how incorrect you are

>> No.11371163

>Pekora is the only person who makes traps

>Also the rollercoaster isn't poorly engineered, it's genius because to get through you need to trust in Pekora.
I don't remember who made it, but there is a broken coaster where minecarts started to pill up on top of one another because everyone falls at the same place.
And what about haachama's coaster that end up in a fire that destroy all your items?

also this

>> No.11371245

and that's why Ina should do it

>> No.11371257

subaru's burning shit house and the modified berry trap I think aqua added has claimed lives
no warning, no nothing

>> No.11371319

>And what about haachama's coaster that end up in a fire that destroy all your items?
Not him, but she encourages to put their items on a chest
Anyways a fucking hole is not that important to be filled, this is even good, all the girls are fucking hyper feeded with netherite armors and elytra, having a zenloss will give them an excuse to do a ''rearming'' stream, management are fucking retarded

>> No.11371330


Hence I still believe that past Ina dug it in the first place.

>> No.11371355

I wish the Ender Dragon would spawn and drop hell on Holoshima

>> No.11371414


>> No.11371492

Too bad it only destroyed Pororo, a simple structure who was rebuilded in 20 minutes

>> No.11371532

interesting what a perfect ending for the hole she dug

>> No.11371622

He mentioned peko-traps and Pekoland. So of course I'll talk about Pekora traps since it's the subject.
Sure anon, whatever you say.

>> No.11371653

Holy shit, drama over the fucking kids block game, thank god I don't watch Holo anymore

>> No.11371705

Putting chikubi was fine. Putting ads on the pantsu fucking triggered me

>> No.11371731

and yet you still post itt
doubly pathetic
double faggot

>> No.11371737

>drama over the fucking kids block game

>> No.11371746

it's a video game not an amusement park

>> No.11371752
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>> No.11371761

>tranny hates themselves
This is not new information. Fuck off vtweeter.

>> No.11371764

Why did Suisei even lose all her stuff in the hole? It wasn't washed away, you could see it all disappear when she died.

>> No.11371769

>he seethes at other's seething

>> No.11371787

You learn. Anon should have said he or she for the second 'they'.

>> No.11371828

I mentioned berry traps (none of them are from pekora) and roller coaster as a general, not just the ones in pekoland.

>> No.11371856

when she dropped water from her bucket into the hole, it washed the items away into a nearby magma pit

>> No.11371871

>watches vtubers for their minecraft skill
Haha what?

>> No.11371902

>I thought they only hired female managers after previous problems
Nope. Some girls only have female managers but others have males. Matsuri, of course, has a male manager and I believe Coco did too. They rotate as well so they typically switch mane-chans every 6 months iirc. I think Subaru went from a male manager a year ago to a female one six months ago. The one she said was an otaku.

>> No.11371914


>> No.11371954

>forgetting that gura was the one that added the tits

>> No.11371967
File: 554 KB, 504x700, Mumei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Set up a Gura killer
>Blame JPs for it

>> No.11371969

Omegafag sees JPs as more important but it is possible Suisei or her manager complained to EN management about Suisei's zenloss.

>> No.11371971

Please tell me the exact opposite of this thread is up on 2ch.

>> No.11371976

She respawned on the JP side and no one else was on the EN side. Maybe that will cause the items to despawn? Though it doesn't explain why the exp remained.

>> No.11372002


>> No.11372006

reverse colonization LMAO

>> No.11372011

They're probably referring to the nipples they put on it, anon.

>> No.11372017

this, visiting is fine but stop fucking destroying shit for fucks sake. I hope they destroy the portal soon.

>> No.11372029
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No, I mean when she died you see all her stuff there for a split second and then it immediately despawns. Is this just some weird Minecraft quirk I don't know about?

>> No.11372053

And I am referring to the breasts that were added without asking for permission first (originally also featured a penis as a extra prank(but gura totally didnt notice))

>> No.11372062

This is why Japan needed its lesson

>> No.11372066
File: 99 KB, 400x400, 1626381583673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we are closer and closer to both MC servers being sent to explode

>> No.11372067

But the point is accurate.

People bitch about the EN server not getting enough activity. Now that said activity is here, people bitch about that.

As for Haachama, just imagine what she would have built over her island all this time.

>> No.11372090

I await the great calamity.

>> No.11372111

Suisei didn't care

>> No.11372136

pekopalypse is nigh repent usagi repent!

>> No.11372192

They are not complaining about JP going to the EN server, they are complaining about JP imposing their buildings to the EN server and turning it into JP2, they wanted activity, not a colonization I don't think they will colonize the EN server and they are just schizos, but is how I see their point of view

>> No.11372212

>but it is possible Suisei or her manager complained to EN management about Suisei's zenloss.
Very much doubt that.
It's not like she lost anything actually important like an elytra or netherite sword/armor.

>> No.11372246

Chinks have a terrible reputation as tourists because they vandalize everything (e.g., carve their names into pyramids).

How is their behavior any different? I thought the nips were better.

>> No.11372256

Shit, I suppose so. That sucks.
I didn't think she did but I think overzealous managers cared. If it were me, I'd make another hole off stream.

>> No.11372285

To be frank, I hope for ENs to go into JP server and build something there. Hell Gura finally now has access to easy prismarine.

>> No.11372300

Pekora building one of these when. https://youtu.be/hh2Mfh8MmWQ?t=20

>> No.11372306



>> No.11372349

Omegatroon saw Suisei fall and forced explicitly Kiara to fix the hole, because Kiara officially revealed he's a guy and made fun of him on stream.
Kiara didn't fix the hole, only added a slime block that'd break the fall, but she placed it in a wrong place (1 block off) so whoever falls there will still die

>> No.11372350
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we dont need no water let the motherfucker burn~

>> No.11372370

She took over 5 mins to get back because she spawned back in JP and detoured home for a bucket and kept going the wrong way. Her stuff wasn't going to be there when she got back anyway.

>> No.11372375

They already are
Anon can I please ask you to watch streams first before shitposting

>> No.11372387

Shiranui Kensetsu is a deliquent gang and must be stopped

>> No.11372388

Burn motherfucker burn

>> No.11372393
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>> No.11372396

agreed. holojp isn’t soulless themselves but their minecraft definitely is, and they’re bringing that with them wherever they go

>> No.11372422

KFP doesn't count

>> No.11372443

>t. Subaru police

>> No.11372445

PLEASE watch the streams first. I am begging you.

>> No.11372468

honestly, it'd be hilarious to see someone fall, die and then spot the slimeblock placed one block away from their fall

>> No.11372478

after the falling incident Suisei complained about it
you can blame her

>> No.11372480

They will do, but I'm sure they will try to respect everything their senpai did, that's why I want the same respect from the JP side

>> No.11372507

Kek, I want to see that happen now.

>> No.11372516

Kiara is based for "accidentally' placing it wrong. Did she make fun of him in the same stream?

>> No.11372532

I'm going to spoonfeed you but just this time. Sana's bakery and Irys's melon farm are already planned to be replicated on JP for Sora's train station

>> No.11372545


>> No.11372577

The Mumei berry house isn't even built by an EN.
What else am I missing?

Did Gura build a trap there? That'd be fun.

>> No.11372591

Survival of the fittest, bitch
If your oshi can't survive on the EN server she shouldn't be your oshi

>> No.11372606

I want watch fbk flatten one of the new minecraft mountains.

>> No.11372615

The JP Holos ARE more important then the ENs. They're the whole reason EN exists at all and the EN girls should be deferring to them at all times anyway. You can tell who's American here because they have no respect for the hard work or seniority of others.

The EN girls talking about making their own companies is laughable and they should all be joining one of the JP crews. The server isn't theirs, they have no right to complain if it does get flattened.

>> No.11372658
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is this how they get revenge for the fire-bombing of Tokyo?

>> No.11372695

No, it was way earlier, in one of Tales streams and I'm not trying to find it now

>> No.11372700

You faggots take this Minecraft stuff way more seriously than the actual streamers do.

>> No.11372724

Oh that shit. Whatever. Fine, I'll clarify. Any specific EN buildings in an area selected by the ENs themselves.

>> No.11372731

>I'm not trying to find it now

>> No.11372738

ID server can't stop winning

>> No.11372749

>women don't take games seriously
No shit.

>> No.11372752

kill yourself nijibrony

>> No.11372769
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Its incredible how a single 1x1 hole in the middle of nowhere that is also the ONLY hole in the entire server where you can die can make /vt/ seethe this much
Meanwhile they praise Mumei for placing berry bushes on the entire server that kills everyones animals. This would get you banned for griefing on literally any server but its ok if Mumei does it since she is mentally handicapped

>> No.11372775

>The EN girls talking about making their own companies is laughable
Watson Industries was established way way in the beginning. Even before the Ame Rail.

>> No.11372779

Did she? She looked down and the block was in the correct place.

>> No.11372787

Are they really doing it? Are they really doing the flattening? Right now?

>> No.11372804
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i legit don't keep track of the MC server but how is it looking?

>> No.11372824

Has anyone bitched about Kiara flattening area around Phoenixtown?

>> No.11372857
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I hope Officer Shubaru wrangles a deputy for the EN side.

>> No.11372875

Only Mumei did build something there recently, but something large-scale like an EN colony/settlement somewhere in the JP is much preferred. Shiraken is already laying plans on where they'll build on the EN server.

>> No.11372880

Should have kept their animals leashed

>> No.11372887

Seriously. What happened to Minecraft being a game where players can "do anything"?

>> No.11372895

me right now after hearing about this

>> No.11372934

Gura's temple area seems lonely.

>> No.11372950

who is most qualified?

>> No.11373064
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No, look. The red square is where she fell. It's a stone block. She replaced the diorite block next to it.

>> No.11373070


People not being able to see through Mumei's act is my favorite thing, I understand why psychopaths in the world make it. People are really this easily tricked

>> No.11373075

Kronii because she's blue already

>> No.11373078

There can only be one sheriff. HOWDY.

>> No.11373160

She knew exactly what she was doing. Chat told her to test it and she refused

>> No.11373179

Sorry but that shit is a joke. PPP is probably going to be replace by TTT2 when Pekora finds the time and the rail "system" is just so their tunnel they built for Atlantis didn't go to waste.

>> No.11373185

yea give the person who goes on powertrips actual authority, that's a great idea

>> No.11373208

autism game, pls understand.

>> No.11373219

My point exactly. She's both a Stacy and abhors Omega like any sane person would. Spiting him by pretending to be retarded is just the best power move.

>> No.11373231

think of the content

>> No.11373266

>that shit is a joke
You didn't see the sign Ame put on the vending machines, did you?

>> No.11373273


>> No.11373297
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Watson industries will be absorbed by Haachama black company and everyone knows it

>> No.11373314

Kronii going crazy regarding Fauna's escape was actually scary

>> No.11373322

Kiara hating Omega, that's good, I like this bird

>> No.11373327


>> No.11373348

Now imagine if Subaru had been present

>> No.11373374

Subaru can and would smack Kronii back to her senses

>> No.11373441

Does haachama build anything other than world wonders? No one on the EN side can keep up with that.

>> No.11373449

but seriously wtf was kronii's problem?

>> No.11373461

So what you are saying is that she is exploiting a mental illness for her own personal gain by pretending to be retarded?
Is that really the hill you want to die on anon

>> No.11373481

orange bird good;

>> No.11373488

textbook gamer tilt. do you even game?

>> No.11373506
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wtf I love Kiara now

>> No.11373547

When Fauna ended her stream and left the bit had no payoff. Kronii had to play it up so there was some kind of ending other than "oops she got away"

>> No.11373557

Roller coasters, that job is suitable for Ame who likes to build railways, also they have a common project to do a sky building (I mean, they don't know that each other wants to do it, just we know that)

>> No.11373564

got triggered and trying not to start raging on stream

>> No.11373592

Sanas observatory goes to build limit. She already has a rival and she didnt even finish the foundation yet
You'd be mad too if you got dabbed on with a "gg ez"

>> No.11373605
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>> No.11373612
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Anon pls.

>> No.11373610

Roller coasters are eyesores, i hope they don't bring that shit to EN

>> No.11373625

too bad haachama isn't allowed to interact with the EN girls anymore

>> No.11373651
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*fixes your server*

>> No.11373670

why did that happen again?

>> No.11373691

I lost interest in the EN server when Gura destroyed the red and brown barn a month ago. I loved that thing. I ended up building a replica in my own world

>> No.11373714


I wouldn't say just pretending to be retarded is exploiting a mental illness, that's false equivalence



>> No.11373732

Idk if they would do it, I'm just projecting anon, I really want those to to have an excuse to collab after 10 months of having constant contact but not being able to set a collab due to external circumstances like chammers' hiatus

>> No.11373755

so when the obvious management minecraft mandate ends, which EN is never touching it again unless they're forced to?

The easy answer is Mori

>> No.11373765


I have no context for this but it feels oddly fitting for Haachama to literally get a restraining order

>> No.11373821

Long story short, Haachama was intending to create her own structure about a year ago

>> No.11373827

She tries to speak english when she clearly doesnt know how to yet wants to leave her gen and join EN
Everyone was sick of her

>> No.11373841

i am watching archive and they gave a diamond hoe as an apology item. Literally the most useless item in MC. The BM.

>> No.11373871

managent has deemed her too "toxic" after the taiwan stuff, her horror arc, and her losing her shit when she was kicked off the EN server the first time

>> No.11373872

She doesn't have an order, is just a rrat because she abandoned the EN server abruptly (I also think management kicked her, but I don't believe she is still banned)
Also, she had a collab with Mori just a month, but he doesn't watch streams to know it

>> No.11373929

>She tries to speak english when she clearly doesnt know how to
>Everyone was sick of her
Chang pls

>> No.11373942

it was during the height of the Taiwan controversy and Enma was trying to isolate the EN from Haachama and Coco that time in fears of getting their antis on them. Ina working for a chink gachashit is also a possible factor to the isolation.

>> No.11373949

Def mori, but maybe only her Minecraft brings in the numbers and that makes it mandatory for the new gen; ame is kind of addicted to it even if it's an on and off addiction; Kiara is a simp for collabs so she will keep it open 24/7 as she does now; Gura seems to enjoy it somewhat and like the numbers as well. Irys will play for the same reasons the new gen will.

>> No.11373954


Are we little this addicted to China's Hasbro toys to have to cuck for them this hard

>> No.11373956

If Haachama wanted to reclaim her island, she can do so right now. But university...

>> No.11373977

why would I watch a mori stream lol

>> No.11374029

She will do when she does her uni reps, when is the next vacation, christmas?

>> No.11374033

chinks ruin everything as always. Either way the ban has to be over now or she has to swear off Minecraft altogether as the servers are connected and en gilrs pop in to the jp side constantly.

>> No.11374070

Then her review with IRyS, are you happy now?

>> No.11374073

you fucking retard, the "they" of the first poster was put there for management, a group, so plural.
next poster said it's not the whole of management that is retarded, but a single faggot, he wasn't complaining about they, because of MUH PRONOUNS, but because he thinks its a single person, namely that self-insert faggot and not the whole of management that's the problem.
if you're an ESL, sit the fuck down, like he said, the nuance of what he said flew completely over your head.

>> No.11374077

wow no one has time to play games in university youre right anon surely that is the reason she hasnt been on the server you nailed it champ

>> No.11374116

I guess we'll have to see what happens when Haachama decides to resume streaming, but i'll assume the very first thing she'll do is an EN tour.

>> No.11374117

>height of the Taiwan controversy
Uh no?

>> No.11374125

Irys is barely an EN

>> No.11374143

I think is more like a lack of energy from her than being THAT busy

>> No.11374171
File: 192 KB, 1093x619, Ideal Roommax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The drunk stream with Bae was pretty funny, even though they made fun of my room

>> No.11374199

Not even sure what to tell you
Maybe its best not to attempt to spoonfeed someone who clearly has no idea what he is talking about

>> No.11374206

Yeah she's probably also busy dating

>> No.11374205

she needs to sing more songs in English in her karaoke streams.

>> No.11374210

Ever been to a Japanese university? Clearly you haven't.

>> No.11374225

Nothing’s ever good enough for your type.

>> No.11374231

Stop living like a faggot and maybe they won't make fun of your room.

>> No.11374259
File: 161 KB, 537x657, 1626405367522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The most bearable EN is barely an EN
chang... I suppose Kiara review won't count anyways for you right?

>> No.11374258

...are you Rosemi?

>> No.11374268

That'd suck for anyone who listens via VoD

>> No.11374323

The colonization proyect is going smoothly

>> No.11374324

she's not at some ivy league. she barely managed to graduate high school. it should be easy to breeze through it unless she's retarded.

it's much more likely she felt like she had her youth stolen from her and wants to enjoy college life now.

>> No.11374402


Ok will do


I share her tights fetish

>> No.11374418

in other words, she fuckin'

thats all I did at uni anywY

>> No.11374434

>it's much more likely she felt like she had her youth stolen from her and wants to enjoy college life now.
This is literally what she said in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7J6bL0kCtqc

>> No.11374508

Wow...they fucking suck.

>> No.11374570


What's Minecraft?

>> No.11374577

She's openly said she has anger issues and amongst other things during her debut

>> No.11374603

Place your bets on who will be online to leech
10 bucks goes to polka

>> No.11374659

>minecraft with gura again
holy fucking cringe

>> No.11374665

If they don't wanna play survival, why are they playing survival? Let's ban creepers next!

>> No.11374684

Well almost no one else plays during JP morning, so yea

>> No.11374713

I love Flare.

>> No.11374771

Even Mori seems to be having some fun with MC after playing it more. It's kind of a good way to become friendly with the jps too. If anyone I think Gura will stop she seems a bit sick of it.

>> No.11374791

potatoes and a shiraken poster on panties is tasteless. what happened to her being classy?

>> No.11374822

this is the worst thread in /vt/

>> No.11374838

Gura was sick of minecraft months ago.

>> No.11374867

>Management telling them how to play their games
Fuck off, you cunts. If you think you could play in a more entertaining way, perhaps you should've auditioned as a vtuber rather than join as a fucking braindead manager?

>> No.11374895

Blame Suisei on this one. She's the one that bitched to management.

>> No.11374933

>hasn't been to /∞/

>> No.11374935

She didn't bitch, she was laughing.

>> No.11374990

This it's just omega tranny being a fucking cunt as always.

>> No.11375025

Im actually impressed Kiara chose to keep it a trap rather than close it

>> No.11375064

If Mumei was actually pretending to be autistic so she could be a psychopath without anyone noticing, she would become my oshi.

>> No.11375084

what the fuck do you think "per say" (sic) means?
