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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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11302975 No.11302975 [Reply] [Original]

What is /asp/?

A thread where we discuss our vtuber aspirations! Whether it's agency-based or independent, let's help each other grow and make it as entertainers. Indies are welcome to join, but shill responsibly. Share what knowledge, insights, what works/doesn't work for you. Remember to do your research before providing personally identifying information to companies online!

Do I need an expensive, fully rigged Live2D model to be a vtuber?
No! You can always start out as a pngtuber!

Where can I learn how to Live2D rig avatars?
Check out Brian Tsui's (of Iron Vertex) YouTube channel!

Where can I find artists/riggers?
Skeb.jp, ArtStation, DeviantArt, Twitter, Reddit, etc.

Where can I learn how to digital market myself?

Where can I find some good games to stream?

Twitch or Youtube?
Multistream to both.

General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
OpSec Guide: https://pastebin.com/2mkc8x9P
List of Assets and other resources: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQHyRDZ3nxlIINfZz_wWCbgQ9gR4OgbTFhyGwq45DseUixkJJKbUmhPjnkWcmh7dOCDdxObAZXv_zti/pubhtml

Phase Connect Generation 2 (deadline 10/31)
Stay grounded, stay hopeful. Don't kill yourself yet.

Previous Thread: >>11188559

>> No.11305393

how do you grow as a chuuba? i mean seriously grow. not just going live and play games with pals.

>> No.11305709

i was almost finished drawing and producing my vtuber avatar until i found out there is an indie that uses the same theming as it that i never heard of until today. i hate to overlap with them and step on them, but i seriously don't wanna redesign and rig my model. what do.....

>> No.11305773

i think the biggest issue with new chuuba is that they go straight into streaming. nobody wants to watch a streamer they've never heard of, especially if they're awkward and new at the game. in my opinion, to get attention and your start, making pre-recorded and edited videos about things you like or passionate about is a much safer bet, since you can edit out the awkward stuff that people are too impatient to watch - making much more concise and consumable works that people will come back for.

>> No.11305778

No one knows a surefire guaranteed answer. You can work extremely hard and go nowhere or you can be blessed by luck and incline. You need to work hard either way, but don't attribute success to your efforts alone. Like all of life's successes, luck is a major factor, whether you want to admit it to yourself or not.

Basically, do your best, have fun, and see streaming as its own reward.

>> No.11305795

there's so many indies out there that you really shouldn't worry about that
would you be willing to share your design?

>> No.11305934

i really dont want to have my design be exposed before I debut so i'm not really comfortable with sharing it. but i'll give an example.
say you have a vtuber themed after gold star stickers, and their name is a play on that Golie Starr, or something like that. And then you find out that there is another vtuber who uses the same gold star motif with a similar name. should i just give up?

>> No.11305976

>there is another vtuber who uses the same gold star motif with a similar name. should i just give up?
check to see if they're actually successful. if not, you can probably just overtake them with better content and force them to change. but usually the suggestion on /asp/ is to do a proper social media check to see if the name and concept is already taken before you work on your model.

>> No.11306024

They generally have views of about 1k per video

>> No.11306084

>nobody wants to watch a streamer they've never heard of, especially if they're awkward and new at the game. in my opinion, to get attention and your start, making pre-recorded and edited videos about things you like or passionate about
then how do you get over the problem of
>nobody wants to watch a pre-recorded and edited video maker they've never heard of
do i have to start a social media advertising campaign to start before even getting started?

>or you can be blessed by luck and incline
there has to be some common ground between all the indies who have inclined. the only thing i can see right now is that they all started early 2020. almost every single NijiEN hire has been someone starting out first half of 2020. does that mean it's too late to get started as a indie now?

>> No.11306140

I've found that people are much more willing to look at videos with a click-baity title and good thumbnail that run for 5-10 minutes over a no name streamer whose playing minecraft for hours, something that literally anyone could do

>> No.11306359

Prism Project's Shiki's most recent past life had only started early this year, and Cyberlive Lumi did as well; it's definitely not too late and long as you have skills to back it up

>> No.11306411

>not too late and long as you have skills to back it up
how would i know if i have the >skills to back it up? there's no test i can take to see if i'm good enough. i know the standard advice about going PNG and not spending money, so i don't have to worry about investing a lot. but i just don't know if i'm cut out for streaming since i've never done it.

>> No.11306940

Then just do it, dummy! That's the only way you'll know
Drop a link here or in wvt and let others be the judge

>> No.11307072

I see I should aspire to a design that better matches my character and personality, given that I would be doing all on my own, I may prefer to do something simple and minimal or else it would be beyond my rigging and drawing capabilities
But wouldn't this result in a bland and anon project?

>> No.11307156

your design does not matter. your content does. focus more on making good content and viewers won't care about a bland design.

>> No.11307226

who was Lumi before? I really like her way of streaming

>> No.11307311

I don't want to really say who because she wants to distance herself from her persona last I heard
There's a trail you could probably follow if you cross reference people who were shilled in wvt in March/April with following lists of earlier /asp/ies but that's as much information as I'll give you

>> No.11307371

She streamed for just over 2 months before getting into Cyber and graduating, so there's not much left even if you did want to look.

>> No.11308371

I'd planned on adding some spooky games for October, what with it being halloween. Dug through my steam library to see what I already had, and found one I used to enjoy about four years ago. Currently goes for ~$20 for base game, and around $10 for the DLC, so figured I could do a giveaway whilst streaming it, liven it up a little.

I'm still small, an average viewer of <10. I emailed the game devs, to see if they'd be willing to tack on the DLC to boost the stream at all, and figured the worst they could do would be to say ew no.

They came back with two copies to the game+dlc. So this is going to be slightly more complex to organize.

>> No.11308502

Congrats, anon, that's pretty awesome to hear, and a good reminder to not be afraid to reach out to developers, even as a small indie.

>> No.11311251

That's awesome! I've never really though about reaching out to other devs since I'm so small but I have seen indie devs pop into streams of small streamers playing their games so that's neat to see

>> No.11311995

Is there a reason not to do png drops? I see them very often and a lot of people do them but I was also told not to fall for them.

>> No.11312028

Not really.
/vt/ hates them for no reason but they're fine.

>> No.11312051

They are good for Twitter but bad for stream viewership. They're useful but "falling for them" is falling for the lie that it's genuine networking.

>> No.11312112

It's engagement farming. Twitter algorithm boosts accounts and tweets with replies. It's the same thing as networking threads

>> No.11312209

Posts that don't get a lot of engagement hurt you in the Twitter algorithm and doing PNG drops don't tend to get you a lot of interactions unless you either are one of the first to reply or have a really good design
A lot of people who start PNG drops for the sole purpose of networking and nothing else are usually doing it to boost their own engagement mostly though it's not always the case

>> No.11312554

nta, but that's what I was thinking as well. Make videos to attract attention, and then plug your streams in the video or something.

>> No.11315236

This is really good advice for everything, just do it. Something goes wrong? That sucks, but you can recuperate from it

>> No.11315868

they don't actually do anything for you, but there's no real harm other than hurting your own algorithm relative to the main OP's tweet

>> No.11316006

How do you hide the Vtube studio watermark without paying? People here have mentioned you can do that.

>> No.11316047

just pay the 20 dollars you kike

>> No.11316120

Position your model in the right spot and crop the source in OBS, maybe use your brain every once in awhile while you're at it.

>> No.11316200

I know I'm being a jew, wished I didn't but after getting that mic I'm short of cash.
I'm still learning to use OBS, anon. I don't know all the tips and stuff for it.

>> No.11316264

Another /asp/ie investing before making sure you actually know how to stream and like doing it, smart

>> No.11316274

grab source, move it so the watermark is off screen

>> No.11316990

Not like I can't use the mic for other stuff like recording videos. Still, I've been interested in streaming for a while so it's not pointless investment.

>> No.11317690

I feel you, headset mic broke and got a Quadcast with the intent of streaming and doing fandubs, nearly a year later and i only really use it for Discord calls with friends

>> No.11318036

What are the cheapest/ free rigging and mocap programs I can get?

>> No.11319181

Thank you both! One thing that was important - it's actually a game I really enjoy. So I spun a few stories in the email about what I'd done in game previously, and how we ended up playing a ingle player as co-op. If it had been a cold approach of "Yo, your game looks cool, gimme free stuff" I don't think it would have worked at all.

And yeah, I've had interesting interactions with smaller games - definitely something I'm going to consider moving forward. I don't want to be 'the giveaway guy' like doublemint dave, but we'll see whether retention rates change.

>> No.11322132

That seems like a nice way to contact a company, I wouldn't have guessed to write about my experiences in game, but that actually seems like a pretty smart thing to do. Can I get a brief overview of how you wrote it

>> No.11326089
File: 243 KB, 544x515, 1633993849095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make short meme videos before you debut as a tuber to build an audience. Maybe videos with some song covers. Or upload videos of "sample" content. This way people know who you are and what to expect.
And yes, pic very related.

>> No.11327233

It wasn't intentional for her, but it definitely had the same effect

>> No.11328035

Just reminding people in this thread that we know some artists that have done stuff for /asp/ people and other vtubers around here.

So if you're looking to pay someone for anything you need, you can look up calavera for rigging, ariarinchan for emotes, kkcyber for emotes and icons, and ringousvala for logos, megasongart for backgrounds, and minkyew for model designs.

Beware of super cheap Fiverrs! Anything for less than $10 is too good to be true. So, for example, if you see stuff like a $5 price tag for assets and stuff, start being suspicious!

>> No.11328237

that actually sounds like a really good idea

>> No.11328669

She recently tweeted a medley with her friends from her old group. You can find out who she is easily from that. She mostly has her old music up and not much streaming stuff left

>> No.11329600

Hopefully it isn't my NGMI toilet goblin talking but I found a couple of problems with me doing that from the get go.
One is that I don't want to waste my over 50 subs on my videoless youtube channel just because that channel was used to comment and shitpost mostly on political videos. Another is that while I could find a niche in the spanish speaking vtubersphere due to my nationality, my current sense of humor is too reliant on US internet culture and I have never been too accepting towards the trappings of my local culture; imagine a vtuber from, say, Japan that is a Burgerboo, couldn't make a pun to save his life, and has an unironic and palpable disdain for manzai. I believe that feelings like disdain and condescension are easy to spot, and seriously doubt I could hide what I feel towards my local culture if it's as strong as I believe it to be. Lastly, and hopefully not important, is that I'm kind of a nerd but not in the MUST CONSOOOOOM STAR WARS sense but in the dumb, uncool, and with a stupid and arcane sense of humor sense.
Maybe I could try going EN and talk in spanish once in a while but I kind of want to make money from this since I'm not making any money at the time and the few spanish vtubers that get to the stage of having a good model seem to be doing pretty well while the average english newbie seems to be stuck in the "10 surefire tips to enter HoloSanji right now" crab bucket.

>> No.11330031

open your mouth for the spoon ahhh~ https://youtu.be/EaXmJ--YuGA

it's a tutorial on how to crop stuff in obs

>> No.11330800

nta but how bad/"leech"-y of an idea is it to grow my channel by making actual good animatics of existing clips? that's the only niche i think i have a decent shot at, since voicing memes is already taken

>> No.11331880

so I submitted to Phase Connect, got a view pretty much next day, and then a few days later got an extra 4+views on every single piece of evidence I submitted.

Anyone else have this experience yet too? I submitted late September

>> No.11332419

Yup, it happens. Doesn't really mean anything other than they saw your application. Hang in there anon!

>> No.11332428

>making actual good animatics of existing clips?
you'll be known as the person who makes animatics and not as a vtuber. you may have a ton of success as an animatics creator, but that won't translate to success as a vtuber.

>> No.11332540

Alright aspies, how was your experience contacting illustrators for Live2D models? So far I have tried contacting someone on Twitter and someone else on Skeb.jp (I ran a message through DeepL and sent it over email with a picture of my design). In both cases, I did not get any answer back and it's been a few days already. I also made sure to contact people who weren't out of my league. Is it something that happens often?

>> No.11332729

Live2D Community discord. they were pretty great. vetted artists with usually lots of examples and a proper portfolio of work to look at. picking randoms on twitter is as bad as just picking a scammer on fiverr. and skebs shouldn't be used for live2d models.

>> No.11332848

I can vet for Calavera. He did Arthur and Veleck's rigs.

>> No.11332869

I've used this new website that the Discord has put out to find artists and quite frankly nothing has caught my eye as of yet. They seem all pretty amateurish to me.


>> No.11333055

Agree, their art styles on that directory are a turnoff.

Best bet is to crawl twitter and look up other vtubers whose models you like. Then find out who the artists are?

>> No.11333101

i think anon is looking for artists; didn't he just do the rigging for them as well as caleb horus and acrius oakeshott
i feel like he might have done the art for at least one of them though; i'm pretty sure veleck was illustrated by DearBah though

>> No.11333171

Good idea, I was thinking of going on Twitch and see what other indies have. Thanks anon, that's helpful. By the way, why is Skeb not recommended for Live2D, it's up there in the OP?

>> No.11333218

I am but I appreciate the help nonetheless, will definitely note the name for when I'm at that step.

>> No.11333284

>why is Skeb not recommended for Live2D, it's up there in the OP?

It's against Skeb's TOS.

>> No.11333486
File: 341 KB, 560x535, 1610591951596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, no problem then! If it means anything, he's very connected to other /here/chuubas and also did the rigging for Koopa!
I mentioned Bah earlier; she did models for Arthur Abbott and Veleck (pic related) and I think they both look really nice!

>> No.11333594

A little worried i might've overdesigned my vtube char, would anyone be open to giving some feedback?

>> No.11333654

go for it!

>> No.11333718

Yup, send it away!

Welll, you know, I wouldn't mind breaking a rule here and there if it gives me a good Live2D model, I know artists are definitely advertising themselves on there.

Thanks anon, will take a look!

>> No.11333758

Post the design please

>> No.11333799
File: 3.65 MB, 2000x5500, WIPprev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was originally sending it back and forth to friends for feedback and this is what I've ended up with after hours on clipstudio. I think i've also found a rigger but now I'm not sure if its too overdesigned or if im just psyching myself out of streaming

>> No.11333955

Not overdesigned, and pretty original. Hats off to you! Though it might just be me but I would drop the 2 "circles" on his chest, makes them look like nipples lmao.

>> No.11334006

>makes them look like nipples lmao
lmao my friend said the same thing, i guess it does that have sorta of effect. Duly noted, thanks for the feedback!

>> No.11334079

Looks overdesigned in full body view but since vtubing you only see the top half 90% of the time it looks fine that way.

>> No.11334090

ah, welcome back!
It's been a while, hasn't it? >>462305

>> No.11334150

While you guys are here, mind looking at my design?

>> No.11334166

go for it

>> No.11334220

Very cliche, but I just like clowns too much.

>> No.11334323

this design is really pretty and he looks like he would swindle me on a street corner
you look like you would release a cover of envy baby within a week of debut

>> No.11334333

I like it, the masks around the belt is a nice touch. Waist coat makes his torso look a little small but thats just nitpicking, i think its a solid design anon

>> No.11334363

Lmao thanks, I still want to make him look a tidy bit more buff though, I have a low voice and talk loud and I feel like the model might now match my voice. Glad you like it thanks!

>> No.11334378

Visually striking and interesting, good on the clown motif without being garish. Looks like a cool clown from a shounen series than an western traditional circus clown. I like it. The neck masks feel redundant though since you have the masks on your belt already. I think you can replace the masks on the neck collar with something else and it'll look a lot cooler.

>> No.11334400

looks fine. just don't overdo it with the feather physics when you get it rigged because having so much stuff moving around on your head might get distracting. maybe ask if it's possible to separate your headdress onto a different layer so you can take it off.

>> No.11334416

Thanks anon.

Good point, I was unsure about which

>> No.11334451

Yeah that was my biggest worry. You're right, will def ask the rigger if its possible

>> No.11334454

Which masks to drop since people will mostly see the torso. Thanks for the feedback guys!

>> No.11334462

Are you guys using some page or program for this?
Maybe my eyes are failing me but they seem to use a similar template.

>> No.11334508

Nah just drew it in clipstudio, its probably just the generic anime boy effect kicking in

>> No.11334543

i suggest dropping the neck masks. The ones on the torso adds interest and intrigue to your character. Also you can eventually get a redeem or you wearing one of the masks too for a full clown getup. Maybe remove the face makeup and hat for no clown mode too.

>> No.11334554

I commissioned this drawing, the artist used an iPad and some app. I can't draw for shit.

>> No.11334616

Great idea, thanks anon! To be quite honest I think this thread is the only one on this board where people are actually nice. Quite fun.

>> No.11334655

not that anon but a full masked phantom thief clown gimmick would be kino for his character

>> No.11334679

there's just a standard kind of format you have to draw in to make your models in live2D so you do see a lot of samey looking models but that's just to make it easier to rig i'm pretty sure

>> No.11334689

From the waist up, where most of the attention is during a stream, it's not bad but not too memorable either.

Most of the detail is below the waist, which almost never gets seen on stream, so it's a waste.

>> No.11334711

Yeah. Seems like it.

Ah, sorry, anon.
I tried to check again but the link was dead.

>> No.11334739

For mine at least it must be unintentional, the artist had no clue what vtubers were lmao.

Great idea! Thanks anon, I took down the drawing now, I'll think about your ideas. They were really helpful

>> No.11334779

/wvt/ can also be fun but its been a bit of a rough weekend recently so schizos have been kind of in full force
we also do get our own share of belligerent people here but this thread has been nice today; i'm always happy when i see more people drop their designs

>> No.11334786

I agree with what anon said here >>11307156 as long as you make good content that should be all that matters. Somewhere down the road you can invest in a better model if need be, too.

>> No.11334809

Aw sorry anon, I can post it again if you want. I just wanted to take it down since I'm shy about this stuff lmao. I am sure the design will need to be fully redrawn for Live2D though, as the artist wasn't really commissioned for Live2D

>> No.11334870

nah simple doesn't equal bad, look at pikamee, her design mogs most and its super simple

>> No.11334933

Nah, don't worry.
I don't think I have the eye for male vtuber designs yet, even though I'll use a male model. You don't need my feedback.

>> No.11335052

Oh I'm sorry I thought you was the anon wondering about the tools the artist used to make the design. Thanks! If you want my advice for male designs:

As harsh and mean as it may sound, I would try to distance myself from the cute anime-boy designs, they are overdone and frankly, in the west, most people will be put off by them. Male designs are hard to get right in my opinion, since people will either think they look "gay" or too alpha-male. It should also match your voice, if you have a deep voice, make sure your avatar reflects that.

>> No.11335060

as long as its cut up it should be fine! my artist also didn't know how to model for L2D but I was still satisfied with the final product!

>> No.11335173

Intersting anon! I'll try to find someone who can cut it up and see what the result looks like, thanks!

>> No.11335217

I am that anon.
Thanks for the advice.

>> No.11336327

Would it be a bad idea to sperg about shota/other cute male characters on stream? I am a coomer but more on the fujo side, do men find it offensive if i UOOOH at shota characters while playing a game? Should i hide my power level?

>> No.11336426

Would probably be the fatest way to get your channel tanked/raided by schitzos

>> No.11337852

>sperg about shota/other cute male characters on stream?
for what reason would you do that?

>> No.11338406

I wouldn't mind it. People exaggerate how much an actual fanbase cares about such things.

>> No.11338443
File: 648 KB, 817x723, 1606308083902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no zimbabwe vtuber
>no roller coaster vtuber
>no coffee cup vtuber
>no cough drops vtuber
>/here/ full of backlogger males
When will they get creative...

>> No.11339011

How do I keep myself talking? How much talking is too much?

>> No.11339048

You literally cannot talk too much on stream, just don't hurt yourself

>> No.11339559

I've seen people suggest making a list of general questions for the chat. Seems pretty handy for supplementing interaction. Easy too,
just find some online.

Talking about recent interests is reliable. I don't even get out that much but there's still lots of new stuff I'm learning about through the internet that genuinely interests me. I think people enjoy hearing stuff you're passionate about.

Recycling stories is another thing you can do, just not too often.

Following news outlets related to your interests could also be good. Literally gives you free prompts to talk/ask chat about.

I agree with >>11339048
about pacing yourself. Keep that voice intact and slow down if it gets sore. Drink water.

>> No.11339694

>general questions for the chat
What if you have 0 viewers

>> No.11340117

If literally nobody is watching then I guess it's just practicing by yourself at that point. Start thinking out loud. It still helps to have those other more engaging options for the odd 1 or 2 that will show up in chat and are willing to type.

>> No.11340570

Learn how to talk to yourself. If you look at Irys when she debuted you'll notice she was pretty much just describing whatever she was doing in game. It's not the best but it fills deadair and deadair is death if you're a nobody. Someone will pop in, hear the quiet clacking of your keyboard and bail.

>> No.11340889

Is it a good idea to look for existing vtubers to learn from once I believe I have my chubba persona figured out? Or would it be better to stay away and try to develop my own character on my own?
I remember watching that video from that Nyanners2 girl advising people not to try to be another vtuber and I, personally, have always had issues with looking up to people; I either don't or it can actually tank my progress, though for that to happen I have to be completely amazed.

>> No.11341059

vtubers will always be behind the curve. better to learn from the forefront of twitch and look at the face cam streamers who innovate the most. they are the ones who set the trends and chuubas always end up a month behind the trends.

>> No.11341501

It's not about the trends, I've never liked the idea of following trends.
What I mean is, let's say my character is your usual kusogaki and I hear about Pekora doing that gimmick. Would it be a good idea for me to watch days of Pekora streams to learn what she is doing or is it better to get a general idea of what it is I like doing on streams and go for it my way?
I ask because I've settled on using a male model but I realized that I have never watched a male vtuber. Like, I don't even know how to portray my idea for a model because, while I have already decided on a color scheme, I only have traps, babinikus, and girls to draw from. I thought of looking for male vtubers to learn from but I don't know where to look for, or if it's a good idea to do so.

>> No.11341560

>No coffee cup vtuber

>> No.11341792

If you want a male kusogaki, then try and watch Astel

But it's better if you just exaggerate you personality instead of trying to be what you're not.

>> No.11342170

It was just an example but thanks.
Honestly, I just want something to draw from to figure out what to do with my model. I have rarely seen a male model that drew me in but now I have to design one.
Astel's friend looks like a good start, though.

>> No.11342317

Sorry for the completely random email, but thought I'd reach out as it's always worth a go!
I'm [name], and for the past couple of months I've streamed on Twitch, both games I've really enjoyed in the past, and ones I've never played before.
I picked up [game] in 2017, and spent the summer with my brother [lots and lots of references to the game].
The reason I'm emailing you, however, is that I'm a small streamer on Twitch (viewer average/follower stats), and what with it being October, and so spooky season, next week I'm planning on including a chunk of [game]. To help drive some extra growth, I'd thought I could also do a giveaway of a copy of the game - probably opening up an in-stream raffle with each death, or something along those lines.
I was wondering if it would be possible to get a copy of [the DLC] to give away on top of that (I already have a copy myself). I've found that for quite a few of the games I've streamed when it's not one my chat has voted on, then it's one they've never played before, and I like sharing games I enjoy. Any questions, requirements, or clarifications - let me know! No worries if not - perfectly understandable.
Hope you have a great October!

>> No.11342737

Is it possible to set up an animated loop as an avatar on OBS? Could I also set up keyboard shortcuts to change its expression? I want to make something like Doomguy's face on the HUD.

I want to have a model that's more advanced than a static PNG but not as resource-intensive as a Live2D avatar or a 3D model. Computer can't run VMagicMirror and its webcam has been broken for years so I can't go the Live2D route.

>> No.11343557

Veadotube mini might be the kind of thing you're looking for. I used it for blinking and extra speaking animation, but you could probably do some more complicated stuff with a little thought.

>> No.11343638
File: 570 KB, 2048x2048, 1632978768810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way I can rig an asset to change and make a noise when I press a button? Imagine a virtual sockpuppet. I'm retarded.

>> No.11343654

How do you guys avoid having your larynx jump up when singing high notes?

>> No.11343742

Wow, thank you and you're right!

>> No.11343809


>> No.11343946

This is an interesting thread to say the least, to be honest i think that the biggest hurdle (at least for me) regarding vtubing is coming out with a design, because even if you do have one design in mind if you can't draw it yourself it is of course always expensive to comission an artist, at least for a third worlder like myself, what are your biggest hurdles before you start streaming fellas (and gals if there is any)?

>> No.11344225

just wanted to say

i started a few months ago with this
i still am a small streamer but i've got close to 300 now
and it's been some of the most fun i've ever had
so thank you guys for the initial tips and solid advice, even though i'm growing at a very slow pace, that's just the curse of being male
at least i'm funny enough to get somewhere
to everyone who helps other in here, know that what you're doing is making a difference!

>> No.11344290

Be a woman
Cute avatar
Horny fanservice.
That's it. But mostly the first one.

>> No.11344805

Heh, I was going to mention Lack.
Anons, what program do you recomend to mirror my phone's screen? I want to show my gacha salt at some point.

>> No.11345112

Practice. Start slow. Best to start from hitting the note (e.g. A4) and then the transitions to the notes.
Get your basics right before jumping right into singing.

Movement of larynx isn't too bad imo, some Japanese singers use it for a brighter sound (e.g. Marine).
Just make sure you aren't overexerting your throat, and keep everything reasonably comfortable.
Using your larynx also needs training, so work your way up in usage.

>> No.11345937

How can I make myself souns a bit more interesting? My regular deep voice is neither handsome nor interesting. Also any vocal advice/techniques anyone has for speaking longer and better sounding in general? Like using certain parts of your throat and all that

>> No.11346146

Cheat with voice filters and effects

I'm a little disappointed that very little (if any) robot vtubers use it (I'm looking at you, Hazard Hornet).

>> No.11346276

Is there any way to filter on Skeb, or do I just have to click through profiles until I find one with an average cost and response time that fits what I'm after?

>> No.11348601

So.. male live2d should focus more on the hair right? since there are no boobs and shit, would a highly animated hair make it stand out? what other things too?

>> No.11348664

Anyone here follows how youtube creators gain a following? I'm talking about nyanners/senzawa/shachimu, asmrtists, voiceover people and the like.
How does the channel grow? Do I just trust the algorithm?
Btw already making and uploading content, and posting it on twitter/sharing it with my friends. Maybe I'm just a bit impatient.

>> No.11349239

Got another view on my vshojo app. Anyone else?

>> No.11350028

YT is completely separate from Twitch growth.

On Twitch, nobody watches your VODs. they MIGHT watch your clips, but that's rare.

On youtube, nobody will watch you live. You need to build a solid backlog of GOOD content that people can reference. Speedruns, ASMR, music videos (less likely with YMCA now), info on how to play/pull off tricks.

Just spam random shit, and see what sticks. I'm currently looking into doing ASMR, possibly BFE, videos. Find a few scripts, and do them even with a shitty mic. If they take off, then I can look into doing live ASMR with redeems available there.

>> No.11351826

How do you guys do thumbnails?

>> No.11353238
File: 63 KB, 718x897, 1634089340516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best way to grow is to analyse how others grew and try to replicate that. Vtubing in not a new, uncharted territory anymore.
I am surprised these aspiring vtubers don't have the foresight to learn from their senpais and just want numbers offered to them on a silver platter on debut day. Then they wonder why they failed.

>> No.11353483

Do what you are best at or at least what you are more comfortable at doing. If you want to be successful then vtubing should be like a second nature or at least as effortless as possible otherwise you will just burn out.

>> No.11353736
File: 93 KB, 600x504, 8eq3OmL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make an Ankha zone parody video and upload it. That seems to be a trend now.
Give us a link too.
Here's an idea, use /vt/'s mascot. Think you can handle it?

>> No.11354186

Did you guys make sure you had a rigger, and then reach out to their 'most liked' artists, or did you get the art and then sort the rigging?

>> No.11358768

I definitely could not handle it.
Also bump.

>> No.11358875

I fell down the skeb hole earlier today, and saw a tonne of good NSFW art. Problem is, I'm m*le. Nobody's interested in a dude jerking off.

Is it time to start reaching out to female chuubas with "Yo, I want some NSFW material. Do you mind if I commission me bursting your choker?"

>> No.11358915

just make gender bender art of yourself

>> No.11358949

don't do that without express permission. that's creepy and weird as fuck. you don't know what to be known as "that chuuba who just goes around commissioning his OC fucking females"

>> No.11359018

No wonder why males never make it.

>> No.11359190
File: 34 KB, 227x222, 1611971498570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yo, I want some NSFW material. Do you mind if I commission me bursting your choker?"

>> No.11359193

do you know the chuuba? if you already have a good rapport with them, ask. if you don't know them, don't do that. that's fucked up.

>> No.11361151

like faceless and expressionless, mute chuubas, i'm glad to see /asp/ uniting in yet another obvious "do not do that" moment

>> No.11361445

"bursting your choker" is the funniest thing I've heard in these threads you will absolutely make it as long as you don't say that to the wrong people

>> No.11362380

If I ever become a vtuber I won't tell any of you fags

>> No.11362618

First thing anyone who might click on an indie stream looks at is the avatar. If it looks like shit with garish colours and weird features then that's a red flag. It might signal to some that they're cheap and trendhopping so they don't give a shit about their model, it might signal that they're really new, it might signal that the streamer doesn't even have the most basic sense of taste or awareness about how they appear to people, which doesn't bode well for the stream. Sure, there might be cases where this isn't true, but most people won't bother to find out if they're already turned off.
After that they look at the title, but this has a different impact for each viewer. Uwu-speak will turn off some, titles worded implying there is already a solid culture might attract some while chasing off others. Clearly unintentional bad grammar or spelling errors are red flags.
After that is whether the voice fits the model. If a male voice comes out of a clearly female model most people just click away right there if they're ENtubers - babiniku culture is not strong here. If a very deep voice comes out of a dainty fairy avatar many are also going to click away. Also, volume balancing and EQ plays a big role here in not making an unfamiliar voice not sound out of place next to music and game audio.
After all of that, people then start watching the content. One thing is that if the streamer speaks like two sentences a minute they're going to lose people fast, even if they're witty sentences. If they're already big it doesn't matter because a chat that knows them fills in the gaps - but if they're small the stream starts to look echoingly empty.
One mistake a lot of indies make is to greet every new face that pops into their chat by name and even address them with that. This makes prospective viewers uncomfortable because it gives off a sense of desperation, like you're trying to extract commitment from them by getting personal, akin to a sleazy car salesman who calls you by your first name every three sentences. It's also alien to other stream viewing experiences they've had. Answer questions and have conversations, but use names sparingly, if ever. The worst thing about automatically greeting new viewers is if the new viewer isn't a new face because they checked you out like a week ago and you just forgot. It makes you look artificial.
Also don't go too far on 'real life' stuff. The line is not easy to draw, but basically your viewer should never be getting the impression that they're just listening to a random twitch streamer without a camera. A vtuber avatar might be imagined to go to university classes or whatever and that's fine, but if a female vtuber says something like, "Yeah so I've done my nails up recently, I wish you could see it, I've spent a lot of time on it" - it's a topic that drives to the forefront of the viewer's mind the discrepancy between the roommate and the vtuber avatar. Needless to say sharing your real face is a surefire way of diluting and weakening your viewers' association with your 'brand' and kayfabe.

>> No.11362672

>One mistake a lot of indies make is to greet every new face that pops into their chat by name and even address them with that.
Nah. I love that shit. Everyone's favorite word is their name. Or handle, whatever.

>> No.11362843

Whenever I get a follow/sub/raid, I do the thank you spiel; then throw in a "and if you don't want me to mention you by name, or anything, drop your follows when I'm offline. Promise I won't say anything"

Did it last night, had three people who came in with the inbound raid all follow as soon as I went offline (about two hours after the raid came in)

>> No.11362958

>"Yo, I want some NSFW material. Do you mind if I commission me bursting your choker?"
That's actually based but in the physically incapable of giving a single shit sense.
Don't do it unless you look like the tinder nazi.

>> No.11362995

Is it good or bad that I'm the kind of person that doesn't laugh at his own jokes?

>> No.11363221


>> No.11363481

There's plenty of dudes interested in a dude jerking off. They're just dudes.

>> No.11365494

Anon, this meme was trendy three or so years ago. You might as well try and make a parody of "Badger, badger, badger" if you think this is something new and original.

>> No.11365614

I want to do karaoke streams but I'm out of practice and nervous about singing in front of an audience (well, audience is a generous term)
Would a prerecorded video of me singing a set of songs still work?

>> No.11365624

I searched that specific phrase in quotes and found nothing so I'm not sure what you're talking about

>> No.11365688

A 2003 Flash video.

>> No.11365939

Straight-faced jokes can be pretty funny

>> No.11365993

no I know what badger badger badger is I'm talking about "bursting your choker"

>> No.11366017

I think it was "fuck my throat until the choker breaks" or something like that

>> No.11366403

I wouldn't recommend that, after all what's the point in streaming? It feels disingenuous.
It's fine to make mistakes; that's why it's a karaoke stream.
You'll need practice to overcome your fear eventually.

However, if your nerves are really THAT bad, I'd suggest you record each song individually karaoke-style (make some imperfections, don't make it a high quality cover). That way you can talk to chat in between songs.

>> No.11366476

Oh, I didn't mean I'd stream the recording, I'd just post it. But you're right, I would need to eventually overcome that fear.

>> No.11370045

I just mean naturally the voice filter stuff would get old

>> No.11370194

Look up the vocal training guides the FtM trannies use to sound more masculine. If a literal girl can train her voice to sound like a chad, then anyone can. Just be consistent with the training

>> No.11372985

anyone got the cheap skeb list? throatanon earlier got me thinking about splurging again

>> No.11373136

Trans men don't sound like chads though??? Not even saying that to be mean, just that a mass majority of trans people ive heard sound like a feminine guy or a masculine woman, but not anything more

>> No.11373431

I've heard like one that was surprisingly good, but yeah the grand majority don't reach that level. My point was that they've got tons of resources for "masculinizing" one's voice. Should be even easier for a guy to follow them since we've already got the proper physiology for deeper voices

>> No.11374592

how the fuck do I get better at graphic design for my channel

>> No.11375034

pay someone to do it. work on being a better chuuba, not a graphics designer.

>> No.11375175

Could always commission someone for it. But studying graphic design in general is a good start, watch a few videos and get familiar with it by practicing. Don't need to be an expert though, don't stress over it.

>> No.11376124

pay someone or just buy one from a website

>> No.11376534

Kind of related, anyone here that made it into the interview part can tell us how long it took for them to send you an email?

>> No.11377764

My thing is though, my voice is already deep, it just doesn't sound interesting. I don't care to make my voice any deeper just more presentable/palatable, since I sound boring

>> No.11381890

Scrcpy is very good. All you need is 1 USB cable and thats it

>> No.11384587

Huh, not that anon but I was thinking of Kmuf.

>> No.11386919

I wouldn't mind, just stay away from people against Cute and Funny since they also tend to be against Wacky and Silly

>> No.11387322

Alright, this may be a dumb question, why are there two /wvt/ but only one /asp/?

>> No.11387341


>> No.11387380

I ended on the recursive cycle of not streaming because i want to improve my pronunciation and not improving my pronunciation because i don't stream

>> No.11387868

The /wvt/ in the trash bin exists because they had been exiled there before /vt/ was an actual board. A lot of people didn't want to move over to /vt/ when the board was created so that's why the split exists.
/auds/, the first iteration of /asp/, began a few weeks after the creation of /vt/ so its not like they had to take refuge in a furry containment board or anything

>> No.11388017

I don't know much about chuuba thumbnails, but in general, most YT thumbnails use Bebas Neue and Exo, both are free fonts, if you do gaming content, a screenshot of the game with something of interest, alternatively, same screenshot with gaussian blur, put your character model looking at the something of interest, blurred or not. Also, keep in mind color theory and composition

>> No.11388232

Ohhh, i knew /vt/ was made because of too many chuuba posts on /jp, didn't know the rest, thanks

>> No.11388967

I've just talked to an artist who told me he estimated the Hololive models to have more than 150 layers, do you think it's true? Are their models that high quality? Does it even make a difference visually?

>> No.11389249

i mean, you can literally just look at the model and see that there aren't 150 separate parts. hell, most of the Hololives only have 1 layer for their eyes, unlike many indies who have 4-5 layers for their eyes like eye base, pupil, top shine, bottom shine, outer iris, inner iris, etc.

>> No.11390217

So what you're telling me is, I should probably bounce the fuck outta there and assume he has not clue of what he's talking about. His art seems nice, I'm about to send the payment.

>> No.11390640

i don't know who your artist is, what he's talking about in context, what price you're paying, or literally anything else. i'm just saying, an estimate of 150 separate parts is objectively and obviously wrong.

>> No.11394681

They can easily get to 150 depending on how complex the design is

>> No.11397738

I'm buying a new phone and was wondering if anyone knew if the current iPhone SE model has all that face tracking stuff that's supposed to be super impressive for vtubing?

>> No.11398532
File: 508 KB, 453x707, chrome_j922RuEcK5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm thinking about commissioning this artist for a half body illustration, what do you guys think? i like how cute they are, the irises lacking outlines is a bit weird, but somehow its very cute
i was also curious if a rigger can make or break a live2d model. sometimes the rigging for vowels looks very...off? like, the mouth barely moves sometimes, its very offputting. is that a problem with the art or the rigger?
i don't think the iphone SE has face tracking. the iphones that have faceid are here https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT209183

>> No.11398531

only these models support FaceID which is what VTS uses for tracking

>> No.11398555

>sent same link at the exact same second
get out of my head bro

>> No.11398964

Thanks for the help guys

>> No.11399071

no prob anon, i'm probably gonna cop the XR, seems to be the cheapest option

>> No.11399411

If you guys joined a company would you want to deal with senpai and kohai shit? I don’t really believe in any of that.

>> No.11399440

man it feels real good to have regulars come and chat with you... i'm sad i won't be able to stream for a week maybe lol

>> No.11399453

Senpai/kouhai dynamics turn me on so yes

>> No.11399507

it's just part of the act, anon
don't make the same mistake several other /asp/ies did. make content and tweet stuff out during your break. memes, voice recordings, song covers, tiktok trends anything you've got that keeps your name popping up and active

>> No.11399549

That’s fair enough. I guess I won’t worry about it too much.

>> No.11399814

Are there any actual benefits, other than privacy on gachashit, to the "starting my journey" format for long games?

>> No.11399906

i don't know what you're trying to ask, but the "first time playing X" thing is overdone and no one gives a fuck. you need a reason for people to watch you play Genshin for the first time when thousands of streamers including webcam and chuubas have all done the "playing genshin for the first time!" shit

>> No.11399979

You mean as in playing from the start of the game through to the end without dipping out?

>> No.11400105

I think it would be pretty fun to watch for my viewers if it ever happened since I'm crass and wAcKy when playing games and commenting on shit but I'm also the type that's overly polite to my superiors and nurturing to younger people around me. Collabs outside my gen would be a interesting to say the least.
As for me, I have a sort of admiration for the senpai/kouhai tradition so I'd be fine with it unless one of my superiors were clearly not up to par. I'm up for respecting hierarchies but I'm not braindead about it.

>> No.11400274

Yeah, that. There's a new vtuber that just started playing the Resident Evil games and she named her first stream playing the first game something along those lines. Seems to be a pretty popular meme among Spanish-speaking streamers but I don't really get why they use it so often.
Like, I imagine that it would've been fun for all the three people that would've watched me fumbling the shitty stealth mission in Genshin Impact but I can't imagine how many other people did exactly that just this week or the other.

Yeah, yeah. I was thinking of making another account for Genshin once I have my persona nailed down and an audience, not when I'm just starting. That would be kind of useless.

>> No.11400357

>Yeah, that.
I absolutely don't mind watching people play a game for the first time. It can be great fun to see them screw themselves over, or get stuck with no idea what they're doing... But it can get dull if they're shit at the game.

WRT playing the game the whole way through, then if it's a story-driven game, I'd want to see the whole story push. Grinding though, I don't care if that happens off screen. So if they need to go kill hundreds of mobs for the 1% drop rate item, it's either a zatsudan stream with gameplay in the background, or boring.

>> No.11401161

Logitech webcams are sold out in my area, is any cheap webcam fine to use in Vtube studio or do you need a certain quality to them?

>> No.11401290

Pick any cheap one, it doesn't matter because the only "good webcam" you can get is iPhone 13.

>> No.11402930

As streamers, how frequently do you drop bits, donos, or subs in other people's channels, and how do you do them?
Bits, I don't tend to give less than 100 at a time, although I'll do 69 if it's funny.
I'll also sub during subathons/birthday streams for streamers I like, even if I'm not going to cancel next month's within 30 minutes.
When I was just a viewer, I subbed less, but I never subbed for a single month at a time, it was always "I like your stuff so I'm sticking around".

>> No.11403006 [DELETED] 

I'm thinking of doing a big redesign for my 1 year anniversary, and I'm very torn between sticking with the artist of my current model and looking for a new one. My artist is very talented and I don't want her to feel like I wasn't satisfied with her model, but I also want to see what my design would look like in someone else's style. I've been back and forth on it for weeks now. Thoughts?
(Not sure if it matters, but my current artist is also slightly cheaper and has a bigger following than the other artists I was looking at.)

>> No.11403532

spend what you want where you want, it's your money

>> No.11405789

Csgo major is coming soon, would a caster chuuba be a good idea?

>> No.11405964

csgo community is not ready for that

>> No.11406493

it can be a mix of the rigger and the tracking software settings/camera

>> No.11410318

then record a lets play with drop in live chat/interaction for anyone that comes by
you should be uploading your vods/clips to youtube anyway for extra exposure

>> No.11411562

so far I have my design. model art should be completed end of november, model rig mid december.
so I'll be stream ready latest end of this year.
so what do I do right now? how do I even start to network. or should I wait for my model to be ready?
I was thinking of doing pre recorded asmr, unsure if my voice fits.
I'd appreciate some feedback:

>> No.11411931


>> No.11411975

I've been thinking about giving in and finally making a Twitter account, what the fuck do people Tweet about? I don't want to look like i only made it for chuuba stuff (Even if i did)

>> No.11412031

You have potential, unironically go to Reddit and find a few scripts, they ussually let you self shill too

>> No.11412495

sounds fine. there's no harm in trying

let's hear what you got to offer

>> No.11412777

You sound okay. I'm not sure how you'd do asmr if you don't like it yourself, you gotta listen to some asmr to get some ideas of what to do you know? Also, you paid for a live2d? should've got a png to practice at first honestly

>> No.11413338

shut the fuck up twitternigger
anyone doing asmr is beyond pathetic and should just go do telephone sex where they belong
doing softcore porn targeted to underaged 3d children in hopes of donations/attention is disgusting

>> No.11413540

could work, but how good are you already? no one is going to just pick up a chuuba out of the blue unless you've got something to show for it.
content. anything you think your viewers would like to see. don't turn it into a personal account, don't retweet bullshit trends, don't play twitter games and shit like "Like and Retweet if you love my boobs" if it's not content, don't tweet it.

hi tourist, neck yourself faggot. /asp/ies need to stop taking obvious bait though.

>> No.11413542


>> No.11414685

thanks for the feedback! I think you're right, It will be difficult to write a script without listening to some asmrs.

the artist I picked has low prices and I know how to rig so that helps too. I didn't spend a lot of money and I figured I'll just upgrade along the way if needed. getting a png instead would've saved me a bit but it also won't last me nearly as long.

>> No.11414986

I'm a social retard and outcast. I don't get any references. none at all. I barely can put together a sentence that makes sense. and I will make it as a chuuba.

>> No.11415825

i mean if you're a woman and have a cute voice none of those are actually debuffs

>> No.11415876

why do I want to watch? cause I want to

>> No.11417474

If you don't like ASMR, then it's going to be super weird for you to make it. Potentially profitable, but super weird. It's just noises, and doesn't make sense.

I get it, but only for some triggers. If I watch/listen to something that doesn't do it for me, I wonder how many drugs these people were on.

Seriously, watch this dude and tell me he's human


>> No.11417975

I feel you, i only really listen to roleplay ones to feel less lonely, i don't even feel the tingles people talk about, i just want someone to pretend to be my gf for 10-15 minutes

>> No.11419165

How do you find a suitable artist on Skeb?

>> No.11419850

any advice or suggestions for naming a creamy/milky/parfait based character?

>> No.11421611

I haven't really thought it through, I want to make some kind of content before I can stream so I was thinking well maybe I can try asmr?
I want to introduce myself and I really hate the idea of waiting for my model to finish to make content. I also wanted to push myself out of my comfort zone and try new things. IRL I'm socially retarded but I think it's getting better?

>> No.11421921

check out their twitter examples and commission them if you like their style. otherwise ask friends if they have recommendations.

>> No.11422090

post your design if you're comfortable!
+ what's your personality like
+ male or female?
+ are you a normal human?
+ do you want a japanese sounding name or a western name? maybe a mix?

I'm pretty good at naming characters, but I need a little more info

>> No.11423430

Any /esp/ics ITT?
How's YouTube working for you or for bigger, non-/asp/ Spanish-speaking vtubers?
Kyria seems to be doing great but she kind of is the only taco vtuber I've found there. Others like Kikoro just upload clips and stream on Twitch.

>> No.11423714 [DELETED] 

here's a list from an oldish copypasta from wvt:
Want to give her something but don't want your identity revealed? Don't want to support Twitch? Buy her a skeb. Just select "Anonymous" when ordering and it won't show your twitter. It will only share the image with NO account associated.
Don't have a lot of money? They can be as cheap as $5-$15

Better yet work on your own art reps. Your chuuba will love fan art regardless of skill level. You can start your art rep journey here

Need an art program? Try Krita or FireAlpaca

Have no money at all and art isn't your thing? Clip your favorite moments. Clip as much as you can.
Clipping is vital for growth and improvement.
Your chuuba will love you forever if you send her polished and edited clips too. You can edit clips for FREE. You can use Davinci Resolve, Lightworks, or Hitfilm Express to edit clips and it's all free programs. Youtube has tutorials on how to use all of these


>> No.11423984

>They can be as cheap as $5-$15
sorry anon, you must have copied the edited one. these artists are almost all $100+ and many of the draw loli, ryona, and other shit that would get you cancelled if you posted it on twitter. there's an official list of actually affordable ones, but this list is the one editted by the trashcanfags

>> No.11424537

ah fuckin hell i should have actually looked at the links it should be pretty obvious; i apologize
think this is the right one:

Have no money to give? Clip your favorite moments. Clip as much as you can.
Clipping is vital for growth and improvement.
Your chuuba will love you forever if you send her polished and edited clips too. You can edit clips for FREE. You can use Davinci Resolve, Lightworks, or Hitfilm Express to edit clips and it's all free programs. Youtube has tutorials on how to use all of these

Want to give her something but don't want your identity revealed? Don't want to support Twitch? Buy her a skeb. Just select "Anonymous" when ordering and it won't show your twitter. It will only share the image with NO account associated.
Don't have a lot of money? They can be as cheap as $5-$15

Better yet work on your own art reps. Your chuuba will love fan art regardless of skill level. You can start your art rep journey here

Need an art program? Try Krita or FireAlpaca


>> No.11424763

I think there was an /asp/ie Spanish Discord server, would send you the link but i'm not in it

>> No.11428082

it gets posted here every now and then so i'm sure the person who runs it will drop the link again

>> No.11428263

Is there no way to filter on skeb? It's just "search without any details and pick at random until you get a good one"

The JP love their gacha.

>> No.11428777

Yeah. I actually sent the invite link to a friend that wants to vtube but I myself never entered because I hate the company.
I was asking because I'm debating myself in whether I'd prefer to stream on Twitch or on YouTube, and also because there was this guy that was one of the top streamers on Twitch that gave it up because he believes the site will die soon due to streaming being supplementary content.
I hate Twitch with a passion so I'm looking for any excuse to not touch it, unless it makes vtubing unviable for me.

>> No.11430681

Ntayrt but I would really appreciate the help.
Personality- That creepy girl that sits at the corner of the classroom and has soulless eyes. Likes horror, maybe a bit too much. Looks like she has probably killed someone but very friendly if you have interests in common.
-human..? magical girl
-Don't really mind. maybe not too japanese though? I'm a spic so it would be a little bit cringe to have a japanese sounding name, at least in my opinion.
Extra- lots of magenta, purple, lavender and pink in design. menhera fashion/theme if I had to put a name to it.

>> No.11430981

You may get spoonfed, once. https://discord.gg/WPWtV9KV

>> No.11431068

how do i stop being so obsessed with numbers? my friends are growing, i'm not. my friends getting subs, i'm not. i keep stressing out about numbers. i hide the viewers number during the stream but right after i'm refreshing my stream summaries to see what the damage is.

>> No.11431537

simply just do not care
i've been going at it longer than a lot of my friends and while i sometimes break double digits my average is still in the single digits and has been for almost nine months at this point
but if the numbers are stressing you out, maybe take a step back and think about why you want to stream in the first place?

>> No.11431539

Can I get in through a simple invite in the future?
I still hate Discord but if it's good enough for that youtuber I follow that got accosted by the FBI and for my friends who I know for a fact are not pedophiles, it might not be as bad as I believe it to be.

>> No.11431723

>maybe take a step back and think about why you want to stream in the first place?
i want to grow a proper portfolio to apply to hololive or nijisanji the next time auditions open up.
>my average is still in the single digits and has been for almost nine months at this point
no offense, but there are thousands of you. constantly sucking each others dicks off about how they're happy being small and okay with zero growth. if you've been doing something for nine months but haven't grown, what the fuck are you doing?

>> No.11431945

I think I can see what your issue is, you're just a numberfag. Maybe stop trying to get into vtubing for the money and try to have fun streaming, your audience can tell that you're just a cam whore with an anime avatar.

>> No.11432069

>and try to have fun streaming
>having fun streaming as a literal 2view
i hope i never get satisfied sucking my own fucking cock like with single digit views after 9 fucking months. not everyone is happy with being pathetic.

>> No.11432093

having fun, i guess? i enjoy chatting with the regulars who have been stopping by but I figure my content is pretty unfocused and doesn't have widespread appeal outside of singing streams where i can consistently pull higher numbers
also i know she gets brought up frequently since she's the biggest example of an /asp/ie turned corpo but Lumi's past life also didn't have a huge following (picked up like 10-30 avg viewers I think?) and only had like two or three months of stream content before she got picked up by Cyberlive

>> No.11432210

For Hololive, those who got in usually have 5-7+ years of consistent content creation on YouTube already. Assuming you don’t have that since you said you’re now building a portfolio, those who have gotten into Niji had a lot of things to show, a lot of growth in a short period of time. Are you marketing and posting clips from your streams elsewhere? Are you networking and dropping by other chuuba’s streams? Doing your voice, singing, zatsudan etc reps? Community activities? On top of all that, “making it” just involves a lot of luck. All you can do is hope your content is get seen at the right place at the right time, so just keep putting it out.

>> No.11432398

that's fine with me. i'm just not okay with being a 2view forever. even if it takes me years to grow, i want to grow. doesn't matter if vtubing dies, i can still apply that growth to whatever new fad comes up afterwards. but at least i'll have something to show my growth with. sitting with my thumb up my ass being happy with zero viewers for months is retarded

>> No.11432579

how long have you been streaming for? how long do your streams tend to be?

>> No.11432610

2 months 4 hours 4 times a week

>> No.11432702

Muchas gracias Anon

>> No.11434327

>>and try to have fun streaming
Yes anon! You're so smart! You got it champ! The fact that you think being a 2view is pathetic is whats setting you up for failure, you are only making yourself feel miserable because you're setting up unrealistic expectations, everyone starts somewhere. Hell, even Selen from Nijisanji was a literal 2view (dokibird) before she got accepted, you are not going to get to any of those big corpos if they see you acting like a fucking leech and sitting on your own pile of shit pee and tears because woe is me. Have fun. People like to watch someone that can make them laugh, get them entertained, how are you going to do that if you can't even entertain yourself and the only thing in your mind is being jealous of your peers and muh numbers? Stop being a fucking retard. And I'm not the 9 month anon you dumb faggot.

>> No.11434626

Not to personally attack that anon, but how does a vtuber that cries in an over the top manner about his low views and crawls and begs and shits his pants over any new viewer, obviously as a joke, sound?
Is that something any of you would watch?

>> No.11435901

That cookie run game reminded me that there was a /here/ chuuba with a gingerbread girl model they were working on, did they debut? What happened to them?

>> No.11436673
File: 385 KB, 814x661, 1613094078731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think you're talking about doppelle ginger?
i don't think they're streaming yet but they've been on other peoples streams in recent time

>> No.11437751

what's your avg like? male or female?

>> No.11438669

just got my first (on-stream) follower, and they chatted too!
this is a nice feeling

>> No.11438962

congrats anon! Enjoy the ride and don't get too caught up on the numbers in the long run

>> No.11439239

Would posting Meat Canyon esque videos with my vtube model be a good idea? I like that dark sense of humor but I also dont want to get soft banned from any future collabs cause of it

>> No.11439293

>Meat Canyon

>> No.11439331


>> No.11439380

you'll probably filter out a good number of potential collabs but it'd be better than a lot of /asp/ies who don't actually make content but just send in applications

>> No.11441227

pre-lumi was a pngtuber though, pulling 20-30 average. her last stream pulled 80, within 3 months of starting streaming. she didnt get into hololive. and you wont either unless you start looking for actual growth

>> No.11441245
File: 29 KB, 1050x610, chrome_61iy6uWzkD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 my progress? no following beforehand or any real promotion of my stream. my friends would come in chat and get me talking, and i've gained a few randoms that somehow found me and chat with me too. i haven't been able to stream as much in the past week as i was before since ive got midterms
sept 10 was my first day streaming. only got a vtuber (vroid) on around sep 15 i think. im working on getting a live2d character design right now

>> No.11441360

thats a lotta streaming but great results for just the first month. aim for growth and stability next

>> No.11441525


>> No.11441542

her last stream pulled 80 because it was both a live2D debut and graduation at the same time
also while she didn't get into hololive she did get into a small corpo which can definitely be used as a springboard into bigger ones
i also never mentioned getting into Holo/Niji personally and i do also do my own self clipping/editing and shilling reps in other avenues
i also don't really have the time to ever stream for more than two hours at a time so it's felt a bit restricting in the kind of things i can do and tend to have to cut streams short even if i'm pulling a stream with higher viewer numbers

>> No.11441645

>her last stream pulled 80 because it was both a live2D debut and graduation at the same time
this is why it's important to count average viewers over at least a 2 week period. big events like 6 month celebrations, anniversaries, mode debuts and crap like that always bring out larger than average crowds. but the numbers always drop back down to average afterwards.

>> No.11446077

What should I be wary of if I start getting into streaming while helping out a friend to do the same?
Extra pressure?

>> No.11448824

what are you talking about?

>> No.11451719

Pressure, having your "brands" being associated too closely with each other, and possible jealousy if you or your friend do better than the other. On the other hand, you have an instant collab partner.

>> No.11452869
File: 23 KB, 516x200, chrome_HufyZRFsj3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya it was more than i thought desu. i dont usually stream for a super long time every day shockingly, ill play like 3-4 hours per day, and then have some days where i skip stream completely, and some days where i play like 6-7 hrs but thats rare

also, kek this captcha wtf

>> No.11453200

where the fat vtubers at

>> No.11453294

not too bad for a vroid, I assume you got yourself an oiler which is why you have 50 subs when you average like 5-6 viewers

>> No.11453417

i saw a fat wolf one, i cant find her atm, but she looked ok

>> No.11453506

Find the root of words that describe you/your avatar, change a few letters, and boom, a name the Calliope Mori way. Although I don't know how well that'd work out for literally any other name

>> No.11454052

i am not sure exactly what that means but i'm assuming it means someone who gifts subs? i did have one hype train, and there is one person who gifted..19 total! but what was cool was that they were a random who found my stream and subbed immediately because they said they liked my personality. a couple of my friends gifted one or two subs as well
usually when i stream during decent hours i avg 8-10, the number is tainted by the hours i spend being a 2view at 3 am kek
i feel like i'm doing pretty well, considering the handful of randoms who have found my stream that end up coming back, makes me feel quite good about streaming, i enjoy it alot. i am thinking about making youtube clips that are <60 seconds of random dumb things that happen in my games but maybe thats too overdone. its probably good to at least try though, doing something is better than nothing advertising wise

>> No.11454196

Yes an oiler is someone that spends quite a bit on gift subs/donos. Its good to have regulars, means you've got something going that some are seeing it. If you know how to video edit sure that sounds like a good idea to make clips.

>> No.11454287

i should note that said "oiler" was also a vtuber with a bigger following than me (doesnt say much lol but still, they get much more views and do collabs and stuff, have a l2d and 3d model) they only gifted subs too, no donos. it feels a bit cringe to imply you want donos by having a link for it desu but whatever, everyone does it kek
yeah its really nice, some of them only tune in when i play certain games, so i try to be diverse in what i do play and not spend entire streams only playing one thing. sometimes they end up sticking around just to talk or watch me struggle in a different game lol
i actually have no fuckin idea where to start with making videos, ive heard that one davinci program is a good starting point so i'll probably look into that. clips definitely seem better for youtube than those "stream highlight" type videos because who the hell wants to watch 10 mins of a literal whos stream

>> No.11454363

>bought a cheap live2D from a japanese artist
>find out that someone has been using the same one for the past few months now

Shit. Now I gotta get a new design and artist. How do I go about looking for a PNG because I tried looking and fiverr and Live2D discord and I cant find anything.

>> No.11454383

draw your own and keep doing your reps.

>> No.11454452

F, how does that even happen? did you commission a custom design or just buy an "adoptable" or whatever
i found a suitable artist on vtuber.gg but it took quite a bit of scrolling kek >>11398532
that's their art, i think its hella cute
definitely avoid fiverr though i'm pretty sure its scam central for vtuber shit

>> No.11454482
File: 391 KB, 563x698, E6zKLURXMAMcRWK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should've read the description on the page you bought the live2d from. Feef's model is "cheap" because it can be bought and used by multiple people. If you want "adoptables" aka already designed characters you can look up adoptables on deviantart (some are actually decent if you're not creative design wise) or theres a japanese website called skima, you can find characters for sale with many expressions. But be sure to message the creator/read the description for the character being sold.

>> No.11454484

It was an adoptable I guess but the artist never took down the listing after selling it.

>> No.11454558

rip, that sucks
this is another good site for adoptable characters, with the search i've linked it will only show characters that can be sold to one person, and shows you an example of the rigging when you click on the listing.

>> No.11456608
File: 1.16 MB, 1003x603, 1603922350093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"These guys made it, so can you"

>> No.11457074

Aside from maybe Papi and Joel who both had previous channels with decent sized audiences, this checks out.

>> No.11457174

I'm gonna start doing some offline ASMR vids, because I listen to them a tonne anyway, figured I could give it a go. Anyone got ideas on mic settings? Is it just no filter?

>> No.11457429

can u name them all, I only know 2

>> No.11457634

Frost (Frost ch)
Bungo Taiga
Capt Hokage
Foxy Joel

>> No.11459099

You're not focused on having fun

>> No.11461894

Is he getting his own model ever?

>> No.11466750

Those of you who moved up from PNG to L2D or 3D... Did it make a big difference in your numbers, or did it not matter?

>> No.11471031

Not me, but the month she debuted her new live2D after using a vroid, LzySusan went from like 300 to 800 followers in a month and has had a very clear spike in her viewership that didn't even taper off when she took a 2 week break in August model changes and redebuts can have a pretty solid effect if you can leave a good enough impression and can be mostly consistent

>> No.11471033

i advertised my live2d model reveal and that got me a pretty big bump in viewers which came back down to average about a week later.

>> No.11473178

>Your chuuba will love fan art regardless of skill level.
this is only true for small corpo or indies

>> No.11473321

It's not true in the slightest. I make stupid meme edits in GIMP. I've had to go with "heh, yeah, I just make cursed pictures I guess" too many times to count

>> No.11473421

what thread do you think we're in?

>> No.11474956

what do you guys think of a kind of generic look, but with actually good art? (PNG btw)

>> No.11475197

Define good

>> No.11475250

>actually good art?
Stylized art is what you should be aiming for if you're looking for an artist. (Think someone like the guy who did Pikamees model art) Otherwise you'll end up with a model that may look good technically but generic

>> No.11475792

you're gonna need to provide examples because there are as many styles as there are artists on the planet and "actually good" is a meaningless descriptor.
