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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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1110527 No.1110527[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How does a board about VTubers of all things manage to attract as much schizophrenics as /pol/ and /x/?

>> No.1110665

It doesn't.

>> No.1110703

Maybe the people who disagree with you aren't insane they just have a different opinion

>> No.1110709

The only schizo here is (you)

>> No.1110721

>why an offshoot of schizo: the board (which is /jp/) manages to be filled with schizos
gee i fucking wonder
dumb ogeyposter

>> No.1110757

Its all the same person.

>> No.1110761

Not true schizos, people are just trying to bait each other.

>> No.1110766


>> No.1110790

jealousy and envy

>> No.1110836

People obsessed enough with women larping as anime girls who stream all day to post about them here aren't usually very well adjusted let's be honest

>> No.1110867

anon anything attracts skitzos

>> No.1110883

Every board has schizos on it, but you don't know that because you don't browse every board.

>> No.1110942

Especially due to the pandemic, a lot of people tuned in to vTubers to cope with their mental issues. Depression being one of them

>> No.1110948

Simple, the Cocofags were utterly broken mentally by last year's events. And as we all know, anyone into western whore vtubers on this board is also most definitely a Cocofag. That is why they see a political angle to everything that happens and make up conspiracy theories where none exist.

>> No.1110973
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Not me. I'm into Vtubers and I'm not gay, I'm not autistic and I'm not schizophrenic.

>> No.1111001

Because vtubers attract lonely, psychologically damaged people who are attracted to the inherent "girlfriend experience" that vtubers offer.

>> No.1111006

Before it was crossposters, it was seagull tier schizos

>> No.1111045

it's weird seeing anya eyes on the actual holo.
it's like those eyes don't belong anywhere now.

>> No.1111062
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when your talking about the equivelntish kinda about celebs it's only expected that there would be alot of Drama speculating and speculating about drama is the mostly functioning Schizo's Favorite pass time right next to politics and the supernatural

>> No.1111094

>d-don't call me a chink or I call you a /pol/-/x/fag

>> No.1111126

>get triggered by ogey

>> No.1111193
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do you feel ogey?

>> No.1113379

their minds are warped by idol culture

>> No.1113394


>> No.1113464
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People here call schizo to any kind of gossip. It's not real schizophrenia, the word has lost it's meaning.
You fags haven't seen anything yet.

>> No.1113577

No shit

>> No.1113601

Lets be honest here, how many of you think about suicide?

>> No.1113645
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>mfw I came from /x/

>> No.1114512

It's their targeted fanbase

>> No.1114566

It's a very schizophrenic hobby. You've got people who are playing characters all over the place. Unlike television or film, the lines become very blurred and muddied between when the act begins and ends.

>> No.1114586

you don't even know what schizophrenia is. You just saw people using it and started to use it too to fit in. That goes for 90% on this board who is it as an insult.

>> No.1114647

/pol/ came in force after the taiwan fiasco. You can still see them being coconigs every now and then

>> No.1114718

It's intentional. /vt/ was created with the intention of being a containment center to prevent the autism from further destroying /jp/.

>> No.1116641
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jp is a dying board full of autistic 2hus armpit/feet horny threads. The vtuber generals were fine in jp until tranny qa mods decided to neuter the only mod worth a damn.
vt isn't a containment board, hlgg moved here because there's actual moderation.

>> No.1116663

Suicidal ideation is mainstream. Everyone under capitalism has this.

>> No.1116807 [SPOILER] 
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The fire rises!

>> No.1116850

Because we're all just illusions in your head
You are the schizo anon

>> No.1116854

Eastern Europe is well known for its sunny and cheery attitudes
>inb4 but in the soviet days hapiness was reported at 140%!

>> No.1117025
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It's an entire board about being obsessed over e-celebrities that these niggas don't even understand what they're saying. Of course they're all a bunch of schizos that discuss drama, create narratives and dig into the past and personal lives of these celebrities

>> No.1117031
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As fans of vtubers, we are obsessed with the actors and everything they do inside and outside of their streams. Initially, we are hooked to the kayfab, but eventually delve into the depths of their roommates and their non-vtuber personalities. Since much of this is unknown, we can only speculate by what the vtuber says during their streams or by doing research on their roommates. Naturally, rumors and rrats appear, some plausible and other not so much. We get so invested in finding more about our oshi that we eventually eat up the information that makes most sense to us and run with it.

In short, vtuber discussion is on the same level as researching government conspiracies, falseflags, and celebrities. These communities brew up crowds of schizos.

>> No.1117048

Mindless gossip isn't schizophrenic behavior.

>> No.1117067

Just put two and two together.

>> No.1117301

Fuck off. Sharktard got the rope he always deserved.

>> No.1119072

/mlp/ should be nuked

>> No.1119118

westacucks like /co/ which is full of amerimutt twatter weirdos have a hate boner for vtubers or japanese stuff. thats it.

not that only autists come here, but westacucks just hate vtubers.

>> No.1119147

Because we are all balls deep in parasocial relationships with pseudo-fictional people.
I challenge you to find a better breeding ground for mental illness

>> No.1119254

>In short, vtuber discussion is on the same level as researching government conspiracies, falseflags, and celebrities. These communities brew up crowds of schizos.

that shit goes for every other genre. is there a "healthy" industry? at least the vutber industry isnt as politicised as other ones. both /pol/ fucks and sjw cretins arent so active compared to video games, comics/cartoons, hollywood, anime/manga with western "localisation" companies, etc

the problem with this board at this point is absolutely impressionable casuals like eop/clip faggots

>> No.1121243

We've already had one nousagi try to manifest a vision of Pekora by taking massive amounts of adderall and refusing to sleep
We arent so far off you know

>> No.1122417
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>> No.1122519

every board have their own schizos, I didnt see an actual schizo here yet

>> No.1122663

Suicide rates jumped sky high in Russia in the 90s, though.

>> No.1122822

Every community this big is going to have a handful of people who are batshit insane. There's always "that guy".

>> No.1122866

Easy to shitpost on
Easy to shitpost on
I've been reported by more Ame-fags in a month than I have in years of being other boards.

>> No.1122908

Yeah, this is the answer.

>> No.1123062

And a bunch of VTubers have a similar mental state as their fans. It's a wonder that things are going so well in general.

>> No.1123469


>> No.1123547

maybe in the west. japanese vtubers are absolutely different from that
