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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 48 KB, 382x540, 1606131810294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10915693 No.10915693 [Reply] [Original]

Amelia Watson appreciation thread
This thread's for Ame, an adorable, dorky, wonderful detective
Last thread: >>10839403

>> No.10915838
File: 1.98 MB, 660x656, ameameameHIC[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F9f868d.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ame ame ame~ ame ame ameeee~

>> No.10915858
File: 2.37 MB, 1963x1377, 1614003348671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10915912
File: 105 KB, 850x1063, test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really excited for Outer Wilds. The first was one of the most kino streams she's ever done and hopefully this comes close.

>> No.10915923
File: 133 KB, 840x1365, 1630765231671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to post ILOVE AME along with a cute Ame pick to receive permission to post in this thread!

>> No.10915951
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>> No.10916065
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>shit my face died

>> No.10916069
File: 3.13 MB, 600x342, 1632289232928.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last thread has been pretty dead considering Ame is live right now, you guys are supporting and watching our cute Detective riiiigggght~?

>> No.10916072
File: 266 KB, 600x600, E66WfjuVUAAdZ_D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been illegally posting ames without posting the password for several threads!

>> No.10916106

Why don't she just stop streaming and graduate
She's not enjoying it anymore, showing it in all of her lives. Watching her is boring

I think milking superchat from her fans is stronger, she doesn't have to put any effort because there will always be people who can be fished

>> No.10916138

zhang please

>> No.10916152

Good thing you brought them in advance!

>> No.10916154
File: 8 KB, 250x185, ame meds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10916190

Game sucks

>> No.10916233
File: 1.49 MB, 1200x1200, la55uzrafcp71.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame sure is cute today, and for some reason I'm feeling like flooding kyuuut Ames into the thread!

>> No.10916244

learn english, retard

>> No.10916261
File: 1.70 MB, 1768x2500, 1633235452395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fake teamates who post in this thread would rather watch minecraft or something instead of ame, i guess.

>> No.10916316
File: 53 KB, 500x640, 1606398678349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, look at her. LOOK AT HER

>> No.10916325
File: 635 KB, 3072x4096, 1628325630543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey look it's the zoomer from last thread

>> No.10916385
File: 155 KB, 828x828, 1630650232495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my favorite things to look at. She's precious.

>> No.10916413 [SPOILER] 
File: 43 KB, 299x342, 1629424220681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't click

>> No.10916459
File: 122 KB, 796x924, 1618332918342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it's just the two of us enjoying this game

>> No.10916520

Me as well, I can't believe no one besides me even reacted to the guy calling out for Amelia as he died...

>> No.10916528

I’m 30

>> No.10916573
File: 206 KB, 278x465, 1631994407932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im here too, fuck them zoomers!

>> No.10916581

proofs or gtfo

>> No.10916653
File: 203 KB, 796x636, 1629293346494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too comfy to post

>> No.10916739

I'm honestly blown away that there isn't some big event for the en/jp portal opening. After ALLLLLL the buildup, it just kind of opens with a whisper and a few girls trickling in here and there.

>> No.10916753

Did Ame somehow get worse at Dead Space
I didn't think it was even possible

>> No.10916873
File: 22 KB, 128x128, 1629966865794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats because thats all it is, a simple thing that got blown out of proportion and pressured EN members to play shittons of minecraft.

>> No.10916932

I'm pretty disappointed by it. At the very least a few EN's and JP's could have done something together.

>> No.10917045

>I don't know how to unshadowban you
>You have to ask chat

>> No.10917245

Even the JP girls did the huge relay for it though. I know how Ame said there was miscommunication so EN had to rush to get ready but it's still been a pretty big deal. MC is also absolutely one of the most popular things in hololive. Just very strange to me is all.

>> No.10917280

Polka has been everywhere. She really is been a great senpai to EN's

>> No.10917424

Never getting that Polmes and Watson collab though.

>> No.10917486

What did she say? she was recording stuff?

>> No.10917978
File: 117 KB, 1132x767, 1613806325621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shitty controller

>> No.10918290

>Gura: hey TTT looks pretty easy I bet Ame could fix PPP just like this but I don't really know anything about minecraft but it's probably easy


>> No.10918354

That just means more super long MC autism building streams for us, Anon.

>> No.10918437

I hate you

>> No.10918564
File: 1.46 MB, 1550x2120, 1617834123342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10918694

I was just thinking about how someone explained in another thread that PPP has fundamental design flaws that would require most of it to be demolished and rebuilt to make it the same as TTT, but Gura has no clue and just assumes they could knock it out in one stream by putting in a few more blocks here and there.

>> No.10918877
File: 212 KB, 710x546, 1631052933933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10919259

Isaac... your meds...

>> No.10919286

Remember when Ame had teeth

>> No.10919389


>> No.10919451

How can the rigger adding a few accessories fuck that up?
No, she just took the necklace off and that fixed it. Apparently having the gun on does the same thing.

>> No.10919506

I think it's a updated model that allows her to take off her earrings but the mouth is messed up on it

>> No.10919619


>> No.10919646
File: 50 KB, 520x530, amehorny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10920401

Almost a decade later faggots continue to seethe about not liking 3 but then cry that Visceral got axed. Honestly 3 was fine, just different. People that hated it probably just didn't have any friends to play coop with.

>> No.10920481
File: 44 KB, 490x490, 1622246340479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets distracted by guda
THEY ARE friends that support each other!

>> No.10920497

I saw her teeth

>> No.10920785

Ame is going to spend 5 minutes or more just admiring what a beautiful thing they have done in Outer Wilds

>> No.10920809

You've forgotten about the microtransactions, haven't you?

>> No.10921541

Just got home. How was Dead Space, lads? Did she beat it?

>> No.10921575

"I will say.... no I'm not going to say that"
What was she going to say

>> No.10921627

>People who were shadowbanned earned it
Well fuck I hope they get shadowbanned again.

>> No.10921646

Comfy and full of controller hate

>> No.10921790

She hates babies now.

>> No.10921799

I'm no longer shadowbanned. I saw my name on Ame's tv

>> No.10922013

Ame is finished, where she belongs

>> No.10922035

I enjoyed 3 as well, but I also played it with my best friend in our dorm. I played it again a few years later solo and it was significantly worse. Luckily the microtransactions hadn't become too predatory yet but the cracks were definitely there.

>> No.10922104

>I really respect that VTuber Amelia Watson
>She said B-movie SUCKS ASS

>> No.10922109
File: 461 KB, 510x440, 1632274696330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jerry seinfeld is a teamate?

>> No.10922152
File: 707 KB, 1200x800, Jerrymate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10922170
File: 1.90 MB, 2000x2666, 1630232261391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She did beat it, but it required a lot of controller bullying to do. She was cuter as usual, some might even say cuter than usual!

>> No.10922209
File: 401 KB, 612x467, 1631198710205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be more interesting to travel to 1939. Maybe Ame could stop certain events, you know

>> No.10922277

>No, she just took the necklace off and that fixed it. Apparently having the gun on does the same thing.
She has two models for her alt, updated let's her take off her earrings and apparently let's her use the necklace and gun (despite being able to use the gun for the reveal) but it has fucked up mouth tracking

>> No.10922339
File: 429 KB, 657x697, 1632522356641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame read my chat

>> No.10922676

The question marks are in fact possible streams
Might stream a little latter or crash someones Minecraft stream

>> No.10922710

tommy hort

>> No.10922756

Hope she joins Gura

>> No.10922846

>"my tummy hurts, i'm hungry!"
Wait, so she actually means tummy hurts when she's hungry?

>> No.10922944
File: 397 KB, 496x497, 1631994302156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wanna cook ame food like a good house husband...

>> No.10922965

Yeah Tummy hort is pretty much a blanket term for anything even remotely effecting her stomach

>> No.10922978

Sometimes. Not always.

>> No.10923058

>No secret ending message
Bros.... I feel incomplete...

>> No.10923081

I miss when she would always do something at the very end of the stream like make a weird noise or whisper sweet nothings

>> No.10923102

Why did she stop the credits? Because she couldn't get them to work?

>> No.10923211

This is the first one in two weeks that she hasn't at least sang a bit of the outtro at the end

>> No.10923280
File: 53 KB, 331x307, 1620912597845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Number autism distracts her at times

>> No.10923913

NGL the number autism is starting to get annoying

>> No.10924011
File: 59 KB, 622x622, 1632512728271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10924154
File: 236 KB, 444x608, 1628122107999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but the number has to be neat and tidy!

>> No.10924492
File: 28 KB, 157x224, 1615970408326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think about her resume! The numbers should look nice and consistent!

>> No.10924876
File: 1.29 MB, 1920x1080, 1620431836263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm hungry~
>I'm hungry, I'm hungry~, feed mee~
>I'm huuungry~

>> No.10925363

Anyone actually expect a stream later?

>> No.10925545
File: 26 KB, 149x225, 1627690021052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe in Ame

>> No.10925547

Not really but that's okay. There's other stuff to watch/do

>> No.10925559

if she does stream, its probably gonna be minecraft, and i think mumei and kronii are online so we get to have another amazing "kronii and mumei stream (ft. amelia watson)"

>> No.10925567

maybe she will join minecraft server, but not stream it.

>> No.10925680

wtf were you guys talking about? The teeth worked fine this time.

>> No.10925818

That's a fancy looking investigator, based

>> No.10925914

a lot of the time the teeth didnt show up when it feels like they shouldve, i dunno maybe its a placebo and the teeth appear more than >we remember

>> No.10926215
File: 146 KB, 340x360, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura said she looks like a toilet

>> No.10926221
File: 528 KB, 636x900, 1605169756125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10926356

>that underboob
>that underbutt
God is real and she is the proof.

>> No.10926522

It's hip to fuck bees

>> No.10926594

god damn, no wonder they call sex "the birds and the bees" because amebee is sexy as fuck.
also cute lil bubbabee~

>> No.10926786
File: 3.30 MB, 2480x3508, 1633219568187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best artist, by far
it's the same right?

>> No.10927703

>another vacation with the “Watson family”
Putting that simp money to good use

>> No.10927841

Not even worth a (you)

>> No.10927844


>> No.10927860

She really has started to no care about streaming.

>> No.10927901

>Ame (34)
Spongebob: Battle for Bikini Bottom
Boomerang X
Minecraft (Enderdragon) w/ MYTH
Frog Detective: Haunted Island
Mario 64
The Last Campfire
Obra Dinn
Doom 2016
Super Mario Sunshine
Later Alligator
There Is No Game: Wrong Dimension
We Were Here Too w/ Ina
Donkey Kong Country
Donut County
Mario Galaxy
Smol Ame [older version]
Titanfall 2
A Short Hike
Outer Wilds
LA Noire
Portal 2
A Way Out w/ Gura
Mario Odyssey
Convenience Store
Overcooked 2 w/ Mori and Gura
Biped w/ Gura

>> No.10928035

>Overcooked 2 w/ Mori and Gura
I'm really surprised they finished that

>> No.10928207

>The Planet Zoo: North America Animal Pack introduces 8 new animal friends for you to enjoy in your zoos! Be sure to give your warmest welcomes to 7 Habitat Animals - the industrious American Beaver, the towering and majestic Moose, the sleek and smart California Sea Lion, the shy and solitary Cougar, the enormous American Alligator, the highly-sociable Black-tailed Prairie Dog and the elusive yet adorable Arctic Fox. Joining them is a new Exhibit Animal: the American Bullfrog!

Ame go back to planet zoo they have alligators now

>> No.10928328

Yes. The artist is a cosplayer girl and Ame is her oshi.

>> No.10928696

>click on link
>newest post is her fawning over amebee
yup shes a teamate alright

>> No.10928711

Youtube reccomended me some star wars clips and it reminded me, Ame liked the prequels right?
Revenge of the sith watchalong when?

>> No.10928794

I wish Ame was less indecisive about guerrillas, having to stay awake for a chance of more Ame sucks.
And no, I hate watching VODs.

>> No.10928930

Didn't she sleep though the last one and they finished it without her?

>> No.10928940

I understand what you're saying, but that's the fun of guerrillas, isn't it? they just happen

>> No.10929004

Or make them worse...

>> No.10929044

That was one of the first few sessions.

>> No.10929129

At least the prequels arent 7 8 or 9

>> No.10929752

Really thinking about Ame in an SS uniform...

>> No.10929819
File: 1.02 MB, 918x1074, 1631285987280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10930118

Why don't we have a thread name like all the other individual chuuba threads? /ame/ or /hic/ or whatever

>> No.10930176
File: 99 KB, 256x256, 1617903987106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here we go again

>> No.10930257

I agree but there's people in denial about this entire board being a generals board. We have had this discussion before, and until the thread makers just start using a tag and ignoring the people who bitch about it it won't change.

>> No.10930274
File: 47 KB, 425x412, 1632290704902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What term of endearment would you want to refer to Ame as? Like honey or darling or whatever.
As I write this I realize that you could call her honey when she's a bee, 'cause, you know.

>> No.10930341

Google Translate-kun has Christened her "candy"

>> No.10930402

It's called /hlgg/, use that if you want something faster, use this if you want something slower.

>> No.10930418
File: 222 KB, 488x482, 1632451774999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Candy, because she's a sweetheart.

>> No.10930489
File: 283 KB, 1518x2028, 1632626162353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cause this isnt a general, this is a thread for appreciating ame!

>> No.10930517

Don't be stupid, hlgg is a trash general and people go to "splits" in order to get away from that, not because people want something slower.

>> No.10930537

I find it very sweet that even after almost 10 months you are still seething about this kek
I don't want to argue again though, it's just funny
-> >>10930489

>> No.10930690

Oh yeah, schizos get 15 (you) in that place instead of 4, what an improvement.
Oh wait in this thread it will stay for hours, so never mind.

>> No.10930975
File: 151 KB, 848x1200, 1613370812366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys got any good art of Ame where you're on a date?

>> No.10931125
File: 805 KB, 889x1200, ame mcdonalds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10932032
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>> No.10932140
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>> No.10932173

Should be safe to go to sleep now right?
I don't think she ever started a stream after 1AM EST

>> No.10932195
File: 325 KB, 1450x2048, 7c6bf76ce9a620bb00af1b44ded8b50e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bit lewder

>> No.10932237

Yeah she hasn't even been active on twitter or anything, I'd imagine we are clear for the night.

>> No.10932503
File: 37 KB, 712x496, 1630154459863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what happens after the date, anon.

>> No.10932933
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>> No.10935211
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>> No.10935270

I don't want to lose to the irystocrats

>> No.10935341

I don't give a fuck, Ame invented winning.

>> No.10935381

Honestly IRyS is everything Ame used to be. Ame won’t even put hearts in her o7 message anymore.

>> No.10935395
File: 104 KB, 1200x1200, 1632035267290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ame won one of these threads just a while ago though...

>> No.10935500

Ame used to sing in tunes?

>> No.10935508
File: 216 KB, 361x332, 1631150915289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got to try harder than that

>> No.10935525

A chumbud got pissed that Ame won so he made a new tournament.

>> No.10935591

Go in post in her thread then why are you here

>> No.10936625
File: 87 KB, 1080x612, Screenshot_20211005-234640_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no gurellia stream :(

>> No.10936685 [DELETED] 

cancelled on again. she must have found a bf :(

>> No.10936817
File: 225 KB, 1000x1333, EjPRTYNUYAE5nsj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty late anyway. Maybe tomorrow.

>> No.10936849

why enjoy things when you can make an event out of pitting people against each other

>> No.10936986

yeah, me

>> No.10937136

Reminder that this was a thing that happened and will never happen again:

>> No.10937174

Fuck Cover for making the girls stay up late for management. Ame and Gura have already spoken about late night meetings and Ina is awake right now too. Managers should play by the girls schedule, not vice versa.

>> No.10937187
File: 566 KB, 674x752, 1616731544464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She said no promise anyway. If you're still mad at her even after that, then you're a schizo or a falseflagger, post, or no post.
It's still pretty sweet for her to post that though.

>> No.10937188
File: 187 KB, 396x480, 1617590513804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I love her so much.

>> No.10937200

This...doesn't work when she's done it several times, and you choose the very first instance as your example. You should probably go back.

>> No.10937649

Hmm, I don't know about that. Maybe you should post as many instances as you can think of to prove it...
...what, don't stare at me like that! I don't have any ulterior motives!

>> No.10937770

Isn't an I love you but still very sweet (post credit message if the timestamp didn't work)

>> No.10937774


>> No.10937823
File: 1.08 MB, 1077x1725, 1612051917541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have too much of this stuff saved, but

>> No.10937848

This hurts

>> No.10937879
File: 325 KB, 541x570, 1622739755516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That stream was so lovely.

>> No.10938083

That’s all you have because it’s literally the only other time it happened. I wasn’t saying it never happened again, but that it won’t happen again from this point onward.

>> No.10938143
File: 381 KB, 389x452, 1620885364500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can just say you want to hear her say that again, it's okay.

>> No.10938281
File: 181 KB, 828x1078, 1631639483636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you really asking me to educate you on who I presume is your oshi? Really?
This is just from memory, because they were big events. That's all I'll dig up for you. You keep lamenting about how it'll never be the same or whatever teamates enjoy doing.

>> No.10938469
File: 403 KB, 2000x2000, 1611092959708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you telling me there are non-teamates in this thread

>> No.10938482

Holy shit I missed it
Where is this from?

>> No.10938500

Hotel asmr

>> No.10938615
File: 99 KB, 405x424, 1633488468585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks bro

>> No.10939329

Why are you implying that people can't have multiple oshis or not watch multiple girls? Sure I'm a Teamate first and foremost, but I also watch ina gura mumei and pikamee, and also some calli and kronii on the side when they play games I'm really in to. I have ggg wah who and vons threads open right now.
Unity is the way of the future brother.

>> No.10939366
File: 564 KB, 762x761, 1629124562738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shadowban lifted. I can now been one of the thousands spamming HIC again.

>> No.10939510

What was Ame going to say about shadowban but didn't?

>> No.10939564

That they were probably earned from spamming too much or taking part in comment section wars and it will probably happen again.

>> No.10939602

Yeah, but what was Ame REALLY going to say?

>> No.10939624

That they deserved it.

>> No.10939641

Still sounds like bullshit. You can do better.

>> No.10939683

That people shat all over Omega DMs.

>> No.10939700

I think it's more likely she was gonna shit on YT but bit her tongue

>> No.10939738

Unfortunately there's really not much to discuss with Dead space. I was watching in bed, it was comfy but after 2 hours fell asleep and then woke up again as she was reading SC. Also, ENs now spamming Minecraft on their schedules will always result in less interest in a playthrough. Its just the way it is.

>> No.10940312
File: 183 KB, 1024x1024, 161287467835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Outer Wilds DLC stream today. It's going to be fucking great. You are looking forward to it right? The answers are Yes or Yes.

>> No.10940334
File: 160 KB, 500x600, 1605022129643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since I heard it has some kind of horror aspect I hope Ame gets spooked.

>> No.10940472
File: 133 KB, 917x917, 1633513991631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10940558
File: 46 KB, 602x586, 162467124781123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is she doing...

>> No.10940636

Ame, we know you don't fall asleep for another 3 hours. Just stream.

>> No.10940754

She never streams at this hour go back to sleep

>> No.10940789
File: 660 KB, 1080x1375, AE95DE7B-AF5C-40C2-9390-5BAA35ECF4BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> she deleted the first tweet

A true artist only accepts perfection

>> No.10940791

what was Ame's deleted tweet? i could only see something about guacamole

>> No.10940813
File: 88 KB, 435x251, 1621516460335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10940823

The screen cap posted above

>> No.10940827

i'm worried about her D vitamin reps...

>> No.10941028
File: 1.23 MB, 412x328, AmeBoard[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fxj74vj.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She never streams at this hour
Exactly. A wasted opportunity if you ask me.

>> No.10941061

I take it you’re not EST lol

>> No.10941063

I haven't even watched the original because I wanted to play myself but kicked it down the road.
Is it standalone or do I need prior knowledge?
Thinking I'll just bite the bullet and watch Ame play the DLC.

>> No.10941175

Just a lone PST night owl

>> No.10941214
File: 83 KB, 700x700, 1610424928907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sleep 6PM-1AM, 8AM-11AM. For Ame & Gura. It's not so bad after you get into it, I even wake up without alarm now.

>> No.10941465

I'm GMT. I would be open to Ame streaming now while she is awake as opposed to minutes after she just wakes up. But on a serious note, as much as it fucks up my sleep schedule, I find the streams that aren't in her earliest timeslot are often better because she's been awake for a few hours. Basically anything after 3pm PST

>> No.10941601

I prefer her current time slots but I don’t mind her late streams with in those time slots

Thankfully I don’t think she’s changing timeslots anytime soon

>> No.10941748

Jesus, at least be as enthusiastic as Ame, you fagots.

>> No.10941843

What the fuck are you talking about you illiterate sea monkey

>> No.10941888

The link is already up for several minutes. Why nobody posted it is my question.
Be a proper split for a change, will you?

>> No.10941986
File: 1.67 MB, 2352x1470, 1672467891248679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah she won't change it. If her times didn't work for her then she wouldn't do them, so it's all good. The first part of my post was just a little joke anyway.

I'm hyped as fuck for it, but people are asleep. They will be too once they're awake.

>> No.10942029

Teamates were too busy getting excited about it in hlgg half an hour ago >>10941380

>> No.10942181

my little raindrop
ame ame aaame

>> No.10942297
File: 400 KB, 670x706, Screenshot_34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine not thinking ame is the best in hololive
how can all the other threads get it so wrong?

>> No.10942401

she's in haachama's chat boio's

>> No.10942538
File: 1.76 MB, 1481x1061, 1623592864071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10942605

Sometimes I wish Youtube has notifications on when she sets up the frame for her streams. I can't watch her youtube channel 24/7

>> No.10942609
File: 8 KB, 313x107, Screenshot_35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only said "based haachama" and went silent, but is still lurking or her @ wouldnt register

>> No.10942703

Based on what?

>> No.10942713

I think a lot of them are burnt out on it and some don't care about the numbers Minecraft brings as much

>> No.10942760

Based on whatever this is

>> No.10942830

i think it is safe to say, if she intends on trying to beat thr dlc tonight, there will also be no guerilla stream.

>> No.10942858

what the heck is this

>> No.10942894


>> No.10943051

Haachama stream

>> No.10943127

Stop relying on newfag subscription methods. Get an RSS reader and use this https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCyl1z3jo3XHR1riLFKG5UAg

>> No.10944539

Pekora liked the portal tunnel. Ame slightly redeemed.

>> No.10944822

The JP minecraft invasion is definitely on its way now. Things could get interesting if Ame is ever on at the same time as these.

>> No.10944936

So far the jp girls like ame's stuff, really cute

>> No.10945019
File: 94 KB, 552x427, 1630077651019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of them love Ame's contraptions & the star herself is nowhere to be seen.
It's amazing & sad at the same time...

>> No.10945038

>JP speaking in Japanese
>EN speaking in english
Minecraft chats will be a mess isn't it?

>> No.10946057

Unless Ame is already up, I don;t see her doing anything besides a cameo like last time.

>> No.10946408

Only Mumei, Fauna, Kronii, Ame, and Gura can't soeak japanese and they stream during Polka hours, who has some limited English skills, so they will be fine. JP hours all have JP speakers on the EN server, so they will be fine.

Peko is also flattening the land next to Ame's house. Soon the flattening of the entire server will be complete.

>> No.10946500

You forgot mori

>> No.10946556

They are being colonized...

>> No.10946661

Update: Peko is curious about Nuko....

>> No.10946791

Thought she'd know but I guess girls last tour isn't as popular as I thought it was.

>> No.10946877

Turns out Peko wants to build a UsaKen branch office on the road to Nuko

>> No.10946935

guerilla minecraft onegai, too much happenings to be missing out on

>> No.10946974

lol nice. The colonization is already in full swing.

>> No.10947046
File: 722 KB, 2000x2000, 1609803479723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like a sock puppet. I hope Ame doesn't feel embarassed.

>> No.10947145
File: 228 KB, 517x336, 1621834130165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 Ame builds tnt-dupe world eater
>to erase her "embarassments" from HoloEN minecraft server
>down to bedrock

>> No.10947290

I laughed and laughed and laughed

>> No.10947436
File: 1.13 MB, 1200x674, 1618613548856.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora called Ame マブだち.
That means very close friend.
They are neighbors now.

>> No.10947651

Ame to UsaKen? Pekora seems to be intrested in Ame's builds so far, but I am hoping she would be independent or join Haachama Black Company

>> No.10947842

Haachamaken suits her, but Haato is almost MIA

>> No.10947889

The Outer WIlds dlc is about 11 hours of gameplay. If Ame stops to admire the sights like me and gets stuck on some puzzles (some of them require a surprising amount of memory and thought) then expect three 5 hours streams. If you add SC reading and a fangirl talk about how great the game is. We have 20 hours of content ahead of us probably

>> No.10947927

Another girl added to the harem

>> No.10947978

JUST wait for her to graduate from college in 4 years

>> No.10948018

do I need main game knowledge to appreciate those streams? I own the game but don't plan to play it anytime soon

>> No.10948261

Hopefully next years are lighter for her, I remember my first year being a hell but my 2nd and 3rd year being too light, theb 4th year being another hell

>> No.10948320
File: 60 KB, 500x1000, 1617019409549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's only hell if you're trying to work at the same time, hence the MIA

>> No.10948444

You could enjoy it as a standalone. But you'll miss out on a lot of details. There is a lot of information that is taken for granted, and the implications of that information is what makes the DLC good. You won't understand the significance of some events, and that's what the developers want.
So you could watch it and actually enjoy it, but if you also have the knowledge of the core game, it becomes much more deeper and meaningful

>> No.10948827
File: 269 KB, 1677x2048, 1625418643923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so like with masturbation

>> No.10948919
File: 501 KB, 516x528, 1616655673317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's exactly what develo-
w-wait what

>> No.10949125
File: 297 KB, 1966x1600, 1629841590431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10949391
File: 774 KB, 1000x1167, 1632938534526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting hypothesis sir

>> No.10949594
File: 118 KB, 322x331, 1613257987596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait for Outer Wilds bros. So many memories

>> No.10949822
File: 730 KB, 2000x1500, 1632785553629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too lad. Me too

>> No.10949921

this MUST be her waiting screen

>> No.10949948

Server update: Pekora filled in entire lake next to her house. The flattening is real.

>> No.10950605

Don't sacre me, I thought she did it to Ame's lake.

>> No.10951408
File: 805 KB, 703x938, 16287467126479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to sleep for exactly 7 hours.

>> No.10953638
File: 89 KB, 223x240, 1630450131215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting ready for today

>> No.10953789

you're spending afternoon locked in another room

>> No.10954541
File: 421 KB, 936x727, unbeeknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could i watch the Outer Wilds DLC playthrough and still have little to no knowledge about the base game story?
I wanna watch Ame but i haven't played Outer wilds myself yet and i don't wanna be spoiled of major plot points

>> No.10954616

-> >>10948444

>> No.10955169
File: 266 KB, 2592x1944, 1629185915795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everybody liked her buildings in MC (except that one)
ssg la chica mas creativa de hololive

>> No.10955477
File: 673 KB, 635x983, 1630023888885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shadowrealm for you Henry

>> No.10955894
File: 548 KB, 1676x943, 1615193226051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10956637

The best part is Nuko Statue perfectly matches Pekora's bunny house & now it turned into a hub between Pekora's house & the main area.
She literally planned things like a time traveler.

>> No.10956695
File: 26 KB, 128x128, 1627315663445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit

>> No.10956736

Ame is too much of a pushover to not let Nuko get sacrificed to keep the cunny bunny happy.

>> No.10956886
File: 1.38 MB, 2894x1913, 1613011204266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10956897
File: 107 KB, 828x956, 1630261374486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just gonna say it: Outer Wilds is fucking boring and her first streams of it was one of her lowest game streams numbers wise, and I expect this time to be the same unfortunately, no matter how much she hypes it up

>> No.10956993
File: 755 KB, 1317x788, 1616686964936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, teamate, i will be there and you'll not enjoy this stream alone. You cannot fool me

>> No.10956999

it's spookier and probably has more planetary action, hard agree with the rest
I watched all of those streams in background but I cannot remember shit except angler fish some observatory and manual landing

>> No.10957059

I disagree with the boring part, but you're entitled to your opinion. If Ame wanted to play the numbers game and take it easy every week she would play Minecraft like everybody else is doing. But that's fucking lame

>> No.10957195

>I watched all of those streams in background
That's probably the problem. The game focuses on lore and you have to follow a complex narrative throughout the discoveries. If you didn't pay attention, the only memorable moments will be the sun station landing, angler fish and perhaps some memorable landscape. But as someone who followed the streams closely, discovering and digging up the secrets of the nomai civilization with Ame was incredible

>> No.10957450
File: 78 KB, 811x608, 1615672237592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Streamers to me are what TV was to my parents. They just run in background while I do whatever. It's rare that streams worth 100% of my attention. I mean, I would try, get bored of nothing happening and go back to reading book on another monitor.

Not sorry.

>> No.10957639

>Not sorry
Go back.

>> No.10957655

>The game is boring because I don't pay attention
brainlet detected

nOT SoRry
go back

>> No.10957745

>The game is boring because I don't pay attention
There's a difference between game being boring and its streams being boring. I'd pay attention if I was playing it but that's just not how I watch streamers.
>go back
Make me, faget.

>> No.10957812
File: 153 KB, 300x240, 1607262899676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10957856

I tried paying attention for 20 mins and still found it boring. You go back.

>> No.10957935

It's a good game to play & invest into, not so much for streaming.

>> No.10957948

I don't care what happens to the name. As long as the OP doesn't turn into a cluster fuck like this >>10948970
What an eyesore. They'll be putting the weather on there next.

>> No.10957984

There is a perfect option for both you to watch Gura and whoever the fuck would join her in MC.
I'm sure Ame won't miss you while playing her favourite game.

>> No.10958012

meant for >>10957745

>> No.10958034
File: 274 KB, 1299x235, 1629786194211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Almost every teamate's favorite series
>lying about "le low numbers"
you realize it's bait, right?

>> No.10958057

I agree, just adding a tag and leaving everything else the same is optimal.

>> No.10958090

You're awfully defensive. Are you /v/? Just because I'm not a fan of OW game streams, doesn't mean I won't watch Ame play it. I just won't remember anything apart from most memorable parts and Ame being cute, unlike some other games that she played, that's all.

Can you live with thought of other people having taste different from yours?

>> No.10958147 [DELETED] 

I prefer it as it is now
btw that nigger keep trying and now it's "waaaa you don't let me have different opinion waaaa!"

>> No.10958226

What would that accomplish though? Do tags do anything besides make it easier to find the thread in the catalog? Because most of the time if I just go to /vt/watson/ this is the only thread that comes up.

>> No.10958228

>you don't let me have different opinion
Yeah, you ain't. It's a boring game to watch other people play.

>> No.10958382
File: 122 KB, 828x828, 1602609315642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two timeloops at the same time

>> No.10958481

Some retards legitimately come into this thread to start anti posting because they think it's just another one of those regular threads with an Ame picture in the OP. You know, the threads that make to purposefully to bait people. That's about the only main downside I can think of though.

>> No.10958518
File: 1.34 MB, 1254x1771, 91884383_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10958557
File: 984 KB, 2737x4096, 1618888713185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I can see that, although I feel like those kinds of posters would find their way into these threads regardless.

>> No.10958640

What >>10958481 said and also ease of finding the thread. When I search the catalogue I find multiple threads with either amelia or watson, if we had /awat/ or something then the chances of someone using a word that contains awat is very low.

>> No.10958661

There are shitposts in every thread. Every now and then a retard comes to this thread as in any split/general.
In those threads you mention there are dozens of them. People on this board already know that this is Ame's appreciation thread

>> No.10958773

Gura streaming Minecraft with the sudden collab kino easily beats Ame playing snoozefest Outer Wilds. You played yourself there anon. I love and but I'm gonna have to skip this one.

>> No.10958818
File: 1.71 MB, 1123x1296, 1633173696681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anyone with a different opinion or different tastes to me is an anti
You're part of the problem

>> No.10958837

>marking the thread will make shit-stirrers avoid it
There is literally nothing you can do to prevent baiters short of getting a meido to haul ass and ban them. You're not a cute enough girl to have that level of naivete.

>> No.10958886
File: 3.96 MB, 266x400, 1628991520329.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amelia Watsun

>> No.10958912

We absolutely have a meido in these threads, so that's a bonus.

>> No.10958934

Also we have a dedicated retard who always hangs around this thread trying to shit things up

>> No.10958938

I would hope we do.

>> No.10958941 [DELETED] 

>>10929129 >>10929752 >>10929819 >>10930118 >>10930176 >>10930257 >>10930274 >>10930341 >>10930402 >>10930418 >>10930489 >>10930517 >>10930537 >>10930690 >>10930975 >>10931125 >>10932032 >>10932140 >>10932173 >>10932195 >>10932237 >>10932503 >>10932933 >>10935211 >>10935270 >>10935341 >>10935381 >>10935395 >>10935500 >>10935508 >>10935525 >>10935591 >>10936625 >>10936817 >>10936849 >>10936986 >>10937136 >>10937174 >>10937187 >>10937188 >>10937200 >>10937649 >>10937770 >>10937774 >>10937823 >>10937848 >>10937879 >>10938083 >>10938143 >>10938281 >>10938469 >>10938482 >>10938500 >>10938615 >>10939329 >>10939366 >>10939510 >>10939564 >>10939602 >>10939624 >>10939641 >>10939683 >>10939700 >>10939738 >>10940312 >>10940334 >>10940472 >>10940558 >>10940636 >>10940754 >>10940789 >>10940791 >>10940813 >>10940823 >>10940827 >>10941028 >>10941061 >>10941063 >>10941175 >>10941214 >>10941465 >>10941601 >>10941748 >>10941843 >>10941888 >>10941986 >>10942029 >>10942181 >>10942297 >>10942401 >>10942538 >>10942605 >>10942609 >>10942703 >>10942713 >>10942760 >>10942830 >>10942858 >>10942894 >>10943051 >>10943127 >>10944539 >>10944822 >>10944936 >>10945019 >>10945038 >>10946057 >>10946408 >>10946500 >>10946556 >>10946661 >>10946791 >>10946877 >>10946935 >>10946974 >>10947046 >>10947145 >>10947290 >>10947436 >>10947651 >>10947842 >>10947889 >>10947927 >>10947978 >>10948018 >>10948261 >>10948320 >>10948444 >>10948827 >>10948919 >>10949125 >>10949391 >>10949594 >>10949822 >>10949921 >>10949948 >>10950605 >>10951408 >>10953638 >>10953789 >>10954541 >>10954616 >>10955169 >>10955477 >>10955894 >>10956637 >>10956695 >>10956736 >>10956886 >>10956897 >>10956993 >>10956999 >>10957059 >>10957195 >>10957450 >>10957639 >>10957655 >>10957745 >>10957812 >>10957856 >>10957935 >>10957948 >>10957984 >>10958012 >>10958034 >>10958057 >>10958090 >>10958147 >>10958226 >>10958228 >>10958382 >>10958481 >>10958518 >>10958557 >>10958640 >>10958661 >>10958773 >>10958818 >>10958837 >>10958886 >>10958912

>> No.10958983 [DELETED] 

>>10929129 >>10929752 >>10929819 >>10930118 >>10930176 >>10930257 >>10930274 >>10930341 >>10930402 >>10930418 >>10930489 >>10930517 >>10930537 >>10930690 >>10930975 >>10931125 >>10932032 >>10932140 >>10932173 >>10932195 >>10932237 >>10932503 >>10932933 >>10935211 >>10935270 >>10935341 >>10935381 >>10935395 >>10935500 >>10935508 >>10935525 >>10935591 >>10936625 >>10936817 >>10936849 >>10936986 >>10937136 >>10937174 >>10937187 >>10937188 >>10937200 >>10937649 >>10937770 >>10937774 >>10937823 >>10937848 >>10937879 >>10938083 >>10938143 >>10938281 >>10938469 >>10938482 >>10938500 >>10938615 >>10939329 >>10939366 >>10939510 >>10939564 >>10939602 >>10939624 >>10939641 >>10939683 >>10939700 >>10939738 >>10940312 >>10940334 >>10940472 >>10940558 >>10940636 >>10940754 >>10940789 >>10940791 >>10940813 >>10940823 >>10940827 >>10941028 >>10941061 >>10941063 >>10941175 >>10941214 >>10941465 >>10941601 >>10941748 >>10941843 >>10941888 >>10941986 >>10942029 >>10942181 >>10942297 >>10942401 >>10942538 >>10942605 >>10942609 >>10942703 >>10942713 >>10942760 >>10942830 >>10942858 >>10942894 >>10943051 >>10943127 >>10944539 >>10944822 >>10944936 >>10945019 >>10945038 >>10946057 >>10946408 >>10946500 >>10946556 >>10946661 >>10946791 >>10946877 >>10946935 >>10946974 >>10947046 >>10947145 >>10947290 >>10947436 >>10947651 >>10947842 >>10947889 >>10947927 >>10947978 >>10948018 >>10948261 >>10948320 >>10948444 >>10948827 >>10948919 >>10949125 >>10949391 >>10949594 >>10949822 >>10949921 >>10949948 >>10950605 >>10951408 >>10953638 >>10953789 >>10954541 >>10954616 >>10955169 >>10955477 >>10955894 >>10956637 >>10956695 >>10956736 >>10956886 >>10956897 >>10956993 >>10956999 >>10957059 >>10957195 >>10957450 >>10957639 >>10957655 >>10957745 >>10957812 >>10957856 >>10957935 >>10957948 >>10957984 >>10958012 >>10958034 >>10958057 >>10958090 >>10958147 >>10958226 >>10958228 >>10958382 >>10958481 >>10958518 >>10958557 >>10958640 >>10958661 >>10958773 >>10958818 >>10958837 >>10958886 >>10958912

>> No.10958995
File: 2.77 MB, 2636x3808, E2p5wW5UcAIBR1j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we should share some cute Ames. How about that?

>> No.10959027 [DELETED] 

>>10930257 >>10930274 >>10930341 >>10930402 >>10930418 >>10930489 >>10930517 >>10930537 >>10930690 >>10930975 >>10931125 >>10932032 >>10932140 >>10932173 >>10932195 >>10932237 >>10932503 >>10932933 >>10935211 >>10935270 >>10935341 >>10935381 >>10935395 >>10935500 >>10935508 >>10935525 >>10935591 >>10936625 >>10936817 >>10936849 >>10936986 >>10937136 >>10937174 >>10937187 >>10937188 >>10937200 >>10937649 >>10937770 >>10937774 >>10937823 >>10937848 >>10937879 >>10938083 >>10938143 >>10938281 >>10938469 >>10938482 >>10938500 >>10938615 >>10939329 >>10939366 >>10939510 >>10939564 >>10939602 >>10939624 >>10939641 >>10939683 >>10939700 >>10939738 >>10940312 >>10940334 >>10940472 >>10940558 >>10940636 >>10940754 >>10940789 >>10940791 >>10940813 >>10940823 >>10940827 >>10941028 >>10941061 >>10941063 >>10941175 >>10941214 >>10941465 >>10941601 >>10941748 >>10941843 >>10941888 >>10941986 >>10942029 >>10942181 >>10942297 >>10942401 >>10942538 >>10942605 >>10942609 >>10942703 >>10942713 >>10942760 >>10942830 >>10942858 >>10942894 >>10943051 >>10943127 >>10944539 >>10944822 >>10944936 >>10945019 >>10945038 >>10946057 >>10946408 >>10946500 >>10946556 >>10946661 >>10946791 >>10946877 >>10946935 >>10946974 >>10947046 >>10947145 >>10947290 >>10947436 >>10947651 >>10947842 >>10947889 >>10947927 >>10947978 >>10948018 >>10948261 >>10948320 >>10948444 >>10948827 >>10948919 >>10949125 >>10949391 >>10949594 >>10949822 >>10949921 >>10949948 >>10950605 >>10951408 >>10953638 >>10953789 >>10954541 >>10954616 >>10955169 >>10955477 >>10955894 >>10956637 >>10956695 >>10956736 >>10956886 >>10956897 >>10956993 >>10956999 >>10957059 >>10957195 >>10957450 >>10957639 >>10957655 >>10957745 >>10957812 >>10957856 >>10957935 >>10957948 >>10957984 >>10958012 >>10958034 >>10958057 >>10958090 >>10958147 >>10958226 >>10958228 >>10958382 >>10958481 >>10958518 >>10958557 >>10958640 >>10958661 >>10958773 >>10958818 >>10958837 >>10958886 >>10958912 >>10958934 >>10958938 >>10958941 >>10958983 >>10958995

>> No.10959042

I agree but can't contribute, 99% of my cute Ames are also lewd Ames

>> No.10959045
File: 1.01 MB, 2500x4000, E1VYqbSUYAYuHN-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10959065 [DELETED] 

>>10930274 >>10930341 >>10930402 >>10930418 >>10930489 >>10930517 >>10930537 >>10930690 >>10930975 >>10931125 >>10932032 >>10932140 >>10932173 >>10932195 >>10932237 >>10932503 >>10932933 >>10935211 >>10935270 >>10935341 >>10935381 >>10935395 >>10935500 >>10935508 >>10935525 >>10935591 >>10936625 >>10936817 >>10936849 >>10936986 >>10937136 >>10937174 >>10937187 >>10937188 >>10937200 >>10937649 >>10937770 >>10937774 >>10937823 >>10937848 >>10937879 >>10938083 >>10938143 >>10938281 >>10938469 >>10938482 >>10938500 >>10938615 >>10939329 >>10939366 >>10939510 >>10939564 >>10939602 >>10939624 >>10939641 >>10939683 >>10939700 >>10939738 >>10940312 >>10940334 >>10940472 >>10940558 >>10940636 >>10940754 >>10940789 >>10940791 >>10940813 >>10940823 >>10940827 >>10941028 >>10941061 >>10941063 >>10941175 >>10941214 >>10941465 >>10941601 >>10941748 >>10941843 >>10941888 >>10941986 >>10942029 >>10942181 >>10942297 >>10942401 >>10942538 >>10942605 >>10942609 >>10942703 >>10942713 >>10942760 >>10942830 >>10942858 >>10942894 >>10943051 >>10943127 >>10944539 >>10944822 >>10944936 >>10945019 >>10945038 >>10946057 >>10946408 >>10946500 >>10946556 >>10946661 >>10946791 >>10946877 >>10946935 >>10946974 >>10947046 >>10947145 >>10947290 >>10947436 >>10947651 >>10947842 >>10947889 >>10947927 >>10947978 >>10948018 >>10948261 >>10948320 >>10948444 >>10948827 >>10948919 >>10949125 >>10949391 >>10949594 >>10949822 >>10949921 >>10949948 >>10950605 >>10951408 >>10953638 >>10953789 >>10954541 >>10954616 >>10955169 >>10955477 >>10955894 >>10956637 >>10956695 >>10956736 >>10956886 >>10956897 >>10956993 >>10956999 >>10957059 >>10957195 >>10957450 >>10957639 >>10957655 >>10957745 >>10957812 >>10957856 >>10957935 >>10957948 >>10957984 >>10958012 >>10958034 >>10958057 >>10958090 >>10958147 >>10958226 >>10958228 >>10958382 >>10958481 >>10958518 >>10958557 >>10958640 >>10958661 >>10958773 >>10958818 >>10958837 >>10958886 >>10958912 >>10958934 >>10958938 >>10958941 >>10958983 >>10958995 >>10959027

>> No.10959095
File: 3.14 MB, 2102x2998, 1626755030642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not mutually exclusive.

>> No.10959111
File: 36 KB, 379x536, 1617332448315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10959117

No I mean this is a blue board and my Ames are very lewd.

>> No.10959139
File: 1020 KB, 2480x3507, 1613372891037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair enough.

>> No.10959152


>> No.10959173 [DELETED] 

enjoy your vacation retard

>> No.10959180 [DELETED] 

>>10930537 >>10930690 >>10930975 >>10931125 >>10932032 >>10932140 >>10932173 >>10932195 >>10932237 >>10932503 >>10932933 >>10935211 >>10935270 >>10935341 >>10935381 >>10935395 >>10935500 >>10935508 >>10935525 >>10935591 >>10936625 >>10936817 >>10936849 >>10936986 >>10937136 >>10937174 >>10937187 >>10937188 >>10937200 >>10937649 >>10937770 >>10937774 >>10937823 >>10937848 >>10937879 >>10938083 >>10938143 >>10938281 >>10938469 >>10938482 >>10938500 >>10938615 >>10939329 >>10939366 >>10939510 >>10939564 >>10939602 >>10939624 >>10939641 >>10939683 >>10939700 >>10939738 >>10940312 >>10940334 >>10940472 >>10940558 >>10940636 >>10940754 >>10940789 >>10940791 >>10940813 >>10940823 >>10940827 >>10941028 >>10941061 >>10941063 >>10941175 >>10941214 >>10941465 >>10941601 >>10941748 >>10941843 >>10941888 >>10941986 >>10942029 >>10942181 >>10942297 >>10942401 >>10942538 >>10942605 >>10942609 >>10942703 >>10942713 >>10942760 >>10942830 >>10942858 >>10942894 >>10943051 >>10943127 >>10944539 >>10944822 >>10944936 >>10945019 >>10945038 >>10946057 >>10946408 >>10946500 >>10946556 >>10946661 >>10946791 >>10946877 >>10946935 >>10946974 >>10947046 >>10947145 >>10947290 >>10947436 >>10947651 >>10947842 >>10947889 >>10947927 >>10947978 >>10948018 >>10948261 >>10948320 >>10948444 >>10948827 >>10948919 >>10949125 >>10949391 >>10949594 >>10949822 >>10949921 >>10949948 >>10950605 >>10951408 >>10953638 >>10953789 >>10954541 >>10954616 >>10955169 >>10955477 >>10955894 >>10956637 >>10956695 >>10956736 >>10956886 >>10956897 >>10956993 >>10956999 >>10957059 >>10957195 >>10957450 >>10957639 >>10957655 >>10957745 >>10957812 >>10957856 >>10957935 >>10957948 >>10957984 >>10958012 >>10958034 >>10958057 >>10958090 >>10958147 >>10958226 >>10958228 >>10958382 >>10958481 >>10958518 >>10958557 >>10958640 >>10958661 >>10958773 >>10958818 >>10958837 >>10958886 >>10958912 >>10958934 >>10958938 >>10958941 >>10958983 >>10958995 >>10959027 >>10959042 >>10959045 >>10959065 >>10959095 >>10959111 >>10959117

>> No.10959190

If I wasnt about to get groceries I would.

>> No.10959212 [DELETED] 
File: 1.64 MB, 462x498, soy-wojak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enjoy your vacation retard

>> No.10959247 [DELETED] 

>>10932173 >>10932195 >>10932237 >>10932503 >>10932933 >>10935211 >>10935270 >>10935341 >>10935381 >>10935395 >>10935500 >>10935508 >>10935525 >>10935591 >>10936625 >>10936817 >>10936849 >>10936986 >>10937136 >>10937174 >>10937187 >>10937188 >>10937200 >>10937649 >>10937770 >>10937774 >>10937823 >>10937848 >>10937879 >>10938083 >>10938143 >>10938281 >>10938469 >>10938482 >>10938500 >>10938615 >>10939329 >>10939366 >>10939510 >>10939564 >>10939602 >>10939624 >>10939641 >>10939683 >>10939700 >>10939738 >>10940312 >>10940334 >>10940472 >>10940558 >>10940636 >>10940754 >>10940789 >>10940791 >>10940813 >>10940823 >>10940827 >>10941028 >>10941061 >>10941063 >>10941175 >>10941214 >>10941465 >>10941601 >>10941748 >>10941843 >>10941888 >>10941986 >>10942029 >>10942181 >>10942297 >>10942401 >>10942538 >>10942605 >>10942609 >>10942703 >>10942713 >>10942760 >>10942830 >>10942858 >>10942894 >>10943051 >>10943127 >>10944539 >>10944822 >>10944936 >>10945019 >>10945038 >>10946057 >>10946408 >>10946500 >>10946556 >>10946661 >>10946791 >>10946877 >>10946935 >>10946974 >>10947046 >>10947145 >>10947290 >>10947436 >>10947651 >>10947842 >>10947889 >>10947927 >>10947978 >>10948018 >>10948261 >>10948320 >>10948444 >>10948827 >>10948919 >>10949125 >>10949391 >>10949594 >>10949822 >>10949921 >>10949948 >>10950605 >>10951408 >>10953638 >>10953789 >>10954541 >>10954616 >>10955169 >>10955477 >>10955894 >>10956637 >>10956695 >>10956736 >>10956886 >>10956897 >>10956993 >>10956999 >>10957059 >>10957195 >>10957450 >>10957639 >>10957655 >>10957745 >>10957812 >>10957856 >>10957935 >>10957948 >>10957984 >>10958012 >>10958034 >>10958057 >>10958090 >>10958147 >>10958226 >>10958228 >>10958382 >>10958481 >>10958518 >>10958557 >>10958640 >>10958661 >>10958773 >>10958818 >>10958837 >>10958886 >>10958912 >>10958934 >>10958938 >>10958941 >>10958983 >>10958995 >>10959027 >>10959042 >>10959045 >>10959065 >>10959095 >>10959111 >>10959117 >>10959139 >>10959152 >>10959173 >>10959180 >>10959190 >>10959212

>> No.10959281 [DELETED] 

>>10915693 >>10915838 >>10915858 >>10915912 >>10915923 >>10915951 >>10916065 >>10916069 >>10916072 >>10916106 >>10916138 >>10916152 >>10916154 >>10916190 >>10916233 >>10916244 >>10916261 >>10916316 >>10916325 >>10916385 >>10916413 >>10916459 >>10916520 >>10916528 >>10916573 >>10916581 >>10916653 >>10916739 >>10916753 >>10916873 >>10916932 >>10917045 >>10917245 >>10917280 >>10917424 >>10917486 >>10917978 >>10918290 >>10918354 >>10918437 >>10918564 >>10918694 >>10918877 >>10919259 >>10919286 >>10919389 >>10919451 >>10919506 >>10919619 >>10919646 >>10920401 >>10920481 >>10920497 >>10920785 >>10920809 >>10921541 >>10921575 >>10921627 >>10921646 >>10921790 >>10921799 >>10922013 >>10922035 >>10922104 >>10922109 >>10922152 >>10922170 >>10922209 >>10922277 >>10922339 >>10922676 >>10922710 >>10922756 >>10922846 >>10922944 >>10922965 >>10922978 >>10923058 >>10923081 >>10923102 >>10923211 >>10923280 >>10923913 >>10924011 >>10924154 >>10924492 >>10924876 >>10925363 >>10925545 >>10925547 >>10925559 >>10925567 >>10925680 >>10925818 >>10925914 >>10926215 >>10926221 >>10926356 >>10926522 >>10926594 >>10926786 >>10927703 >>10927841 >>10927844 >>10927860 >>10927901 >>10928035 >>10928207 >>10928328 >>10928696 >>10928711 >>10928794 >>10928930 >>10928940 >>10929004 >>10929044 >>10929129 >>10929752 >>10929819 >>10930118 >>10930176 >>10930257 >>10930274 >>10930341 >>10930402 >>10930418 >>10930489 >>10930517 >>10930537 >>10930690 >>10930975 >>10931125 >>10932032 >>10932140 >>10932173 >>10932195 >>10932237 >>10932503 >>10932933 >>10935211 >>10935270 >>10935341 >>10935381 >>10935395 >>10935500 >>10935508 >>10935525 >>10935591 >>10936625 >>10936817 >>10936849 >>10936986 >>10937136 >>10937174 >>10937187 >>10937188 >>10937200 >>10937649 >>10937770 >>10937774 >>10937823 >>10937848 >>10937879 >>10938083 >>10938143 >>10938281 >>10938469 >>10938482 >>10938500 >>10938615 >>10939329 >>10939366 >>10939510 >>10939564 >>10939602 >>10939624 >>10939641 >>10939683 >>10939700 >>10939738 >>10940312

>> No.10959401 [DELETED] 

>>10915693 >>10915838 >>10915858 >>10915912 >>10915923 >>10915951 >>10916065 >>10916069 >>10916072 >>10916106 >>10916138 >>10916152 >>10916154 >>10916190 >>10916233 >>10916244 >>10916261 >>10916316 >>10916325 >>10916385 >>10916413 >>10916459 >>10916520 >>10916528 >>10916573 >>10916581 >>10916653 >>10916739 >>10916753 >>10916873 >>10916932 >>10917045 >>10917245 >>10917280 >>10917424 >>10917486 >>10917978 >>10918290 >>10918354 >>10918437 >>10918564 >>10918694 >>10918877 >>10919259 >>10919286 >>10919389 >>10919451 >>10919506 >>10919619 >>10919646 >>10920401 >>10920481 >>10920497 >>10920785 >>10920809 >>10921541 >>10921575 >>10921627 >>10921646 >>10921790 >>10921799 >>10922013 >>10922035 >>10922104 >>10922109 >>10922152 >>10922170 >>10922209 >>10922277 >>10922339 >>10922676 >>10922710 >>10922756 >>10922846 >>10922944 >>10922965 >>10922978 >>10923058 >>10923081 >>10923102 >>10923211 >>10923280 >>10923913 >>10924011 >>10924154 >>10924492 >>10924876 >>10925363 >>10925545 >>10925547 >>10925559 >>10925567 >>10925680 >>10925818 >>10925914 >>10926215 >>10926221 >>10926356 >>10926522 >>10926594 >>10926786 >>10927703 >>10927841 >>10927844 >>10927860 >>10927901 >>10928035 >>10928207 >>10928328 >>10928696 >>10928711 >>10928794 >>10928930 >>10928940 >>10929004 >>10929044 >>10929129 >>10929752 >>10929819 >>10930118 >>10930176 >>10930257 >>10930274 >>10930341 >>10930402 >>10930418 >>10930489 >>10930517 >>10930537 >>10930690 >>10930975 >>10931125 >>10932032 >>10932140 >>10932173 >>10932195 >>10932237 >>10932503 >>10932933 >>10935211 >>10935270 >>10935341 >>10935381 >>10935395 >>10935500 >>10935508 >>10935525 >>10935591 >>10936625 >>10936817 >>10936849 >>10936986 >>10937136 >>10937174 >>10937187 >>10937188 >>10937200 >>10937649 >>10937770 >>10937774 >>10937823 >>10937848 >>10937879 >>10938083 >>10938143 >>10938281 >>10938469 >>10938482 >>10938500 >>10938615 >>10939329 >>10939366 >>10939510 >>10939564 >>10939602 >>10939624 >>10939641 >>10939683 >>10939700 >>10939738 >>10940312

>> No.10959481


>> No.10959508 [DELETED] 

>>10915693 >>10915838 >>10915858 >>10915912 >>10915923 >>10915951 >>10916065 >>10916069 >>10916072 >>10916106 >>10916138 >>10916152 >>10916154 >>10916190 >>10916233 >>10916244 >>10916261 >>10916316 >>10916325 >>10916385 >>10916413 >>10916459 >>10916520 >>10916528 >>10916573 >>10916581 >>10916653 >>10916739 >>10916753 >>10916873 >>10916932 >>10917045 >>10917245 >>10917280 >>10917424 >>10917486 >>10917978 >>10918290 >>10918354 >>10918437 >>10918564 >>10918694 >>10918877 >>10919259 >>10919286 >>10919389 >>10919451 >>10919506 >>10919619 >>10919646 >>10920401 >>10920481 >>10920497 >>10920785 >>10920809 >>10921541 >>10921575 >>10921627 >>10921646 >>10921790 >>10921799 >>10922013 >>10922035 >>10922104 >>10922109 >>10922152 >>10922170 >>10922209 >>10922277 >>10922339 >>10922676 >>10922710 >>10922756 >>10922846 >>10922944 >>10922965 >>10922978 >>10923058 >>10923081 >>10923102 >>10923211 >>10923280 >>10923913 >>10924011 >>10924154 >>10924492 >>10924876 >>10925363 >>10925545 >>10925547 >>10925559 >>10925567 >>10925680 >>10925818 >>10925914 >>10926215 >>10926221 >>10926356 >>10926522 >>10926594 >>10926786 >>10927703 >>10927841 >>10927844 >>10927860 >>10927901 >>10928035 >>10928207 >>10928328 >>10928696 >>10928711 >>10928794 >>10928930 >>10928940 >>10929004 >>10929044 >>10929129 >>10929752 >>10929819 >>10930118 >>10930176 >>10930257 >>10930274 >>10930341 >>10930402 >>10930418 >>10930489 >>10930517 >>10930537 >>10930690 >>10930975 >>10931125 >>10932032 >>10932140 >>10932173 >>10932195 >>10932237 >>10932503 >>10932933 >>10935211 >>10935270 >>10935341 >>10935381 >>10935395 >>10935500 >>10935508 >>10935525 >>10935591 >>10936625 >>10936817 >>10936849 >>10936986 >>10937136 >>10937174 >>10937187 >>10937188 >>10937200 >>10937649 >>10937770 >>10937774 >>10937823 >>10937848 >>10937879 >>10938083 >>10938143 >>10938281 >>10938469 >>10938482 >>10938500 >>10938615 >>10939329 >>10939366 >>10939510 >>10939564 >>10939602 >>10939624 >>10939641 >>10939683 >>10939700 >>10939738 >>10940312

>> No.10959586

Just finished watching Ame play Outer Wilds, albeit nearly a year late.

>> No.10959589 [DELETED] 
File: 194 KB, 1436x1440, 1614304059468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meidos. Ban him first, then delete. Get your act together.

>> No.10959629
File: 326 KB, 1295x2048, E-CmEIPVEAkByV_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10959820

She looks so serious and cool here

>> No.10959904 [DELETED] 
File: 1.64 MB, 462x498, soy-wojak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Error: You are temporarily blocked from posting for violating Global 3 - Troll posts.
>This block will expire in 11 minutes.

>> No.10959977
File: 2.35 MB, 4093x2696, E2pLPTJUcAYI8Wq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10960029 [DELETED] 

>biblically accurate angels
>mature anime
>lost media
>unconventional christmas movies
>uncanny valley
>liminal spaces
>strangely familiar places
>junji ito
>neon evangilion
>serial experiment lain
>so bad its good
>the pope exists in the car universe
>prequel memes
>trust the science
>just let people enjoy things
>creed aventus
>who would win walter white or tony soprano
>pirating indie games is immoral
>its fun with friends
>its a good X game but it falls flat as a Y game
>japanese movie posters
>this scene of Vito from The Sopranos kind of looks like Star Wars!
>/tv/ is a bad board
>racism outside /b/ not allowed
>christianity/mormonism/scientology is just like a cult
>lofi hip hop
>plastic love
>john lennon was a wife beater
>who hurt you
>I don't really care about politics, it makes me unhappy
>misinformation spreads quicker than real information
>frankenstein is the scientist not the monster
>reporting soijak spammers isnt reddit
>Ed Edd n Eddy took place in purgatory
>food analogies are bad
>it’s a wyvern not a dragon
>snowpiercer is willy wonka!
>minimalist movie posters
>slowburn psychological A24 horror
>gameplay loop
>Burning (2018)
>whoah this is just like a real life black mirror
>serial killer/true crime documentaries and podcasts
>video essay
>peer reviewed
>bechdel test
>movie is actually about capitalism/consumerism/colonialism/police brutality
>>10915693 >>10915838 >>10915858 >>10915912 >>10915923 >>10915951 >>10916065 >>10916069 >>10916072 >>10916106 >>10916138 >>10916152 >>10916154 >>10916190 >>10916233 >>10916244 >>10916261 >>10916316 >>10916325 >>10916385 >>10916413 >>10916459 >>10916520 >>10916528 >>10916573 >>10916581 >>10916653 >>10916739 >>10916753 >>10916873 >>10916932 >>10917045 >>10917245 >>10917280 >>10917424 >>10917486 >>10917978 >>10918290 >>10918354 >>10918437 >>10918564 >>10918694 >>10918877 >>10919259 >>10919286 >>10919389 >>10919451 >>10919506 >>10919619 >>10919646 >>10920401 >>10920481 >>10920497 >>10920785 >>10920809 >>10921541 >>10921575 >>10921627 >>10921646 >>10921790 >>10921799 >>10922013 >>10922035 >>10922104 >>10922109 >>10922152 >>10922170 >>10922209 >>10922277 >>10922339 >>10922676 >>10922710 >>10922756 >>10922846 >>10922944 >>10922965 >>10922978 >>10923058 >>10923081 >>10923102 >>10923211 >>10923280 >>10923913 >>10924011 >>10924154 >>10924492 >>10924876 >>10925363 >>10925545 >>10925547 >>10925559 >>10925567 >>10925680 >>10925818 >>10925914 >>10926215 >>10926221 >>10926356 >>10926522 >>10926594 >>10926786 >>10927703 >>10927841 >>10927844 >>10927860 >>10927901 >>10928035 >>10928207 >>10928328 >>10928696 >>10928711 >>10928794 >>10928930 >>10928940 >>10929004 >>10929044 >>10929129 >>10929752 >>10929819 >>10930118 >>10930176 >>10930257 >>10930274 >>10930341 >>10930402 >>10930418 >>10930489 >>10930517 >>10930537 >>10930690 >>10930975 >>10931125 >>10932032 >>10932140 >>10932173 >>10932195 >>10932237 >>10932503 >>10932933 >>10935211 >>10935270 >>10935341 >>10935381 >>10935395 >>10935500 >>10935508 >>10935525 >>10935591 >>10936625 >>10936817 >>10936849 >>10936986 >>10937136 >>10937174 >>10937187 >>10937188 >>10937200 >>10937649 >>10937770 >>10937774 >>10937823 >>10937848 >>10937879 >>10938083 >>10938143 >>10938281 >>10938469 >>10938482 >>10938500 >>10938615 >>10939329 >>10939366 >>10939510 >>10939564 >>10939602 >>10939624 >>10939641 >>10939683 >>10939700 >>10939738 >>10940312

>> No.10960066 [DELETED] 

>>10915693 >>10915838 >>10915858 >>10915912 >>10915923 >>10915951 >>10916065 >>10916069 >>10916072 >>10916106 >>10916138 >>10916152 >>10916154 >>10916190 >>10916233 >>10916244 >>10916261 >>10916316 >>10916325 >>10916385 >>10916413 >>10916459 >>10916520 >>10916528 >>10916573 >>10916581 >>10916653 >>10916739 >>10916753 >>10916873 >>10916932 >>10917045 >>10917245 >>10917280 >>10917424 >>10917486 >>10917978 >>10918290 >>10918354 >>10918437 >>10918564 >>10918694 >>10918877 >>10919259 >>10919286 >>10919389 >>10919451 >>10919506 >>10919619 >>10919646 >>10920401 >>10920481 >>10920497 >>10920785 >>10920809 >>10921541 >>10921575 >>10921627 >>10921646 >>10921790 >>10921799 >>10922013 >>10922035 >>10922104 >>10922109 >>10922152 >>10922170 >>10922209 >>10922277 >>10922339 >>10922676 >>10922710 >>10922756 >>10922846 >>10922944 >>10922965 >>10922978 >>10923058 >>10923081 >>10923102 >>10923211 >>10923280 >>10923913 >>10924011 >>10924154 >>10924492 >>10924876 >>10925363 >>10925545 >>10925547 >>10925559 >>10925567 >>10925680 >>10925818 >>10925914 >>10926215 >>10926221 >>10926356 >>10926522 >>10926594 >>10926786 >>10927703 >>10927841 >>10927844 >>10927860 >>10927901 >>10928035 >>10928207 >>10928328 >>10928696 >>10928711 >>10928794 >>10928930 >>10928940 >>10929004 >>10929044 >>10929129 >>10929752 >>10929819 >>10930118 >>10930176 >>10930257 >>10930274 >>10930341 >>10930402 >>10930418 >>10930489 >>10930517 >>10930537 >>10930690 >>10930975 >>10931125 >>10932032 >>10932140 >>10932173 >>10932195 >>10932237 >>10932503 >>10932933 >>10935211 >>10935270 >>10935341 >>10935381 >>10935395 >>10935500 >>10935508 >>10935525 >>10935591 >>10936625 >>10936817 >>10936849 >>10936986 >>10937136 >>10937174 >>10937187 >>10937188 >>10937200 >>10937649 >>10937770 >>10937774 >>10937823 >>10937848 >>10937879 >>10938083 >>10938143 >>10938281 >>10938469 >>10938482 >>10938500 >>10938615 >>10939329 >>10939366 >>10939510 >>10939564 >>10939602 >>10939624 >>10939641 >>10939683 >>10939700 >>10939738 >>10940312

>> No.10960110 [DELETED] 
File: 95 KB, 640x591, 1568432202245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>10932503 >>10932933 >>10935211 >>10935270 >>10935341 >>10935381 >>10935395 >>10935500 >>10935508 >>10935525 >>10935591 >>10936625 >>10936817 >>10936849 >>10936986 >>10937136 >>10937174 >>10937187 >>10937188 >>10937200 >>10937649 >>10937770 >>10937774 >>10937823 >>10937848 >>10937879 >>10938083 >>10938143 >>10938281 >>10938469 >>10938482 >>10938500 >>10938615 >>10939329 >>10939366 >>10939510 >>10939564 >>10939602 >>10939624 >>10939641 >>10939683 >>10939700 >>10939738 >>10940312 >>10940334 >>10940472 >>10940558 >>10940636 >>10940754 >>10940789 >>10940791 >>10940813 >>10940823 >>10940827 >>10941028 >>10941061 >>10941063 >>10941175 >>10941214 >>10941465 >>10941601 >>10941748 >>10941843 >>10941888 >>10941986 >>10942029 >>10942181 >>10942297 >>10942401 >>10942538 >>10942605 >>10942609 >>10942703 >>10942713 >>10942760 >>10942830 >>10942858 >>10942894 >>10943051 >>10943127 >>10944539 >>10944822 >>10944936 >>10945019 >>10945038 >>10946057 >>10946408 >>10946500 >>10946556 >>10946661 >>10946791 >>10946877 >>10946935 >>10946974 >>10947046 >>10947145 >>10947290 >>10947436 >>10947651 >>10947842 >>10947889 >>10947927 >>10947978 >>10948018 >>10948261 >>10948320 >>10948444 >>10948827 >>10948919 >>10949125 >>10949391 >>10949594 >>10949822 >>10949921 >>10949948 >>10950605 >>10951408 >>10953638 >>10953789 >>10954541 >>10954616 >>10955169 >>10955477 >>10955894 >>10956637 >>10956695 >>10956736 >>10956886 >>10956897 >>10956993 >>10956999 >>10957059 >>10957195 >>10957450 >>10957639 >>10957655 >>10957745 >>10957812 >>10957856 >>10957935 >>10957948 >>10957984 >>10958012 >>10958034 >>10958057 >>10958090 >>10958226 >>10958228 >>10958382 >>10958481 >>10958518 >>10958557 >>10958640 >>10958661 >>10958773 >>10958818 >>10958837 >>10958886 >>10958912 >>10958934 >>10958938 >>10958995 >>10959042 >>10959045 >>10959095 >>10959111 >>10959117 >>10959139 >>10959152 >>10959173 >>10959190 >>10959481 >>10959508 >>10959586 >>10959589 >>10959629 >>10959820 >>10959904 >>10959977 >>10960029 >>10960066

>> No.10960191 [DELETED] 
File: 1.17 MB, 536x356, image0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>10932933 >>10935211 >>10935270 >>10935341 >>10935381 >>10935395 >>10935500 >>10935508 >>10935525 >>10935591 >>10936625 >>10936817 >>10936849 >>10936986 >>10937136 >>10937174 >>10937187 >>10937188 >>10937200 >>10937649 >>10937770 >>10937774 >>10937823 >>10937848 >>10937879 >>10938083 >>10938143 >>10938281 >>10938469 >>10938482 >>10938500 >>10938615 >>10939329 >>10939366 >>10939510 >>10939564 >>10939602 >>10939624 >>10939641 >>10939683 >>10939700 >>10939738 >>10940312 >>10940334 >>10940472 >>10940558 >>10940636 >>10940754 >>10940789 >>10940791 >>10940813 >>10940823 >>10940827 >>10941028 >>10941061 >>10941063 >>10941175 >>10941214 >>10941465 >>10941601 >>10941748 >>10941843 >>10941888 >>10941986 >>10942029 >>10942181 >>10942297 >>10942401 >>10942538 >>10942605 >>10942609 >>10942703 >>10942713 >>10942760 >>10942830 >>10942858 >>10942894 >>10943051 >>10943127 >>10944539 >>10944822 >>10944936 >>10945019 >>10945038 >>10946057 >>10946408 >>10946500 >>10946556 >>10946661 >>10946791 >>10946877 >>10946935 >>10946974 >>10947046 >>10947145 >>10947290 >>10947436 >>10947651 >>10947842 >>10947889 >>10947927 >>10947978 >>10948018 >>10948261 >>10948320 >>10948444 >>10948827 >>10948919 >>10949125 >>10949391 >>10949594 >>10949822 >>10949921 >>10949948 >>10950605 >>10951408 >>10953638 >>10953789 >>10954541 >>10954616 >>10955169 >>10955477 >>10955894 >>10956637 >>10956695 >>10956736 >>10956886 >>10956897 >>10956993 >>10956999 >>10957059 >>10957195 >>10957450 >>10957639 >>10957655 >>10957745 >>10957812 >>10957856 >>10957935 >>10957948 >>10957984 >>10958012 >>10958034 >>10958057 >>10958090 >>10958226 >>10958228 >>10958382 >>10958481 >>10958518 >>10958557 >>10958640 >>10958661 >>10958773 >>10958818 >>10958837 >>10958886 >>10958912 >>10958934 >>10958938 >>10958995 >>10959042 >>10959045 >>10959095 >>10959111 >>10959117 >>10959139 >>10959152 >>10959173 >>10959190 >>10959481 >>10959508 >>10959586 >>10959589 >>10959629 >>10959820 >>10959904 >>10959977 >>10960029 >>10960066 >>10960110

>> No.10960234 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 215x234, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>10935211 >>10935270 >>10935341 >>10935381 >>10935395 >>10935500 >>10935508 >>10935525 >>10935591 >>10936625 >>10936817 >>10936849 >>10936986 >>10937136 >>10937174 >>10937187 >>10937188 >>10937200 >>10937649 >>10937770 >>10937774 >>10937823 >>10937848 >>10937879 >>10938083 >>10938143 >>10938281 >>10938469 >>10938482 >>10938500 >>10938615 >>10939329 >>10939366 >>10939510 >>10939564 >>10939602 >>10939624 >>10939641 >>10939683 >>10939700 >>10939738 >>10940312 >>10940334 >>10940472 >>10940558 >>10940636 >>10940754 >>10940789 >>10940791 >>10940813 >>10940823 >>10940827 >>10941028 >>10941061 >>10941063 >>10941175 >>10941214 >>10941465 >>10941601 >>10941748 >>10941843 >>10941888 >>10941986 >>10942029 >>10942181 >>10942297 >>10942401 >>10942538 >>10942605 >>10942609 >>10942703 >>10942713 >>10942760 >>10942830 >>10942858 >>10942894 >>10943051 >>10943127 >>10944539 >>10944822 >>10944936 >>10945019 >>10945038 >>10946057 >>10946408 >>10946500 >>10946556 >>10946661 >>10946791 >>10946877 >>10946935 >>10946974 >>10947046 >>10947145 >>10947290 >>10947436 >>10947651 >>10947842 >>10947889 >>10947927 >>10947978 >>10948018 >>10948261 >>10948320 >>10948444 >>10948827 >>10948919 >>10949125 >>10949391 >>10949594 >>10949822 >>10949921 >>10949948 >>10950605 >>10951408 >>10953638 >>10953789 >>10954541 >>10954616 >>10955169 >>10955477 >>10955894 >>10956637 >>10956695 >>10956736 >>10956886 >>10956897 >>10956993 >>10956999 >>10957059 >>10957195 >>10957450 >>10957639 >>10957655 >>10957745 >>10957812 >>10957856 >>10957935 >>10957948 >>10957984 >>10958012 >>10958034 >>10958057 >>10958090 >>10958226 >>10958228 >>10958382 >>10958481 >>10958518 >>10958557 >>10958640 >>10958661 >>10958773 >>10958818 >>10958837 >>10958886 >>10958912 >>10958934 >>10958938 >>10958995 >>10959042 >>10959045 >>10959095 >>10959111 >>10959117 >>10959139 >>10959152 >>10959173 >>10959190 >>10959481 >>10959508 >>10959586 >>10959589 >>10959629 >>10959820 >>10959904 >>10959977 >>10960029 >>10960066 >>10960110 >>10960191

>> No.10960265 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 417x317, c83.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10960314 [DELETED] 
File: 1.99 MB, 498x498, soy-soyboy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>10935341 >>10935381 >>10935395 >>10935500 >>10935508 >>10935525 >>10935591 >>10936625 >>10936817 >>10936849 >>10936986 >>10937136 >>10937174 >>10937187 >>10937188 >>10937200 >>10937649 >>10937770 >>10937774 >>10937823 >>10937848 >>10937879 >>10938083 >>10938143 >>10938281 >>10938469 >>10938482 >>10938500 >>10938615 >>10939329 >>10939366 >>10939510 >>10939564 >>10939602 >>10939624 >>10939641 >>10939683 >>10939700 >>10939738 >>10940312 >>10940334 >>10940472 >>10940558 >>10940636 >>10940754 >>10940789 >>10940791 >>10940813 >>10940823 >>10940827 >>10941028 >>10941061 >>10941063 >>10941175 >>10941214 >>10941465 >>10941601 >>10941748 >>10941843 >>10941888 >>10941986 >>10942029 >>10942181 >>10942297 >>10942401 >>10942538 >>10942605 >>10942609 >>10942703 >>10942713 >>10942760 >>10942830 >>10942858 >>10942894 >>10943051 >>10943127 >>10944539 >>10944822 >>10944936 >>10945019 >>10945038 >>10946057 >>10946408 >>10946500 >>10946556 >>10946661 >>10946791 >>10946877 >>10946935 >>10946974 >>10947046 >>10947145 >>10947290 >>10947436 >>10947651 >>10947842 >>10947889 >>10947927 >>10947978 >>10948018 >>10948261 >>10948320 >>10948444 >>10948827 >>10948919 >>10949125 >>10949391 >>10949594 >>10949822 >>10949921 >>10949948 >>10950605 >>10951408 >>10953638 >>10953789 >>10954541 >>10954616 >>10955169 >>10955477 >>10955894 >>10956637 >>10956695 >>10956736 >>10956886 >>10956897 >>10956993 >>10956999 >>10957059 >>10957195 >>10957450 >>10957639 >>10957655 >>10957745 >>10957812 >>10957856 >>10957935 >>10957948 >>10957984 >>10958012 >>10958034 >>10958057 >>10958090 >>10958226 >>10958228 >>10958382 >>10958481 >>10958518 >>10958557 >>10958640 >>10958661 >>10958773 >>10958818 >>10958837 >>10958886 >>10958912 >>10958934 >>10958938 >>10958995 >>10959042 >>10959045 >>10959095 >>10959111 >>10959117 >>10959139 >>10959152 >>10959173 >>10959190 >>10959481 >>10959508 >>10959586 >>10959589 >>10959629 >>10959820 >>10959904 >>10959977 >>10960029 >>10960066 >>10960110 >>10960191 >>10960234 >>10960265

>> No.10960350 [DELETED] 

>>10935381 >>10935395 >>10935500 >>10935508 >>10935525 >>10935591 >>10936625 >>10936817 >>10936849 >>10936986 >>10937136 >>10937174 >>10937187 >>10937188 >>10937200 >>10937649 >>10937770 >>10937774 >>10937823 >>10937848 >>10937879 >>10938083 >>10938143 >>10938281 >>10938469 >>10938482 >>10938500 >>10938615 >>10939329 >>10939366 >>10939510 >>10939564 >>10939602 >>10939624 >>10939641 >>10939683 >>10939700 >>10939738 >>10940312 >>10940334 >>10940472 >>10940558 >>10940636 >>10940754 >>10940789 >>10940791 >>10940813 >>10940823 >>10940827 >>10941028 >>10941061 >>10941063 >>10941175 >>10941214 >>10941465 >>10941601 >>10941748 >>10941843 >>10941888 >>10941986 >>10942029 >>10942181 >>10942297 >>10942401 >>10942538 >>10942605 >>10942609 >>10942703 >>10942713 >>10942760 >>10942830 >>10942858 >>10942894 >>10943051 >>10943127 >>10944539 >>10944822 >>10944936 >>10945019 >>10945038 >>10946057 >>10946408 >>10946500 >>10946556 >>10946661 >>10946791 >>10946877 >>10946935 >>10946974 >>10947046 >>10947145 >>10947290 >>10947436 >>10947651 >>10947842 >>10947889 >>10947927 >>10947978 >>10948018 >>10948261 >>10948320 >>10948444 >>10948827 >>10948919 >>10949125 >>10949391 >>10949594 >>10949822 >>10949921 >>10949948 >>10950605 >>10951408 >>10953638 >>10953789 >>10954541 >>10954616 >>10955169 >>10955477 >>10955894 >>10956637 >>10956695 >>10956736 >>10956886 >>10956897 >>10956993 >>10956999 >>10957059 >>10957195 >>10957450 >>10957639 >>10957655 >>10957745 >>10957812 >>10957856 >>10957935 >>10957948 >>10957984 >>10958012 >>10958034 >>10958057 >>10958090 >>10958226 >>10958228 >>10958382 >>10958481 >>10958518 >>10958557 >>10958640 >>10958661 >>10958773 >>10958818 >>10958837 >>10958886 >>10958912 >>10958934 >>10958938 >>10958995 >>10959042 >>10959045 >>10959095 >>10959111 >>10959117 >>10959139 >>10959152 >>10959173 >>10959190 >>10959481 >>10959508 >>10959586 >>10959589 >>10959629 >>10959820 >>10959904 >>10959977 >>10960029 >>10960066 >>10960110 >>10960191 >>10960234 >>10960265 >>10960314

>> No.10960408

What's the game that Ame will play with Kronii about? Is it another one of those puzzle co-op games like the one with Kiara?

>> No.10960423

This one is easier.

>> No.10960456 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 229x220, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>10935508 >>10935525 >>10935591 >>10936625 >>10936817 >>10936849 >>10936986 >>10937136 >>10937174 >>10937187 >>10937188 >>10937200 >>10937649 >>10937770 >>10937774 >>10937823 >>10937848 >>10937879 >>10938083 >>10938143 >>10938281 >>10938469 >>10938482 >>10938500 >>10938615 >>10939329 >>10939366 >>10939510 >>10939564 >>10939602 >>10939624 >>10939641 >>10939683 >>10939700 >>10939738 >>10940312 >>10940334 >>10940472 >>10940558 >>10940636 >>10940754 >>10940789 >>10940791 >>10940813 >>10940823 >>10940827 >>10941028 >>10941061 >>10941063 >>10941175 >>10941214 >>10941465 >>10941601 >>10941748 >>10941843 >>10941888 >>10941986 >>10942029 >>10942181 >>10942297 >>10942401 >>10942538 >>10942605 >>10942609 >>10942703 >>10942713 >>10942760 >>10942830 >>10942858 >>10942894 >>10943051 >>10943127 >>10944539 >>10944822 >>10944936 >>10945019 >>10945038 >>10946057 >>10946408 >>10946500 >>10946556 >>10946661 >>10946791 >>10946877 >>10946935 >>10946974 >>10947046 >>10947145 >>10947290 >>10947436 >>10947651 >>10947842 >>10947889 >>10947927 >>10947978 >>10948018 >>10948261 >>10948320 >>10948444 >>10948827 >>10948919 >>10949125 >>10949391 >>10949594 >>10949822 >>10949921 >>10949948 >>10950605 >>10951408 >>10953638 >>10953789 >>10954541 >>10954616 >>10955169 >>10955477 >>10955894 >>10956637 >>10956695 >>10956736 >>10956886 >>10956897 >>10956993 >>10956999 >>10957059 >>10957195 >>10957450 >>10957639 >>10957655 >>10957745 >>10957812 >>10957856 >>10957935 >>10957948 >>10957984 >>10958012 >>10958034 >>10958057 >>10958090 >>10958226 >>10958228 >>10958382 >>10958481 >>10958518 >>10958557 >>10958640 >>10958661 >>10958773 >>10958818 >>10958837 >>10958886 >>10958912 >>10958934 >>10958938 >>10958995 >>10959042 >>10959045 >>10959095 >>10959111 >>10959117 >>10959139 >>10959152 >>10959173 >>10959190 >>10959481 >>10959508 >>10959586 >>10959589 >>10959629 >>10959820 >>10959904 >>10959977 >>10960029 >>10960066 >>10960110 >>10960191 >>10960234 >>10960265 >>10960314 >>10960350 >>10960408 >>10960423

>> No.10960462
File: 241 KB, 321x498, 1626998649395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet. I feel like I've seen enough of the We Were Here games.

>> No.10960481

What the fuck man

>> No.10960509
File: 110 KB, 750x786, amedisappointed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't fucking know either.

>> No.10960534

It seems like we really gotta do an Ame general

>> No.10960540 [DELETED] 

Meidos suck at their job

>> No.10960544

sneeders always win

>> No.10960573
File: 2.37 MB, 1280x720, [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fe3zq6k.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amateur hour.

>> No.10960596
File: 2.82 MB, 1070x1078, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fjz28jp.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10960600 [DELETED] 
File: 75 KB, 596x1008, mm7DW2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What the fuck man
>I don't fucking know either
>Meidos suck at their job

>> No.10960618
File: 2.95 MB, 720x720, 2021-09-25_00-00[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fcr4i51.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10960638
File: 248 KB, 1010x1562, Ame_Cheek_pinch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10960644
File: 1.94 MB, 720x1280, 1623081565919.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10960650 [DELETED] 

>>10937200 >>10937649 >>10937770 >>10937774 >>10937823 >>10937848 >>10937879 >>10938083 >>10938143 >>10938281 >>10938469 >>10938482 >>10938500 >>10938615 >>10939329 >>10939366 >>10939510 >>10939564 >>10939602 >>10939624 >>10939641 >>10939683 >>10939700 >>10939738 >>10940312 >>10940334 >>10940472 >>10940558 >>10940636 >>10940754 >>10940789 >>10940791 >>10940813 >>10940823 >>10940827 >>10941028 >>10941061 >>10941063 >>10941175 >>10941214 >>10941465 >>10941601 >>10941748 >>10941843 >>10941888 >>10941986 >>10942029 >>10942181 >>10942297 >>10942401 >>10942538 >>10942605 >>10942609 >>10942703 >>10942713 >>10942760 >>10942830 >>10942858 >>10942894 >>10943051 >>10943127 >>10944539 >>10944822 >>10944936 >>10945019 >>10945038 >>10946057 >>10946408 >>10946500 >>10946556 >>10946661 >>10946791 >>10946877 >>10946935 >>10946974 >>10947046 >>10947145 >>10947290 >>10947436 >>10947651 >>10947842 >>10947889 >>10947927 >>10947978 >>10948018 >>10948261 >>10948320 >>10948444 >>10948827 >>10948919 >>10949125 >>10949391 >>10949594 >>10949822 >>10949921 >>10949948 >>10950605 >>10951408 >>10953638 >>10953789 >>10954541 >>10954616 >>10955169 >>10955477 >>10955894 >>10956637 >>10956695 >>10956736 >>10956886 >>10956897 >>10956993 >>10956999 >>10957059 >>10957195 >>10957450 >>10957639 >>10957655 >>10957745 >>10957812 >>10957856 >>10957935 >>10957948 >>10957984 >>10958012 >>10958034 >>10958057 >>10958090 >>10958226 >>10958228 >>10958382 >>10958481 >>10958518 >>10958557 >>10958640 >>10958661 >>10958773 >>10958818 >>10958837 >>10958886 >>10958912 >>10958934 >>10958938 >>10958995 >>10959042 >>10959045 >>10959095 >>10959111 >>10959117 >>10959139 >>10959152 >>10959173 >>10959190 >>10959481 >>10959508 >>10959586 >>10959589 >>10959629 >>10959820 >>10959904 >>10959977 >>10960029 >>10960066 >>10960110 >>10960191 >>10960234 >>10960265 >>10960314 >>10960350 >>10960408 >>10960423 >>10960456 >>10960462 >>10960481 >>10960509 >>10960534 >>10960540 >>10960544 >>10960573 >>10960596 >>10960600 >>10960618

>> No.10960674
File: 269 KB, 1200x1900, Ame Ame Love Beam[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Frikxd5.ogg].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10960705
File: 198 KB, 1197x946, Ame Baby[sound=https%3A%2F%2Fde.catbox.moe%2Fakufrm.ogg].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10960729
File: 2.15 MB, 576x688, Ame balls[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Foasjrt.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10960753
File: 1.65 MB, 1920x1080, ame based[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F9s8okq.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10960782
File: 906 KB, 854x480, Ame becomes a schizo[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fk87bge.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10960831
File: 1.48 MB, 1454x2339, Ame Come Back [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fcaqfkz.ogg].png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10960986
File: 208 KB, 1300x1528, 1615021812741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10961034 [DELETED] 
File: 1.64 MB, 462x498, soy-wojak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Error: You are temporarily blocked from posting for violating Global 10 - Reposting/Spamming.
>This block will expire in 13 minutes.

>> No.10961060
File: 1.63 MB, 1920x1080, Ame commitment[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Foniv6a.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10961080 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 229x220, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>10937187 >>10937188 >>10937200 >>10937649 >>10937770 >>10937774 >>10937823 >>10937848 >>10937879 >>10938083 >>10938143 >>10938281 >>10938469 >>10938482 >>10938500 >>10938615 >>10939329 >>10939366 >>10939510 >>10939564 >>10939602 >>10939624 >>10939641 >>10939683 >>10939700 >>10939738 >>10940312 >>10940334 >>10940472 >>10940558 >>10940636 >>10940754 >>10940789 >>10940791 >>10940813 >>10940823 >>10940827 >>10941028 >>10941061 >>10941063 >>10941175 >>10941214 >>10941465 >>10941601 >>10941748 >>10941843 >>10941888 >>10941986 >>10942029 >>10942181 >>10942297 >>10942401 >>10942538 >>10942605 >>10942609 >>10942703 >>10942713 >>10942760 >>10942830 >>10942858 >>10942894 >>10943051 >>10943127 >>10944539 >>10944822 >>10944936 >>10945019 >>10945038 >>10946057 >>10946408 >>10946500 >>10946556 >>10946661 >>10946791 >>10946877 >>10946935 >>10946974 >>10947046 >>10947145 >>10947290 >>10947436 >>10947651 >>10947842 >>10947889 >>10947927 >>10947978 >>10948018 >>10948261 >>10948320 >>10948444 >>10948827 >>10948919 >>10949125 >>10949391 >>10949594 >>10949822 >>10949921 >>10949948 >>10950605 >>10951408 >>10953638 >>10953789 >>10954541 >>10954616 >>10955169 >>10955477 >>10955894 >>10956637 >>10956695 >>10956736 >>10956886 >>10956897 >>10956993 >>10956999 >>10957059 >>10957195 >>10957450 >>10957639 >>10957655 >>10957745 >>10957812 >>10957856 >>10957935 >>10957948 >>10957984 >>10958012 >>10958034 >>10958057 >>10958090 >>10958226 >>10958228 >>10958382 >>10958481 >>10958518 >>10958557 >>10958640 >>10958661 >>10958773 >>10958818 >>10958837 >>10958886 >>10958912 >>10958934 >>10958938 >>10958995 >>10959042 >>10959045 >>10959095 >>10959111 >>10959117 >>10959139 >>10959152 >>10959173 >>10959190 >>10959481 >>10959586 >>10959589 >>10959629 >>10959820 >>10959977 >>10960408 >>10960423 >>10960462 >>10960481 >>10960509 >>10960534 >>10960540 >>10960544 >>10960573 >>10960596 >>10960618 >>10960638 >>10960644 >>10960674 >>10960705 >>10960729 >>10960753 >>10960782 >>10960831 >>10960986 >>10961034

>> No.10961092
File: 1.81 MB, 720x720, ame cronch [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ftpoasy.m4a].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10961112
File: 1.51 MB, 338x484, Ame doko[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fbh1nk7.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10961127
File: 2.79 MB, 1280x720, Ame Fiverr [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fj7mveg.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10961166

relentlessly based

>> No.10961298 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 229x220, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Error: You are temporarily blocked from posting for violating /vt/ 1 - Off-topic; Not Virtual YouTubers.
>This block will expire in 13 minutes.

>> No.10961336 [DELETED] 
File: 1.64 MB, 462x498, soy-wojak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>10937200 >>10937649 >>10937770 >>10937774 >>10937823 >>10937848 >>10937879 >>10938083 >>10938143 >>10938281 >>10938469 >>10938482 >>10938500 >>10938615 >>10939329 >>10939366 >>10939510 >>10939564 >>10939602 >>10939624 >>10939641 >>10939683 >>10939700 >>10939738 >>10940312 >>10940334 >>10940472 >>10940558 >>10940636 >>10940754 >>10940789 >>10940791 >>10940813 >>10940823 >>10940827 >>10941028 >>10941061 >>10941063 >>10941175 >>10941214 >>10941465 >>10941601 >>10941748 >>10941843 >>10941888 >>10941986 >>10942029 >>10942181 >>10942297 >>10942401 >>10942538 >>10942605 >>10942609 >>10942703 >>10942713 >>10942760 >>10942830 >>10942858 >>10942894 >>10943051 >>10943127 >>10944539 >>10944822 >>10944936 >>10945019 >>10945038 >>10946057 >>10946408 >>10946500 >>10946556 >>10946661 >>10946791 >>10946877 >>10946935 >>10946974 >>10947046 >>10947145 >>10947290 >>10947436 >>10947651 >>10947842 >>10947889 >>10947927 >>10947978 >>10948018 >>10948261 >>10948320 >>10948444 >>10948827 >>10948919 >>10949125 >>10949391 >>10949594 >>10949822 >>10949921 >>10949948 >>10950605 >>10951408 >>10953638 >>10953789 >>10954541 >>10954616 >>10955169 >>10955477 >>10955894 >>10956637 >>10956695 >>10956736 >>10956886 >>10956897 >>10956993 >>10956999 >>10957059 >>10957195 >>10957450 >>10957639 >>10957655 >>10957745 >>10957812 >>10957856 >>10957935 >>10957948 >>10957984 >>10958012 >>10958034 >>10958057 >>10958090 >>10958226 >>10958228 >>10958382 >>10958481 >>10958518 >>10958557 >>10958640 >>10958661 >>10958773 >>10958818 >>10958837 >>10958886 >>10958912 >>10958934 >>10958938 >>10958995 >>10959042 >>10959045 >>10959095 >>10959111 >>10959117 >>10959139 >>10959152 >>10959190 >>10959481 >>10959586 >>10959629 >>10959820 >>10959977 >>10960408 >>10960423 >>10960462 >>10960481 >>10960509 >>10960534 >>10960544 >>10960573 >>10960596 >>10960618 >>10960638 >>10960644 >>10960674 >>10960705 >>10960729 >>10960753 >>10960782 >>10960831 >>10960986 >>10961060 >>10961092 >>10961112 >>10961127 >>10961166 >>10961298

>> No.10961379 [DELETED] 

>what the fuck is happening here?

>> No.10961388 [DELETED] 

Great moderation on this board huh

>> No.10961401
File: 295 KB, 515x688, 1626776176398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel bad for y'all teamates y'all don't deserve this

>> No.10961426

Fuck off.

>> No.10961436 [DELETED] 

sneeders cannot be stopped
>>10937848 >>10937879 >>10938083 >>10938143 >>10938281 >>10938469 >>10938482 >>10938500 >>10938615 >>10939329 >>10939366 >>10939510 >>10939564 >>10939602 >>10939624 >>10939641 >>10939683 >>10939700 >>10939738 >>10940312 >>10940334 >>10940472 >>10940558 >>10940636 >>10940754 >>10940789 >>10940791 >>10940813 >>10940823 >>10940827 >>10941028 >>10941061 >>10941063 >>10941175 >>10941214 >>10941465 >>10941601 >>10941748 >>10941843 >>10941888 >>10941986 >>10942029 >>10942181 >>10942297 >>10942401 >>10942538 >>10942605 >>10942609 >>10942703 >>10942713 >>10942760 >>10942830 >>10942858 >>10942894 >>10943051 >>10943127 >>10944539 >>10944822 >>10944936 >>10945019 >>10945038 >>10946057 >>10946408 >>10946500 >>10946556 >>10946661 >>10946791 >>10946877 >>10946935 >>10946974 >>10947046 >>10947145 >>10947290 >>10947436 >>10947651 >>10947842 >>10947889 >>10947927 >>10947978 >>10948018 >>10948261 >>10948320 >>10948444 >>10948827 >>10948919 >>10949125 >>10949391 >>10949594 >>10949822 >>10949921 >>10949948 >>10950605 >>10951408 >>10953638 >>10953789 >>10954541 >>10954616 >>10955169 >>10955477 >>10955894 >>10956637 >>10956695 >>10956736 >>10956886 >>10956897 >>10956993 >>10956999 >>10957059 >>10957195 >>10957450 >>10957639 >>10957655 >>10957745 >>10957812 >>10957856 >>10957935 >>10957948 >>10957984 >>10958012 >>10958034 >>10958057 >>10958090 >>10958226 >>10958228 >>10958382 >>10958481 >>10958518 >>10958557 >>10958640 >>10958661 >>10958773 >>10958818 >>10958837 >>10958886 >>10958912 >>10958934 >>10958938 >>10958995 >>10959042 >>10959045 >>10959095 >>10959111 >>10959117 >>10959139 >>10959152 >>10959190 >>10959481 >>10959586 >>10959629 >>10959820 >>10959977 >>10960408 >>10960423 >>10960462 >>10960481 >>10960509 >>10960534 >>10960544 >>10960573 >>10960596 >>10960618 >>10960638 >>10960644 >>10960674 >>10960705 >>10960729 >>10960753 >>10960782 >>10960831 >>10960986 >>10961060 >>10961092 >>10961112 >>10961127 >>10961166 >>10961298 >>10961336 >>10961379 >>10961388 >>10961401 >>10961426

>> No.10961575 [DELETED] 

Please be permanant this time

>> No.10961576 [DELETED] 
File: 1.64 MB, 462x498, soy-wojak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have been banned from all boards for >posting >>10961336, a violation of Global >Rule 10:


>Your ban was filed on October 6th, 2021 and >expires on October 9th, 2021 at 15:28 ET, which is 2 days and 23 hours from now.

>According to our server, your IP is: > The name you were posting >with was Anonymous.

>Because of the short length of your ban, you >may not appeal it. Please check back when >your ban has expired.

>> No.10961915 [DELETED] 
File: 236 KB, 405x650, 1633548861706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have been banned from all boards for posting >>10961576, a violation of Global Rule 9:

Ban evasion.

Your ban was filed on October 6th, 2021 and expires on November 5th, 2021 at 15:32 ET, which is 29 days and 23 hours from now.

>According to our server, your IP is: The name you were posting with was Anonymous.

>Please check back in 3 days when you may appeal your ban.

>> No.10961927

It's ok if you have a different opinion. It really isn't up to anyone but the thread makers anyway, and getting angry wont help anyone.

>> No.10962042
File: 1.30 MB, 635x983, This_fucker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Henry was the spammer the whole time.

>> No.10962071


>> No.10962089

Henry is better than that.

>> No.10962100


>> No.10962119

Sneeders can literally never be stopped

>> No.10962745

