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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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10898028 No.10898028 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is about vtubers that play a lot of FPS and/or compete in FPS tournaments (Vspo, etc.).
Anything goes, even if it's not related to an FPS stream.
Collabs with non-v are common so posting about the typical collab partners (CR, KNR, 芸人旅団, etc.) is also on topic.

>APEX CR Cup 6: Memories of Summer - Main event: 7/23
>All info about 6th CR cup here in English: https://yuqi.k.vu/6thcrcup
>Scrims have started!
>See daily results here: https://yuukin256.github.io/crcup_apex6_scrim_result/ or here: https://twitter.com/usagitan_0916/
>Landmarks: https://twitter.com/subkeyper

English blog for 7th CR Cup is up -

Landmarks thus far -

Official CR Cup Twitter -

Daily Scrim Results -

Last >>10842871

>> No.10898073

Ema is really strugggling. She keeps ending up at the bottom of gold.

>> No.10898112
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I want to have a great big orgy with all of Vspo.

>> No.10898215

Towa made a コメデター commit sudoku out of shame

>> No.10898233


>> No.10898255

The tweet she was replying to was deleted, context?

>> No.10898259
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>> No.10898268


>> No.10898336

Lol, that is one long ass backseating

>> No.10898461



>> No.10898570
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Bora's team 3rd today - doing a lot better. realistically don't think they can win hopefully some good matches on the day

>> No.10898670
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>> No.10898673

>Daruma team not last
How the actual fuck lmao I love this team. I thought all those laughs would come at the cost of being last place (which frankly I don't think anyone cares if they are), but damn, not last is a pleasant surprise.

>> No.10898778


>> No.10899866

They won a CR cup before with this attitude.

>> No.10899879

I do hope they get at least one champion on the day. They can do it, if they put their minds to it.

>> No.10900057

>put their minds to it

>> No.10900557

you WILL play with templex. also, got kawase playing caustic somehow

>> No.10900659

My oshi ignores him whenever he tries to interact with her, I think I'm safe.

>> No.10901540

Was Uruca's shot calling for their position bad in the second game or were they just really unfortunate that those were their only options? I don't know enough to judge but taken at face value it looks like they played way too safe and got punished for it.

>> No.10901577

I really don't mind people playing with EN/EU pros, but I hate this guy's voice.

>> No.10902254

i don't mind him that much but if he could introduce qu to some more people that would be good though

>> No.10902841
File: 2.95 MB, 648x992, angry deron.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Deron to rape me

>> No.10903154

You have to make her laugh as much as Daruma does first

>> No.10903911

Fuck ogayu, exploiting lonely man out of theirs money. Fucking GFE turned up to 200%

>> No.10904748

Bora lewd

>> No.10906689

Kuzuha apex with fuwa and ririmu

>> No.10906761

he's playing with randoms, that's why he spilling spaghetti everywhere

>> No.10906783

they're viewers?

>> No.10906852

they seem to also be vtubers, one of them is a vampire girl and the other an exorcist or something. he randomly asked on twitter

>> No.10906904

I didn't realise kuzuking was so benevolent. They'll probably do well out of this.

>> No.10907272

Oh no... he's already using the food topic

>> No.10907367
File: 12 KB, 288x77, hes literally me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do we save kuzuha channel?

>> No.10908694



>> No.10909547

Mimi minecraft. It feels like it's been a while.

>> No.10911549

Mondo is hilarious

>> No.10911707

Qpi love

>> No.10912181

wheres the qpi porn

>> No.10914312

Check her fanart hashtag.

>> No.10916345


>> No.10917806

Naraka Daruma apex date!

>> No.10917895


>> No.10918187

question but y did matsuri team went to skyhook last custom

>> No.10918265

It was free(?) and they had competition with Radao's team at their previous spot.

>> No.10918471

The spaceship was too far from their landmark, and they had to go through skyhook first

>> No.10918556

>>10918471 (You)
If you're referring to this. 1:16:34

>> No.10918974

where is their landmark now anyways?

>> No.10919210

I went and watched the nose's vod since I can't find the link for uruca's vod. I agree with the first rotation under the house. There's enough space for you to play under there and it's the right play. The second rotation though out to the open to the blue containers? Uruca should have at least given his ult accels to nose for her portal instead of just walking out in the open for 3 teams to shoot at. I wouldn't say it's bad positioning, it's just pick your poison situation. I think his experience was right on that call to move to the blue containers, but he wasn't confident on it and just asked everyone to move back under the house, walking out in the open again. That was definitely a little silly.

I'd trust uruca's call 100% of the time since he has the experience but how i'd have called if i was the crypto there was - portal from under house to blue containers, stay under the house where nose is until ring starts closing. When the ring pushes the team above the house and inside the house to fight each other, take the portal back to the blue containers and 3rd party that 2 teams from the house. Better chances at winning instead of walking out in the open looking for cover which is what uruca did and just died.

They were fighting against kamito's team at climatizer the entire time. They decided to give up climatizer and change their landmark to Skyhook West/Trials on the third day.

>> No.10919485

I see, didn't seem to work out for them either with Darusaka there, since Darusaka seems to loot west too

>> No.10919717

nah, darusaka are willing to give up west just like in cr cup 5. They gave up west to hatsume's team. There's enough loot for 2 teams in skyhook.

>> No.10919750

frankly if darusaka knows there's a team landing west, they'll probably stop looting there since skyhook is definitely big enough for two teams. the fact that ras rotates up to trials, and mondo and bora will rotate into skyhook if there's a replicator, does complicate things.

>> No.10919779

Uruca and Mondo de-list their VODs. I don't know if that's a rule for CR streamers but it's just the way it is so I put all of his streams in a playlist if I can't watch them then and there. The rotation under the house felt really desperate but that's again just my opinion. It seems like for the movement to the containers he felt really pressured to do it right then and there for some reason instead of just waiting for Wraith ult when IIRC they tried to make something similar work with Wraith ult around that time anyways. Even then I wasn't quite sure why he didn't want to stay at the containers once the entire team had gotten there and just dealt with the decision instead of having them run all the way back only to be pushed out by the ring anyways. I really like Uruca and consider him a wildly skilled player but I don't think instructing people is his forte. Met and Nose are decent, under proper leadership I think their team could prosper.

>> No.10921106

I agree with everything you said. I think he was just panicking a little bit too much in that situation, overthinking too hard to make unnecessary moves which got their team killed. There were 5 teams in that ring, there wouldn't be many options naturally. Uruca has the experience and makes right calls 80% of the time he just also have a lot of brainfart moments

>> No.10922518

>Qpi tosses several bad grenade throws
>Runs away from the door each time so she doesn't kill herself
>Enemy is gone
>She chases him down and opens fire
>No ammo left...

>> No.10923388

Do I buy tarkov? She makes it look fun

>> No.10923762


>> No.10923997


>> No.10924005

you need to be prepared to be really invested if you want to have fun

>> No.10924062

I want to boost her

>> No.10924309

As long as you understand a few things. You need to be prepared to get killed from people you never even see or that you literally can't do anything to. You need to realize the game is a looter shooter and that running around killing people will leave you dumpstered fast before you get a lot of experience and resources under your belt. You need to remember there's a lot of systems in the game, that tasks are important and the hideout is good and to set yourself small goals to go after. Also there's a lot of good guides to the game out there.

>> No.10924444

in my experience i've enjoyed playing it more than watching it

>> No.10927570

May be everyone should just join imperialhal apex bootcamp to learn better decision making and shotcalling including jp hal.

>> No.10930021

maybe you should fuck off with your purple site nobodies

>> No.10931766

Ras team always fight and wipe cpt team how were they place that low wtf.

>> No.10931836

As much as I should agree with you, her ASMR makes me way too hard to hate her for it.

>> No.10932068

is qpi ever gonna get an intro/outro

>> No.10932698

I’ll give Qpi my intro/outro if you know what I mean…
Sex, I mean sex.

>> No.10935143
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yanki siblings

>> No.10935229

I want to see them play overcooked

>> No.10935290

Nah, imperialchad's decision-making, game sense, and mechanics are far too immaculate for JP players. JP teams copied TSM's valk-gibby-caustic comp and they weren't able to get the full potential of the comp, let alone even decent NA teams

>> No.10935618

TSM was the one that copied from Kungurna NA that also copied from EU's team 789. Whatever, this is off-topic and people were too dense to notice how strong valk is.

>> No.10936350

Runa Apex in 20 minutes

>> No.10936867

Hey she stopped blocking playback on other sites, she's clearly /here/ and read my complaining about it a few threads back.

>> No.10938088

valk gibby caustic isn't even that popular in apac north lol

>> No.10938788

I want to watch her but I just can't stand the mic whine.

>> No.10938850

>ywn have Qpi randomly join your discord chat to yell you she loves you

Why even keep living, bros?

>> No.10938902

I'm surprised she hasn't sorted it out yet. Her mic seems too directional too, because there are times when you can hear her panning over to one side.

>> No.10939001

I want a Nazuna voice pack that is just her laughing for ten minutes.

>> No.10939530

which stream was it?

>> No.10939545

nta, but it was on nazuna's apex stream a bit ago.

>> No.10939696

Nazuna's being really cute right now.

>> No.10939729

Derumasaka clip loaded with blessed Deron laughs

>> No.10939757
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when will CSGO become meta so Nazuchan can show off her full power...

>> No.10939783

Who's responding to Nazuna?

>> No.10939833

oh haseshin was waiting to join

>> No.10939845

>she starts humming terminator 2 theme song

>> No.10939894

i noticed a lot of japanese streamers do that, or at least recognize it when others do. guess it was popular in japan too. indiana jones theme is another one that gets hummed a lot

>> No.10939926

can't blame them, those movies were great when they came out

>> No.10939994
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CR cup trophy revealed

>> No.10940230

selly: thanks for the gift ill take it

>> No.10940254

yes, because they figured they can't run the comp as efficient as TSM and went back to also TSM's classic comp (octane/wraith-gibby-BH). imperialGOAT could probably run meme comps in competitive and next thing you know it's the new composition

>> No.10940302

Kanae on twitch?! Also Gaslion is with him.

>> No.10940395

bora damage monster

>> No.10940521

is tsm like the only team you watch or something?

>> No.10940581

yeah, mondo's deadpan is great

>> No.10940656

It first came from Rpr's team. It's their comp when they won ALGS EU and imperial phallus made fun of it at first lmao. But yeah they're copying pro strats without understanding how they should play with that team comp but most of them have coaches anyway so it's fine.

>> No.10940864

Does anyone know the third person playing APEX with Melissa and Mahiro from Nijisanji? I don't think she's a niji unless I'm not picking up the voice.

>> No.10940952

uge and

>> No.10940982

And who?

>> No.10941023


>> No.10941030

vspo is all grown up now

>> No.10941053

Everyone who ever posted Beni and forgot the word sex will now be executed.

>> No.10941099

Oh, thanks Anon!

>> No.10941192
File: 1.31 MB, 1341x1092, BeniSEX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly the most heinous of crimes.

>> No.10941453

nah, I watch NRG, G2, C9, liquid, and scarz sometimes but TSM is just the godpack

>> No.10941594

In that case, if you weren't a thirteen year old TSM fanboy, you'd know that TSM didn't invent any comp you mentioned.

>> No.10941672

qpi becoming a gun otaku

>> No.10941743

beni's ass

>> No.10942689

> derumasaka
is this what people are calling this trio now?

>> No.10942814


Kamito is looking through wedding rings right now lmao

>> No.10942884

I just looked up hinano's birthday. 11th of november if anyone was curious as well

>> No.10942935

Tap strafe anon, don't look.

>> No.10943097

That's hilarious, I'm saying that anytime she gets mentioned again. Sidenote, she sounds so onee-chan type, totally not her model's vibe, I kinda dig it.

>> No.10943144

>I'm saying that anytime she gets mentioned again

>> No.10943164

Lmfao, looking at wedding rings on 2nd hand market.

>> No.10943454
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>> No.10943559

sexy arrow beni cumshot

>> No.10943577

day 4 lobby is up

>> No.10943648

Why is he actually doing this? Just to look around?
I'm assuming he's not actually picking a present for Hinano on stream.

>> No.10943676

Was probably just killing time on something stupid before the customs started.

>> No.10943757

farming teetee

>> No.10944082

CR guys are not done with their scrims so people are helping to stand in. Ririmu is in again

>> No.10944194

he said it's 'otoko no benkyou haishin'. a stream for boys to study girls' preferences. he even asked his female audience whether girls like expensive items for their birthday.

>> No.10944254

Not the first time.

>> No.10944261

darusaka deron almost died to the terrain

>> No.10944360
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God damn her new mic really does make her sound cuter.

>> No.10944528

I hope it doesn't make her quieter.

>> No.10944687

I get ras and the squad but what's with the rest? 15 people are missing today.

>> No.10944791

Is it me or was Bora laughing/cringing while reading her lines?

>> No.10944861

Darusaka Deron #RETARDSWIN!

>> No.10944951

Kamito just lagged again in the middle of a fight.

>> No.10945161


>> No.10945188

This is the first time they've all survived until the end, isn't it?

>> No.10945242

how the FUCK

>> No.10945244


>> No.10945246

Pakael trying to style on some fools backfired...

>> No.10945264

daruma is level 99 now after that

>> No.10945274

#RETARDSWIN LET'S FUCKING GO! Hopefully next lobby has everyone running their comp, LET'S GO

>> No.10945324
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>> No.10945328

no, they won as a duo on the first day. They also had a fuck ton of rat moments

>> No.10945341

Well Deron died towards the end there so they're still retards, sasuga

>> No.10945365
File: 958 KB, 1584x1575, 87121884_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to sex Deron.

>> No.10945422

lol, shibuhal miscalculated the ring position and got the whole team killed.

>> No.10945445

Oh so Derumasaka's calling themselves 丁1(てい1)

>> No.10945478

>someone is using the microwave so the breaker might trip, sorry

>> No.10945504

Astel on gib duties, sorta forgot how good he is at shooting pixels. It is gonna be another vsaikyo where he loses almost all his 3 on 3 close range fights when being pushed because the third member is almost useless in a close range fight.

>> No.10945509

more like てぇてぇ1

darusaka finally rubbed their 2 brain cells and figured out that you have to get to a good position early to abuse rampart

>> No.10945527

daruma actually mogging kuzuha in numbers, he's the only one winning in CR cup here

>> No.10945535

My oshi has less wins than 2 retards and a ヤンキー, I kneel.

>> No.10945555

Is this better or worse than someone needed to make a phone call so her net died?

>> No.10945606

daruma has always had average 22-25k viewers on apex collab streams. This is not surprising

>> No.10945613

Fuck off numbernigger.

>> No.10945915

SoVault and Selly are probably too busy playing the new battlefield instead since they own too much in scrims

>> No.10946119

but then who will play with nyarara? :(

>> No.10946125

Meanwhile, Apex decided to kick out Astel when the game started, it just Kawase and the DJ for this match

>> No.10946172

small indie company please understand

>> No.10946389

she wanted to play too but her pc couldn't handle it

>> No.10946497

Deron lost her brain cell and started shooting darusaka

>> No.10946535


Just respawn things.

>> No.10946687

bora huge dai pan

>> No.10946729

what a LUCKY break from bora ebio. Niru didn't notice that their team was down 2 and didn't push. They managed to regain themselves and stabilize. Can they comeback?!

>> No.10946810

HOLY SHIT that was SO LUCKY the stars lined up for that one. Bora just finished a fight and had 2 downs but niru didn't realize it. To be able to stabilize and comeback from that then win the game was amazing

>> No.10946816

Bora’s team has found their groove

>> No.10946845

I want Bora to find my groove, if you know what I mean...

>> No.10946856

bora lagging like fuck but somehow held it together

>> No.10946893

they won that with bora having some of the worst lag i've seen someone have without dc'ing

>> No.10946923

Runa just shared this clip. Some Hanalisa lore included.

>> No.10946943

Cpt was lagging like crazy too, guess probably some kind of connection issues from Korea

>> No.10947054

She all but missed 4 years of school? Would be interesting to know why.

>> No.10947092

She was pregnant 4 times.

>> No.10947132

Watching hag lion playing new bf and you can grapple like a pathfinder in the game now kek

>> No.10947221

Sounds like a very Bora thing to do.

>> No.10947310

everyone is fucking disconnecting this game is so GARBAGE with the worst pr from the devs

>> No.10948107

dude's too inconsistent. their 3rd member probably got boosted to his rank

>> No.10948416

How's the new game look?

>> No.10948465

That was some clean calls by Kinako. Their teamplay was terrific it was amazing to watch

>> No.10948485

bora killed by kamito's kamigrenades

>> No.10948508
File: 121 KB, 1440x1080, E2yan5VVIAAP4Sl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one has really complained about the thread title being "Vspo, Valorant and other FPS vtubers" now. We put APEX in there because it's just the most played FPS in japan, and that might help anons find the thread. Valorant isn't anywhere near as popular so we can just turn it into "Vspo and other FPS tubers" if we're doing away with APEX in the title.

>> No.10948514

jun don't look

>> No.10948590
File: 2.12 MB, 2000x2000, 85669379_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get the distinct feeling you meant to reply to someone with this.

Pic not related.

>> No.10948598

Well, I didn't complain but it's already been a couple times I couldn't find the thread because I filtered by Apex.
Now I just filter by vspo instead.

>> No.10948604

Please stop changing it, I'm tired of updating my filter to find it

>> No.10948617

kamito only plays good when he's alone
sasuga solo predator

>> No.10948639

> calling it the valorant thread during apex season to filter the tourists

>> No.10948661

As long as vspo is in there, anything's fine. This is pretty much the vspo thread

>> No.10948673

I didn't even notice because I just search for "FPS".

>> No.10948721

who won the scrims today?
I only seen the albio win.

>> No.10948742

you have to do it yourself (i've done my time) or make a post with a template people can copypaste

>APEX CR Cup 6: Memories of Summer - Main event: 7/23
bear in mind people will literally just copypaste it though

>> No.10948785

Deron doesn't have any knives in her house, because she can't cook...

>> No.10948829

Things I learned today
>Playing Rampart gives you a good eyesight
>Deron is a jinchuuriki
>Daruma is a good cook

>> No.10948867

So far, DarusakaDeron won first game at a Dome ring, ABO Bora won second game at fragment choke ring, Kinako Chi-chan + @1 just won the third game at lava siphon ring.

>> No.10948911

it's ok if the opening post is a little retarded. gives it flavour

>> No.10948940


>> No.10948985
File: 447 KB, 960x1200, 90203896_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I ever make the thread for whatever reason it's just going to be called BENI SEX BENI SEX BENI SEX

>> No.10948992

Looks like the final ring for this fourth game will end at the houses north of Trials

>> No.10949074

Kawase team...

>> No.10949101

I really miss Trials/Skyhook north-west rings. They almost never appear in these tournaments anymore these days.

>> No.10949120


>> No.10949182

Skyhook rings are so interesting, you can cram so many teams in there

>> No.10949248

I started picking the Eva 8 up after watching the CR cup it's really strong.

>> No.10949255

I agree. It would be so funny to see a Skyhook ring in Game 1 of the real day when there's a KP limit. I'm really hoping for it to happen

>> No.10949268

on the other hand with trials rings whoever gets on top of the hill wins 80 percent of the time

>> No.10949343

Yeap. But a stronger position in this Trials ring is that tower. The team that takes Tower first wins 99% of the time which is AlphaAzur right now. Sasuga igl-ing of azur

>> No.10949346

hear hear

>> No.10949373

good luck holding that tower

>> No.10949517

holy fucking shit when did these retards get this smart, they just took tower

>> No.10949544

holy shit ras

>> No.10949561

they're off center though

>> No.10949569

kamito's party is just right beside the ending of the ring. Please let them have their first win!

>> No.10949672

kamito team played that well for once

>> No.10949684


>> No.10949686

Niceee. First ever win for Kamito Raddaa Soraru. So happy for them

>> No.10949711

Lol Astel, thank God Kawase was clutch

>> No.10949748

Oh shit, that was not the scrim haha

>> No.10949801
File: 2.14 MB, 2062x1163, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Arisaka didn't whiff those shots at the end, he could have won

>> No.10949888

>strongest team in strongest region not inventing the strongest comps
that's a cope

>> No.10949936

you don't know what that word means

>> No.10949980

I get a hard-on everytime I hear Deron say honmani

>> No.10949992

yes, deronsex

>> No.10950103
File: 379 KB, 850x1544, __yakumo_beni_vspo_drawn_by_yuro_7_yuro__sample-3000d7531f4bf8823bb7de7d45d86248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Beni to sex me, if you know what I mean

>> No.10950169

imagine this, but literally applied to 80% of the map - I swear that's how playing kings canyon feels

>> No.10950172
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>> No.10950239

Looks like a Launch Site ring. Can't be sure, might pull back to the front of launch site.

>> No.10950251

i miss when they had the boat on king's canyon and you get the ring that ends on the fucking boat.

>> No.10950301

That's a based ring.

>> No.10950323

I fucking remember that shit! Since there was already 2 teams on the boat gatekeeping, I had to land at the dumb skeleton then I just died in the next ring

>> No.10950384
File: 2.92 MB, 500x824, deron cheer.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10950437

yeah i remember getting fucked by it once. it was pretty funny at least. just like 5 minutes of comms going what the fuck is this ring? how the fuck are we going to get over there?

>> No.10950485

>Ras team got dunked Astel and Kawase.

>> No.10950673

Shibuhal Kanae Yamada gets god spot for once at the building in front of launch site. Hope nobody griefs them and they are able to win their first game.

>> No.10950677

Why wasn't Uge invited.

>> No.10950681

Kuzuha just walking in a straight line towards seaweed and received about 180 dmg spray towards his face kek.

>> No.10950755

I gatekept there and got my first 2 win streak.
On Loba iirc, or Bang, can't really remember.
Good shit.

>> No.10950757

They really need a good placing to help lift up their mood and motivation after some terrible days

sounds like a very kuzuha thing

>> No.10950784

>DJ Foy playing Loba.

>> No.10950878

Meanwhile cpt team were falling apart today, they got rekt hard by Big 2time in a row.

>> No.10950894

daruma just let a velociraptor in

>> No.10950940

They're having a lot of comm problems, Cpt is also just kind of making trash calls in general.

>> No.10951050

Daruma team's plays have been very consistent. As of now 2 of them are dead and one is alive, sasuga #RETARDSWIN

>> No.10951138

So close seaweed

>> No.10951166

Astel fucking downed that winning team and they didn't push.

>> No.10951169

Derumasaka just got 2nd place, KNEEL.

>> No.10951187


>> No.10951204

finally a fucking shibuhal team win after 4 days. I hope this will lift up their spirits. They really needed this win and I'm glad they got it

>> No.10951218

the ratmasters...

>> No.10951244

probably didn't want to get KRABERED again

>> No.10951293
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>> No.10951304

No, pushing the down would be definitely be the WRONG call. There's 3 teams alive. The other team would instantly 3rd party and you would GRIEF yourselves and the team that you downed and give the free win to the last party.

>> No.10951327

amazing how they keep on getting away with these rat plays

>> No.10951377

>oneshot kill
Isn’t that a bit OP

>> No.10951381

Kawase is afraid of 3rd party, but i agree they could have push hal when he got downed and take their spot.

>> No.10951411

What's wrong with Mondo's team bt w?

>> No.10951446


>> No.10951484

nah, it's a 3v2. In a black and white world, you would need to sacrifice 2 person to take down their team. You would be left with 1 person and that's an easy 3rd party. Also that room has a headglitch and a crossfire so it's hard to push in

>> No.10951502

Meanwhile cpt party can't even wait to 3rd any party they just keep rushing in and got shit on again and again.

>> No.10951535

wish my japanese was good enough to understand what parkha (via bora) is telling them

>> No.10951553

no gorilla to direct hoshikawa and admin is kind of being lackluster

>> No.10951661

honestly they could have won some it’s just towa not having any game sense and noah not having any team sense

>> No.10951939

Kawase continues to clutch my Lord

>> No.10951966

Lol wut oppai guy had a re45 during that fight.

>> No.10952122

They lost that because Noah was white armor.

>> No.10952249

Nice call by kawase to avoid being sandwitched from both sides.

>> No.10952406

lmao soraru radaa

>> No.10952509

"ring ring ring ring" -kinako's stream rn. He's in a game he can't pick up a call!

>> No.10952559

They still got sandwiched and gangbanged

>> No.10952641

Cpt throw again

>> No.10952647

nun borap just shat on EVERYONE

>> No.10952709

Should’ve stuck with Noah and Towa instead of peeking kinako

>> No.10952727

Noah landed lots of Kraber shots

>> No.10952733
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>> No.10952736

That was kinako's second 2nd place finish today. One win to top it off. Kinako enables his teammates so much! To think that they are just a 24 points when everyone is 28 points. Kinako's leadership is simply outstanding

>> No.10952841

Chichan is same point as Towa lol.

>> No.10952842

Noah and tows finally sync in team work and hold Nora party off the Cpt decide to peek Kinako party for some reason then instantly get shit on, fucking hell.

>> No.10952888

Kinako is really slept on

>> No.10952900

For close range fights, i think seaweed needs to play more poke and stall the enemy until kawase joins the fight. Multiple times he just commit all in when he dealt huge damage to a single enemy but kawase is still too far from him and he just die alone, doesn't help that the oppai guy is sorta useless.

>> No.10952935

All they need now how to deal with Selly's team.

>> No.10952972
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Please join 963fam to help her upgrade from dialup

>> No.10952976

*one clips you with a wingman*

>> No.10952999

Ema, Sena and Lisa are ranking up together

>> No.10953028

+1. They are also doing well because they aren't slaughtered by selly's team 4 times in a row like yesterday. Even kinako acknowledged selly wasnt in the lobby today on stream

>> No.10953029

such a turn around compared to the first couple of days for bora's team. great teamwork considering they don't have a bakemon to carry them

>> No.10953071
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You say that like I'm already not apart of it.

>> No.10953117

sex overload

>> No.10953150
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And that's just Sena.

>> No.10953186

The guy is traumatize by Selly even during first day of the custom.

That's being said the mood on the team is really good, to the point Kinako missing loot often and making accidental troll play

>> No.10953193

I don't know much about that guy but I'm pretty sure he's drawing up a diagram in paint right now to prove your ass wrong.

>> No.10953205
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>> No.10953345
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>> No.10953402
File: 1.25 MB, 1280x720, 【 APEX LEGENDS 】ボラサップエビオ!CRカップカスタム3日目!【ヌンボラ__ BobSappAim _エクス・アルビオ】 3-24-51 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, bora getting finished by ex albio as she ends the stream

>> No.10953520

I want to boost Ema too...

>> No.10953977

kamito roleplaying as a fighter jet

>> No.10954362

Can parkha pls take my kneel

>> No.10954502
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>> No.10954544

Did the third one hit too?

>> No.10954608

Wokka and Selly not being there makes a huge difference.

>> No.10954674

No, I watched from Bora's perspective and they were scattered.
The nades really screwed them over.

>> No.10954737

lmao 丁1 has as much placement points as Bora's team, a team that got two champions.

>> No.10954872

#RETARDSWIN, who knew the secret to preservation was to be retarded

>> No.10954998

battlefield has grapple now what a meme

>> No.10955367

think that move is illegal in actual tourneys

>> No.10955452

He didn't throw it from the timeout zone. It should be okay.

>> No.10955458

bora team got last place once by trying to read a beacon in front of ras

>> No.10955577

I get to hear so much of Bora speaking korean thanks to their korean coach. I don't understand anything but she sounds so cute.

>> No.10955721

That's some incredible growth going from 17th on 2nd day to 3rd place on the 3rd day after getting Parkha as a coach btw

>> No.10956043

you could be right actually but imagine if he uses that shit in the actual cr cup lol

>> No.10956098

why would it be?

>> No.10956135


>> No.10956185

Oh hi amatsuki welcome to /vt/

>> No.10956466

its illegal to shoot or throw nades from the 15 second zones in algs

>> No.10956601

Also got to hear a beautiful shibal cancel (I think) + daipan when the lag killed her a 2nd time. Her voice then went up 1 octave after that. She must have been so pissed.

>> No.10956846

She sounded more like she was on the brink of tears because she was letting down ebio and sapp. Sapp was consoling and reassuring her that it was fine a lot

>> No.10956936


>> No.10957171

pretty much

>> No.10957229
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>> No.10957294
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>> No.10957342

I want to sex her on a bed of redbulls

>> No.10957559
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>> No.10957692

https://youtu.be/F1FZ-cho06E?t=3063 - timestamped
To have such supportive teammates :') To lag so hard that you're suddenly getting ressed by ebio. I want big guy ebio to shout at my ears "daijoubuuuuu dayo bora-san!" too

Their chemistry of the team is really coming together

>> No.10958756

You're giving the same amount for that as you are for extra crap in Nose's trash heap...

>> No.10959412

That was crazy round holy.
Bora is a good example why girls are getting -2p

>> No.10959476

Lol I saw a clip of Deron getting team retards 2nd place by just standing behind a wall

>> No.10959818

They are expert rats now.
If they could start getting some kill points, they might actually have a chance at winning.

>> No.10960004

Naraka things Arisaka is a gentle giant

>> No.10961547

Nose almost did it.

>> No.10962491

okay, back to the old title, let's not fuck this up next time:

Subject: Vspo, Apex, and other FPS tubers


This thread is about vtubers that play a lot of FPS and/or compete in FPS tournaments (Vspo, etc.).
Anything goes, even if it's not related to an FPS stream.
Collabs with non-v are common so posting about the typical collab partners (CR, KNR, 芸人旅団, etc.) is also on topic.

APEX CR Cup 7 - Main event: October 9, 2021 (Saturday) 6:00 PM (JST)

Official CR Cup Twitter -

English blog for 7th CR Cup is up -

Landmarks thus far -

Daily Scrim Results -

Previous thread >>10898028

>> No.10962837

Landmarks -

>> No.10964346

You can create a thread right now to kill this one
