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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 188 KB, 450x450, 4D2D902C-F9D2-493C-A41F-24611147AA63.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10844752 No.10844752 [Reply] [Original]

Narukami bros...we lost...

>> No.10844953

Sleep tight, bro...

>> No.10845130

This makes me cry harder than when Lulu graduated

>> No.10845762

He will return

>> No.10845919

He isn't even gone, he just switched platforms after Cover's copyright abuse.

>> No.10846349

God why are Cover such fucking scum?
How come every other company in the world would get absolutely destroyed for abusing the retarded copyright system yet Cover PRAISED FOR IT?
Holobronies are seriously everything wrong with current society, mindless sheep that lick corporate boot

>> No.10846376

pack it up narucummy go say this on a twicast or something

>> No.10846412

seethe lmao

>> No.10846418

You all should rope

>> No.10846457

Haven't you got a pony to be fucking?

>> No.10846668

It is what it is, rabid fanboys also praised Niji for sending multiple letters and announcements threatening legal action with no intention of actually having the case heard in court, largely because they know they'd lose, with the intention of scaring away potential contacts.

>> No.10846737

All corporations are cringe
Nips managing to brainwash western youth has brought them closer to world domination than 20th century ever did

>> No.10846859

Narucummy being a scum is one of the few things we Holobronies and Nijiniggers will agree upon.
t. Watch this guys occasionally and subbed to him

>> No.10846924

Okay? So?
Cover still has no right to abuse the copyright system to get rid of him.

>> No.10847108

you better start sucking dick contrarians and start posting Narukami ryona

>> No.10847187
File: 2.20 MB, 1463x2000, 1629124920489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine defending a guy whose entire business model is slander.

>> No.10847238

The absolute fucking state of tribalfags

>> No.10847268


>> No.10848720
File: 422 KB, 600x600, Z19Z8UJZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought he would graduate for good I was so scared, he's my oshi and a world without him wouldn't be worth it

>> No.10848789

he was right in few cases, in fact I would say the most cases. He only fucked up with Nijisanji false rrats

>> No.10848820
File: 709 KB, 919x1200, 鳴神裁24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He act tough and like looking like the villain, it's just he can't admit he's kind hearted and do care for vtubers... he's misunderstood

>> No.10848904
File: 1015 KB, 900x1200, E28UE2U8U.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's not the tough buy he wants people to think he is

>> No.10849237
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>> No.10849326
File: 719 KB, 900x900, uto1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First twitter and now this?!!

get fucked

>> No.10849382

As long as there's wickedness in men's hearts, he will return one day

>> No.10849398

He's fine he's on Twitcast talking about how brave he was getting rid of a spider that was behind his chair while typing P maru into Google. With his Live2D and everything. Fucking pussy faggot I would unleash about 5 cicadas into his room and turn off the light

>> No.10849407
File: 709 KB, 1014x1059, uto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the name of the corporation she works for, Noruniggers?

>> No.10849411

idk sounds based to me

>> No.10849436

Huh? How would they not win?

>> No.10849489

I miss the Narukami ryona poster...

>> No.10849504
File: 83 KB, 704x964, uto3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's the schizo from last night? I want to mock him some more. Come on, faggot, Tell me about the piles of evidense and then refuse to link it, again. We were all laughing

>> No.10849516

why are people (or just one guy) suddenly posting pictures of ame2 here? Is she Narukami girlfriend?

>> No.10849587



>> No.10849668
File: 167 KB, 338x378, uto3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a schizo the "fuck Narukami" thread last night that had a shitfit about Uto for 2 hours.

>> No.10849684
File: 158 KB, 1200x807, 9k=.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck I love this evil larping holofag twink like you wouldn't believe

>> No.10849690

Last Narukami thread someone said something bad about Uto and her 1 fan on earth got so triggered he started mass replying calling everyone a samefag while spamming "PROOF? PROOF?" then made a seperate thread just to continue the argument, and now he's here.

>> No.10849729

If he's your oshi you would have already followed his other accounts that he's been posting for weeks. Why the fuck would he graduate over losing his Youtube for the second time?

>> No.10849754
File: 69 KB, 1200x675, 9k=(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he will be back like always
dont worry

>> No.10849887

Just scared when the new dropped related to being sued.

>> No.10849911
File: 780 KB, 900x900, uto4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope and seeth harder, clown. Gonna cry?

>> No.10849965
File: 191 KB, 1200x1181, 2Q==.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet majority of people here only heard of NRKM because of Uto and Coco

>> No.10849977

Well it's fine you kind of got a temporary general for yourself at least that's nice.

>> No.10850218
File: 429 KB, 1010x1397, uto6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This triggers the narucummy

>> No.10850233
File: 604 KB, 622x913, _.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I got interested when he had troubles with Mea and her white-knights
I love him

>> No.10850478
File: 240 KB, 958x532, trustmebro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also still have this

>> No.10850510

good riddance, homo

>> No.10850597

Based Narukami not falling for the retarded "no I don't know how to upload an image in chat, you have to follow this link".

>> No.10851007

I'll just remind all you newfags here that it was narukami that brought attention to Mel's situation and pressured Cover to finally offer to cover her court costs and legal expenses. He's a scummy guy, but he has a conscious, and refuses to make any friends in the industry in order to air everyone's dirty laundry. His presence is increasingly necessary as vtubing corporations become bigger and bigger. There is always the possibility Hololive and Nijisanji may become even worse than they are right now.

>> No.10851097

Narukami revealed that he had a conversation with Cover last year, which resulted in nothing happening to him. So he's super salty now, because he thought they were "okay" with his videos.

>> No.10851624
File: 186 KB, 873x1200, Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he is a faggot
but he is a lovable faggot

>> No.10851905
File: 193 KB, 1147x1500, uto7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad he's mad

Stay triggered

>> No.10851964

still seething that uto general is long dead and she is forgotten?

>> No.10852027

We will never again hear him say kunbanwa on yt....

>> No.10852051

kunbanwa narucummy des

>> No.10852161
File: 369 KB, 680x480, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He may be a bit rough around the edges, but he hides a heart of gold

>> No.10852200

anybody got that picture of him getting choked out? it turns me on

>> No.10852238

He has his game channel baka

>> No.10852263

All these texts no links and sequence of videos, you failed

>> No.10852652

Narukami started to become more well known around here after the Mel rapes, but I guess most people in this board are too new for that.

>> No.10852686

Nah, he's just an attention craving asshole who doesn't mind implicating innocent people without proof if it gets him views.

>> No.10852741


>> No.10852781
File: 834 KB, 1000x1000, hmpf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He can't help but put on that tough act... I understand people fall for it, he's such a tsundere, he should really just admit he's simply kind hearted, there's nothing shameful about that.

>> No.10852814

I bet you want corporate fact checkers reviewing every YouTube video and 4chan/2chan post

>> No.10852871

sounds like you're a retard

>> No.10852901

No, just Narukami is fine, since unlike rrat posters he can actually ruin careers with his misinformation.

>> No.10853047
File: 826 KB, 757x754, uto8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She gets more views that this faggot does despite his efforts... A lot of JP indies don't have generals on epic hacker 4channel sites.

>> No.10853071

>muh misinformation
keep seething

>> No.10853124

uto gets big numbers because of her design, hololive leeching and EOP boost
simple as

>> No.10853188

Yeah, anon, I'm seething that this fucker ruined the career of a chuuba I liked by blatantly manipulating information to make her look bad and didn't even have the guts to admit he was wrong. What's your point?

>> No.10853226
File: 428 KB, 1170x553, leech.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you mean she doesn't do high efforts?
Well I guess you're honest.

>> No.10853331

lol these faggots are mad

>> No.10853335

So yeah you just drank the kool aid of your vtuber and refused to face the thruth. Sorry for you man.

>> No.10853384

I bet you'd suck narukami's dick if he asked you to.

>> No.10853510

>he still tries to shill for Roa

>> No.10853602

Worse than seeing Roa disappear is seeing people who still think Narukami's bullshit narrative was true even after the whole story came out. Reminds me of seeing retards who still believe Ai's VA was replaced.

>> No.10853656
File: 122 KB, 777x666, df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>acknowledge he was wrong months later
>even cried telling anycolours to sue Meiro first and not him
>still never deleted her video

>> No.10853661
File: 1.07 MB, 964x602, ♥.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes? Who wouldn't really.

>> No.10853721

All his videos except 2 are deleted now.

>> No.10853802

>I failed because I didn't give a cum snorting newfaggot what he wanted so he didn't have to look shit up for himself.

Try harder you butt-blasted beligerant.

>> No.10853938

No they aren't, it's still there, I just checked.

>> No.10854078

>throws a huge fit when asked for simple proof
who's "butt-blasted" here? seriously, imagine defending japanese keemstar. how much of a faggot do you have to be?

>> No.10854347
File: 32 KB, 633x791, naaadie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

False dichotomy dickweasel. People don't have to put up the eleven wannabe equivalent of a western media journalist no matter how many times you invoke the specter of corporate fact checkers which funnily enough the west also has. And like clockwork you faggots always go back to Mel while ignoring all the other times his involvement has done nothing but make shit worse on the talent and only the talent, never the suits. Because it isn't about the truth or doing anything to help the talent, it's about the money, the clicks, and fresh meat for the schizos to swarm over and pick clean. Rest in pieces JP Keemstar.

>> No.10854439

I fucking hate faggots like you. The world is in the state it's in because you petty faggots are okay with it when it's, "person I don't like".

>> No.10854489
File: 168 KB, 919x538, t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when it's, "person I don't like".

>> No.10854492

>it's about the money, the clicks, and fresh meat for the schizos to swarm over and pick clean.
Honestly to me it's about the guily pleasure of seeing someone's life affected against their will and the pain inflicted to all their fans, the more the merrier. It just never get old.

>> No.10854624

It's nice that you're honest, but nobody gives a fuck about what you feel, we're talking about Narukami's motivation. The fact that his fans are just a bunch of sadistic losers seeking pleasure in the suffering of others is self-evident.

>> No.10854672

>Telling a newfag to do his reps is throwing a huge fit now.

I can't even post his video covering this. His videos were deleted. I'm not going to do your homework. Mel took like a 6 month hiatus in early 2020 and all of this is well known. She made a huge post on twitter talking about her stalker so go look it up. She mentioned cover being unhelpful with her lawsuit, but after narukami made his video about this with inside info, Mel posted about how cover decided to offer her help.

This stuff is super easy to find. It's all on their official accounts, you whiny bitch.

>> No.10854701

I know, which is why I get rock solid when someone like HH gets his due and why I've been getting off and on 4 hour erections ever since your oshi was marked for death. Why don't you make yourself useful and come give me a hand faggot?

>> No.10854757

You should have seen them last night. It's so easy to bait the narucummies. All you have to do is ask for proof of their oshi's rrats and they nuclear.

>> No.10854824

check the main channel, moron.

>> No.10854869

>This is bait. Bait for anon. This i s the bait for anon

I never laugh with incels; I only ever laugh AT them

>> No.10854885

His game/zatsu channel isn't his main channel, moron.

>> No.10854939
File: 132 KB, 497x413, 9962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you retarded?

>> No.10855017
File: 634 KB, 1940x905, Hololive historian the seanigger tranny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When Hololive Historian was nuked by Coco, the Coco antis sklyrocketed and it was absolutely hilarious. Poor little indog discord triannies

>> No.10855083

what does "Hololive Historian" have to do with anything? this is Narukami thread.

>> No.10855132

Are you illiterate or do you just not understand what this post was responding to?

>> No.10855141

The only thing he got it right was the Mel sekuhara shit, in fact, I think he thought he was in good terms with Cover purely because he helped her. He was always a blatant holofag, I remember he defended the girls multiple times, when Kaoru was fired, he said that it had nothing to do with Miko, and he downplayed a lot the Towa discord yab, when the hololive general on /jp/ wanted to see her burn.
His mistake was that he shouldn't have made a video about Coco again.

>> No.10855340

Yep I remember all the bait threads sprouting like mushrooms after and am expecting more of the same here. Because if you break these fuckers backs all they can do is scream in the void. Dramafaggots and schizos aren't people.

>> No.10855491

Even his Matsuri yabe video is kinda positive. He always says it's just a job and demanding they shouldn't be in a relationship is unreasonable.

>> No.10855567

>he said that it had nothing to do with Miko
The Miko rumors only started because he said (without proof, as usual) that Kaoru's infidelity had been with a holo. He only came to deny it was Miko after that, probably hoping that people would attack whoever he was initially trying to implicate to begin with, whom he implied was a notorious slut in the vtuber industry.
>he downplayed a lot the Towa discord yab, when the hololive general on /jp/ wanted to see her burn
He did downplay it when Towa showing up in the fan discord server, but that is not the Towa yab, and he only downplayed it way after 5ch had already had a very indifferent reaction to it. No point in making a fuss about drama people are clearly not interested in. At least not to him.
Also, just recently he straight up said the Matsuri hand yab was a vtuber boyfriend that lives with her, again with no evidence to support it. Narukami is a Narukamifag, nothing more.

>> No.10855857

>The Miko rumors only started because he said
You're clueless, that rumour was born in 2ch like usual. Even on /jp/ people used to make fun of 35Pfags saying she was taking a pregnancy leave.
He liked to shit on Cover, but that's it, compare how he handled holos and nijis, he hated the latter, especially Gundou.

>> No.10856053

Kaorus infidelity started with Korone rumors because both roommates went to the same afterparty and shortly after Kaoru was no more. The Miko route only started after she went into the long hiatus. You don't disappear for half a year without an explanation. Of course the rumor mill will start working and Narukami wasn't even the first he just jumped on board.

>> No.10856061

Narucummies are basically begging for mercy at this point

>Please! He loves Hololive!

I'm sure that's why he made the Coco graduation videos.

>> No.10856116

>You're clueless
Right back at you. Miko pregnant rumors were already a thing, but people only started associating it with Kaoru's retirement after he made the video saying he'd been fucking a holo. People had no idea why Kaoru had retired before that, so it made no sense to link that to Miko.
Again, there wasn't even any rumors involving Kaoru before Narukami's video.

>> No.10856138

Is there any proof Kaoru was sleeping around or is that just another rrat?

>> No.10856246

He never said her name, and when people started getting the wrong ideas, he immediately adressed it in the new stream. If that's not covering up for her, I don't know what it is.

>> No.10856259

You must be mentally ill to like someone who's entire "career" is supposed to be ruining the careers of other vtubers. Or you just really, really hate vtubers in general.

>> No.10856299

Good fucking riddance.

>> No.10856318

Did you watch the video? It 100% makes her look like a victim. He was only shitting on Cover. I hope someone saved all those videos, that one was even subbed too.

>> No.10856387

>he immediately adressed it in the new stream
It wasn't even a stream, it was a note post, and like I said before, seeing people start to attack Miko when he was expecting them to go after somebody else is more than enough reason. Also, don't forget that he was teasing that he might reveal who the supposed slut holo was, so it could just as well have been to keep people interested in the story to draw more attention to his channel while making himself look good. Or maybe he's just a 35P and backed down after his plan backfired, which I think is also very likely. It sounds just like him to attack chuubas he hates while trying to keep the name of chuubas he likes clean.

>> No.10856484

Yeah, that's not not the mitigation you think it is. It was all a bunch of bullshit and it even convinced Nuxtaku to turn on Cover.

>> No.10856569

You want his sex tape? No there is no proof but you don't fire your biggest holostar overnight for nothing. No goodbye stream nothing, just gone. There are also beyblade tournament rumors if you want a less smutty headcanon.

>> No.10856614

To be fair, Coco herself talked about the restrictions many times before, and it's true that staff made a chinese anti a mod of her and got half of her members banned. So, eh.

>> No.10856760

Thst had was 80% her boyfriend
unless you are moron and believe her stupid explanation

>> No.10856804

Narukami loves Coco though

>> No.10856841

exposing hidden shady shit isn't ruining anything

>> No.10856854

I never said anything about whether I believe it or not, work on your reading comprehension. I didn't believe Matsuri's story for one second, but that's beyond the point.

>> No.10856914 [DELETED] 

so why making video or a blog post about that is bad exactly!

>> No.10856924

Yeah it is. If you think that there is any female vtuber who doesn't have a bf or taking dick regularly you are a retard. Why do you need it to be brought up? Because you want to be a cuck?
Also, most of the time he was wrong.

>> No.10856996

you are a cuck in denial, if you think lying to fans is okay you are delusional

>> No.10857051

>he fell all of chuubas have a secret bf meme

>> No.10857068

Holy shit you're a lost cause, at least follow the reply chain before replying with the first thing that comes to your head. The point is that he's not a holofag retard.

>> No.10857106

I hope that whoever's defending this piece of filth has never accused a vtuber of leeching, because what he does is actually parasitic. He attaches himself to people who are more successful and extracts money and clout in a relationship that is only beneficial to him.

>> No.10857108

add to this that she had to unban her members herself because staff wouldn't do it.

>> No.10857216

t. utofag

>> No.10857335

>No more Narukami
>Artia died again
What a good day

>> No.10857423

all projections

>> No.10857464

>Idol company: "here's millions of dollars and millions of adoring fans. Just don't have sex for a few years. When you retire you can choose almost any guy you want and live comfortably forever."
>Idol: "Okay, that sounds like an incredible deal!"
>Faggot: "Idol culture is evil and an unreasonable expectation to put on someone."

>> No.10857562
File: 195 KB, 1000x1200, 2Q==.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NRKM will be okay don't worry

>> No.10858026

Matsuri is 1st Gen. Hololive wasn't even on the Idol hardcore line back then.
Someone not Noel said on twitter that before every stream she checks for hours how the camera is so that no yabei could happen. Maybe Matsuri should take a lesson from her. Oh and don't have a nigger in your appartment when you stream might also help.

>> No.10858508

By the way, if you have any interest in a vtuber's inner life, then you shouldn't even be in this hobby. That's especially true if you enjoy gossip and petty drama. You'd be better served by watching someone like xQc or some other e-celeb. They thrive on rumormongering and all sorts of base drama.

>> No.10859007
File: 84 KB, 1034x692, off to chink prison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Artia died again

Lmao, what happened to the traitor?

>> No.10859045


Nice rrats. Are you blind or just a cuckold fetishist?

>> No.10859102

Schizophrenia isn't treatable. I suggest you kill yourself

>> No.10859188

HOh, so anything that happens is sexy sex that sexes the sexiest sexy sex, right, coomer?

>> No.10860584

CCP got to her.

>> No.10860768

I know the amount of schizo threads that popped up here, but did he and his followers actually go on an anti-Coco crusade on this site or some other discord server? I only remembered a handful of his goons got super salty on his channel comments when it was about to get nuked.

>> No.10861485

What would be the point with ecelebs? It's already open in the first place? Where the pleasure of breaking the soiling the character, shattering the illusion? Only vtubing can give that this strongly.

>> No.10863460

please share his lewds

>> No.10863696

You're just as much of a worm as the "people" who indulge in celeb drama. It's no different.

>> No.10863865

Whoever is better wasn't the point, that guy said "You'd be better served by watching someone like xQc" so I explained why it was even better with Vtubers, that's it.

>> No.10864085

I'm talking about the character of the type of people who enjoy this type of content regardless if it's vtubers or not. They both inhabit the same substratum.

>> No.10865608

Literally built for non consensual sexual activity

>> No.10872807

what happened?

>> No.10872832

cant believe my oshi graduated bros..

>> No.10872845

Buddha put in the nail and the corpos hammered it in. Shouldn't have gone after Buddha.

>> No.10873484

They started spamming the name of Coco's law firm thinking they were doxxing her. Not the brightest bulbs.

>> No.10873492

I just wish I could piss on his grave.

>> No.10874196

You're so edgy and original bro, please teach me how to be as cool as you

>> No.10875262

what happened?

>> No.10875305


>> No.10877009

Why is Ame blue?
Ame is under Hololive newfag, what kind of question is this?

>> No.10877067

I found him through the most hated vtuber ranking like early 2020

>> No.10877247
File: 80 KB, 957x248, IMG_20211005_123224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She gets more views that this faggot does

>> No.10877366

> And like clockwork you faggots always go back to Mel
You know they are newfags when they keep mentioning Mel when that Gamebu arc is a way stronger material to back him up.

>> No.10877661
File: 397 KB, 774x741, IMG_20210823_102309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Idol company: "here's millions of dollars and millions of adoring fans. Just don't have sex for a few years. When you retire you can choose almost any guy you want and live comfortably forever."
Show me the contract screenshot faggot, of course you cant

>> No.10880787

I hate this faggot for what he did to Roa.
