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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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10721357 No.10721357 [Reply] [Original]

Do you ever think she regrets her mistakes?
If she played her cards right she could have been a cultural phenomenon and the new face of vtubing like Gura
Now she's stuck twitch thotting as no more than a big fish in a small pond

>> No.10721440

uh I'm pretty sure hundreds of thousands of dollars make her feel just fine

>> No.10721474

Money isn't everything anon...
Especially to the vain

>> No.10721595

I'd happily take that money off her hands then.

>> No.10721614

>Do you ever think she regrets her mistakes?

>> No.10721671

You don't think?

>> No.10721756

She hit the jackpot, build and audience and gained experience without knowing for her career.

>> No.10721816

I think it's based that whenever she's mentioned, Holobronies, pedophiles, and chuds seethe in anger.

>> No.10722014


It only appeals to you because you probably grew up poor, you can’t conceive of a world where you don’t worry about the price of stuff you want, therefore you can’t comprehend how it won’t solve your problems. To you it’s like traveling to the 5th dimension or something, for us, it is 11:49pm

>> No.10722012

reddit shill money is greater than being beloved by all of >us, anon.

>> No.10722120


>> No.10722143

I still find her entertaining and enjoying to watch.

>> No.10722256

>the new face of vtube like Gura
She can never. Do you understand that the audience who made Gura big is the audience that Nyanners hates? She's right where she belongs.

>> No.10722408

This. Not even Gura herself likes being that big. She doesn't even give enough of a shit to fix her shit rigging

>> No.10722440

I do think that she doesn't regret the things 4chan shits on her for doing. I do not see a single reason why she would, or should. What comeuppance has she been served? Pedo neckbeards don't like her anymore after she ditched them?

>> No.10722563

She's under the (false) impression that she's the sole reason VShoujo receives the hate that it does
So even the regrets she does have are delusional

>> No.10722887

everyone regrets its mistakes
she is pretty fine, has friends and a wonderful job for creative people like her, she just needed better guidance, like a better producer or manager like hololive

>> No.10722976

She's too vulgar and sexual for Hololive. She also just shits all over the degenerate culture she tries to suck money from. Nyanners is somehow a prude yet grossly sexual. She's timid and just can't decide if she's an internet edgelord or a typical SJW type. Vshoujo is kind of like that, too.

>> No.10723006

I don't like Nyanners but that actually sucks if she thinks she's the sole reason

>> No.10723145

My biggest problems come from a lack of medical care. Money will definitely take care of that.

>> No.10723202

She gets like 8k viewers…

>> No.10723201

You retards realize the moment VShojo dies she will apply for Hololive and get in right?

>> No.10723246

she has literally never done anything wrong and i would gladly die on this hill

>> No.10723291

I really like her "Seiso" cover video

>> No.10723458

Nah fuck that, money isn't everything but not having it is. I do agree that true happiness is separate from material wealth but in the world we live in you need at least some level of comfort wealth wise to be happy, in the 1st world that is.

>> No.10723561

She could have been Gura, if she had Gura’s talent. But she doesn’t. So she isn’t.

>> No.10723576

Yagoo here

No she won't.

>> No.10723669

Didn't Froot just try to cancel that male vtuber the other day? It says a lot about vshoujo that they go after male debuff vtubers who have small audiences.

>> No.10723757
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>> No.10723783

She's pissed people off, but they're the kind of people I hate anyway so I'm good. Let them seethe, I say.

>> No.10723796

No people like that always blame everyone else.

>> No.10723811

>Nyanners is somehow a prude yet grossly sexual. She's timid and just can't decide if she's an internet edgelord or a typical SJW type.
The trick is to go with the one that makes you look superior in the moment

>> No.10723983

> Nyanners is somehow a prude yet grossly sexual. She's timid and just can't decide if she's an internet edgelord or a typical SJW type. Vshoujo is kind of like that, too.
The term you're looking for is American.

>> No.10724153

She always was a giant dramawhore and everywhere she go she'll always end up burning bridges and deleting everything, either with anons, or in vocaloid, or voice acting.
It's just a matter of time before vshojo implodes by some internal drama that she'll show her true colors again

>> No.10724324

It's so easy to tell that retards like you only get your views of VShojo members shaped by clickbait cherrypicked clips on YouTube that select for vulgarity and sexuality, when in reality if you watch their streams it's nowhere near the amount of vulgarity you'd expect and usually when it does happen there's a reason or context for it - and it doesn't just pop up out of the blue.

The only one who's often TMI and random in terms of vulgarity is Veibae, and even she doesn't do it as much as /vt/ would believe.

>> No.10724356

The essence of a hypocrite.

>> No.10724551

Whenever Zentraya has access to twitter again it's going to happen

>> No.10724925

Froot is always offered up as "the best vshoujo has".

>> No.10724948

are you niggas really that buttblasted she deleted the pomf pomf kimochii video?

>> No.10725089

>a woman
>truly regretting anything

>> No.10725165

There are like 5 people who think she's an annoying /v/ attention whore, 10 people who think she's a hypocrite backstabber because she stopped pandering to lolicons, and then 5000 people who shit on her because they desperately want to fit in despite being 2018fags.

>> No.10725224


It's not that she deleted it, it's that she tried to gaslight the internet into acting like the concept of pomf pomf itself is something only people she's disgusted by could appreciate. There was no, "hey, I did a thing, I was younger, it's not me anymore" like actually growing up with humility. It's like if instead of being upfront about how he quit drugs and evolved to become more sucessfful, Robert Downey Jr just flipped into being anti-drug advocate overnight who shits on addicts without addressing his past of drug abuse. It's cowardly

And I didn't even know about her when she made it, this is just observation

>> No.10725311

pink cat good, did nothing wrong, stay mad losers

>> No.10725329

Said nobody ever

>> No.10725611

You spell Mousey wrong, anon

>> No.10726110

Veibae is miles better just by virtue of actually pulling off the "female anon" angle the best,

>> No.10726187

>implying hololive will outlive vshojo

>> No.10726579

Most people regret mistakes they've made and she's no different. She regrets making that video and her choice of words when she deleted it 6 years ago. It's a big part of why she's always concerned about getting her meaning across and not being misunderstood these days. It's not like she tried to delete it from the internet and hide it like lilypichu did with her version anyway, just deleted it from her channel and left all the other copies up.
On your other points she doesn't seem to have any interest in being the face of anything and twitch isn't exactly the small streaming platform you're pretending it is.
In the end she's only behind Gura and maybe 1 or 2 others as far as EN vtubers go and sponsors don't seem to be put off by her past so all in all things seem to have worked out pretty well for her.

>> No.10727542

>Noooo Anon~~!! People can't just learn from their mistakes and change as a person, they just CANT. Changing = hypocrisy!

>> No.10730155

what does she gain for regretting? All the upsides are staying the same as right now

>> No.10730832
File: 79 KB, 500x500, 62F5125F-E770-4262-8F69-74C715D263DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: Salty Nyannersfags
Anyway, I’m pretty sure she’s finally in a place she feels very comfortable with, but it would be a lie to say she doesn’t regret some of her actions in the past
Nyanners seems like the kind of person that has let herself be influenced by people (from both sides of the spectrum) in the past, and just now tries to move on from it
Maybe there was a chance in terms of popularity, but I don’t believe she could’ve been like Gura. It doesn’t seem she has the attitude to please or maintain a fanbase like the one Gura has
There’s the fact that there’ll always be people that will not stop hating Nyanners for her poor choices that she mostly regrets, but as I said, she’s trying to move on from it and don’t disappoint the new people and audiences she comes across with, even if she feels like having a ton of baggage

>> No.10730998

rent free

>> No.10731435

Everyone knows what a satanic normie society can do to even the whitest of us, especially if exposure is since birth. It doesn't mean shit and is not her fault, and the real jackpot in not serving it is spirit based. She can keep doing what she's doing and get it like a locked in grade.

>> No.10732421

Threadly reminder that pink cat applied to hololive and was rejected.

>> No.10732427

she's already mentioned that the response she made back then was too emotional and hastily made because she was really repulsed by the type of people that approached her and ended up making her really uncomfortable. it was more like a wake up call about people actually taking her own jokes too far or too seriously and she hadn't realized the consequences of that. it wasn't because of a sudden change in morals. plus she doesn't seem like confrontational type so that was probably her way of venting in a way as well

>> No.10732460

she mentioned she'll retire and be a cat lady

>> No.10732654

She never applied to Hololive.

>> No.10732675

>Froot is always offered up as "the best vshoujo has".
That's Ironmouse. Nobody hates Ironmouse and a fair few people genuinely like her.

>> No.10732729
File: 508 KB, 623x467, 98930D49-F623-4C39-9F1C-5999B1374540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with your post, but there’s something I find funny about it
>she was really repulsed by the type of people that approached her and ended up making her really uncomfortable
She was hanging around with actual pedos, no wonder she felt uncomfortable after realizing she ended up pandering to them specifically

>> No.10732742

Reminding a retard she never applied

>> No.10732768

You can always buy more and more, specially if you get knowledgeable about reality and extends of the things you feel passionate about

Where every single inch counts, there is stuff you would want if you werent a souless massive retard, that costs more than you are able to pay, even if youre rich

>> No.10732795

Or so the Germans would have you believe.

>> No.10732822

Yeah anon, I'm sure she regrets being as successful as she is

>> No.10732823

>money isnt everything

It is, the only thing limiting it is your lack of purpose/creativity/talent

>> No.10732866

OP never said that

>> No.10732883


The kindest way to put it is that she was super fucking stupid. Not expecting to attract genuine weirdos is retarded. The fast attention got to her head, she got too deep into the meme and realized it wasn't actually a meme. Only thing is most people's process of learning actual degenerates exist ouside of jokes isn't so public and musical. I genuinely wonder if she's never been molested before or just suffers massive cognitive dissonance

>> No.10734324

I don't know if I believe that. Wasn't she lecturing people on how problematic scantily clad women in video games were? If you take what she said now, before tumblr, and then in tumblr; it just sounds like she jumped ship and then back again when it suited her. But, hey, watch your pink cat I'm not the vtubter police.

>> No.10734354

She makes 20k a month. She really could care less.

>> No.10734405

*Couldn't* care less nyantard. Not even true anyway; everyone knows she has thin skin.

>> No.10735746

>how problematic scantily clad women in video games were?
Only as a substitute for story and gameplay. Like how she felt that although FFX is her favorite game FFX-2 focused more on fan service than story and the game was worse for it. Or how at some point Overwatch became better for providing SFM porn than an actual enjoyable gaming experience. She wasn't knocking the porn though, she's got a nice collection of the widowmaker stuff for sure.

>> No.10735794

She makes way more than that

>> No.10736400

>Or how at some point Overwatch became better for providing SFM porn than an actual enjoyable gaming experience. She wasn't knocking the porn though, she's got a nice collection of the widowmaker stuff for sure.
I never heard of this, would you happen to know which stream she said this in?

>> No.10736435

Yeah, she regrets coming to 4chan at an early age.

>> No.10736718

She's made jokes about it a few times and used to play it constantly before the quality dropped
Not sure what vod she said that exact thing in but she was joking about it again while watching summer games fest here

>> No.10736812

Yeah, 10/11 years old was probably a bit early. She was just looking for a sailor moon wallpaper and fell down the rabbit hole.

>> No.10737333

Nooo, stop, 4chan is strong!! 4chan big! 4chan important!
kek these fucking idiots don't realize how worthless this site is as a community. Especially in regards to the streaming community.
The few hit stories about some successful projects stemming from here doesn't change that, like Katawa Shoujo, Risk of Rain, etc. They gained appeal OUTSIDE of here, that's the reason. Shit that lives only here dies in here.

>> No.10737362

she honestly doesnt have the charisma for that

>> No.10737511

reminder that when gura was senzawa she was just a nyanners clone

>> No.10737682

At least sen didn't dress up as 2b on stream

>> No.10738094

Yeah. I would hate it if she did that.......

How could we make her do that?

>> No.10738344

>anon, you can't just go ahead and find flaws in my bait thread...

>> No.10739864

Says this to her majority male streaming audience. Looks for problematic things and preaches the evils of 4chan to her Tumblr audience. Holds up a pedo sign and does - let's say unwise - vocaroos for 4chan. The only complaint about her that I really agree with is that she's a chameleon that jumps from trend to trend.
Which makes her downright innocent compared to the people around her. She doesn't seem to get involved in twitter drama either, even the six foot autistic wolf can't do that.
Alright Nyanners, FFX is my favorite final fantasy game. I'll watch your play through and only call you pink bitch under my breath a couple of times.
Thanks for reading my blog and your help.

>> No.10740388

She doubled down on being an idiot so no. I remember her putting the blame on other people.

You can kill yourself then.

>> No.10740703

Her only mistake was walking back some of her criticism of 4chan pedos.

>> No.10741549


>> No.10741655

Greekchama is pedo that doesn't like nyanners
You seem confused

>> No.10741912

Yeah that's how we know you're the greekshitter. Kill yourself

>> No.10742015

reminder that 2d =/= 3d and no amount of nyaggerfaggot seething will ever change that

>> No.10742279

Literally only gullible people who haven't spent enough time around self-described lolicons say this

Once they get comfortable with you, they start sharing stuff like how they pop boners when their nieces sit on their laps and shit. Messed up people, I hope they get the help they need.

>> No.10742489

>Literally only gullible people who haven't spent enough time around self-described anti-lolicons say this
>Once they get comfortable with you, they start sharing stuff like how they pop boners when they see what those evil lolicons watch and shit. Messed up people, I hope they get the help they need.
Please remember that 2D =/= 3D.

>> No.10742535

>clickbait cherrypicked clips
Uh huh.
>vtuber says something crass
>people see vtuber saying that crass thing

>when it does happen there's a reason or context for it
There's also a choice to not plumb the depths of human depravity, yet with these people they seem to usually choose to dive in anyway.

>> No.10742627

>clickbait cherrypicked clips on YouTube that select for vulgarity and sexuality
As opposed to the clips on their own channels?

>> No.10742908

Then she's a moron and should neck herself. Fucking two faced whore. Nothing she does is forgivable.

Besides she's not a pure waifu. Shes 3DPG and getting dicked by Chads all day everyday. Fuck her

>> No.10742957

>If she played her cards right she could have been a cultural phenomenon and the new face of vtubing like Gura
You think she's not?

>> No.10743006

Nah, she's niche within the niche.

>> No.10743363

>Nothing she does is forgivable.
Why would anyone want forgiveness from someone like you?
On the rest you seem to have no idea what you're talking about anyway

>> No.10743435

Pink cat does. I don't see why. I don't like her, but she has a pretty stable fanbase, yet she still craves the acceptance of this hellhole.

>> No.10743545

Because we can ruin her life.

>> No.10745968


>> No.10749142

You know she's a woman, right?

>> No.10749312

I'm sure she cries herself to sleep on her thousands of dollars every night, oh woe is nyanners, cant pretend to be a shark on an overly restrictive nip company.

>> No.10750310

nyanners will be based forever in my eyes just because of this song from which /vt/ hasn't recovered to this day:

>> No.10751042

gura did it better

>> No.10754402

>Do you ever think she regrets her mistakes?
About what?

>> No.10754504

4chan pandering and publicly slutting around anime conventions

>> No.10754532

She is a loli and likes to suck on old men's cock even though that is illegal in some of the united states. But she says her pussy is ready for dickening. Some people think it is not right to breed at such young age but Nyanners is made for Ossan dick.

>> No.10755569

At the end of the day, she could never be Gura. She's too easily influenced by retards from both sides. To put it bluntly, she's like a coin that constantly flips from heads to tails depending on who she's trying to please for that particular moment. Whether it be pedos or SJWs. She's shallower than a 1 inch creek and the moment that a new trend pops-up she'll be one of the first to switch. In short, she's basically your average person. She could never create something like Reflect or be the weird caring/bully senpai to HoloCouncil. Ultimately, she's just... normal.

>> No.10756222

She's a grown ass woman and she could kick your manlet ass til you cry for mommy

>> No.10757055

I feel like you summarized it perfectly. She's good, but she doesn't have anything that makes her outstanding (or if she does, she doesn't want to show it). In a way, even Veibae is more outstanding than her with her willingness to stand by her use of "rhubarbed", as retarded as it is.

>> No.10757639

No she is a loli. Maybe her roommate's old but she is still very fertile. Just look at her.

>> No.10757664
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>> No.10757918
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>> No.10758974

>Do you ever think she regrets her mistakes?
Of course, everyone has things they regret.
I don't think she regrets deleting pomf though, at best she regrets the way she worded the post back then. She's one of the biggest western vtubers and gets HoloEN numbers while having more freedom than the holos. I don't think she regrets any of the things that got her where she is now.

>> No.10759110
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Nyanners is still a fag but I can tolerate that and she can be fun at times.

But most of her fanbase needs to be fucking gassed.

>> No.10759433 [DELETED] 

People who orbit ny*nners are the same types of people who used to orbit tripfags. Both are completely annoying who feel that they need to validate their position on a fucking imageboard. Im fucking glad tripfags fucked off to twitter and discord and I hope they dont come back.

>> No.10759804
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god I love her

>> No.10760014
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This, but unironically.

>> No.10760556

That’s called being two faced

>> No.10760726

This, I’d really like for her to admit she was wrong about that whole thing.
The other issue is hating “lolicons” while actively marketing herself towards them

>> No.10761280

Have you ever seen her take a stupid off the cuff joke and make a skit and run with it for a solid 5-10 minutes. She’s a natural entertainer

>> No.10761877

Not saying she isn't. I consider her and Pika to be the same tier entertainment wise and I like Pikamee. She's good but she's not "special".

>> No.10761938

>5-10 minutes
Sometimes more than that. She can take random bullshit that happens on her stream and turn it into an unplanned hour-long bit. Like when that ad with naked anime tits appeared on that japan walk and she turned that stream into an ace attorney parody where she tried to defend herself in virtual court and had chat vote on guilty or not.

>> No.10762142

I don't agree. There's a reason why she's at the top of vtubers on twitch. As a fan I'd even say that she's not always 'good', but so special that she sometimes more than makes up for it. Her streams vary wildly in quality, some are really mediocre and some others are absolute gems.

>> No.10762453

I genuinely dont like the bronze rat.

>> No.10762483

Anon, she's a medium sized fish in a small pond. Look, I'm not saying she's not entertaining because she is. And this is coming from someone who really doesn't like the brand of content that she creates. The fact that she can get me to chuckle despite that is already proof enough. The thing is, there are dozens of chuubas that can do that too. They're really good chuubas, don't get me wrong. But doesn't change the fact that there's more people equally (if not more) entertaining than her And that's what I mean when I say that she's good but not special.

>> No.10762610
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Pink hypocrite went from being the object of gura's worship who cucked her out of a voice acting gig, to a basic bitch degenerate who final yab'd herself into being part of a glorified clown troupe that nobody takes seriously, all while her up and coming competitor (who is presumably an unironic a cute and funny afficianado) made bank by continuing to pander to that very same crowd of creeps, pedos, perverts and otherwise jolly amoral fucks.

The forever missed opportunity will always haunt her, and she'll never get into Hololive just by virtue of being too much of a two-faced yab magnet. Nijisanji EN might still forgive her past, but I would drop my 90s Tomboy gamer girl laugh track at breakneck speeds in less than the span of a single heartbeat on principle alone.

And because the nature of the offense is betraying people everyone hates, even though they were the audience she herself courted, nyanners is stuck in a no win situation where no matter what she does people will hate her. If she stays the course, she'll never earn forgiveness. If she apologizes to all the pedos on the internet, she'd be branded an open pedo apologist and be unwelcome in both polite and impolite society, as forgiveness doesn't mean everyone will just forget or give her another chance after she waited this long to say anything.

This is why picking a side in the culture war and sticking with it is important, even if the side you're on is your own because your ideological opinions don't match up with either side's dogma. Even a mercenary is more trustworthy than a traitor, because the mercenary was open and honest about being a two faced profiteer from the start.

>> No.10762670

>Anon, she's a medium sized fish in a small pond.
She regularly gets over 10k viewers and is bigger than some of the holoENs, she's as big as vtubers get in the west. She's only medium sized when compared to giants like Pekora that get 50k viewers on their streams. Calling twitch a small pond is a hot take too. There are thousands of vtubers on twitch.

>> No.10762774

>who cucked her out of a voice acting gig
Blaming that on Nyanners is peak retardation. Nyanners took an open spot after Senzawa was removed from it. Nyanners had no part in removing Senzawa from that position, she just filled the hole. Nyanners is not the one who fired Senzawa.

>> No.10762882

Gura is the biggest vtuber in the entire world, ever.

Gura is the Freddie Mercury of vtubing minus the homosexuality and AIDS. There will never be another one of her talent. Nyanners never had it.

>> No.10762994

She doesn't get 10k or even 9k consistently anon. That's more of her upper ceiling than anything. High tier Chuubas in YouTube can consistently get 15k without even trying. And that isn't even accounting for twitch raids and the current YouTube fuckery. Some anon even crunched the numbers for last month and she isn't even in the top 50 anymore.

>> No.10763148

Implying anyone cares. It just serves to lampshade how much pink shit had going for her before she threw it all away.

She could've been Hololive. And, you know, actually liked as a person by people who wouldn't just be lying to her.

>> No.10763262

I like pink cat. People change over the course of a decade.

>> No.10763270

Also, just to add. Saying that Nyanners is one of the top EN chuubas in the west isn't exactly saying much if you look at the current state of the EN market. It's like saying that Nyanners is a top player in College but only a starter in the pros.

>> No.10763282

>High tier Chuubas in YouTube can consistently get 15k without even trying.
Gura and japanese vtubers can, yes. And Nyan still regularly breaks 10k. Her average is still around 8k, but her FFX marathon streams last week were indeed lower, in the 6k range. That was due to the game and slow paced marathon though. 8k average still puts her ahead of pretty much everyone in the west other than the biggest holos though. Calling 8k average medium sized is completely crazy.

>> No.10763403

>She could've been Hololive.
Her current deal is unironically better than hololive unless she'd get Gura numbers and I doubt anyone other than Gura would be able to get Gura's numbers. She probably takes home more money than any western holo other than Gura because vshojo takes no direct cut from the streams, only from the merch.

>> No.10763544

See >>10763270
Like I said she's medium sized. She's JJ Reddick, Christian Laettner-tier. Really damn good in College but only starters in the Pros. And again, do not take that as a knock on the pink cat. Anyone who makes it to the NBA is already pretty fucking good. Much less making it as a starter. They're just not Lebron, Gianni's, or Steph tier

>> No.10763696

You got what fat evil have. kys

>> No.10763739

I mean yeah, that's true is you compare them to the JP market. The EN market is smaller. But since she is part of the EN market she's doing about as well as anyone in her position can. By the same logic Gura is the only english vtuber that's bigger than "medium sized". I feel that's like calling a millionaire middle class because billionaires exist.

>> No.10764037

Ame when she flexes her >creatividad can get 20k easy. Mori's songs gets more views on them than anything Nyanners can create with the exemption of pomf ironically. Ina is the most consistent EN that she can get 10k viewers minimum on her art streams which she does regularly and even more for buff games. The only one that is clearly below most of Vshoujo is Kiara. As for Council, jury is still out for them but even after 1 month they can consistently get 8-9k except rrat and Space.

>> No.10764040

No, she escaped from here. You know how many people on 4chan that would benefit?

>> No.10764248

marine isnt timid at all. shes grossly sexual and we love this bitch

im no wordsmith, but the way marine does it is unbeatable. its so good.

>> No.10764289

Well in that case, I think we can both agree about where Nyanners stands. We really only differ with who we're comparing her too. Basically, the difference between 1/10 to 1/100

>> No.10764406

I'll give you Ame and holo is very strong with minecraft in general, but Mori and Ina don't get 10k+ every stream last time I checked. Even if they recovered some numbers they're at best slightly ahead of Nyanners, which is still really impressive for a non-holo considering vshojo is a much weaker brand. Gura is an extreme outlier, if we exclude her then Nyanners (and Ironmouse as well) is very much in the top league of western vtubers.

>> No.10764460

I guess so. It will be interesting to see how the EN market develops in the future.

>> No.10764657

I'm not comparing Mori's viewership with Nyanners, I'm citing her Original songs and Covers which thinking about it now is kinda unfair and is an apples to oranges comparison so I'mma let that go.

>> No.10764793

To that analogy - mathematically speaking a millionaire is closer to a homeless person than to a billionaire.

Just so you know.

>> No.10764854

Nyanners could never be Gura.

Gura is built different, Nyanners is fundamentally a loser.
This niche she has carved out for herself, is probably something she is very grateful to have.

Meanwhile Goowah chases success, and is passionate about being an entertainer, being both musically and comedically inclined.

Goowah is also the type of neurotic that gets shit done, and whose hands are never idle.

Nyanners is the type of neurotic that is all passive, and entirely dialogue with no call to action, endless mental fidgeting.

>> No.10764885

I'm confused. Are those posters in the thread actually serious?

>> No.10764921

Yes, because she wasn't wrong.

>> No.10764963

I know that and that's absolutely true, but a millionaire is still doing great compared to the average person and most people would consider millionaires to be rich. The difference between the top JPs and the top ENs is also not as big as the difference between a billion and a million. A billion is thousand times as much as a million, the top JPs get 3-5 times as many viewers as the top ENs.

>> No.10764994

>the EN market is smaller
>shes doing well in it
I think that's what he meant in the first place by "medium fish in a small pond." There are definitely bigger and smaller fish, and it's a small pond. You're just agreeing with him at this point.

>> No.10765088

Yeah, I wasn't realizing that he meant the EN market with "small pond". I still think she's one of the biggest fishes in the small pond that is the EN market, but she's a medium fish when you compare her to the big fishes in the huge lake that is the JP market.

>> No.10765133

Yeah, and a millionaire is a big fish in their neighborhood pond, but they're small time otherwise.

>> No.10765218

this is one of the biggest copes i've ever seen

>> No.10765369

This entire thread has been nothing but a cope.

>> No.10767307


Good analysis, my fellow redditor.
That said, it's also worth noting that even Nyanners "meme" videos feel like something she has to do, and not something organic. If I give her the benefit of doubt, I feel like she's limiting herself. Not sure why when Veibae exists.

>> No.10771475

>chases success
She was about to off herself because of her cancerous fanbase.

>> No.10773987


>> No.10774227

NTA, but one tale of her roommate that stuck with me was one where she took a look at her server and realized what a mess her fanbase had become. This was one of the last things she did before going radio-silent.
I suspect the constant pandering and party-girl antics that made her popular ultimately wore her down. Don't rely on this, though; I wasn't there.

>> No.10774332

she could have been making millions, raking in sponsorship deals, guest appearances in games, voice acting in games and anime
threw it all away to be a woke asshole on tumblr lol

>> No.10774449

It's funny how pretty much she had the same background as Gura but because of poor management and lack of understanding of her audience she's one of the most hated vtubers and is held alive just by brand of her group.
If she would be clever, she would scrap off "Nyanners" and start fresh, just as Gura did.

>> No.10774574

I can believe this one.
She was depressed, perpetually drunk streamer drowning herself in self-depreciating comedy.
Hololive and being forced to start fresh without baggage of the past saved her life, kinda.
I think while "UUU RED GURA" memes are cute and all, her original song was meant to be more personal - it was about her dealing with the past herself.

>> No.10776032

I was there. She buried it because she was trying to get va gigs. It was more "I'm excited for the future, my pink cloud" and less "wtf you guys are gross." Modern western girl shit, she couldn't be satisfied with what she had and had to try to be a normie. Hell, this was before reddit9k, feels, and incel culture, and everyone was rooting for her.

>> No.10776175

I fucking love Nyanners
I know you're reading this I love you

>> No.10776211

Probably the only way she knows she can acknowledge her past while under kayfabe, other than dropping hints and responding to past running gags. "I'm sorry, I have to leave, but thank you for making me who I am" is the conclusion she found - not exactly groundbreaking, but it's one of the best paths to closure.

>> No.10782887

This. As if most oldfags give a fuck about Nyanners anymore

>> No.10783354

do you people live in an alternate dimension or something?
she's doing a lot better in her current situation than she would have had she sold out to hololive, and even on a slow day for her she gets at least twice as many viewers as any nijiEN
imagine believing that someone's entire life is ruined because like 200 people on one of the most widely despised websites on the entire world wide web have a hateboner against her

>> No.10783414
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where do you think you are?

>> No.10783432

on /vt/ responding to cringe

>> No.10783500

Love streaming, let alone vTubing, wasn't much of a thing 10 years ago. Back then, content was pretty much making YouTube video.

>> No.10787923

>Love streaming

>> No.10791369

lol I love nyanners now
forget all my comments in this thread before

>> No.10791565

This thread reeks of women, are all of you women? or just catty bitch men

>> No.10791615

anon this whole board is filled with gossiping niggers

>> No.10791652

I doubt it. Gura comes across as very sincere in her brand of being a massive memey dork. Nyanners has always been a shallow trend chaser.

>> No.10792974

Pink Cat good.

>> No.10793015

She pretty much says it every other solo stream. It got a bit old after a while.
t. nyanners enjoyer.

>> No.10793246

I want to cum inside pink cat and take responsibility

>> No.10793293

The metaphor doesn't really work due to the fact that in the EN chuuba scene the only signficantly heavier hitters are Gura and Kronii unless you try and account for Susan's liveviewer number suppression, which we can't really do accurately. She's no Lebron, but James Harden? Possibly.

>> No.10795534

Why are you so fixated on her?

>> No.10796389

it's simple
lolicons delude themselves that they aren't just pedophiles because the truth hurts
the realization nyanners came to, along with the very necessary move of denouncing lolicons to avoid cancellation by her growing western audience, threatens this delusion
hence they will eternally seethe about pink cat as they will never be able to accept the truth about themselves

>> No.10796627

Yet most memes come from here.
It's more about everybody looking up what's going on there and copying all the good shit.

>> No.10796696

Women are incapable of acknowledging mistakes, so no, she doesn´t regret anything.

>> No.10796808
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Also, see >>10762610. The anon has a hateboner against her, but he's right. She's doing fine, but given her position and history, she could've been doing MUCH better. At least better than what a girl that started as a literal copy of her managed to do.

>> No.10797136

May I have a quick rundown, please?

>> No.10797546

Ever seen the pom pomf parody of ponponpon? WIth images from the loli h-manga The Light of Tsukimi Manor? Nyanners did it.
>started namefagging during the old raids
>vocarooing and doing shit on this hellhole ( https://files.catbox.moe/3k1qhg.webm but catbox is shitting itself now, see https://z.zz.fo/jDaAo.webm for a backup)
>eventually release videos that cater to this place (trollchan, pomf pomf)
>on your way to becoming known
>shit happens
>on 2015, decide to pull a joji and distance yourself from your past
>but then, you also decide to denounce your former fanbase (specifically, anyone that liked the pomf pomf parody) as pedophiles
>become a regular streamer
>later become a vtuber
That's it. Lots of other things I can say (she did it for a VA position, to blend in with the old tumblr crowd, etc.), but those ones are factual.
Feel free to correct me if it's the case.

>> No.10798031

So instead of being quiet about dumb shit she did in past she decided to go full retard and insult her old guard?
But what it has to do with stuff OP said? She isn't big because of the dumb shit she did or because she went around calling old fanbase pedophiles?

>> No.10798040

>troll chan
Troll-sama, I mean. I have to proofread even my QRD now.

>> No.10798160

>She isn't big because of the dumb shit she did or because she went around calling old fanbase pedophiles?
At this point >we can only speculate. My objective and factual opinion? No side would actually commit aftershe showed she could backstab even her older fans. As I said, Joji distanced himself from his past, but he didn't pull something like her. Even the bluetuber did a "let's try to be more classy, keep a lid on the retardation, okay?".

>> No.10798309

nyanners is still pedobait, you're just extra neckbeardy pedos screaming "I'm not like the OTHER pedos, I'm one of the good ones!"

>> No.10798371

waste of space. KYS

>> No.10798662

You repeated what I said.
Things that live only here die here. Things that don't, they thrive.
Also don't even kid yourself, most memes don't come from here, not any more. This place is nothing now. This might have been THE meme factory of the last decade, by that I mean 2005-2015, but it is far from that now. This place died. This place is a consumer site. Everyone that cared to put effort in fucked off because of lack of moderation killing the site.
The only ones left - us - are here because we are bitter fucks too stubborn to flee the sinking ship. I've been superglued to this shit ship longer than moot has and I have no intention of leaving. If it gets any worse, I'll even help.

>> No.10798916

>The only ones left - us - are here because we are bitter fucks too stubborn to flee the sinking ship.
Where I'm supposed to go? No other place is like 4chan.

>> No.10799404

Not as much as lolcow farms' /w/, but /vt/ is unironically full of women gossiping about women they envy. Plenty of dudes too, but no more than half, if that. Source: my ass.

>> No.10799491

>Gura is the Freddie Mercury of vtubing minus the homosexuality and AIDS.

And I wouldn't definitively rule out the homosexuality.

>> No.10799651

No, I'm seriously asking.
Reddit's comment system is too much of a cancer to go there.

>> No.10800970

I'd say liveboards like doushio, but they're all fucking dead.

>> No.10801059

Anon. She doesn't care no matter how much your project your retarded narrative. She got to collaborate with fucking Kizuna A.I. and is one of the faces of a popular western indie branch. She's doing just fine and has no need to concern herself with her past mistakes or trying to be like Gura.

>> No.10801132

>She got to collaborate with fucking Kizuna A.I.
Considering she shilled NFTs, I'd say her current popularity is only because of her old fame. I liked her before, though.

>> No.10801248

>Things that live only here die here. Things that don't, they thrive
This. If you want an example, Minecraft was originally posted on /v/.

>> No.10801424

/vt/ is so fixated on trying to make Nyanners look like this horrible person that they are willing to look at her distaste for drawings of children getting raped and say "she's awful" despite that being a rational response especially when trying to keep a positive public image. Not to mention a majority of you fags feel the need to openly lie about Nyanners wanting to apply to Hololive despite her being very brutally clear that she wants to remain independent and remain an Indie.

>> No.10801529


>> No.10801572

>despite that being a rational response
As I said before, she could've just pulled a Joji and just distanced herself from it and then pulled a toby fox if anyone asked her about it like he does with furfags.

>> No.10801679 [DELETED] 
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>>despite that being a rational response
>As I said before, she could've just pulled a Joji and just distanced herself from it and then pulled a toby fox if anyone asked her about it like he does with furfags.

>> No.10801684

>trying to make Nyanners look like this horrible person
Nah, she does it to herself.

>> No.10801751

She was never really known for being a smart individual. Even she knows this.

>> No.10801770

I accept coalchama's concession.

>> No.10801841

>spineless rat
>always plays the victim
>weasels out of responsibility
Is there any reason why she isn't living in the gutter? "shes cute" isn't an answer, there are cute indies far more deserving of your attention over this human slime

>> No.10801918

>Is there any reason why she isn't living in the gutter
Well for starters, she's making money on twitch. Secondly, no one outside /vt/ cares enough to do any research to see if these claims are true.

>> No.10801922

Most of her older fans and the tumblr crew she got still watch her. And she has been at this game for a long time.

>> No.10801939

What mistakes anon? She's very successful and popular. Pink Cat cute. CUTE.

>> No.10801998

Yeah, that's good. I still get a laugh out of her "Nyan's not hot" cover too.

>> No.10802016

well duh, it's easy to make money off that website when you're a piece of shit

>> No.10802241

>two faced
I don't agree that telling pedos to talk a walk can be considered two faced, anon. The can, and should fuck off.

>> No.10802422

>cute indies far more deserving of your attention
They never had their lucky moment. I've said it before but hard work helps in slowly growing, keeping your fans AND making you capable of taking advantage of lucky moments. Without those, you won't have an explosive growth. Think of the Christmas Miracle for Cover, PomfcPomf for Nyanners and Rin's Country Roads for Nijisanji (although the last one was consciously avoided). Nyanners has had both lucky moments, time to grow and, like it or not, works to keep her fans. That's what gets her on the same level as two big-gish companies. Yet I feel she could have been bigger. Your indies, on the other hand, are only juststarting and/or probably haven't had lucky moments.
Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.

>> No.10802476

I never argued she was or wasn't. I'm just stating facts. She's filthy fucking rich simply because of twitch. She won't be "living in the gutter" anytime soon.

>> No.10802481

what about sjws?
checkmate retard

>> No.10802615

What did Toby Fox do? All I know is he used to do homestuck music until something happened

>> No.10804042

I enjoy pink cat, even when she shitposts her own threads

>> No.10804480

she's cute and I want to cuddle with her

>> No.10804924

Nyanners will always be a faggy trend chaser but I'd kill to get quality JOI with her deep voice

>> No.10805115

If you're reading this I'd also kill for good JOI

>> No.10806068

I like pink cat, but I simply mentioned that there was an old VOD of her Twitch stream posted to YouTube and I was permabanned from her discord and her twitch chat (and, oddly, her subreddit), so perhaps either she or her mods are over-reactionary snowflakes, perhaps maybe.

But I wish her well in her endeavors.

>> No.10806505

She got her foot in the door super early and hyper commited to the fake voice.

>> No.10810003

He's just good throwing out furfag questions on Undertale during interviews

>> No.10810516
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>Do you ever think she regrets her mistakes?
How are you neckbeards still coping about shit no sane person cares about?

>> No.10811317

nah, thats just the lack of cock around her social circle

>> No.10812949

that's a lot of projection nyannersfag

>> No.10813819
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>> No.10814416

what are you doing in my dad's tool crib with those halloween decorations my guy?

>> No.10815043
File: 1.73 MB, 3264x1632, P_20211003_192252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Split up and take
it to em !

>> No.10815199

who are you giving these out to?

>> No.10815260

>so perhaps either she or her mods are over-reactionary snowflakes, perhaps maybe.
Nyanners mods genuinely are on a constant power trip. If you have BTTV enabled, you can check what kind of posts are getting deleted and they are usually inoffensive. I seriously wish she hired better ones, but so long as her streams stay enjoyable... I guess shit like this is okay.

>> No.10818838

making tens of thousands a month playing videogames for a few hours a day, i doubt she regrets anything

>> No.10819236

>She's too vulgar and sexual for Hololive.
Matsuri loves loli, Marine wants drugged and raped, Nene loves to be degraded. Hololive is just as bad.

>> No.10822051

Threads like this are exactly why it's over-moderated like that on her socials and chat

>> No.10825557

>gura is supported by a legion of 3.5 million pedophiles
If this is how you see things you shouldn't be here lmao

>> No.10825592

This model is so ugly and is barely anime.

>> No.10825787

Nyanners doesn't use her 3D model. Apparently she doesn't like it either.

>> No.10825830

whichever retard refuses to let this thread die needs to rethink his life choices

>> No.10825833

Lmao based for once, people need to stop thinking this model is the most beautiful thing in the world just because of some extra mouth movements

>> No.10825915
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>> No.10826022

>better eyebrow movements
>better eye tracking
>better movement of range for the entire head
>better mouth movements
>added arm tracker
Yeah, totally just some slight mouth adjustments.

I think she doesn't like it because during it's showing she said she felt uneasy from how "real" it tracked her, how it shows her constantly fidgeting from anxiety, and the tiny yabs that happened. Like her revealing shes a chubster with her irl hand measurements and saying she has "chubby" hands before gasping at her leak and trying to laugh it off and move onto something else.

>> No.10826595

And it still looks like some absolute dogshit made with free assets

>> No.10826851

It really doesn't, but I hope you get the money they owe you or whatever your issue with them really is.

>> No.10826873
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>revealing shes a chubster
You know pictures that disprove that are readily available one search away, right?

>> No.10826985

the covid pounds....

>> No.10827163

The sub 60bpm heartrate...

>> No.10827236 [DELETED] 

but /pmg/ told me that's from the benzos

>> No.10829178

Middle-class actually, money would absolutely solve most of my problems. Easy NEET life.

>> No.10829481

Pink cat good, she's just misunderstood.

>> No.10829504


And yet she fucking hates her situation which she talks about all the fucking time in her secret second channel

>> No.10831178

Hate is a strong way to put it, just feels like the bright pink cat motif isn't really her personality any more, that's about the extent of her grief with her situation.
I mean, how many of us have had the same avatar since we were like 13-4

>> No.10831452

She has spoken about gaining weight, which she seems oddly happy about, though she used to call herself a sting bean/slender Man knock-off, do maybe she's feeling good about finally getting some curves

>> No.10831575

i have all that existential dread and sadness, but I also have to worry about not being able to pay my bills and work for pennies. it's absolutely always worse to not have money. you're obviously someone who's never NOT had money and had all your problems PLUS poverty.

>> No.10831916

>no one outside /vt/ cares enough to do any research
Most of her simps know about her past, her chat exploded in keks when Haruka teased Nyanners about pomf. It's /vt/ that has a weirdly warped perception of how Nyanners actually is.

>> No.10832010

They’re Japanese so it’s unironically ok, western whores get ran through by Jamal
