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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 104 KB, 720x609, OH NO NO NO NO HOLOBROS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10636312 No.10636312 [Reply] [Original]

How can a literal who indie have better numbers and 3D than the best and most entertaining Vtuber company? I KNEEEEEL

>> No.10636333

>Not EN
>Closes stream

>> No.10636352

>literal who
Fuck these newfags

>> No.10636357

Good for her, maybe if indies start to outmatch Cover's ancient technology, they will finally do something...hehehe just kidding, sooner sun will freeze.

>> No.10636364
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>> No.10636391

Hoobros, you don't need to be salty, just enjoy.

>> No.10636392

Nijiniggers always saying Japan this Japan that Nijisanji = Japan shit and yet they don’t know her. A fucking who with 2.05m subs? Retardation at its finest

>> No.10636404

This isn't /jp/ retard. Of course no one is gonna know who this whore is.

>> No.10636406

The New Era after The Fall

>> No.10636416

She’s not exactly a literal who, her previous avatar was one of the original vtubers kaguya Luna that came shortly after kizuna ai

>> No.10636424

>literal who

>> No.10636433

these newfags who dont' know pmaru and what her roommate has achieved in vtuber industry... why even bother live newfags

>> No.10636436

Your fucking history reps please

>> No.10636437

Funny how rent free they live in your head when there was no mention of niji prior this post

but yes please continue blaming them to feel better about yourself

>> No.10636438

Cool I guess? Not gonna bother to watch since idolshit is cringe but have fun or whatever

>> No.10636453

bump the other threads for maximum visibility and maximum seethe


>> No.10636458

Wait since when did she return? Amd why it doesn't show up at my notification? God damn Susan and her pajeet slaves

>> No.10636466

This wasn't the New Era she promised...

>> No.10636475

Newfag. Everyone knows all Nijiniggers seethe at Holo for being more successful then them even though they put more effort and Holos just raking in the money without lifting up a finger.

>> No.10636504
File: 84 KB, 1136x640, DUZWcj9VoAAVHYl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literal who

>> No.10636508

What what the fuck are you serious I am completely out of the loop she was my favorite.

>> No.10636509

after Destruction, Creation..

>> No.10636523

>dragging pmaru's name through the mud
At least wait until her stream is over. I don't have any expectation for Nijinigger falseflagger but this is a new low.
Also please watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVItBIkQPGQ&ab_channel=P%E4%B8%B8%E6%A7%98%E3%80%82

>> No.10636528
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>Literal who

>> No.10636531

Amazing how you niggers will always look for a reason to fight. That's why the rest of the board laughs at Holobronies and Nijiniggers. Fuck off already.

>> No.10636560

Feels like coping cuz rent-free ngl.

>> No.10636565

Nijinigger doesn't know the former vtuber LMAO keep seething to holobronies retard

>> No.10636566

Good for her!

>> No.10636567
File: 607 KB, 790x643, 1632997365443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People taking OP seriously
Don't you have a stream to watch retards? Stop biting

>> No.10636586

i honestly prefer if there was no conflict at all but it's people like these that perpetuate it because they like to point fingers to a group instead of just saying fuck you to an individual

>> No.10636592


>> No.10636609

I said fuck off, leave already.

>> No.10636622

PMaru x Kizuna Ai x HimeHina
for old times' sake

>> No.10636623

Yeaz, I only caught this because someone in Numbers notified us that this was happening.
Fucking Susssaaaaan

>> No.10636625


>> No.10636628


>> No.10636660

When Shark gets 3D she'll mog the fuck out of this show.

>> No.10636679

I'll actively spam the ID manager to protest if she gets 3D before her senpais. The ENs need to know their place.

>> No.10636683


>> No.10636689

Nobody gives a shit about botted numbers, this noname's gonna get forgotten in a week once the bots are gone.

>> No.10636695

Rest in peace Kaguya Luna...

>> No.10636702

no one cares chumbud.

>> No.10636712



>> No.10636718
File: 798 KB, 1922x1079, Screenshot_20210930-181034_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope is lost lunabros... she'll never come back. Take the pmaru pill

>> No.10636722

She can get it after ID and it'll still break 110K.

>Meme 3D

>> No.10636727

this is some massive gigacope rn

>> No.10636745

Numbers are debuffed because it's a collab since the bitch Kiara and parasite Mori is there. Gura alone can break records.

>> No.10636751

Damn, she sings and performs really well

>> No.10636761

I miss luna and her kouhai, bros...

>> No.10636771

enough !

>> No.10636805

>Gura shit rigging new costume got 192k viewers
>better numbers
delusional retard

>> No.10636832

>her kouhai
she's still around..

>> No.10636833


>debuffed cause collab

You chumbuds really need to stop coping lmao it was an entire gen collab that had all of Holomyth's audience in one place and even had the anniversary buff on top of that.

Keep Seething

>> No.10636853

>not getting koshien number

>> No.10636867
File: 181 KB, 825x369, 1632998266160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Comes back
>Fans instantly try to pick a fight with HL

>> No.10636875

>Holofaggot proud muh 192k
> when it was proven Yagoo was paying for viewbots during that period because they kept losing to Nijisanji
Kek rumao, whatever makes you sleep at night Holobrony

>> No.10636878


>> No.10636879
File: 862 KB, 777x1098, luna n frens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't believe I can finally use this image on this board

>> No.10636893

You shouldn't cope like that Anon

>> No.10636903
File: 593 KB, 2048x1820, kaguya luna and ai chan meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel old, but might be for the best, I was an EOP since the dawn of vtubers and I still am.

But I don't need to understand shit I love her energy and I love her voice, she was my oshi and seeing her like this will easily bring me back to where it all started.

Pmaru, thank you for always bringing a smile to my EOP ears

>> No.10636902

>when it was proven Yagoo was paying for viewbots during that period because they kept losing to Nijisanji
post proof next thread

>> No.10636907

>nijinigger salty their EN branch can't get 192k
rumao rumao nijikeks

>> No.10636927

I member there was a time where ai's and some of luna's vids would be english subtitled

>> No.10636932

God I miss Luna so much

>> No.10636939

Waited for 20 mins to start her bots to pump up
>seems legit LMAO
nijinigger seething because your oshi will never reach number like this?

>> No.10636945

Am I the only one who likes the small stage

>> No.10636955

100k for a 3D reveal! The wait is worth it

>> No.10636961

Nijisanji 3d debuts got more viewers

>> No.10636964

>Holobrony ass mad their memeshark's "record" was broken 3 times by Niji this year alone
Rumao, stay seething faggot

>> No.10636978
File: 319 KB, 2048x1305, ai and luna by ai chan mamma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ai's get subbed now officially, just takes time, but oh I do remember when we had that guy come to /jp/ claiming her was luna's translator, forgot his name but it was a sad time when he went away

>> No.10636983

How new anon?

>> No.10636999
File: 446 KB, 643x463, 100k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10637008

>literal who
>2 mil subs
>most of videos are misadventures of Tooi and Gel-kun that rtweeted daily by japanese
>most of this vids at least 1 mil views
>literal who

>> No.10637024 [DELETED] 

Not if her plane crashes before she gets to Japan.

>> No.10637025

>Have to resort bringing whole company to beat shark ( their 1st baseball shit mogged by outfit reveal )
>still can't coco
Yikes nijikeks shouldn't have pick fight with the superior one

>> No.10637031

>called her viewers losers EACH CHRISTMAS OR VALENTINE DAY
>people are still happy to see her back
Are you guys masochists? Do you enjoy being trampled on? Serious questions.

>> No.10637045

that's cool, ill call the larpers for the reaction you guys want give me a bit

>> No.10637057

Where do you think you are?

>> No.10637065
File: 72 KB, 1000x1000, 1632558873017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10637066
File: 13 KB, 300x181, jokes on you im into that.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a faggot or something?

>> No.10637078

This is archived right guys

>> No.10637117

still there for me

>> No.10637245

She'll literally never get this again while Holos can easily get 100k+

>> No.10637273

Cope nijinigger

>> No.10637302

Why are SEAtards always /v/tards as well?

>> No.10637337

copado y seethado

>> No.10637345

this might be the shittiest bait ive seen in the entire month lol

>> No.10637347

cope holofag

>> No.10637372

Why are you this mad? Get a life.

>> No.10637388

this is my life telling you to cope nigger

>> No.10637391


>> No.10637458

Pathetic numbernigger

>> No.10637469

This place is the epitome of cancel culture and defamation.

>> No.10637520

the SEAs from Numbers thread, they are lower than bugmen, a literal subhumans.

>> No.10637555

You're free to go back

>> No.10637562

>a literal subhumans
>a literal

You're either a retard or a SEA yourself, which is it retard?4t4tp

>> No.10637575

what the fuck are you even talking about? Luna used to get 200k on her live concerts

>> No.10637606

It's about fcking time! She's adorable. I hope she's ready for some collabs.

>> No.10637612

Post the link for us EOP bros onegai....

>> No.10637633

>used to
You said it yourself

>> No.10637903

Sick comeback. I'm shaking.

>> No.10638048

no shit. She abandoned that channel you fucking retard

>> No.10638150

No need to seethe

>> No.10638351

You mean the guy who works for hololive now?

>> No.10638794

Literally who

>> No.10639334
File: 625 KB, 622x728, 1600359204639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10639494 [DELETED] 

Anon...whatever your planning I want in

>> No.10639652
File: 187 KB, 610x409, finalboss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura and Pekora would have to fusion dance to beat this Pmaru chick

>> No.10639777

holobros, you don't actually think it's just nijibros who hate your shitty company and fans do you...?

>> No.10639802

Nah, this chick can't even touch gura shoes number, failure indeed

>> No.10639863
File: 435 KB, 378x644, 1629636120164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, not all holo antis are nijifags there are also 2view groomers, other non-holo corponiggers and just retards who hate vtubers in general but nijifags annoy me more.

>> No.10639928

I refuse. GIVE ME LUNA.

>> No.10639929
File: 594 KB, 1045x719, 1631432075438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure anon, sure

>> No.10639976

>Using Choco for this image

>> No.10640033

>99% of current Holofags got into vtubers from a clip literally centered around the word "nigger"
>Formed ghettos (/hlg/, global, random threads) on a board they migrated to and were not welcome
>Have been consistently chimping out everywhere they go for nearly two years now
>Tribal by nature, won't even hesitate to attack their own fan groups

>> No.10640066


>> No.10640102
File: 273 KB, 667x322, 1626285823240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope, seethe and dial number 8

>> No.10640131

Indies did that last year or maybe earlier.

>> No.10640157

>Obsessed with (other group) who they also blame for all of their problems

>> No.10640190

>shrek not shark

>> No.10640239

rent free kek

>> No.10640246

>Kaguya Luna finally come back as P-Maru in 3D
>thread doesn't even have anything to do with Nijisanji or even mentioned them.
>Holobronies scream nijinigger nijinigger nijinigger.
What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.10640301

/#/ leaking again

>> No.10640327

dub speaks the truth

>> No.10640348

PMaru explains why Kaguya Luna is dead for good

>> No.10640477

Kaguya Luna proof that Sony Vtuber will never take off. They will make Hololive look like bastion of freedom. The only good thing about them is that they might outseiso Hololive.

>> No.10640629

WAAAAAH WAAAAH. Baby want his bottle? WAAAH. Keep crying. It's gonna happen and you know it.

>> No.10640652

>They will make Hololive look like bastion of freedom.
errr no

What happened to her, was the same thing that probably forced Kiryu Coco to revert to Kson

>> No.10640722

almost every recent video of hers had 1m views, she'll be fine

>> No.10640892

>Nijinigger playing victim again
Every non-retard knows Nijifags will try to use everything against holo. Even kpop

>> No.10640910

PMaru was swindled by Sony and Vic. They pulled a Kiryu Coco on her.

>> No.10641002

>eyo we dindu nuffin, eez dem nijiniggaz n shieeet

>> No.10641068

Cool numbers, but at the end of the day, the average vtuber fan will know Hololive more than PMaru though

>> No.10641189

not holo=literally who=target of my hate
Now fuck off.

>> No.10641223

>the average vtuber fan
The western average vtuber fan, ftfy. Pmaru is already well known and loved in Japan and she was 1.5M subs before she accepted the Kaguya Luna gig.

>> No.10641286

Vtubing is not about JP anymore grandpa, it's a global thing now.

>> No.10641583

kill nijibronies

>> No.10641584

Nice deflection chumbud. What are you gonna do when senzawa returns because of mistreatment by cover?

>> No.10641643

>it's a global thing now.
>This is what chumkeks actually believe
One girl with all the subs isn't even breaking the niche

>> No.10642020

A lot of anti-Hololive copes for this thread. Anyway, enjoy staying in a dying JP

>> No.10642160

ok nigger lol

>> No.10642250

Why did Kizuna ai fail while luna succeeded? They both went through a very similar experience, getting fucked over by their company.

>> No.10642352

>every video pmaru uploads gets AT LEAST 1m views
>ai struggles to break even 100k
It's pretty sad that the one known as the oyabun has fallen this low.

>> No.10642492

actually who, never heard of her

>> No.10642527

But she's not Pekora...

>> No.10642623

Try remove all EOP and Seanigger viewers and try again.

>> No.10642628

It is right there in the post you are quoting... EOP-chama...

>> No.10642785

>It is right there in the post you are quoting... EOP-chama...
yea but how do you read it? P-kanji-chan isn't cute

>> No.10642925

Jesus! Where did you dig this up! thank you

>> No.10643873

ignorant nigger should not be allowed to post in number thread

>> No.10644874
File: 16 KB, 469x259, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10644980

kek, mogged

>> No.10645042

>gets mogged by a dead chuba

>> No.10645104

Nijinigger, never mess with Hololive you monkey

>> No.10645139

OP chama kneel to holobros!!

>> No.10645161
File: 83 KB, 1842x815, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10645311


>> No.10645398

I can't read moonrunes I don't know who the fuck this is.

>> No.10645424

>>10642623 oh nyooo muh eop pls remove eop

>> No.10645484

>Holobronies literally cannot let anyone else succeed without mentioning their own numbers
Imagine being this weak

>> No.10645548


>> No.10645583

counter mogged at the last minute onononononono

>> No.10645590

Ai was fucked by people slowly being disinterested in her content
PMaru managed to get initial hype by genuine fans and dramafaggots wanting to know why she left, but stayed because her content is actually good

>> No.10645615

hololive isn't Sony anon, they can change with the time but Sony is much much worse, those 50 new vtubers will understand in the hard way or more like the Woke way

>> No.10645638
File: 43 KB, 950x102, OP is a faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fags started it, we're just retaliating back

>> No.10645663

go back to shill your talentless whores nijifaggots

>> No.10645697
File: 36 KB, 489x432, .......jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck....I want to go back to the times where liking mutts pretending to be anime would get you laughed at. Is there hope for vtubing anymore.

>> No.10645727

Yep, spot on.

>> No.10645793

This tirbalfaggotry is so lame, exhausting, and unnecessary to boot.

Why bother? Its fucking stupid

>> No.10646050

the thin-skinned anons won't survive on this board

>> No.10646394

because they saw it on /jp/ and think it's banter, and they are mentally ill

>> No.10646439

I ask the question, "what does cover actually DO for their talents?"
But independent marketing agencies exist, why is it necessary to sign up with this organization that controls you? If I wanted marketing as a vtuber, wouldn't I just hire an independent agency to do it for me?
But this is really about video game companies and music companies being stingy and preferring to sign exclusive contracts with companies like Cover, instead of blanket permissions for any vtuber or livestreamer.
>access within the singing/idol industry
Controlling access to various people in the idol industry is very parasitic to say the least. It feels like a mafia racket.
>3D models
Which they don't provide half the time, and which are often shitty and cheaply done, like Roberu's model
Instead of working with the vtuber, in an employee relationship, they are in the position of controlling and dominating them.
This is important, because you don't know how successful you will be as a vtuber. It's important to know that if your debut flops, you will get redistributed some money from the people who were actually a success. But for the successful ones, why do they stick around?

The big sticking point is that Cover is controlling access to the talents. So you cannot collab with Sora, or Pekora, unless you are part of hololive, or unless you go through them. They have effectively cornered the market on all of these talents and constructed a walled garden around them. It's a private party, and it will cost 30% of your earnings to get in.

They are also exploiting the youtube algorithm so that girls with the "hololive" tag get promoted over everyone else. And they have created intense brand-name loyalty and tribalfaggotry, so many people will only watch hololive and nothing else. I suspect they also have some kind of relationship with the moderators on 4chan to promote their company.

>> No.10646699
File: 1.07 MB, 1280x720, 1623226021439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mogged by a fucking free chat waiting room

>> No.10646889

Yes, it's always a nijinigger right? Hal, Sodapoppin, Hikakin, and now Pmaru used to shitpost

Wonder how they were never used against nijisanji, in the first place. Surprise surprise

>> No.10646895

>I ask the question, "what does cover actually DO for their talents?"
>they have created intense brand-name loyalty and tribalfaggotry, so many people will only watch hololive and nothing else.

>I suspect they also have some kind of relationship with the moderators on 4chan to promote their company.
Vtuber board has the worst censorship on 4chan. Roommate posting wasn't an offense before and public information will never fit the definition of "dox" you could post AI, Akari, and other personas counterbeings and be thanked by anons for on-topic information. It all started with cover's damage control for their japanese talents back in the /jp/ days and things have only become worse, it's impossible to still be a holofan today without cognitive dissonance.

>> No.10646981

Yes. The real reason it's a problem isn't that it's actually against the rules, but because it's harming Cover's profits.

>> No.10647371

Roommate posting was deleted under the
no dox global rule on /jp/. Now it's deleted as off-topic if it's even deleted at all. It will get you an outright ban if you post roommates in the niji thread. What the fuck are you even talking about?

>> No.10647603

Your comprehension anon
>back in the /jp/ days
means not the /jp/ that you know of today

>> No.10647649

>only become worse
Would imply it's even more heavy handed. Stop talking out of your ass.

>> No.10647697

>if you post roommates in the niji thread
Newfag lurk moar

>> No.10647765

>Cover has pull with 4chan mods
>allows roommate posting in hololive thread
>banned for posting it in niji thread
Is your IQ room temperature?

>> No.10647853

>Where are the factual yabs that weren't trashcanned
Yours is.

>> No.10647869

Your brain is melting in real time.

>> No.10647970

>Roommate posting wasn't an offense before
yes that was the problem

>> No.10648106

What cover gives talent is being in hololive. Most streamers are 2 viewer andys for years, many will give up long before they even get 10 regular viewers, let alone paying ones. Hololive skips spending years building an audience and having to stream while holding a regular job.

>> No.10648136

>And they have created intense brand-name loyalty and tribalfaggotry, so many people will only watch hololive and nothing else.
So much fucking this. Cover has a better brand and better marketing. It's impossible for Cover to lose unless they shoot themselves in the foot.

>> No.10648152

>Brain's melting from the fact humans are behind avatars, censor please I can't handle it! They're pure angels and must remain that way!
The average vtuber fan

>> No.10648179

>they are in the position of controlling and dominating them
and yet the 'cover doesnt do enough' retards constantly complain about managers not doing enough
>Controlling access
they're not controlling it, before cover its not like indies had free reign, they open it up
>wouldn't I just hire an independent agency to do it for me?
>And they have created intense brand-name loyalty
you contradict yourself. Cover did it better than anyone else
> it will cost 30% of your earnings to get in.

>> No.10648214

Why are you on a board that specifically prohibits real life discussion then?

>> No.10648342

>They're pure angels
>average fan
there it is
glad you admit you dont actually care about the topic
average redditor

>> No.10648498 [DELETED] 

There’s a translation in the replies

>> No.10648892

pls don't use my oshi for this shit, when Luna died, I found Coco and she filled the void that Luna left in me.

>> No.10650214

There's no way this was actually live, right? Or am I wrong?
The movements are super fluid (except for the mouth).

>> No.10650646

If he has 96k active viewers, she is anything but a literal who, i don't know her but the world doesn't revolve around me so

>> No.10650707

>glad you admit you dont actually care about the topic
We're talking history here, if anything it's you who do not care as you're stuck in your nijiholo tribalfaggotry bubble.
>in the niji thread
Didn't exist, there were four heavenly kings and .live
Read above stop subverting.

>> No.10651281

Who cares? Learn English or die.
