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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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10466778 No.10466778 [Reply] [Original]

I miss her...

>> No.10466804

Is China still a viable option for Cover?

>> No.10466824

This thread will be a steaming hot pile of shit, but same. She was genuinely funny.

>> No.10466826

She hates (you)

>> No.10466851

Absolutely not
They've been blacklisted after they pulled their streams from chinese sites and burned an entire section of talent

>> No.10466886

Do you guys really beleb the op? Are you really beleb him?

>> No.10466901
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chinese backstabbing bitch!

>> No.10466927

>he beleb'd The Judas

>> No.10466968

>Is Cover a viable option for China?
Ftfy, and no.

>> No.10466989

Doesn't she stream on twitch now? Her account says she broadcasted 3 days ago

>> No.10467445

Next time don't miss then, her large forehead is a pretty easy target

>> No.10467473

It's just an automatic restream of her bilibili stream, she speaks chinese and doesn't read twitch chat at all.

>> No.10467481

I swear to god that this exact thread was here two days ago.

>> No.10467880

Reminder: it was, in fact, Coco and Haato's fault.

>> No.10468334
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I will post this every time I see zhang apologist shit like this, fuck Artia, fuck China, and fuck you. I will bite the bait every time.

>> No.10468378

This but unironically, Artia is the pioneer of vtubing.

>> No.10468435

Tier one war criminals: Akai haato, Kiryu Coco, Shirakami Fubuki.

Also yagoo

>> No.10468443
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>> No.10468454

I thought she said she was leaving vtubing for a while to deal with her internet addiction.

>> No.10468768

OP some day I will find you.

>> No.10468834
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I feel like she got a lot of flak as a young and naive girl.
Yes, chinks are a horde of soulless drones. And yes, her discord is filled with a pile of drooling retards who used to raid the board on the daily back when it was still new. And yeah, she happened to mod a translator who happened to be a Coco anti and she might have banned him just after the fact.
But I genuinely believed her in her last moments when she said she just wishes the best for everyone. Think about it, she had just lost her job because of some unfortunate occurences clashing with her countrymen's overnationalistic values. And on top of that, she was told that they, along with her genmates, were allowed to keep the assets (live2D, identity etc) by a rogue manager but that same faggot either ended up backtracking or lied in the first place so she felt like she was lying to her fans. And the worst of all is that chinks were constantly nagging her to side against her co workers.
Innocent or not let's just all put this stuff into rest.

>> No.10468963

>Cover lied, Artia cried
Vast majority of their talent is shit, anyway.

>> No.10468973
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literally did nothing wrong

I wish she streamed in English again

>> No.10469267

She left for 3 months to get married and have a son, because she's popular. Do your reps for the full NTR experience

>> No.10469434

While it's not wrong, I hope you apply this logic to everyone and not that one anime girl because you liked her and thus are more open minded. Many culprits are made into monsters when the reality is more complicated and gray.

>> No.10471159

Remind you

Her discord maggots used Artia as ammunition for one China policy.
They even want Artia dead for them.

His name is Andy.
His name in Artia was Whitell.

Do not forget it

>> No.10471222

I dont.

>> No.10471232

> Cover not lied but her CN manager in Bilibili side lied to her.

Do not mistake
Bilibili can lie more than you think

>> No.10472109

Good riddance.

>> No.10472188

Her situation and background can explain her actions, but not excuse nor justify them
She deserves every bit comin towards her

>> No.10472263

She is not missing you, white pig!

>> No.10472323

>artiafags still wanna belive
a true schizophrenia

>> No.10472382

>literally did nothing wrong
no one believes that, aside from delusional artiafags

>> No.10472415

I don't really think she's horrible, but I pretend she is to piss off zhangs spamming this board just like they want me to

>> No.10472441


>> No.10476300

The only funny, cutest and genuine vtuber.

>> No.10476496

based i love china and death to americans

>> No.10477320

Eternally relevant

>> No.10477413
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the judas suffered because of her sins

>> No.10477437

but she did nothing wrong

>> No.10477765

Bilibili itself wanting Cover out and using the CNgirls and nationalists for that was always the most believeable rrat to me.

>> No.10477995

Sinofags deserve the rope

>> No.10478070

>all of my metaphors come from a Pagan re-branding of a Middle-Eastern cult
We get it, you're American.
