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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.90 MB, 2000x2500, cutie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10444302 No.10444302 [Reply] [Original]

Kana is coming back from her short break tonight https://www.twitch.tv/kamikokana
Enjoy the stink. Revel in it.

>> No.10444821
File: 458 KB, 1470x2139, a toast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I missed this woman.

>> No.10446073

Kana doesn't give a fuck about you. Nacho loves you. Nacho cares deeply about you. Nacho thinks about you every day. Nacho hurts when you hurt. But Kana hates you. She despises you. She doesn't think about you. And she is the one hurting you

>> No.10446081

I hope she plays Carrion tonight

>> No.10446189

>genshin impact is a chore...just login, do my daily task, but all the story stuff, I don't care about
>worse ever ghibli movie is howl's castle, english dub
>if you see my browser tabs it's all filled with dicks since that's what you always see on skeb

>> No.10446278

Yeah but I don't give a fuck about Nacho.

>> No.10446352
File: 792 KB, 1547x1295, kana eating nacho cunny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, the one baiting the Nacho threads doesn't even watch Kana, you don't have to get mad.

>> No.10446362

Nacho doesnt know you exist
Kana doesnt know you exist
At the least if she hated me i would feel ok with living free rent in her head

>> No.10446520

How can you hurt Nacho like this? She's the kindest girl in the entire world. Couldn't hurt a fly

>> No.10446566
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>> No.10446714

Fake news Nacho always responds to me. Cause she loves me.

Truly kind girl

>> No.10446769
File: 379 KB, 707x699, 1626565310956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nacho is a corporate whore who sucks Chink cocks

>> No.10446771

Nobody cares about nacho nigga shut the fuck up

>> No.10446774

she don't want therapy
she don't want to go out
she don't want any exercise
expect suicide in 1 year

>> No.10446795

Lore update: Kamiko Kana has diagnosed clinical depression

>> No.10446855
File: 18 KB, 600x600, 1632709571403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kana soundtrack

>> No.10446894

It's a suicide stream.

>> No.10446962

I'm killing myself as soon as Kana does, let's GOOOO

>> No.10447011

>my dad told me in the car he thinks I'm
What? Thinks she's what? Freaky?

>> No.10447022

I thought we already knew this.

>> No.10447035
File: 3.93 MB, 2894x4093, 1441028115321561093_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nacho cares very deeply about you. Don't hurt her. Come to her. Love her as she loves you

>> No.10447066

He said she was faking it.

>> No.10447072

Faking it

>> No.10447121

>abloobloo I'm like sooo depressed :(
Just get a hobby and create something other than sitting on your increasingly fat ass you lazy weeb.

Until she isn't.

>> No.10447148

Dang that's the kind of thing you say to your child when you want them to kill themselves.

>> No.10447192

>kana talks about her emotional problems to her dad
>he thinks she is faking it
her dad is the person who knows kana better and he knows she is a fake crying bitch who loves to play the victims role

>> No.10447326

like the story of peter and the wolf?
she lies all the time that nobody will trust her when she has real problems

>> No.10447340
File: 557 KB, 850x784, 1632710228528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't you stop kana from watching the TikTok compilation, anon? You could have prevented this.

>> No.10447407

She definitely just got excited when she saw the dog's dick

>> No.10447425
File: 200 KB, 600x500, 1440995780966289411_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Beautiful kind gentle indie cat girl vs menhera fox whore who was born in America

>> No.10447431

i thought visiting her family would made her feel better
but here we are watching youtube videos instead of clearing weebed or playing some interesting videogame

>> No.10447441

She talked about playing Carrion, and everybody encouraged her, but she changed her mind at the last minute.
That slight 'oooOOOo' she made when the camera zoomed in.

>> No.10447447

She's depressed anon, if you try to stop her she'll start crying.

>> No.10447485

Kana is always more depressed after she sees her family.

>> No.10447491

Ask Nacho about it

>> No.10447568

im cringing so bad at the videos, i want to kill myself watching that crap but i cant stop watching kana

>> No.10447608

Are you one of those youtube faggots she was talking about? always telling her what to do and play and how to play.

>> No.10447635

>Dumb whore cunt vs sad fox
Kill yourself SEAnigger

>> No.10447681

I'm just listening to her on the second monitor while I watch a smash tournament on my main display.

>> No.10447816

I hated every time I saw that Drew faggot recommending Jaboody it sucks so much

>> No.10447853

this stream is boring as fuck but i appreciate she explained how she was feeling at the beginning and why she was going to watch boring videos today
hits less harder than when she just put the crap on stream and you think its her usual content

>> No.10447877

based rational poster. maybe she'll play a game anyway if she gets bored.

>> No.10447917

Thank you anon, reading this makes watching the stream less depressing.

>> No.10448088

>reading Reddit posts
Why isn't she reading 4chan bros?

>> No.10448146

>She has a preferred Reddit style
I'm sorry bros, I have to unsub

>> No.10448186

People have been banned for showing 4chan on stream before, was a couple of years ago I heard about it I think so not sure if that rule still applies

>> No.10448220

nuReddit looks like shit. Old Reddit looks like shit too but nuReddit is an abomination.

>> No.10448227

Ok you can fuck off then

>> No.10448246

>People have been banned for showing 4chan on stream before
Even with no porn? That's so strange.

>> No.10448264

>Wholesome cute cat girl vs mentally ill American whore bitch
Submit to Nacho

>> No.10448269

Calm down, homo

>> No.10448453

Is it seriously going to be an hour of her reading reddit posts? At least microsoft sam was speedreading this shit.

>> No.10448487

She needs dick in her life actually, she should get a bf. An outgoing person not some loser neetike her.

>> No.10448510

>Fake wannabe spic vs beautiful crazy Hispanic goddess
Fuck that culture-appropriating pendejo, Kana forever

>> No.10448514

You should post this exact comment in her chat, I bet she'll respond to it.

>> No.10448584

I dont want to contribute to her alcoholism and future suicide.

>> No.10448592

You're not banned from her chat, faggot. Are you actually too big of a pussy to say it to her face?

>> No.10448648

do it faggot
then watch as she goes on a weeklong break

>> No.10448734

>Nacho wannabe spic

>> No.10448775
File: 139 KB, 1200x630, Kana gaming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10448804

Is this story about Kana?

>> No.10448912

she is so desperate that opened her discord dms
she will be flirting with the members of her hugbox until she decides which one she will fuck

>> No.10448969

I was encouraged to give lewd writefagging a try a few threads ago, and I finished a little story about Kana on drugs. It's about 2700 words, though. Should I shit up the thread here, or drop a link to a ghostbin or something?

>> No.10448973
File: 387 KB, 2000x1125, cute-anime-girl-close-up-aqua-hair-aqua-eyes[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nacho cares very deeply about you. Kana is a narcissistic, suicidal bitch. Jump ship. No low effort streams from Nacho

>> No.10449004

I don't speak Chinese

>> No.10449062

is she searching for the new scoopta?

>> No.10449072
File: 167 KB, 324x293, 1632712442810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone stop her.

>> No.10449138

>lost nearly 50 people after she confirmed she was going to read another one
Kana pls...the numbers...

>> No.10449151

She opened her DMs? She's totally going to fly a fan out to fuck her.

>> No.10449232

And I'm one of them. So boring.

>> No.10449356

She is actually wonderful unintentional ASMR.
Just put her reddit reading on the background

>> No.10449453

People are too stupid to do that for some reason

>> No.10449697


>> No.10449717

>she arrives
>shes some 200 pound fujo

>> No.10449780

mizuha is going to suddenly return

>> No.10449866

I'd recommend posting it here for people too lazy to click through. Creative stuff is the best thread content, don't feel like you're shitting up the thread. If you create a link though you can post it in the writing thread if you want. Either way I'm excited to read it!

>> No.10449880

This is some thirsty fucking bitch, shes like a cat in heat. Some anon that lifts please just fly her out and pound her so she stops being that horny.

But seriously does she actually answer? I barely watch her streams byt my life is boring enough that i he willing to fuck a vtuber girl for some excitement. Unless she actually is a smelly fujo, that shit aint cute, wash yourself Kana.

>> No.10449935
File: 1.59 MB, 1190x1684, 1615213103672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10450001

why there no lewd fanart with kana being dominant?
you bitches im going to be first to make one, mark my words

>> No.10450072

could you please draw one of her biting a man's dick off

>> No.10450082

When a kitten gets ferocious it will only be laughed at.

>> No.10450123

There is, but now I want you to stop being lazy draw it.

>> No.10450158

Alright, I submit for your consideration: Lovey-Dovey Sex with a Stoned Fox.

You jolt awake in bed, the mocking glow of your alarm clock staring back at you. It's 4:30 AM on a Tuesday. It doesn't get much worse than this. Ever since you've started working rotating shifts, your sleep quality has been pretty terrible. Rubbing the exhaustion from your eyes, you roll over and blindly grope at the bed next to you. You hope to grab a handful of fluffy tail, but find only the cool sheets. Between your schedule, her weird sleep patterns, and her rekindled passion for streaming, you haven't been able to spend a lot of time with Kana lately. You've protested, of course, but your complaints are usually met with some smug variation of "I'm a Twitch partner now. I'm super busy planning streams. Why don't YOU try getting a decent job, stupid!" Bullshit, she's probably out there watching shitty meme videos again. Considering you've got to return to work in a few hours, there's no point in trying to go back to sleep now. You shamble out of the bedroom and make your way towards the kitchen, and the massive amounts of caffeine needed to sustain your nightmare existence.

Stumbling down the hall, you head into the living room. It's dark, save for the soft blue light emanating from Kana's little command center. Her big executive chair, the third she's tried in as many weeks, eclipses most of her tiny body. You can only make out the silhouette of two spindly legs hanging off the ground, and a pair of fuzzy ears just barely peeking over the back. Spotify is faintly humming some milennial pop rock nonsense. Blink-182 or Maroon 5, maybe? Fuck if you can tell. God knows you don't love this dumb fox for her musical taste. As you make your way closer, your earlier suspicions are confirmed. On one monitor is a playlist of "dAnK mEmEs tO cUrE uR DePrEsSiOn!", and on another, Cookie Clicker obnoxiously chugging away. You roll your eyes as you creep up behind her. Flopping over the back of the chair, you wrap the petite fox girl in a surprise hug from behind. "Good morning, stinky", you say, planting a kiss at the base of her ridiculous little ahoge. A mumbly "Nnnh" is the only response you get. You release your bear hug on the delicate girl and spin her around to face you. She's in quite a state; her headphones rest lopsidedly around her slender neck, and she's barely dressed. Well, less dressed than usual, anyway. Her favorite sweatshirt lies discarded in a heap on the ground, and her pink, slightly stained panties dangle precariously around one of her ankles. Only her camisole remains, suspended by a single strap, and failing to conceal anything. Kana's stockings are nowhere to be seen. The little fox slouches loosely in her chair, eyes closed peacefully.

After appreciating the sight in front of you for a few seconds, you snap out of your mesmerized gaze. Kana's certainly a lazy slob, as evidenced by the half dozen Pepsi cans and the crumbs littering her desk, but it's not typical of her to pass out in her chair like this. You give the small girl a few gentle shakes, but don't get much more of a reply from her than some slurred giggles. Her normally pale skin is flushed a rosy red, and covered in a thin sheen of sweat. You can see a few slightly raw areas where she must've been scratching at it pretty hard. Next to her keyboard lies a prescription bottle, its contents spread across the desk. OXYCODONE HYDROCHLORIDE, USP 10mg / ACETAMINOPHEN, USP 325mg. Little white oval pills shimmer in the flashing lights of her dumb RGB keyboard. The scene laid out before you starts to make sense. Her back must've been acting up again. You'd warned her to only take a half a pill, given her nearly pediatric body weight, but by your count the silly girl seems to have taken three, maybe four, whole ones. While you're sure she was in some serious pain, you suspect your bratty fox was also enjoying the warm and cozy side effects, at least until she felt overheated, started stripping, and passed out. With a sigh, you disentangle Kana from her headphones before scooping the lightweight vixen up princess-style and carting her off to the couch. Kana's not known for her strong stomach or amazing bladder control even when she's sober. No way you're risking your goddamn bed... again. The dimestore couch, however, you're willing to sacrifice.

>> No.10450241

You lightly toss the zonked fox onto the sofa, her frail body landing with a cute 'thump'. The momentary weightlessness activates Kana's startle reflex, her pretty eyes snapping wide open. Cliché as it sounds, you can't help but get lost in those big pools of amber; their beauty marred only by her incredibly pinpoint pupils. This girl must be orbiting fucking Saturn right now. She catches your slightly flustered stare and her mouth curls into that signature vulpine smirk. Even at half speed, she still recognizes the hold she has over you. Languidly stretching out her arms, she beckons you closer to her. "I wanna cuddle...", she whines enticingly. Her luxurious tail flits back and forth repeatedly. Kana's being unusually affectionate, but you certainly don't mind the change of pace. After all, her typical idea of intimacy is insulting and hitting you until you grab the little bitch by the throat and bend her over the nearest piece of furniture. Deciding to take advantage of your new, demure little fox while you can, you slip onto the couch with her. Kana nestles into your chest as you once again wrap your arms around the amorous bundle of floof, your average frame dwarfing her tiny body. Her tail swishes happily against your leg, while her normally perky ears pin back against her head submissively. You feel the small girl's abnormally slow heartbeat and shallow breaths as she rests her flat chest against you, softly nipping and licking your neck. You're no animal behaviorist, but it definitely seems like the foxgirl is propositioning you. Pretty cutely too, you might add. Still, you wrestle with your damnable conscience. On one hand, she's pretty out of it, and you know she'd be wildly embarrassed at acting so out of character if she weren't higher than airplane glue right now. On the other hand, warm, lovey-dovey fox pussy. The moral struggle is real. Entire teams of lawyers argue the merits of both cases in the court of your mind. Witnesses are called, depositions given. Motions filed and summarily quashed. Your autistic metaphor is cut short when Kana strains her neck up for a kiss. Her lips are paler than usual, accentuating her already adorable little snaggletooth. "Chuuu~", she purrs. You barely have time to think, "Fucking weeb", before she locks her nubile lips to yours.

Content to let Kana do as she pleases, you return her needy kisses for a while. Her lips are a bit rough and chapped, and her mouth uncomfortably dry from the medication, but you don't care. Brats are fine and all, but you're secretly a big sucker for this kind of stuff too. You break a kiss long enough to roll onto your back, shifting the blitzed girl on top of you. Her silky, classic-length hair cascades over her small back as she straddles your torso. Kana's constricted pupils struggle to fixate on a landmark and her fluffy tail swishes around as she attempts to regain her balance. Her exposed, dewy slit glides across your bare chest as she settles herself for another assault on your lips. "I'm itchyyy...", she murmurs, nuzzling against your cheek. You accommodate the poor fox, gently sliding your hands over her lithe body. Her skin is flushing again, no doubt a combination of arousal and the histamines racing through her blood. Kana sighs appreciatively as you roam all over her, massaging gently. Slipping your hands up her camisole, you pay extra attention to her minute breasts, palming and rolling their supple flesh. Kana lets out a charming little squeak as you tease one of her pink nipples. Her desperate kissing resumes as you feel a mischievous hand reach back and snake its way under your waistband. Dainty fingers wrap around your hardening shaft, leisurely rubbing an itch of your own. Kana gives a few muffled giggles into your mouth as she rocks back and forth, the momentum of her stroking forcing her increasingly slick gash to grind against you. The loopy fox's ministrations continue, your dick becoming painfully constrained by your clothes. Kana ignores this, increasing the intensity of your mutual pleasuring. "Hey, Kana... I-", your groaning is cut off by a series of pleasant squeezes and a smugly satisfied look. The fox responds sweetly, "Hmmmm?", feigning ignorance. Still a little gremlin, deep down, apparently. "Ooh, sorry", she laughs, unzipping your pants and releasing you from your cloth prison. The wobbly girl stands up on the couch, and you quickly grab her hips to keep her from crashing over. You're subsequently treated to an eyeful of swollen fox cunny. Thin rivulets of girly juices stream down her legs, the rest having spattered all over you. You practically feel like you've been marked by the lewd fox. "Let me make it up to you~", she slurs cutely.

>> No.10450316

Kana spins around and plops down on your stomach. Her bushy tail wags across your face, obscuring your vision and tickling your nose. You unconsciously grip the thrashing appendage, pulling it closer to your face. The excited fox's sweat and natural musk invades your brain as you inhale deeply. You're totally engrossed in enjoying Kana's fuzzy tail when she suddenly grips your freed rod with both hands. Cute little gasps slip out of her mouth as she energetically jerks you up and down, stopping now and then to plant a few kisses on your crown. You wouldn't exactly call her a pro to begin with (and the drugs probably aren't helping), but her sloppy, earnest attempt feels amazing. You groan and stretch your toes, soaking in the feeling between whiffs of her fragrant tail. The slutty fluff's handjob feels good enough that you already consider just letting go and exploding all over her face, but you decide to hold out. Who knows when your next chance with Kana in this state might be? As if sensing your resistance, Kana abruptly takes you into her small mouth. You're not sure when she could have started salivating so much, but her previously dry mouth is now incredibly slick and humid. She fights to fit you into her, and you occasionally brush against her teeth; her little canine fangs in particular dragging against your skin in a surprisingly not-unpleasant way. She gags and hiccups a few times, but maintains her intense speed and suction. She crams your cock as far down her throat as she can, holding it there for you to enjoy. For a moment, you worry you're going to end up choking the poor girl, what with her still depressed breathing, but she gives you no indication of stopping. You push the thought from your mind, returning to enjoying her stinky tail. Pulling it to the side a bit, you discover her previously hidden snatch is practically flooding at this point. A few sticky strings of fox essence connect to a pool that's formed on your chest. Kana withdraws from your dick excruciatingly slowly, ending with a loud pop as a flourish. She gently licks the length of your shaft before ramming her nose against your balls, breathing in your scent. She's always had a weird thing about smells, you think, ignoring the fact that you've also been huffing her tail this entire time. "I can't wait anymooore", she pouts impatiently. She gives little kisses to each of your throbbing orbs as she wiggles her pert butt in your face. Extracting her intoxicating tail from your grasp, she reaches between her legs, spreading her soaked entrance open for you to see. "Come onnnnn!", she mewls wantonly.

You flip the horny fox on to her back and just about pounce on her. Kana yelps in surprise. She always wants to be held down, or roughly fucked from behind, even choked and spanked. But not today. Today you're going to fulfill your own degenerate fantasy on your doped lover. Resting the tip of your rock hard dick against her sweltering cunny, you peer into those stoned eyes of hers with a serious expression. "W-What?", Kana squeaks, her introverted nature leaking out at such directness. "I love you", you declare, forcing yourself into the tiny girl's vice-like depths. "I love you so much!", you repeat, sawing in and out of the squirming vixen. You lavish praise on her with every thrust. "You're so cute! You're smart! You're funny and talented! I love you!" She squeals and moans, every compliment causing her compact pussy to tighten a bit more. "Shut up, stupid!", she cries. A deep crimson blush spreads across her that you definitely can't attribute to the drugs. "You're just saying all that! You're lying! Idiot!" She tries to turn away from you, but you hug the thrashing fox tightly as you drive into her. "I love you! I love you!" Her breath grows ragged as you continue your barrage of flattery. "You'll make a great mom", you whisper into her twitching ear. At this, she screams out, hooking her arms under your own and wrapping her skinny legs around you. She sinks her fangs into your shoulder as her tail whips around violently. "Hnnngh!", your overstimulated fox moans into your shoulder, her tiny fangs drawing a little blood. Kana shakes and trembles against you, her foxy pussy spasming around your dick as she hugs you tighter. The display is too much for you as well, and you bury yourself as deep inside the lovely girl as you can. Pushing past the crazy resistance, you bottom out inside her plush canal, rubbing against Kana's womb and allowing her strong contractions to milk your imminently bursting cock. With a final, "I love you!", you erupt inside Kana. Spurt after spurt, you paint the interior of your lustful fox white. Stuffing her well past her limit, globs of cum leak around your dick, oozing out from Kana's abused slit with each of her continuing convulsions. Kana's bite relaxes, and she releases her death grip leglock on you. Panting, your exhausted floof collapses into the couch.

>> No.10450383

You catch your own breath, perfectly happy to lie there atop the small girl for the next 90 or so minutes of the aptly named 'copulatory lock' before Kana will actually let go of your cock. Something she inherited from her fox nature, it only seems to happen when her body thinks she's actually breeding. Apparently it's an evolutionary quirk to make sure foxes knock up their mate. Although you lack the knotted dick of a fox, she's still tight enough to function as a pseudo cock-ring, keeping you fairly hard and secured inside her. Maybe that's why she always wants it rough and violent instead? Resigned to your fate, you awkwardly fish around for your phone, texting a quick lie to your supervisor that you'll be out sick today. Might be COVID, you know. You carefully maneuver Kana into the recovery position, or at least into something that resembles it. It wasn't really designed in mind with having another person's penis inside the patient. You certainly hope Kana doesn't get nauseous though. In this position, it's going to be you getting a faceful of fox puke. You check the nodded out girl's pulse and breathing. Low and slow, but still okay. A quick sternum rub elicits an angry "Mmmmnnh" from Kana. Satisfied your little junkie isn't ODing, you relax and enjoy Kana's warm, involuntary embraces as you drift off into your own content sleep.
Hope it wasn't too bad. I've never written creatively before, but it was a fun little experiment over the week. I love Kana, and I love drugs. While I don't think she's actually popping pills every stream, the rrat of it is pretty hot to me. As I was writing it though, having Kana literally OD and slamming her with IM naloxone seemed a little too cruel, so it evolved into this super sappy story instead.

>> No.10450421

Now do one with Nacho saving you life after being abused by Kana

>> No.10450644

Nacho would have rather not stream than delivering this shit. Fucking Americans. Wish Japan nuked them instead

>> No.10450647

better to end a bad stream with honor than continue humilliating herself

>> No.10450715

Isn't she a literal goddess, according to LoRe at least?

>> No.10450750

Thanks for the storytime anon.

>> No.10450831

I would've honestly liked the tiktok shit over reddit junior high-tier spooky stories.

>> No.10450849

kana needs to read this next time

>> No.10450906

it impressed me that she managed to find something worse. i was actually relaxing watching the zoomer memes for once this time then she switched to that shit. i cant imagine whats below that

>> No.10451039

Apex stream with 2views and non vtubers like Ollie or Selen?

>> No.10451147

Nah that could actually lead to funny interactions although they don't kiss kana's ass so she'd probably just be silent.

>> No.10451258

Reading Reddit ToS from start to finish.

>> No.10451648

Well bois, was it worth the wait?

>> No.10451708

This was very well-written, anon. The sex scene was excellent. Thank you for posting it.

t. boss

>> No.10451790


>> No.10451909
File: 35 KB, 490x338, fug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was a very entertaining read, anon. I'm not normally into this stuff but you managed to make it really hot. Thank you for sharing it, it was damn long but well worth it. I'd be happy to read more from you.

>> No.10452138

no but tomorrow will be

>> No.10452882

do you think?
she isnt streaming tomorrow

>> No.10452954

Appreciate it. That means a lot coming from you, boss.
Thanks, I've only ever written scientific stuff, so I enjoyed trying something new. I might give it another shot in the future.

If anybody wants to reach out with suggestions or ideas, I'd be happy to hear them. You can find me on stinkys, the dark teal German name guy.

>> No.10452984

>not flying out to fuck the depression out of her with the rest of us

>> No.10453195
File: 84 KB, 246x248, smuggiest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, she's having sex with me tomorrow.

>> No.10453463

Anon join her discord right now, see the meetup address in announcements, and come fuck the fujo with the rest of us if you're in the area. This is not a drill, have you not read the thread?

>> No.10454007

Already booked my flight

>> No.10454199

sorry but i would never ever put my dick inside that gross thing

>> No.10454362

God dammit anon this is your one chance to not be selfish for once in your life and cure someone elses crushing loneliness. Now get in the damn fujo.

>> No.10454733

kana needs to go back to therapy

>> No.10454828

why is she depressed?
she is quite loved and popular for an indie. And I dare to say, she is good. She is unique combo of chill and sassy, something like chaotic neutral Ina. Plus superb design and cute voice.
so why sad?

>> No.10454904

junk food diet
no sun
no job
no exercise
parental neglect

>> No.10455279

She's a lazy, probably fat, weeb that lives in a den of her own making with shit like >>10454904 except for the parental neglect, she's a grown ass woman.

Changing any one of those things is likely to change another which may in turn change another, but it's easier to stew in your own pit of self-loathing and make total "jokes" about alcoholism and depression when it's clear you've been out of whack for awhile now but seriously guys it's just jokes really. She unironically needs a good dicking to reset her priorities.

>> No.10455450

That was really hot, very well-written. I'd love to hear any other stories you come up with if you feel like writing again, I kinda wish I would have asked you to ghostbin it so I can come back to it whenever. Maybe I'll just save it as a word file or something. The complement sex and her reaction was a great touch

>> No.10455574

Didn't have much social interaction during high school due to her family moving around a lot, making her unable to make any lasting irl friendships. I can only assume that the way she was raised didn't help much either.
I'm nothing more than another mentally ill anon in this thread, but I can relate to her when she talked about her feelings tonight. She should get therapy but she can't stand the idea.

>> No.10455843
File: 35 KB, 383x435, 1621461519067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dropped kana when she switched to twitch
>very rarely visit these threads
>scroll through it just now

holy fug, what did she do now? this is a straight up anti thread

>> No.10455970

>anti thread
We are literally on our ways to fuck her, what are you on about?

>> No.10456048

Anon of only you knew all the shit she said and did...
The threads are actually getting better since she's improving (not counting this stream). It's a shame that her content has gotten worse, but I still love and appreciate her. I cannot blame anyone for leaving.

>> No.10456255

She read Reddit spooky stories for an hour. First with microsoft sam videos then on her own. Of course this was after the tiktok video and her depression/therapy update but totally not update.

>> No.10456544
File: 20 KB, 1109x83, kana2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No wonder she is depressed...

>> No.10456648

i cant deny im kind of enjoying watching this bitch shooting herself in her foot with all the stupid unnecesary and irrational decisions shes been taking lately
but i would feel really sad if things go out of control and end in the worst way possible
she unironically needs therapy or dick, any thing that could make her feel better

>> No.10456734

She needs a weekly routine of dog-workout-therapy

>> No.10456894

Watch a stream sometime, it's like watching the second half of a now dying trashfire. Repeated breaks, darker and darker humor, forced laughter, and a slowing and sometimes prodding chat.

It's kind of sad in a way but like others have already said she seriously needs a hard dicking to get her head straightened out. It's just streaming you smelly fujo dork, it's not nearly as important as the warm feeling of being filled with cuuuum.

>> No.10456913

Watching trainwrecks is fun but I'm still sad that it's Kana. She really feels like someone who's going to end up dead.

>> No.10456921

I think she needs a boyfriend to cure her depression

>> No.10456940

>slowing chat
Only thing that isn't true. Her viewership seems to be going up actually.

>> No.10457069

I mostly just have her in the background, missed her first few weeks, and am comparing the speed to what the youtube chat was. If these are the "faster" chat streams than what they were then holy shit I can only imagine the levels of anxiety and imminent suicide filled the tension in those streams.

>> No.10457129

>only thing that isn't true
How do you know about the warm feeling of being filled is like anon?

>> No.10457166

She's a menhera bitch

>> No.10457170

this is something that i have found really weird in her twitch streams
her viewer numbers are increasing every week but her chat goes each stream slower
today chat stopped for some seconds many times during stream
i know most of her members dont talk in chat because they prefer to talk in the discord hugbox during streams but the rest of the viewers just play the stream as background noise or what its happening?

>> No.10457195

Her old chat was full of russians.

Chill, concernfags, I bet she is doing better than (You)

>> No.10457279

So where did those mongols went to?

>> No.10457351

>she is doing better
looks like somebody didnt put attention to todays stream

>> No.10457369

I'm not a depressed alcoholic menhera who needs the positive reinforcement of others to validate going to sleep without cutting myself.

Pretty sure twitch auto filters slavspeak now because of major bot spam.

>> No.10457434

I mean yeah, I just had her in the background. She wasn't really doing anything worth chatting about.
Kana is still fine, desu, people just want high engagement content every night. Reading plebbit is shit for straight viewing but it was fine enough just to have as background noise.

>> No.10457691

impossible, she doesnt listen to anybody
>i dont want a therapist telling me that i need to go outside because i know its not that the cause of my problems
she wont listen to a bf, she only wants somebody who kiss her ass or beat the crap out of her
also she is a mega bitch, she will only give drama to her bf and he will end up emotionally exhausted and probably as depressed as kana

>> No.10457764

that description is too similar to how kana described anak

>> No.10457795

Apparently here. Most of these anti-posts have the stink of ESL on them. Including (You).

>> No.10457838

>or beat the crap out of her
Yeah, thats what the bf is for. And how much drama could she possibly have? She's a fat, reclusive, dweeb she could not possibly have any sort of exhaustive list of shit to bog someone down with.

>> No.10458212

Today was a background noise kinda stream, you didn't need to see the text and read along with her or anything

>> No.10460942

Wonder if she's going to take the ASMR pill. Her voice is really nice, even if she's reading trash

>> No.10462047

I hope so, maybe she can do it in her real voice if she's worried she won't be able to keep up the voice while whispering. Slightly deeper Kana could be really soothing

>> No.10462489

Seethe that you will never be the kinda guy Kana wants, the kind to smack her around a little when she gets bitchy and then wreck her cunny until she's a quivering mess

>> No.10467017

I can beat Kana's ass

>> No.10467578

Why are all of you spouting this word so much? or why can't one anon stop saying it?. The only fujo thing she did was write Sniper x Spy smut.

>> No.10467616
File: 125 KB, 554x556, Boreale_profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10467759

Her Discord server I assume. She talked about writing them a long time ago and reading one in a VC.

>> No.10469440
File: 2.21 MB, 2220x2696, eggkanas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do (You) think the endurance stream is going to be like?

>> No.10469451


>> No.10472877
File: 270 KB, 846x1200, Cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why aren't you playing FPSs you dumb bitch you said you're the fps fox

>> No.10472900

I missed this woman.

>> No.10473806

They heard someone else use it and they thought it sounded cool so they guessed the use case and added it to their vocabulary. It's kinda cute

>> No.10477333

in going to be like a cancelled stream

>> No.10477398

>calls herself kana gaming on twitter
>realizes she doesnt like videogames
>changes her name to just kana

>> No.10478549

I've determined that she does like video games she just doesn't like playing them in front of other people

>> No.10478608

you know what she plays when she is offline?
i only know she has grinded in MH and played bloons offline

>> No.10478847

She plays genshin impact, league of legends, monster hunter world, monster hunter stories 2, and idles in cookie clicker. She was addicted to pokemon for some time recently.
Kana would probably like more games but she has some sort of mental deficiency that disallows her from sticking with most things for too long. She also gets extremely upset when the chatroom tries to tell her the solution to a problem in game which is understandable, though a proper tell of her insecurity. Kana gets so upset by being stuck in games that she tends to avoid them altogether.

>> No.10478965

Kana opening her DMs doesn't bode well

>> No.10479111

I'm going to make her mine

>> No.10479318

Trips of truth. Go get 'er, Scoopta Jr.

>> No.10480196

The prophecy has spoken, you da man trips. Go get 'em tiger.

>> No.10481008

Just tell her that you can fuck her like a dog and the battle is already won.

>> No.10481720

>dick isn't knotted

>> No.10482254

Its amazing the lenghts you orbiters go to justify a trash person just because she has a vagina.
Saviour complex? More like Beta complex.

>> No.10482305


>> No.10482556

I can save her

>> No.10482948
File: 165 KB, 256x256, thank you anon[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F1548h2.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the record, Kana actually loves me.

>> No.10484007

remember when kana said she would upload her bd commission to danbooru?

>> No.10484410

I am very tempted to DM kana obscure loli hentai on disord

>> No.10485244

Do it and post results

>> No.10486663

Do it make sure there's brat-taming or pet-play in it. She needs a good coom on her off-days

>> No.10493626

You won't, coward.

>> No.10493654

You're right, I'm a pussy

>> No.10495530
File: 784 KB, 2729x3860, 20210826_123003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this derpy little fox!

>> No.10495736

image you can smell

>> No.10495870

God I wish I could smell those STINKY NEET FEET

>> No.10497016

ok, this bitch is having an endurance on wednesday
how much she will last before a meltdown?
whatever we should think on activities she can do if she run out of ideas or motivation

>> No.10497231

>or motivation
That was lost long ago.

>> No.10497465

She should try to do something similar to her birthday stream with goals and events, but considering how lazy she's been with her content lately I doubt it.
Her best bet would be to play with her audience, that way she won't have to try to be entertaining as much.
She surprised me during the birthday stream, so I don't doubt she'll be able to last for a while.

>> No.10497650

She should build a card house with her feet on stream while doing lewd ASMR

>> No.10497682

She could also play team fortress 2 with the audience that would be fun

>> No.10497779

It would since it seems like a decent amount of her audience still likes the game, but she won't because of the bot crisis and >dead game.

>> No.10498151

>>dead game
Is she actually dumb enough to think that matters when she's playing with her audience? Actually you don't have to answer that, I'm sure she is.

>> No.10498383

This, add in some punishment games as well.

>> No.10498473

Thanks friend, glad you liked it.

>> No.10499665

Play the cheapest, shittiest games under 2 dollars on steam. No gatcha or freemium-chinc shit, but real games that are just so horrendously bad they may be good.

>> No.10501774

Review viewer submitted dick pics

>> No.10501813

Bad idea, Kana already has a bias for my penis.

>> No.10501898

Only because she hasn't seen mine yet

>> No.10502166


>> No.10502198
File: 103 KB, 850x793, __kamiko_kana_indie_virtual_youtuber_drawn_by_teranekosu__sample-b946f4426dba71ac1174da86d33638a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10502333

I didn't know she was into micro penises

>> No.10503708

kana is 4'1''
everything is bog to her

>> No.10504296

is kana fat

>> No.10504627

What do you think?

>> No.10505009

maybe she just eats one bag of chips a day

>> No.10505074

Chubby Kana makes me cum, so I would say yes. I want to tongue fuck her chubby belly button

>> No.10505782


>> No.10506475

I never said they smelled bad, their aroma is strong but heavenly! I'm sorry Kana, please let me lick your toes!

>> No.10506559
File: 1.23 MB, 1516x2188, kanacrys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kana's mood hinges too much on her viewers.

>> No.10507231

I used to booli all the time, but since the depression arc I've never been anything below at least slightly positive.

>> No.10507563

>the depression arc
Anon, the depression arc started 8 months ago, maybe even before that.

>> No.10507782

There are pretty large changes that have happened between then and now that don't make it seem like a joke anymore or the manipulations of a harlot.

>> No.10508191

yea she's pretty obviously actually depressed. probably why she's so stupid sometimes. also the thought of her brown butthole is hot

>> No.10509748

Maybe she just wants to be spoiled a bit

>> No.10511009

Obviously, she's a woman.

>> No.10515598

It's not just that though, the one mean comment every few minutes is the one she will focus on if not outright read, even though the rest are either positive or just neutral. Then she either goes into a forced laugh mode or an awkward moody fit, swapping or growing on one of the two until she ends the stream a little after an hour half the time. It's been months and the twitch chat is much slower than the youtube chat making it easier for her to pick them out. Needs to just have fun and ignore it but she unironically needs meds.

>> No.10515751 [SPOILER] 

>299 positive comments
>1 neggative comment
OKAY ! i'm tired i'm gonna stop streaming now guys bye !

>> No.10517321

imagine not knowing about kanabooru

>> No.10518547
File: 589 KB, 961x648, 645ada8ad13d34826af030576b0541b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Third floor...not scary enough to jump out of but also instantly fatal.

>> No.10519412

I remember when anons said she should get a gun for self defense. I don't trust Kana with a gun anymore.

>> No.10521171
File: 169 KB, 600x450, cri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this dumb and depressed fox!

>> No.10521975

She's using the grade school teacher method it's actually highly effective

>> No.10524041

She has the brain of a child, which is one of the most charming and annoying aspects of her personality.

>> No.10524118

She should take ASMR pill and do storytelling videos/streams

>> No.10526289

wasnt this the reason why she left youtube
because in a chat full of supportive messages someone tell her to stop talking and start the game
then automatically all youtube chat became fucking annoying pieces of shit even if people do nothing bad to her
she moved to twitch and chat is the same, maybe thats why she is so depressed in her unability to accept she was wrong and the problem isnt chat but her

>> No.10527683

let me guess, hugbox??

>> No.10528002
File: 274 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss that one time she read a chapter from a book she's reading
Quite a while ago though I don't remember the title
But she seems to enjoy it

>> No.10528493

i miss that one time she seemed to enjoy streaming

>> No.10529075


>> No.10530671

I hope Kana gets some help of any kind. She may switch between sweetheart and bitch all the time, but she also brought me happiness during some shitty moments in my life.

>> No.10531347

The one with the person who disappeared because no one paid attention to them?

>> No.10531860

Nah, the twitch chat doesn't suck the shit out of her ass nearly as bad as the youtube chat does. She still gets regular messages poking and prodding her about the way she left or how her content is seemingly getting worse and worse because of her current state of mind without being dogpiled by impotents that see her as their daughter-wife.
>too positive and hates the incel, over protective simps
>moves to twitch and gets "sleepy" after a message is read aloud on how the current stream is boring, or starts off being "not in the mood" if one dedicated person says three mean things in the first few minutes
>trusting a woman to know what she wants
Don't do this.

>> No.10532044

As a rational man I'd say she knows what the problem is so she should do something to fix it. I'm also a depressed man who can hardly bring himself to leave the bed so I understand why she's so fucking stupid.

>> No.10532099

I kind of assume her opening DMs on discord is a very roundabout and indirect way of asking for help

>> No.10532198

What does "opening DMs" mean

>> No.10532239

She's always a bitch, sometimes she just pretends to be a sweetheart

>> No.10532370

She'll receive your messages on discord without them being blocked. Unironically send her a dick pic or 3, she needs to feel wanted right now.

>> No.10532648

Her Twitter DMs have been open for months too

>> No.10532701

I'm glad she's being open but I do wish she'd reconsider therapy. She could benefit from it but sometimes it takes a few tries to find the right person to talk to.

>> No.10533005

Obviously that would be for the best. Can be really hard for someone to get up to it if their motivation is rock bottom. to convince her

>> No.10533025

>to convince her
Supposed to be: Probably needs someone in her real life to convince her.

>> No.10533128
File: 535 KB, 1200x560, what the fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone PLEASE draw these two horny brats doing unchristian things to a vaporeon

>> No.10533157

This, it's far too tough of a decision for someone to convince her over the internet. She needs someone to be there and look her in the eye

>> No.10533462

>using logic to rationality assume a depressed, attention-whore, female menhera's understanding of their own mental state
Don't do this.

>> No.10533621

You're embarrassing yourself, man

>> No.10533661

Please draw them getting raped in a Vaporeon cosplay instead.

>> No.10533685

One of us is depressed, the other isn't. I'll take my learned experience over theirs any day of the week.

>> No.10533967

I mean she's said as much, not really an assumption.

>> No.10533979

I mean...How is that wrong though? All streamers are, inherently, attention whores as they actively put themselves out to the public and compete for the attention of viewers. She's clearly depressed and prone to irrational emotional outbursts like with nacho. And women simply are more neurotic than men. Also add the alcoholism and vocally unhealthy basic lifestyle choices.

With all of those things together you really shouldn't assume anyone exhibiting those traits knows what their problem is if you're a supposedly "rational" person.

>> No.10534188

That wasn't me. As the original "rational" poster all I mean is that she clearly understands she's depressed. Logically if you know you have a mental issue you should work towards fixing it so you don't destroy yourself but realistically it's not that easy. That's all I meant.

>> No.10534262

she feels bad and doesnt know why
she doesnt want to acknowledge she is the problem and blame everybody else for that
she carries out a lot of changes in her life to try to fix the problem but doesnt try to fix herself
>i dont want a therapist telling me i need to go outside because i know thats not the problem

>> No.10534302

You didn't read the comment, you just wanted to rant (like you're doing now). Your comment looks incredibly stupid in context

>> No.10534335

Yes, that's the emotional part of depression getting in the way. You can know you're depressed but not know why. It's why people end up stuck in a slump forever. She needs someone to help pull her out like >>10533157

>> No.10534954

also she is stubborn as fuck
even if someone could help her, she would rather refuse that help before admiting something she doesnt want to acknowledge

>> No.10534994 [DELETED] 

why there so much concernfagging here all of sudden?
she'll be fine, she got plenty of people to hug her in her discord, many broken people can't even have someone to give some words of encouragement

>> No.10535181

why there so much concernfagging here all of sudden?
she'll be fine, she got plenty of people to hug her in her discord, many broken people have no friends to receive encouragement from.

>> No.10535305

Discord is empty encouragement from people who will kiss her ass no matter what, they're as good as nothing. I just don't want her to hurt herself.

>> No.10535885

Because it doesn't actually matter how many people are around to sing you praises.
Someone who is depressed and alone might think its unfair for Kana to feel the same way while having so many adoring fans, but the truth is that the number of people singing you praises and encouragement doesn't actually matter when it comes to this.

>> No.10537906

kana has a musty pussy

>> No.10537938

Nope, I read it again. Seems to fit.

>> No.10538077

My dick seems to fit in your asshole

>> No.10538234

Her depression better be from some real shit happening in her life like and not some first world "abloobloo my expectations of chat while streaming isn't what I want." Getting sick of having to wait 3-4 days for her to get off her fat ass so I can bully her.

>> No.10538381

her dad punches her in the face when he sees her

>> No.10539042

I punch her cervix with my cock every time I see her.

>> No.10540477


>> No.10541662

Hi Kana

>> No.10544610

shes been always depressed because shes living a pointless and meaningless life
but since she started living alone her depression has became worse
while she was living with her parents she was forced to socialize but now she is alone, there is no pressures or schedules so she literally lost the control of her life and now time just passes while nothing really happens
now she is trapped in a boring and tedious life, shes tried lots of changes hoping things get better but doesnt matter how much changes she does nothing really change because the necessary changes have to be in her head

>> No.10544969

>depressed because she has to be an adult
Oh ffs. The other anons were right, someone weasel into her life and take her to meaningless but fun female bullshit from time to time. Put a collar on her and ram her face into the pillow every now and then so she can live a life of no responsibilities but sprinkled with pleasures like she wishes.

>> No.10545244

>Put a collar on her and ram her face into the pillow every now and then so she can live a life of no responsibilities
I take solace in the fact that, theoretically, I'm doing this in at least one alternate dimension.

>> No.10545252

Sounds like the opposite. She's depressed because she hasn't learned to be an adult. She doesn't do anything but lay down in her apartment.

>> No.10545597

You're right.
Really her life isn't meaningless she's just taking what she has for granted. Instead of getting angry she should recognize that she's in a unique position where she has people who will show up every night just to listen to her speak. They give her money just for talking to them. Regardless of how you may feel about Kana, she's made an impact on others large or small. People would kill to be in her shoes. Maybe focusing all the free time she has into actually putting effort into her content, as well as using it to go outside and learn something would help.

>> No.10545865

>She doesn't do anything but lay down in her apartment
Because she doesnt want to. Because real life is depressing to sad sacks that can't face adulthood.

>> No.10546216

The problem is she doesn't have to is my point. She's able to lay in bed all day because she's just collecting money online. Most people have to do something or they'll end up homeless.

>> No.10546308

She'll learn quickly if the money stops because she fucks up.

>> No.10546897
File: 1.40 MB, 1620x2074, 1632872991989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyway this thread ended up more depressing than it needed to be. Kanner will be doing a short stream tonight, please look forward to that.

>> No.10547312

Why should i watch someone who doesn't care about her viewers? There are so many streamers who actually care about streaming and their fan base that it makes no sense following this stupid bitch

>> No.10547459
File: 94 KB, 671x379, 1632873590582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The same reason you come to this thread every day to post this same shit. You're obsessed.

>> No.10548550

Kana is a dumb menhera but she is also prime bullybait. Chat is less than dirt, why the fuck would you ever care about the other viewers or how they are treated? As long as a stream is entertaining, OR you entertain yourself by experimenting on the best way to interact with the stream/er, then it's all good.

>> No.10549339

...when was these?

>> No.10549711
File: 83 KB, 1024x806, depression.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm terrified of what acceptance is going to be like.

>> No.10549942

she will accept she need therapy and she will decide to listen to her therapist
so when they tell her to go outside or acquire healthy habits she will at least try them instead of saying that therapy dont work without even trying

>> No.10550581

she will stop taking chat seriously and she will simply have fun
so when they tell her to start already or exhibit daughter-wife parasocial attitudes she will ignore them and focus on relevant comments that she wishes her chat to be more like and exemplify them to passively train her chat to act how she wants instead of passive-aggressively reinforcing bad behavior you do not want or antagonize by being too direct

>> No.10550641

i dont care if she cares about her fandom
with all her menhera reactions its most than enough to entertain me
im really enjoying the depression arc but of course im waiting for a good end
although a bad ending wouldnt be a big deal to me because i stopped caring about her long time ago

>> No.10550709

this sound too mature for someone like kana
maybe in five or ten years but i cant see this happening soon

>> No.10550775

>treating people like dogs is too mature for her
Surely she could have a dog without them dying of neglect.

>> No.10550788

am i only one here who think that kana is genuiely good streamer? She has superb design, cute and soothing voice, and at the same time, lots of memes and nice sass in her. Feels like people here watch her only to saviorfag.

>> No.10550885

How long have you been watching? Most of the frustrations come from her being lazier with her content. Kana can be a good streamer if she wants or feels like it.

>> No.10550891

I think she's good too. She is an asshole though and it seems it got under some posters skin so they come here to complain about her. She also has moments where the stream is boring but that's every streamer.

>> No.10551057

>good streamer
she doesnt work on her channel or content, she is only a menhera with a cute voice that fits her cute model, nothing else
shes lucky because is popular and loved even if she doesnt work for that while many other vtubers work for years without getting what they deserve for they hard work

>> No.10551060

She's alright but she used to be better. The steady descent into the depression arc has been a cozy ride with the occasional spikes in needless drama caused by her own actions keep the lights on at least.

>> No.10551158

Provide me an example of a vtuber who works for years without getting what they deserve. I and /vt/ will judge if its true.
Kana has her charisma.

>> No.10551235


>> No.10551343

This is true
Even Kana has acknowledged this many times during her meltdowns
She has said things like people only watch her because she is a woman or things like that
She knows people arent interested in her content or streams, they watch her because she is fuckable and everybody want to fill her cunt but nothing else

>> No.10551399

gawr gura

>> No.10551446

Orange. Woman. Bad.

But seriously though, her voice is a major filter. For real woman, tone it the fuck down.

>> No.10551459

amashiro natsuki

>> No.10551502


>> No.10551620

Poor boy streaming for years and people dont give money to him for doing nothing
Imagine if kana had to work as hard as that guy has worked for years

>> No.10551674

Imagine kana going back to being a 8view she once was

>> No.10551710

64view pls

>> No.10551788
File: 2.56 MB, 2500x3136, kanakanakana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe in Kana.

>> No.10551850

This type of pics proves that people want to fuck kana and dont have any interest in her content

>> No.10551923

Can't blame me when she keeps enabling it again and again

>> No.10552065

her current popularity not enough? do you want her to become a world dictator or something?

>> No.10552131
File: 231 KB, 1000x800, spider fox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't give less of a shit about her model, I'm not enough of a sad fuck to watch someone exclusively because of that. Kana can be genuinely entertaining and is a lot of the time.
Any sane person would stop caring about her after all the stupid shit she did so I can't blame you for thinking that I only want to fuck her, but I still find her funny. Her content evolved and I don't consider it as good anymore, but she's still charming. The cute, funny, interesting, insane menhera fox that I love is still there.

>> No.10552139

gawr gura pls

>> No.10552171

>do you want her to become a world dictator or something?
That would be tight

>> No.10552241

please can you stop being a selfish asshole and think about the poor gawr gura?
she is suffering but you dont care because you only want to fuck kana

>> No.10552294

i actually ship kana and gura, need more art of them together

>> No.10552333

>She knows people arent interested in her content or streams, they watch her because she is fuckable and everybody want to fill her cunt but nothing else
Well maybe play off of that and grow a dedicated following by doing it in a unique way and NOT torch your efforts before moving and doing the same shit that got you to where you are in the first place? Or do something other than play into the character you've made for yourself and have people that watch for the hobby you stream that isn't video games, drawing, or singing like almost everyone else does?

Or she can always just sit and drinks herself into a breakdown again. Either of the three are entertaining.

>> No.10552339

But they're sisters

>> No.10552394
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>> No.10552548
File: 1.56 MB, 388x292, 1610781388834.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>videos and story reading

>> No.10552582

Why don't you just listen to it in background?

>> No.10552597

I will

>> No.10552601

videos and story reading

>> No.10552603

Naname herself has mentioned kana a few times in her streams, certainly more than gura will ever do to any of them kek

>> No.10552629

gura isnt allowed to mention them and probably doesnt give a fuck about them anyway

>> No.10552693

>isnt allowed
moona has had plenty of collabs with her sisters, they're either random indies or from other companies, so the not mentioning thing certainly isn't Cover policy

>> No.10552699

Kana's high again...

>> No.10552709

prepare for 8 hours of videos, story reading and bloons to celebrate twitch partnership

>> No.10552730

bloons is based though

>> No.10552756

pls no

>> No.10552792


>> No.10552817

you belong to reddit

>> No.10552855

Anti-monkey racist!

>> No.10553031

I dont know why but i was expecting this, chatting stream and nobody talks and she doesnt want else to do

>> No.10553051

kana is going to sing karaoke tomorrow!

>> No.10553083

Give her ideas you fucking faggots

>> No.10553104

i dont care
i just watch for the points to make kana explode

>> No.10553155

why dont you?

>> No.10553175

why? she is feeling like doing nothing today
even if you give her ideas she wont take them

>> No.10553227


>> No.10553294

Sex with me on stream.

>> No.10553420

well this game is at least something

>> No.10553489

I expected nothing and she over delivered. I'm glad she found some direction with this game.

>> No.10553493

she sounds happy desu

>> No.10553766

chat is so fucking dead
should i start spamming?

>> No.10553826

Just got in
what game is this?

>> No.10553842

you can say something stupid to her and she'll read it. id do it but im sleepy and have nothing to say

>> No.10553906

I'd rather just let her be to be quite honest with you famalam rather than post stupid shit

>> No.10553936

kana has throat cancer confirmed

>> No.10554064

oh wow that squeaking

>> No.10554100
File: 158 KB, 863x792, 1617644073944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kana had a stroke

>> No.10554116

Is there a nametag display toggle option? Should open a lobby for randos or tease and save it for the marathon if it does. Seems too hard for just one dumb fox.

>> No.10554314

second stream in a row that i see the hype train failing

>> No.10554400

how does the hype train even work

>> No.10554614

sub after sub

>> No.10554672

Nearly every viewer in her chat has a gifted sub

>> No.10554714

whats a sub?

>> No.10555013

like youtube memberships but in twitch

>> No.10555081

yeah, but i remember the first month the hype train always reached at least level 4

>> No.10555495

if her belly button stinks she must be so fat her stomach folds over to make it sweat

>> No.10555798
File: 1.22 MB, 1200x900, 1621572983574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's so cute bros

>> No.10555836

i dont have the best of hygiene but my belly button dont smell
is normal that her does?

>> No.10555858


>> No.10556693

She's ngmi tomorrow

>> No.10557244
File: 3.98 MB, 2300x2300, kana_sleep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care if it's reddit, her reading is beautiful.

>> No.10557807

Kana noises...

>> No.10558602
File: 1.76 MB, 2480x3507, sleeping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am in love with Kamiko Kana.

>> No.10558933

so 3 hours max
