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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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10402660 No.10402660 [Reply] [Original]

So this is how vtubing dies. Not with a yab, but with a roll out of new features that ape Twitch. Imagine antis flooding into your oshi’s membership streams because some poor sap paid to get them in. Imagine how meaningless the concept of a membership stream will be when anyone can get in at random.

>> No.10402820

>imagine (Fanfiction)
Don't you people have a general?

>> No.10402833

If things work like on twitch, this problem can very, very easily be bypassed by adding tiers.

>> No.10402865

Yeah, it's called /vt/

>> No.10402905

You tend to imagine things that aren't real.

>> No.10402942

youtube already has membership tiers and the reason every vtuber doesn't use it is because everyone fucking hates it and locking certain things behind higher tiers just makes people not want to member at all.

>> No.10402948

It's good there's a possible solution but youtube will probably fuck it up

>> No.10402952

You're not in some exclusive club you dork. You're just paying to listen to some stranger ramble. Now you'll just have to listen to her ramble without a flood of nonstop toxic positivity.

>> No.10403031
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>oh no
>how dare those filthy peasants show up to my private gala
>Esteban, call security
I'm rock hard and ready to go balls deep on the first chuba to publically get the vapors. Just one complaint about gifted memberships, that's all I need to rrat them as a greedy, insincere opportunist.

Go ahead. Make my memes.

>> No.10403070

This. Making tiers is a good way to alienate your whole fanbase.

>> No.10403251

Couldn’t they just banned them anyways?

>> No.10403313

A good anti ≠ a troll. Committed antis will subtlety reshape their target’s fanbase while flying under the radar

>> No.10403609

>every vtuber doesn't use it
Except your favorite Holos like Suisei and Chammers lock certain archives behind the tier 2 membership
The only based chuubas have no membership at all like Mito, or memberships with only one tier

>> No.10403631

You really need to touch grass

>> No.10403743

people choose youtube as a platform for the algorythm, not shitty membership or monetization

>> No.10405588

Stop making things up you nijigger.

>> No.10406448

I actually agree that gifted subs shouldn't be a thing for YouTube. At the very least, if it becomes a thing, it better be like a "Buy this person a trial membership", and after the 1 month they either continue the membership themselves or not, but are ineligible to receive a gift membership to the same channel again. Otherwise there is no point to memberships, the entire point of it is you are activating a paid subscription to support the channel by providing them income at a regular basis.
I also wouldn't mind it if the gift memberships costed like $2.99 and the people given the gift membership only get it for the name color change and the emotes. Tier 0.5 or someshit.

>> No.10406804

We already had this thread at least three times.
This is the first time I post, because I can't help but wonder.
I've read every single comment in here against it and I quite frankly don't understand the issue.
Personally I still watch most of my chuuba content on YT, but those YT chubes that have Guerilla/PG-18/non-monetizable in some other way streams on there have made me take a look at the platform some more and allowed me to get more familiar with the culture.

Gift subs are, at least in the Twitch chuubesphere, effectively a way to SC in a way that makes other people likelier to return while having the exact mechanism of validation, just multiplied since you're making Chat pay attention to you as well.

This mechanism has the effect of multiple people often spending compounding sums of money in rapid succession in order to provide a mounting percentage of stream with subs, which creates a runaway effect in very short order that engages everyone even those who cannot spend money themselves.

This makes it a net positive for the streamer's ability to make money from their work as well as the community's willingness to engage with her and eachother.
> Imagine how meaningless the concept of a membership stream will be when anyone can get in at random.
Meaningless how?
What are you talking about?
I get what's going on.
You're a Star Citizen supporter aren't you?

> but are ineligible to receive a gift membership to the same channel again.
>Otherwise there is no point to memberships, the entire point of it is you are activating a paid subscription to support the channel by providing them income at a regular basis.
There is no difference between subbing yourself and being gifted a sub as far as the streamer is concerned.

>> No.10406995

>There is no difference between subbing yourself and being gifted a sub as far as the streamer is concerned.
Of course they get the money, so at the end of the day financially it is the same, except when you suddenly can't reliably project how much you'll make next month because somebody who probably should've sent an Akasupa instead decided to gift 100 random people a membership that only lasts 1 month.

>> No.10407399
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>HoloEN 3rd unit forms
>Their membership opening ceremony begins
>Immediately, a group of people send 100+ gift memberships each
>... IN ARS
>The streamer barely makes shit if anything from Membership for the first month it is open
>The massive amount of memberships held during the first month drop off after the second, so Analytics will show a drop in total memberships, harming the Vtuber's sense of success and/or morale
>Through association, membership content becomes a dreaded task to the Vtuber instead of something fun for their regular supporters
>If majority of the members were gifted their memberships, it feels weird to say "Thank you for YOUR support by becoming a member" because they didn't make that conscious decision and the streamer knows they will be gone in a month
>Membership content becomes awkward and less intimate because the streamer is aware a majority of the viewers are getting a free ride, it's not exclusive, and there's nothing special about it
>Membership streams stop or become a very sparse thing because of lack of motivation
>Memberships become purely about getting emotes to use in the chat, and is regarded instead as "a fun way to akasupa because it gives other people something to play with (emotes)"
>Because of this perception, people who actually pay monthly for membership drop their subscription because they'll just get gifted one randomly anyways
>Non-recurring Memberships become the norm because of this, so if one month nobody decides to drop gift subs, there will be far less members than normal, again negatively affecting the streamer's confidence that their work is worth it
>What was once a simple thing of "Pay $5 per month and you get cool content" becomes a game of psychological warfare between Antis and Vtubers
>This all could've been avoided by not seeking to copy Twitch

>> No.10407463

ARS will fuck this up.

>> No.10407550

You can't rely on Aka's any more than you can gifted subs, in fact if you run a sub counter then you can more easily predict your income as fans will try to keep it from falling too far by gifting more.
I'll use Ironmouse as an example, she has about 8000 "real" subs that pay each month, but usually hovers in the 12000 sub range because those 8000 gift at a stable rate.
It's not the best way to gauge income, but it's a better metric than hoping people will send donations.

>> No.10407788

I'd add that people here are right to worry about the system.
You can get complete shitheads receiving a gifted sub and there's fuck-all the streamer can do about it outside of waiting for a reason to ban them.

>> No.10408048

I still heavily prefer the "Buy it for yourself if you want it" approach. The integrity of the loyalty system is broken, you cannot gift people loyalty. The people that receive a gift sub could be a total random person who only came in for that one stream and decided they don't like the streamer. It could be a completely random person on YouTube that really fucking hates Vtubers and will come in to shit things up. (I've personally received gift subs on Twitch channels that I have never, ever heard of or even opened, it came off as shady and potentially self-promotion, and I never visited the channel because of that)

>> No.10408336

I think part of the concern comes from people being worried about losing some of the "cozy" feeling that comes with most members streams. For chuubas I watch at least, which seem to actually enjoy their audience, it feels more casual, like there's less of an act to try and introduce new people into becoming fans, since everyone there is already a fan. I don't really think that'd change though with gifted memberships. Honestly, if it meant the same money going to my oshi, and less cringe messages, I fully support it.

>> No.10408454

Yeah that is a better explanation than I could've managed.
Thank you.
>and less cringe messages,
Yeah that is another reason I like it. Akas get *bad* at times.
> I think part of the concern comes from people being worried about losing some of the "cozy" feeling that comes with most members streams. For chuubas I watch at least, which seem to actually enjoy their audience, it feels more casual, like there's less of an act to try and introduce new people into becoming fans, since everyone there is already a fan.
That is a better point than any others I've seen so far, and one I can absolutely agree with.

>> No.10408914

I think a good balance would just be keep it is as it is on twitch, gifted subs aren't the same as youtube "membership". On twitch it just unlocks emotes and colors your name, I don't see why youtube should be any different, just have membership be a separate thing.

>> No.10409053

I would agree with this. Name color and emotes, cool. If anything, a different colored name would be great, or some indicator of being a Member but not actually paying for it. Membership content, absolutely not.

>> No.10409117

>Imagine antis flooding into your oshi’s membership streams because some poor sap paid to get them in.
If Cover invested in mods, this wouldn't be a problem. You also wouldn't have dumb shit like the Rrat's chat talking about how Kronii is better.

>> No.10409157

Good. Twitch sucks and more people are beginning to realize it. Just last week they lost several high profile streamers to YouTube and I bet more will follow. If Twitch wants to stay in the game, they're going to have to make some very hard changes, and quite frankly I don't see them swallowing their pride long enough.

>> No.10409241

I think it'd too much of a "special club" thing to color their names differently. Everyone would already know who they are because they'd show up as monthlets, it's probably encourage more people to stick around aswell

>> No.10409337

>I think a good balance would just be keep it is as it is on twitch, gifted subs aren't the same as youtube "membership". On twitch it just unlocks emotes and colors your name, I don't see why youtube should be any different, just have membership be a separate thing.
That may be a decent compromise, ya.
Call it a Tier 0 membership or a Premium Viewership or something that you can buy if you jsut want emotes & a colourful name.

>> No.10411141

all that will happen is that gifted subs can be turned off, or if not then member streams will be in tiers. Which while would still mean normies get in, it is a lot more money, anyway there is nothing actually bad about this unless YouTube fucks up drastically. (Which yes, is very likely).

>> No.10418152


>> No.10418224

You already are using emotes and have payed subscriptiosn to get emotes you mouth breathing redditurd. Back to your trannybox.

>> No.10418303

So many effort posts ….

>> No.10418325

Twitch is just a better platform for streaming, the reason it "lost" streamers is because Google is literally paying them to stream on their dogshit platform, just like Mixer did

>> No.10420372

but... it's a private stream for me, my oshi and 10k other people. it's very private and intimate, she can read and react to all the messages as the chat rolls by 10% slower than the usual lighting fast pace! she cares deeply for all of us REAL members who are there and knows every single one of us name, that wouldn't happen when g*fted members can join in!

>> No.10420619

>We can't let more of the filthy commoners into muh $5 high rollers club
Fuck off faggot. I don't see my memberships as a way to look down on other fans. Get over yourself or take a long drive off a short cliff
