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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 474 KB, 677x843, suityan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10119346 No.10119346 [Reply] [Original]

Post cute/funny examples of chuubas using Engrish.

>> No.10119644

Pekora's "no!!!!" will never fail to amuse me like a retard kek.

>> No.10119733


>> No.10119905
File: 580 KB, 2400x1080, Cafeteria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10120174

>omae ga lie
>Omega lie
Omega is lying to us.

>> No.10120747


>> No.10121444


>> No.10121839

the last d is also supposed to be capitalized.

>> No.10121972

i was saving my capital D for you, anon, if you know what I mean

>> No.10122013
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Any Pekora edit will do

>> No.10122115

oh! mai! gaadddd!!!!

>> No.10122128
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Somewhat related

>> No.10122358

This would be a truly ELITE sentence without the
>if that's okay

>> No.10125615
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>> No.10125748
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>> No.10127069
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>> No.10127211
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>> No.10127217

was it "pig fall gold get" or "pig die gold get"?

>> No.10128274
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>> No.10128447

Get me gold and die paypig

>> No.10128540
File: 64 KB, 630x155, nene trash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10128544


>> No.10130018

Asking for permission like a true gentleman living in the current year.

>> No.10130250


>> No.10133562

Post the English totsumach.

>> No.10133852

My God, what were they thinking? I mean in the first place what were they even trying to do?

>> No.10133907

Miko is the most unintentional yab Holo out there

>> No.10133942


>> No.10133946

Look up the cat's history, she does what she pleases.

>> No.10133969

This went on for a full hour by the way.

>> No.10134031


>> No.10134774

This interaction was golden

>> No.10135262
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>> No.10140877

Tamaki is a genuine retard. Someone post that rundown

>> No.10142231

I'm still waiting for the album.

>> No.10142390
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quick rundown of cat
>Made 2 uber eats drivers race each other
>Placed clothes pins on her nipples during a endurance stream to the point her nipples caught necrosis and nearly lost them
>Did an endurance stream until 250k where she sang and did flash math at the same time
>Randomly decided to do a stream impersonating Gilzaren III, a chuuba infamous for streaming very infrequently (he was gone for over 3 months) in an attempt to make his channel reach 100k subs, then dragged other people in like Deron and somehow managed to call the real Gilzaren and have a basically inverted totsumachi with him and other people. Her pc crashed/internet disconnected and he was forced to stream on his channel the continuation right as he reached 100k subs
>Once lived streamed herself going to Mcdonald to get a limited time burger but got caught by the police on her bike and tried to get away, destroying her laptop and getting into a police chase
>Hijacked the nyancat relay and sang it for 13 hours straight, leading to kino moments like almost choking trying to eat food
>Did a cooking stream where she literally made sushi out of worms
>Decided to stream making naan at 4am, and while she was letting the Naan dough rest for 10 minutes she grabbed her streaming laptop and went to a park, climbed a jungle gym and started singing at the top of it
>Asked taka (an indonesian man) to teach her how to cook naan (indian cuisine)
>Did a talk show stream where she imitated hiromoot's zatsudans
>Once did eigo-only totsumachi for a straight hour with Nijis who speak broken eigo, resulted with unforgettable moments like "DO YOU RAIKU DONARUDO TORAMPU? I RAIKU DONARUDO TURAMPU"
>Broke her hand because her fucking microwave fell on it while she was sleeping

>> No.10143354

the best one, nothing will ever top this
polka/nene banter will always make me laugh

>> No.10143476

>i see

>> No.10143482

ok how is it possible to be this based ?

>> No.10143829

Every time I am scrolling through images and come across this, I lose my shit like a retard.
Still hands down the funniest shit. It was so perfect.
kek, I love this dumb cat

>> No.10143858
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>> No.10143913

is there more of this? I remember something about dislocating her own jaw or something

>> No.10144455

She did, at least twice. She probably did it more times than that.

>> No.10144542

Another clip from the another one of their collabs.

>> No.10145292

The fuck? Do you have sources for all this? Are there clips? Well I don't expect you to spoondfeed so I will look into it myself but damn.

>> No.10145369

dafuq does he mean by this

>> No.10146400
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>> No.10147502


>> No.10150943

46th united states president Watson Bakery ft. honhima

>> No.10151203

>which is more important health or economy?
>which i like sandwich

one of the best streams of all time

>> No.10158785

love this neko with her dumb english

>> No.10159059

She seems very dumb. I love it

>> No.10159268

for me its the fact that she is in the process of writing yet another "hey moona"

>> No.10159766

Missing when she forced her manager to mix natto for 2 hours straight making the entire room smell, when she visited Fumi-sama and not only tried on her bras without permission but peed in her bath and also broke her laptop after Fumi lent it to her, when she hopped on stream when she had to have a zoom meeting with managers/staff and decided to stream her entering the call while singing (her manager immediately shut it down), when she yelled at her sister live on stream, when she hired a man to stream himself walking around India live, and kept asking him to find naan because she's fucking obsessed...
And when she debuted, she wanted to quit because she instantly got a lot of hate for being weird, but Iwanaga (CEO at the time) told her she is perfectly fine the way she is, so she continued to stream. She even wrote a letter to herself in the future and had it on her 3D stream, that his words still stuck to her
Love this retarded cat.

>> No.10160502

The clip that got me into Hololive

>> No.10160789

He was imposter and was trying to talk himself out of getting voted for so said he was in cafeteria. There wasn't a cafeteria on that map so said he was in the "cafeteria in my soul"

>> No.10161222
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Or the source:

>> No.10172065
File: 340 KB, 455x492, smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Made 2 uber eats drivers race each other
>First she placed two simultaneous orders from the same place to see which one of the drivers would deliver first:
>Second time she ordered from uber eats and Mcdonalds delivery:
>Third time she ordered from uber eats then went to the store to buy it herself to see if it would be faster:
>Hijacked the nyancat relay and sang it for 14 hours straight, leading to kino moments like almost choking trying to eat food
>Asked taka (an indonesian man) to teach her how to cook naan (indian cuisine)
>Once did eigo-only totsumachi for a straight hour with Nijis who speak broken eigo, resulting in unforgettable moments like "DO YOU RAIKU DONARUDO TORAMPU? I RAIKU DONARUDO TURAMPU"
>Fell asleep during a stream and got 250000 yen in Super Chats while sleeping
>Dislocated her jaw on stream multiple times
>Forgot to stop her stream and sang asshole song live
>Baked a naan in the middle of a collab stream
>Cleaned her mic with a fucking vacuum cleaner. Ended up with her mic getting swallowed by the vacuum cleaner
>Peed in Fumi's bathtub, her friend and fellow Nijisanji member
>Once tried to stream a taste-test for McDonalds' promotional Rice Burger, bought the wrong burger, and then cycled all the way back to McDonalds while streaming with her laptop on her bike, interacting with the stream at stop signs and got stopped by policemen on the way. She ended up audibly dropping the burger and her laptop on the ground after finally buying it
>And the follow up where she actually eats it instead of dropping it
>Had a fight with her little sister live on stream
>Asked for 2434 packs of potato chips in a twitter competition and they actually fucking mailed it to... the Anycolor office. So everyone had to help her finish the chips
>For some reason big youtubers in Japan like Hikakin, Yutapon, and some politicians follow her

>> No.10172293

They sound so confuse throughout the entire clip, thanks for sharing such gold

>> No.10173339

>Yashiro laughing this fucking hard
Never seemed him that way

>> No.10178267

someone post the luna "sneed's feed and seed"

>> No.10178441

Yashiro playing with any of his retarded daughters makes him explode in laughter, he couldn't even keep it together in Furen's 3D debut where they had a who wants to be a millionaire section and Furen kept giving the most retarded answers, he was losing it in the background

>> No.10181136


>> No.10181372

thank you

>> No.10181431

This thread put a smile on my face

>> No.10182343

this is a very dangerous word without the related context
