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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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10041832 No.10041832 [Reply] [Original]

Uhh.... /vt/ (formerly /jp/)? Ame is calling you fags out...

>> No.10041953

"someone is trying to log in to your account"...

>> No.10042041

Anons plz.

>> No.10042771

does ame even have antis

>> No.10042804

she surprisingly has the 2nd most after bad orange woman

>> No.10042809


>> No.10042820

IIRC the "attention" she was referring to during her debut period was caused by /jp/

>> No.10042891

I don't watch holo or gossip about them so I'm not the one being called out
I only learned what amegeddon meant a couple months ago because holodrones wouldn't shut up about it in unrelated threads

>> No.10044134

ame has more antis than mori?

>> No.10044193

Damn, she really is paranoid. Having russians or brazilians trying to log onto your accounts isn't exactly exclusive to vtubers or ecelebs in general, lol. It happens to everyone that has been in a dataleak of some kind.

>> No.10044310

yeah lol.
>have dogs that bark all the time
>hear dogs bark at night
>"Wtf an anti is breaking into my house!"

>> No.10044387

Her antis used to be the loudest and most annoying

>> No.10044423

mori doesnt actually have any antis, theyre all fans suffering from domestic abuse.

>> No.10044606

Nobody has antis. Vtubers don't even exist. This website doesn't exist, none of us exist. It's all in your head. It's time to wake up, anon.

>> No.10044649

Thats the KFP for you!

>> No.10044764

Are you seriously asking this board, which worships Ame as their goddess, if she has antis? I've never seen more than one bait thread about Ame at any given time here, while my oshi has like 5 every single day. The last time I saw one was when she went menhera in her comments section, but that was immediately drowned out by praise for her after the anniversary.

>> No.10044873

Getting email notifications about people trying to get into your emails is not exactly uncommon. There's shit ton of bots trying to get in everywhere and breaches etc all the time. Ame's a schizo

>> No.10045002

how new? at one point Ame had like 5 anti threads a week ago. Plus this board worships Ina as their goddess, who actually has no anti's except that one shcizo who mad that Ina didn't draw Coco

>> No.10045008

Most aren't dedicated solely to her like Kiara's, but there are a few. She was the target of the day for the rotating hatestorm before the success of the one year anniversary. The primary reason appears to be she has the guts to call them out.

>> No.10045089

>except that one shcizo who mad that Ina didn't draw Coco
Is this really a thing?
Why didn't she draw Coco, anyway?

>> No.10045227

because of china she needs the zhang money

>> No.10045302
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Nobody cares about Ina, anon, Ame might have some anti threads, but she also has numerous threads dedicated to praising her, including the spics threads. Especially after her creative projects.

>> No.10045401

those la creatividad threads are not what you think they are anon.

>> No.10045463

Yes, I know, but the meidos cleaned those quickly.

>> No.10045514

What the fuck do we have to do with people trying to hack or hijack their accounts? Show me one fucking thread, one single goddamn instance, of this board doing that or /jp/ doing that. Whoever it is ain't here that's for sure. Making clickbait OPs assuming anything bad being said must mean us is fucking asinine or someone who literally knows nothing about here apart from YouTube comments from 13 year olds who literally think they will get doxed and haxxored the second they post here.

In actuality if anyone is organizing against them it's going to be in discords like eggman vs Kiara. From what I recall of him he was not just an anti but like a completely obsessive doxfag and his discord name/PFP were posing as Kiara's roommate. I could imagine a psycho faggot like him trying to hack into her accounts maybe but not a lot of other people. Other actually-plausible groups would be chinks who are just over Holo antis, and Nijifags. The ones we have here are not that bad, I mean probably 90% of them are simply branched off from HoloEN to begin with, but the JP ones treat it as all out war vs Holo and are known to harass Holos as they went after Aloe hard.

>> No.10045613

>they will get doxed and haxxored the second they post here
You mean you're not under seven layers of vpn before posting here? Oh no.

>> No.10045697

Because she not retarded enough to sacrifice future opportunities to virtue signal like some pussy twitter activist

>> No.10046146

Not her, just her insufferable fanbase

>> No.10046175


>> No.10046537

t. Teamate

>> No.10046730

Teammates are really trying to rewrite history to make it seem like Ame and them were victims.
They made up the majority of /hlgg/ and were the ones anti-posting about other myth members

>> No.10046806

Ame is so inexplicably beloved here that all anti posts are immediately dismissed as false flagging Teamates, even if they’re being genuine in their criticisms

>> No.10046838

i fucking hate teacucks and their breadeater

>> No.10046877

>worried about stalkers
>when its far more likely its just niggers or spics trying to rob her

>> No.10046879

Ame is liked because she started off as a pure shocking disaster but righted the ship and went on a redemption arc immediately, into being one of the most entertaining, heartfelt and engaging ENs if not the actual best one to many. This was all far more interesting to observe than how the other ENs started, everyone loves an underdog origin story and she is that.

>> No.10046919

Anon. Sorry to break it to you, but this board doesn't "worship" Ina. She has no antis because nobody really cares about her. She's the very definition of cookie cutter.

>> No.10046946


>> No.10046949

I can barely understand what she's saying ffs.why don't they just talk normal / don't use a piece of shit voice changer.

>> No.10046988

>he thinks she uses a voice changer
>he can't even understand english
Stay strong ESLchama

>> No.10047085

Teacuck hands wrote this. Ame started strong but once her disastrous birthday stream, she has been on a downward spiral. For evey “good stream” she has 3 bad ones. She is over promising and way under delivering. She is the only one in EN who is actually combative with her audience and it is to the point where it’s hard for anyone to know if she is joking or not.

>> No.10047176


>> No.10047217

> false flagging in a thread dedicated to stroking ame’s cock

>> No.10047231

She had like 5-10 anti threads per day all month prior to the Myth anniversary, then things returned to normal. Mostly due to Ame acting like a cunt on the comment section, but antis later realized it was just her being super stressed out from overworking.

>> No.10047294

super stressed out by not caring about : her GPU,termites,mold or eating bread

>> No.10047295

Show me one time there're more than three anti threads in catalog, since I really can't remember it.

>> No.10047304

>She is the only one in EN who is actually combative with her audience and it is to the point where it’s hard for anyone to know if she is joking or not.
Not a teamate, but I do watch some of Ame's streams if it's at a suitable timeslot. You need to have some serious social autism if you can't tell that she's always joking when she does this. But I think deep down you know that.

>> No.10047417

I fucking wish.

>> No.10047419

Autism ? on this Mongolian Basket Weaving Forum? No Way!

>> No.10047481

you're delusional

>> No.10047487

I don't know. If I had to organize an entire VR collab and assist 4 people across 3 different continents, all while being as red as lobster and coughing my lungs up. I would feel pretty stressed too.

>> No.10047518

What a threadreader KEK

>> No.10047551

Teamates revising history in real time

>> No.10047627


>> No.10047641

consider improving your kindergarten level english listening comprehension skills

>> No.10047952

>I can barely understand what she's saying
This is the typical Ame anti. An ESL who has such a low level grasp of english that they can't understand her streams, and so don't even detect the sarcasm in her mannerisms when she does things like make fun of her chat. Which leads them to feel like they have been genuinely threatened by her.

>> No.10048030

Everyone knows that only the hacker 4chan could possibly try to breach into vtuber accounts

>> No.10048379

Those three contradict each other though.

>> No.10048401

finally someone noticed ! kek

>> No.10048724

All three literally are trying to revise history and the reason as to why her being a complete bitch the week before last. None were supposed to be the same reason,

>> No.10048793

>her being a complete bitch the week before last.
Now this is quite the imagination.

>> No.10048804

Sure whatever you want to believe

>> No.10048879

the way americans pronounce words like mirror (meer) and water (wahdur) confuses me so much sometimes, ame especially doesn't seem to space out her words when she speaks

>> No.10048957
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>> No.10049371

It's fine anon.
Hopefully they come off as far less autistic whenever they're hearing and speaking their native SEAdog language.

>> No.10049454

only women, British, and Australian people do this

>> No.10049555

I get what he means though most pronounce their t's Americans tend to make d's outta their t's


>> No.10049652

Brits never pronounce Ds as Ts.

>> No.10049691

oh right sorry it's WO'DER.

>> No.10049732

Which bad orange woman?

>> No.10049875

I actually had a brainfart and meant it as the other way around. Brits don't pronounce Ts in words like Water, Butter, Matter as Ds. But really, unless you're a turbo ESL there should be no issue understanding any form of American, Australian or (standard) British accent. If Ame can filter brainlets even through her very basic way of speaking then that's a win in my eyes.

>> No.10053750

fuck mori

>> No.10053810

stop shilling your own cl*ps

>> No.10053821

Anyone have the "ayaya ayaya"/slurping webm?
Shit gets me every time

>> No.10053956

Ame isn't even in the top 3 for most antis in her own gen

>> No.10055039

Didnt she use to stream with facecam before Hololive? Doesnt sound too paranoid to me

>> No.10055147

That's a good point. She's using some high tier woman logic

>> No.10055355

Speak for yourself, OP. I'm not a stalker or an account thief.

>> No.10055399

She didn't have an army of obsessed Goslings back then though

>> No.10055521

Eh, seems normal to me, Gura is even more paranoid since her family got doxed.
Some of these things like not streaming when theres a thunderstorm is stuff their managers tell them to do, because its something that CAN actually dox your current location.

>> No.10055595

shit bait, go neck yourself OP

>> No.10056248

She's mumbling for some reason.

>> No.10056258

And it's not even close. I don't remember any mudsharks making videos about any of the others saying the other EN's were pandering to pedophiles. The only way you can think other have more antis is if you live entirely on /vt/

>> No.10056270

calli and gura both have a lot more antis, though the latter is mostly numberfag nousagis

only ina has fewer antis in EN1 than ame

>> No.10056285


>> No.10056308

no she personally dispose them each single one

>> No.10056576

I'd honestly say that all the ENs aside from maybe Ina tend to have a lot of antis, it just kind of comes in the territory of having to follow up Japanese content creators with obnoxious purist weeb fans.

>> No.10057070

Doesn't Ame hate her fans as well?

>> No.10057258

She hates the annoying greyfags.
I find it hard to believe she hates her core audience (members) when she does so much for them and interacts off stream all the time.
In order, the one that gives the most attention to their fanbase outside of streaming: Kiara (heavy twitter interaction), Amelia (twitter and members posts, Ina (some tweets, rare memberposts), Mori (some tweets on days off), Gura (nothing)

>> No.10059303


>> No.10059637

The problem with Ame is that her gachis are really kinda... unstable, she doesn't need antis.

>> No.10060082

> brazilians
it was me

>> No.10060271

Yeah it was me, I did all these things
