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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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10030292 No.10030292 [Reply] [Original]

Their fans are mostly not idolfags.
They don't necessarily have to collab with male ecelebs. They can just collab the Stars or even Niji males.
What's wrong? They're not idols like the JP holos

>> No.10030420

Because they know Incels are the ones paying the big bucks. This is why Kiara tends to be first or second most superchatted EN gen 1 despite being dead last in views and subs. She panders heavily to lonely men.

>> No.10030481

Have you seen the shark’s psycho fanbase?

>> No.10030498

LMAO parasocial skills can really mogged someone

>> No.10030502

Mori collabs with Gigguk and Connor though? What a shitty thread.

>> No.10030513

They are idols. Accept it anon.

>> No.10030525

All manhaters

>> No.10030548

>>why do they never collab with men?
>mori has already collabed with trash taste
>chicken hates men
>ame doesnt collab at all anyways

>> No.10030623

>gura also doesn't collab at all
Mori and Ina are, as far as I can tell, the only ones that would collab with a male. And one of them already has.

>> No.10030634

Also with JP men so?
>Nvm maybe you dont know since retard people can't see JP Holo

>> No.10030689
File: 91 KB, 728x410, anime-anime-girls-hololive-gawr-gura-ninomae-ina-nis-hd-wallpaper-preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you see Mori there you dumbass?
yes because I cut her out

>> No.10030887

What would they gain from it?

>> No.10030950

Chicken also participated in the Shadow Verse tournament with 2 male host and Gigguk.

I think she primarily wants to collab with her Hololive.

>> No.10031095

Its true I would literally kill for Gura if she asked me to.
Cover doesnt fully understand the levels of schizo EN fans can be. They thought making fun of trains was the worst it got.

>> No.10031185

She never directly communicated with them did she? That means she's still pure.

>> No.10031221

Because they're based. Fuck off woman.

>> No.10031300

then she should collab with the holo Stars.
They're being left behind with no one to collab with except the ID, Fubuki and Matsuri

>> No.10031363

>LMAO based?
Fat holocucks just can't accept that their oshi is talking to a man than to them retard

>> No.10031375

>Their fans are mostly not idolfags.
Speak for yourself.

>> No.10031468

They were all actually more receptive to Kiara's banter and cuteness. Although if I'm going to be honest, Kiara's interactions with the voice actor lady were 100% teetee and the best part of that stream besides the voice line segment.

Kiara has also done a virtual con interview with a pushover catboy vtuber.

IDK, it's up to both of Kiara, and the collab partner. I don't know if there's any holostars that she would have good Chemistry.

There's also the issue that Holostars are reluctant to collab with Hololive, and the same reason why Kiara doesn't collab with her bigger JP senpai. People will accuse them of being leeches.

Shit sucks bro. Wish she would try a collab with winning son though, I think she at least likes him a bit.

>> No.10031496

>EN Pure Souls
This is my favorite hololive subgroup, I wish we could see more from them.

>> No.10031572

Who do you think spends the most on holos?

Is it men who have partners and family?

Or is it lonely men with a lot of disposable income with no one else to spend it on?

>> No.10031610

Gura barely collabs at all, collab beggars have been pestering her since she debuted and you idiots still wonder why she mostly keeps to herself.

>> No.10031613

Another begging thread by Homostars schizo. Do you think you make your virtual boyfriends look good?

>> No.10031833

I think you forget about when Kiara invited Huke to the minecraft server and got absolutely railed by schizos on twitter

>> No.10031919

for cheating in Minecraft. She just had him on her anniversary stream and no one gave a shit.

Ame would had a collab with Astel last year, but shipfags ruined it and now Ame won't collab with him out of spite.

>> No.10032196

It's true, I must debate the merits of suicide whenever Gura speaks to a male other than me.

>> No.10034407

That didn't have anything to do with Huke being a guy, that was the Minecraft autists pitching a fit because he cheated in an item and it goes against the SpIrIt Of MiNeCrAfT or some retarded crap.

>> No.10034501

Because they're nuns and live in a church all day

>> No.10034953

Kiara hates men? Seriously or as a joke?

>> No.10035318

mori is literally there in your picture

>> No.10035536

Only about 5% of her

>> No.10035880

Yurifags are more autistic about it than unicorns. They're scared that if Ame has a good dynamic with a guy, then there might be a percent chance that she won't want to lick Gura's salty shark vagina when they meet IRL.

>> No.10036071

They were cowards afraid to just say

>> No.10038859

Ame is clearly not gay and Kiara's lesbianism seems kinda fake

>> No.10038908

>doesn't mention her dad at all
>doesn't talk to her brother or mention him willingly


>> No.10039757

because you niggers would throw bitch fits if they did.

>> No.10040598

fucking this ,hissy fits everwhere

>> No.10040627

ITT: deadcucks projecting

>> No.10040639

Kiara collabed with gigguk though?

>> No.10040679

She pegged him yes.
Mori on the other hand...

>> No.10040730

she made him her BITCH Based birb made him Moe Moe Kyun!

>> No.10040754

She's talked about how she doesnt understand why men arent open with their emotions and cry around her which probably means she's the kind of woman who has brought up their insecurities and stuff as a weapon in arguments. I dont think she hates them but she's probably a bit of a femcel and given her history its understandable.

>> No.10040772

Chickenslayer really got into her head

>> No.10040776

>history of?

>> No.10040793

history of me not getting banned for doxing. do some reps

>> No.10041120

It does feel like 99% of the time, when a woman tells you to open up and cry, she wants to use it to call you a pussy/coward later on

>> No.10041167

it's funny when people call NijiEN hololite when they have no problem collabing with men

>> No.10041191

Ok incel

>> No.10041347

Idk how much of it is intentional mental abuse tactics versus lack of self awareness. Kiara definitely comes across as the kind of person who says stupid insensitive shit without realising seeing as she's done it to the girls on stream.

>> No.10041482

prob not much this chicken is too dumb and honest to be an evil mastermind

>> No.10041848

>Their fans are mostly not idolfags.
Wrong. Next question.

>> No.10043460

Gura likes cute women and is happy to collab with them

>> No.10043628

kinda funny how everyone remembers mori collabing with gigguk but not with rikka who comes from the same company even though they even made a song together

>> No.10043795

Ame has kinda talked about this before. She's afraid to unleash her full power levels in collabs. She can't freely experiment with the formats as she can solo, and she doesn't want to be toxic towards/around other members. This is EXACTLY why she wanted to announce the MK tourney. Looking at how salty she got, I can certainly understand why she would think that. Another example would be her chess match vs Kiara, she was damn close to full tilting when Kiara mixed up what happened and thought she was lying.

>> No.10043826

it's a shame, I actually REWR4RALLY like "Spiral Tones"

>> No.10043835

>Kiara is afraid of men
>Gura is concerned her fanbased will throw an autistic rage if she collabs with Sykkuno like she wants to
>Ina is engaged and her fiance said no.

>> No.10043893

If Gura ever collabs with a man I will kill myself

>> No.10044339


>> No.10045073

Same company. Not a cancerous anituber.

>> No.10045266

You realize that Kiara has about 17 million views more than Ina, right?

>> No.10045338

No she did, she also was on the Digikomi and Dokomi panels interacting with men, but everyone with a brain can tell the difference between a 1 on 1 collab and attending an event like that

>> No.10045468

Lonely men, it’s true not only for vtubers but for female streamers as a whole. Hololive doesn’t want their talents to play disclose if they have partners to the public for the same reason Pokimane tries to hide it.

>> No.10045469
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>> No.10045503


>> No.10045576

Based, make sure to send a video of you with the rope to Gura as well.

>> No.10045585

no one knows Ina
Kiara is a toxic menhera
Gura is protected by management
Ame's boyfriend won't let her

>> No.10045631

Gura i Roped Myself LETS GOOO

>> No.10045685

Nobody wants that shit

>> No.10045719


>> No.10045731

Anon I’m totally fine with Ame doing collabs with other men.

>> No.10045829

Why do they have to collab exactly? There is nobody suitable for them to even collab with. For starters I would be against them doing any collabs with a person on a live facecam period girl or boy because it is just awkward as fuck, a complete clash in strategy and styles.

There are literally fucking no male Western vtubers at all who aren't on Twitch and aren't at like 1/100th or 1/200th of their sub or viewer counts. The closest thing would be Artemis and I have no idea if that's even a thing still, and it tries real hard to keep its gender ambiguous so is more like technically a male collab. This is why the only male collabs with Holos in the West either are actual ecelebs like those trash taste human pustules or, with the few HoloJP dudes like the IDs have done. Of which I wouldn't really care if a HoloEN collabs with a Holostar much - I'd rather avoid it as nobody in EN could even truly converse with them besides Kiara and Irys, but that is still 100x better than any live cam twitch faggot.

>> No.10045913

Basically its an unnecessary risk, without any benefits.
>best case scenario: everything stays the same, no gains, no loses
>worst case scenario: retards freak out and you take a hit at your numbers or if yab enough possible graduation
Its not really worth it. It won't increase their views or subs and it might spark dramafags sperging out.

>> No.10045915

Why are you fags so obsessed with male/female collabs? Go watch porn or something.

>> No.10046030

Yeah Artemis doesn’t count since he tries really hard to pass as a girl.

>> No.10046246

Sele of NijiEN can collab with Kanae just fine. And both Ina and Kiara can speak Japanese anyway

>> No.10046624

>hates men
>exists as a surrogate gf and fap puppet for an overwhelmingly male audience
Well that's sad if true.

>> No.10046706

It's cucks and trannies also falseflagging kikes

>> No.10047563

>There are literally fucking no male Western vtubers at all who aren't on Twitch and aren't at like 1/100th or 1/200th of their sub or viewer counts. The closest thing would be Artemis and I have no idea if that's even a thing still
There are tho, like MerryDawg (merryweather), vtuber account has 70K followers and drawfag youtube 1M subs.

>> No.10047833

I met Merryweather in person at that German con He seems pretty cool only talked for a bit though

>> No.10048062

This is true. Female vtubers are GFE whether they admit it or not. Nobody wants to watch, much less fund, their girlfriend substitute fraternising with other males.

>> No.10048134

Honestly yes, Vtubing has been implied GFE since the very start and played of it a lot. I wouldn't say 100% of female vtubers are that, like some artists draw with a vtuber model but most of the channel is really focus on the art and many viewers already followed before, those hardly feel like GFE. But most of the time it is, and often not even hidden.

>> No.10048696

careful, anon, don't overdose on based
