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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.22175323 [View]

Sonny onegai. I want to hear in detail how you cum

>> No.22175328 [View]

I'm so addicted to masturbating my balls almost never have much in them. Whenever I stop I get incredibly depressed and start thinking of old love interests.

>> No.22175382 [View]

ok tranny

>> No.22175383 [View]
File: 63 KB, 500x500, 1633344710342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22175390 [View]


>> No.22175391 [View]

Excuse me i wash my teeth twice a day. Its the fault of my wisdom tooth.

>> No.22175395 [View]
File: 298 KB, 3508x2257, FPCltMIagAA21Ul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning anons! Milord is being cute in minecraft!

>> No.22175404 [View]

Does your husband know that you shitpost on 4chan?

>> No.22175420 [View]

It's fairly simple really, something about the estrogen and such will make the gross and painful stuff happen in the lower abdominal region once a month, despite the fact that the actually reproductive organs aren't there. It's really cool from a biological standpoint, but a lot of transwomen are shocked when they find out it happens

>> No.22175446 [View]

So, just inferior genetics? As expected of maleanon.

>> No.22175453 [View]

Enjoying presence of females in the threat yet anon?

>> No.22175455 [View]
File: 270 KB, 1485x2208, 1623773168005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a-ahh...ehh...i-i usually uhmm...how do i say this...
>ahh, i usually lie down uhmm... -lie down on my st-stomach and ahh...
>this is so weird ahhhkk...
>ahhmm.. and i sq-squirm... a-and my uhhmm, my thing rubs o-on the bed...

>> No.22175475 [View]

I'm a natural-born woman but I have a lot of transwoman friends. They keep asking if they can have my tits

>> No.22175481 [View]

There are so many streams going on but you're talking about fucking periods.

>> No.22175496 [View]

Well, I don't want him to grow up with his vocab, haha.
But I DO want him to get his positivity and extroversion , which is one of the main reasons I watch him.
Thanks anon.

>> No.22175494 [View]

>wash my teeth
with an air dryer?

>> No.22175514 [View]

No retard, everyone has wisdom teeth and they almost always go bad.

>> No.22175577 [View]
File: 1.70 MB, 1314x733, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y'all i can't stop thinking about "CMON DOLLAR STORE DANTE GET UP"

>> No.22175584 [View]

>I have a lot of transwoman friends
>They keep asking if they can have my tits
Love your self anon, jesas.

>> No.22175593 [View]

I went 6 months without my period despite being a virgin 2 years ago

>> No.22175597 [View]

He does, but he can't relate.
He's 100% a normie by this place's standards.

>> No.22175606 [View]
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>> No.22175613 [View]

No, a hydro cutter, like a real man do.

>> No.22175639 [View]

Do you have an ed?

>> No.22175659 [View]

Were you an ana-chan I lost mine for 1 year while I was starving myself.

>> No.22175671 [View]

If you are not malnourished you should get it checked out. If you are malnourished you should get nourished..

>> No.22175684 [View]

with oral irrigator like normal people do

>> No.22175690 [View]

Vox searching for mountains for his chunni fantasies is peak autism and i love it

>> No.22175711 [View]

I really want Shu and Uki "A way out"collab

>> No.22175763 [View]

i want to shove my face in his ass so bad

>> No.22175764 [View]

His voice would get all squeaky uohhh

>> No.22175787 [View]

a hit of coffee at midnight so i can chat with my /nijien/ friends lets goooo

>> No.22175793 [View]
File: 161 KB, 1080x1920, FN-ZHMEVUAAz5u9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hope no one tries to burn it later...

>> No.22175800 [View]

did Pomu actually claim that mountain or is chat trolling Milord?

>> No.22175820 [View]

I love you all femanons, I really wish we could meet up for a startbucks outing.

>> No.22175836 [View]

Briskadets and Aloupeeps make me laugh the most

>> No.22175852 [View]

Hello. Dick and balls

>> No.22175870 [View]


>> No.22175882 [View]

>I really hope no one tries to burn it later...
Joker arc...

>> No.22175885 [View]

Sorry, could you all point me in the direction of /NijiEN/? Seems all this thread talks about is trannies, periods and how cool and deserving of attention they are for having a vagina.

>> No.22175893 [View]
File: 106 KB, 256x256, 1623256271956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've lost all my drive to shitpost now after knowing there are married anons with kids posting here.

>> No.22175932 [View]

I want Uki to buy a mansion with his tournament money and then Shu to demolish it with a wrecking ball as he asks for a rematch, A KNOCKOUT MATCH WITH PROPS NEXT SUNDAY NIGHT IN THE ARENA

>> No.22175942 [View]

She did.
The entire mountain.

>> No.22175943 [View]

thats me during my final thesis and got normal period after graduation

>> No.22175944 [View]

Anon may have a kid but she's still a lucub.

>> No.22175946 [View]
File: 243 KB, 464x461, 1627295322640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's going to build her new home there.

>> No.22175959 [View]
File: 302 KB, 498x476, 1648667684067.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No worries, we can get married and have kids together!

>> No.22175962 [View]

Well it's not cp and gore. Do you miss that?

>> No.22175976 [View]


>> No.22175979 [View]

she did, but minecraft concernfags are annoying so fuck them