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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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>> No.11706459 [View]
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Definitely gonna have to agree with you on volume being too much again, while not as bad as the great Rushia purchasing fiasco at least yet, Mori/Calli/Brap is still 3k under her price before adjustment and with multicoiners, and she's legitimately one of the best coins in the game.

With more bitching about volume, Me and Tower have been buying 7/8 Towa per cycle are effectively able to curb the mass selling of Towa as well where she's gone from 30% to 24% in over 12 hours. If I switched to 5x Towa, she probably would still be above 25-26%. While neat that players could impact the market in some way, it is stupid that I'm still 36, 14 hours after adjustment, even if I'll drop again next adjustment. Towa and other coins should realistically be at their pre-adjustment prices at this point, which can also help to curb the POI numbers being known usage by making it so you legitimately couldn't buy Mori on discount until the next adjustment.
The game has reached a point where players like M who had 1375 Towa pre adjustment, sell only 25 Towa even though she went up 30%, and be perfectly fine, ignoring the shitty dividends he receives. Players don't really feel the impact of one of their coins taking a hit or mooning, and can effectively ignore moons for little to no repercussions. There is no real reason to sell coins that moon except for minor profits that may arise from coins mooning.
For example, on Towa, if you held 100 Towa and have been selling her since adjustment which is about 93 cycles or so, assuming no multisell, you have made about $1.6 mil in selling alone. $1.6 mil will not allow you to climb the board at all especially higher up, and while of course, all the money you make matters, but when you compare that to the dividends you could've received which is about $1mil, you realistically made $600k of real profit. Again, this selling money could've been used to reinvest in other coins for their dividends, but again, there's the purchasing fee, and realistically, why would you even have Towa when she's consistently a shit coin for dividends, you could've feasibly sold Towa or other coins before adjustment and reinvested into better dividend coins. There is no real way to climb up the board without monotonous grinding of tiniest percentages of profits. The game has reached a point, especially at higher ranks, where you can't pass the person above you without having a better dividend portfolio than them for multiple weeks of dividends.

TL;DR: volume too stronk, coins don't reach their pre-adjustment fast enough. profits from mooning are not significant enough to actually have an impact without numerous weeks of monotonous grinding for the million or so you can make off a coin mooning in a day. all focuses should be centered around dividends if you want to climb at a higher rank, and even that requires you to grind for multiple weeks/months.
solution? lol fuck if i know. maybe make stay high longer if positive, which encourages multicoin selling. otherwise im lost

TL;DR TL;DR: For fucks sake stop buying Towam she is legitimately a shitty coin from a financial perspective and I know like none of you fucks legitimately watch her consistently, I want my market share to be 20% consistently without autistically purchasing a shit ton of Towa.

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