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>> No.48706626 [View]
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Ah, hell, I've been around the block enough times to know a steaming pile of cow dung when I see one, and let me tell you, son, these /swarm/ threads have turned into a damn catastrophe.

You got these young'uns, these anonymous keyboard warriors, ruining what used to be a decent place. You could've learned a thing or two from them back in the day. But now? It's just a cesspool of degeneracy and tomfoolery, and I ain't one to stand for it.

Now listen here, I ain't no prude, but some of these posts make even a salty old dog like me blush. It's like these kids get a kick out of pushing the boundaries of decency and common sense. And I'm not just talking about the occasional off-color joke or two; that's just part of life. No, I'm talking about the swarms of drama baiters, /pol/fags, and downright lunatics who've taken over the thread.

I remember a time when people could discuss things like civilized human beings, or at least pretend to be. But these days, it's like trying to have a conversation in a barnyard during a damn stampede. You can't hear a word anyone's saying, and you're liable to get covered in filth from head to toe.

Is it too much to ask for a little order, a little decorum? Hell, even a smidgen of civility? I reckon it's not, but it sure seems like a lost cause on /swarm/. And it's a damn shame, too. There used to be some good conversations buried deep beneath the muck, but now it's like trying to find a needle in a haystack the size of Texas.

So I say to you, fellow users of the internet, we can do better. We must do better. We've got to rise above the lowest common denominator and reclaim these spaces for reasonable discussion, for intelligent debate, and for the gosh-darned pursuit of knowledge. Otherwise, we're just letting the lunatics run the asylum, and that ain't no way to run a railroad, much less a thread.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got a pot of chili on the stove and a heap of frustration to work off. But mark my words, this ain't the end of it. We've got to clean up this mess, one thread at a time, and by God, I ain't going down without a fight.

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