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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.94102667 [View]
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Tall women, raping children

>> No.51885442 [DELETED]  [View]
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This made me smile

>> No.34303301 [View]
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That seems to be the case.

>> No.25683354 [View]
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It's Kronii, but Mori's tits are Mori's so that makes them better.

>> No.23526602 [View]
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That's our krony

>> No.21672269 [View]
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Anyone citing /inf/ as a source of good advice on thread etiquette is a /inf/ sleeper agent.
That said, no tribalshit allowed

>> No.20986614 [View]
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"Momento mori" is not a thing, but it is Kronii and Mori's duo name.

>> No.20484897 [View]
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After the Great Wall of Fauna got scaled in the last month or so, Kronii's probably the Council most different from Mori at this point, but they still have really cute interactions. Mori's totsu call was adorably awkward. I wonder what that collab they have planned for next month is.

>> No.19761647 [View]
File: 948 KB, 814x900, 1645746670650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that insane awkwardness as you stand over the buck-naked kronii on mori's bed
>the same bed where on many nights you would lovingly cuddle with the reaper post coitus
>the same bed where she'd whisper that she loves you before falling asleep in your arms
>that bed now about to be defaced, by you and another woman
>you don't really want this but you know you can't say no to mori
>she places her hands on your shoulders and tells you there's nothing to worry about
>you look to kronii but she's avoiding your gaze, you can tell she doesn't want it either
>suddenly, mori gives you a push and you land on your hands, cornering kronii, with your face hovering over hers
>she now looks you in the eyes, scared and hesitant
>you turn to mori, who is now at the side of the bed, but she gives you a menacing look
>you already know all too well what it's like when the reaper is angry; you don't want to set her off
>fuck it let's just get this over with
>you lean in to kiss the clock lady, she shuts her eyes and shivers at the touch of your lips
>your hands moves to her breast, and you can feel goosebumps
>as you grope her generous meat she lets out a pained whimper
>you can feel yourself at full mast now, mixed feelings wash over you. excitement and fear and anxiety and guilt
>you spread her legs open to reveal her unshaven wet cunt
>you position yourself carefully with your cock over her entrance, like a trained marksman ready to strike his prey
>and in one fast movement you enter her warm hole
>at this unexpected attack kronii yells and grips your arms, digging her nails into them, which triggers something animal-like in you
>you start pounding kronii, now without care or worry about her feelings, you want to live in this moment, and for that moment you forget about mori, who is pleasuring herself to the sight before her
>kronii stops pleading and embraces you instead, as if some fucked up stockholm syndrome overtook her brain, she penetrates your soul with her melancholic but demanding stare
>as you continue to pound the poor clock, you move in to kiss her, starting with a peck, then piercing her mouth with your tongue, intertwining with hers, then licking all over her teeth, only stopping for a brief moment to catch breath
>you didn't even notice when your fingers got locked with hers
>you near your limit and you can feel something rise up and travel through your shaft, and at the same time kronii reaches her climax as her embrace strengthens and she moans into your ears
>you fill kronii up with your seed, you feel like it's never going to stop flowing, and she releases you from her hold, her limp arms fall to the sides
>you get up, coming down from the adrenaline induced fuck, your suppressed feelings coming back to you; and hearing mori shuffle over to your side almost makes you jump
>even though it was her idea and you were basically coerced into it, you still feel as if you just broke her heart and cheated on her
>you can't get the read on her face, she reaches to you and you're ready for some sort of punishment
>but instead, mori grabs your face and gives you a kiss on the lips
>then she whispers into your ear with the sweetest voice:
Let's invite IRyS next time.

>> No.17978102 [View]
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Clock-kun song, since you guys are so into timeloops

>> No.17851702 [View]
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Meds? Who needs 'em?

>> No.17257336 [View]
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I'm having a difficult time trying to describe Kronii's stream right now. Comfy autismkino?

>> No.17170556 [View]
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Love these dorky autists

>> No.17131966 [View]
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>> No.13427240 [View]
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Her and Mori have a similar trait in needing someone else to lead the conversation in a collab setting. Their common denominator is Gura in this case, for comparison. I like Kronii fine, but she's awkward. I'm having a hard time picturing a one-on-one between the two of them without a game to talk about that doesn't get stuck in memerot.

>> No.12225370 [View]
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No reason to assume why not. Bear in mind we're talking about Calliope "I'll save them all" Mori here.

>> No.12120193 [View]
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Kronii's always called her Mori

>> No.12025416 [View]
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The surprise was never confirmed to be a stream. A handful of deadbeats just got themselves worked up thinking it was.
Kronii did a guerilla members' stream to address the fanbase's concerns and other stuff, so shitposters were feasting.

>> No.11879378 [View]
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It just works.

>> No.11675254 [View]
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>> No.11554852 [View]
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Their similarities are mostly superficial or completely circumstantial. Fundamentally, they are very different people.

>> No.9621324 [View]
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They're perfect.

>> No.9049117 [View]
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Nothing stops me from wanting double paizuri

>> No.8906975 [View]
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