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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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>> No.63813052 [View]
File: 3.62 MB, 2100x2970, __hoshimachi_suisei_hololive_drawn_by_kaiwa__bdfd33a49940d5891b09ced416dd02c1 [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fum2d2n.webm].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39168778 [View]
File: 3.62 MB, 2100x2970, __hoshimachi_suisei_hololive_drawn_by_kaiwa__bdfd33a49940d5891b09ced416dd02c1 [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fum2d2n.webm].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like a bolt from the blue, it's time for the Numbers Review.
Data collected at Cycle 60.

Here's the R.I.C.H. Report for today:
>The Total Shares in Circulation today is 153,818,662, a change of 0.88% from yesterday's Total Shares.
>Average shares per coin is 1,922,733. There are 28 coins with shares above this average.
>Calliope currently holds the Highest Volume of all coins, and has held this for 3 days.
>Nana currently holds the Lowest Volume of all coins, and has held this for 4 days.

Top 5 Volume Increases Today (of 47):
>Vesper :: +17.6%
>Lui :: +11.3%
>Ui :: +10.9%
>Marine :: +8.7%
>Polka :: +7.8%

Top 5 Volume Decreases Today (of 33):
>Shien :: -11.2%
>Iofi :: -7.4%
>Botan :: -6.8%
>Noel :: -5.0%
>Syrios :: -4.6%

1 coin (Kaoru) had a net-0% change in volume today.

Here's the R.I.S.E. Report for today:
>Accounts opened today will have roughly $936,670.28 liquid to start with. This is a change of 2.77% from yesterday's Starting Liquid estimate.
>The total market value of all shares in circulation is $5,369,675,484,723.19, a change of 8.36% from yesterday's Total Market Value.
>Average Value per share of all coins in circulation is $34,909.13. There are 22 coins with a value above this average.
>Suisei currently has the highest Market Value of all coins, taking the position from Hololive.
>Temma currently has the lowest Market Value of all coins, and has maintained this streak for 2 days.

Top 5 Value Gains Today (of 49):
>Suisei :: +61.8%
>Dezmond :: +31.7%
>Ayamy :: +30.5%
>Towa :: +26.9%
>Lui :: +25.6%

Top 5 Value Losses today (of 31):
>Nene :: -30.1%
>Nana :: -28.7%
>Aki :: -21.8%
>Ui :: -20.7%
>Kovalskia :: -19.3%

1 coin (Kaoru) had a net-0% change in volume today.

Here's the F.R.E.E. Report for today:
>Superchats from today totaled $321,690,768,484, a difference of 0.89% from yesterday's superchats.
>The Broker's earnings today totaled $17,239,722,366.19, a change of 0.4% from yesterday's earnings.

Top 5 Superchat Increases (of 15):
>IRyS :: +9.5%
>Towa :: +5%
>Subaru :: +4.7%
>Sora :: +3.3%
>Aki :: +3.2%

Here's the M.O.V.E. Report for today:
>7 coins adjusted green, but are still trending upwards.
>3 coins adjusted red, but are still trending down.
>14 coins adjusted red, but are now above their pre-adjustment value.
>1 coin adjusted green, but is now below their pre-adjustment value.
>55 coins have not interesected with their pre-adjustment value, and are on expected trend lines.

Most Volatile Coins (per hour average):
>Nabi :: $535.12 Up :: $5,351.19 from adj.
>Nene :: $408.92 Up :: $4,089.23 from adj.
>Pekora :: $393.22 Up :: $3,932.21 from adj.
>Marine :: $378.34 Up :: $3,783.37 from adj.
>Kovalskia :: $354.71 Up :: $3,547.13 from adj.

Least Volatile Coins (per hour average):
>Kaoru :: -$0.03 Down :: -$0.29 from adj.
>Coco :: -$0.77 Down :: -$7.74 from adj.
>Nana :: -$1.33 Down :: -$13.28 from adj.
>Mel :: $1.54 Up :: $15.43 from adj.
>Aruran :: $2.50 Up :: $25.04 from adj.

Overall Average movement was $66.18 per hour.
Average Upwards movement was $134.89 per hour.
Average Downwards movement was -$84.99 per hour.

And now for the Grug Report:
>There are more berries than yesterday.
>Berries worth more stones than yesterday.
>Broker paid slightly more than they were paid yesterday.
>More coins went up than down today.

The Financial Underwriters of Comprehensive Knowledge would like to remind you to stay informed, shitpost responsibly, and FUD accurately.

>> No.15069471 [View]
File: 3.62 MB, 2100x2970, __hoshimachi_suisei_hololive_drawn_by_kaiwa__bdfd33a49940d5891b09ced416dd02c1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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