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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.7900578 [View]
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>Fuck off, I've been here since /jp/ was a new board, you don't get to tell me what is or isn't newfag material.
If you don't know what a "rrat" is, it doesnt matter if you were fucking yagoo and a chans secret child and started covercorp, you are a newfag or a tourist take your pick.
>Gura's "hoocha" streams are some of her highest viewcount ones and the watson fananimation has 2.5 million views, not counting the variants.
> perpetuate something into a character trait, that is forced by the individual. See also Mori's GUH and Kiara's own self-regret over Bottom Left.
What is your point? I literally said guras A was a forced meme by the community, it is artificially iconic in the same way korones eekum bookum shit is artificially iconic. It is not a part of the character or the streamer, it is an entity made by the public, unlike peko or callis guh shit.
>popular (ergo iconic)
You stupid motherfucker, if you sing like the average white woman, IT DOESNT MATTER IF THE WHOLE FUCKING WORLD LISTENS, BECAUSE YOURE AVERAGE. Noel singing shaka fucking beach is more iconic than every gura song ever made, because when Noel sings, ITS NOEL SINGING AND NO ONE
>See above about your general ignorance, not my problem.
No one has heard those memes man, get over it.
>actual numeric metric...like some kind of numerical value can be used to assess it. But please do keep pushing with arguments that can't actually be measured, it's a really solid case that totally holds up under scrutiny.
Your weasly numberfag brain cannot comprehend that viewers do not equal iconic.
If gura belly danced once in 3D, She would get more viewers in one live than Aki has had all together in her entire career, but she would not be known for belly dancing, and aki would be, AKI IS THE ICON OF BELLY DANCING NO MATTER HOW MANY VIEWS GURA GETS. Do you comprehend my words numberfag?
You don't get this through your thick baboon brain and Im gone

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