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>> No.48793082 [View]
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Hello, /tg/-anon here to give everyone a quick loredump on WoD and Hunter:The Vigil so all the newfriends can get caught up to speed on the game in general.

>What is World of Darkness
World of Darkness is a Urban-Fantasy Horror brand and setting created by White Wolf Publishing and now owned by Paradox Interactive. The brand is famous for such games a Vampire: the Masquerade, Werewolf: the Apocalypse, Mage: the Ascension and even some vidya such as VTM:Bloodlines.
The setting takes place in a gothic-punk interpretation of our modern times in which the supernatural is real. Ghosts, Fairies, Vampires, Werewolves, Wizards, etc... they're all real in WoD. Normally, these beings all hide from humanity under a veil of secrecy. To answer why; humanity once dropped two nukes on itself in order to deal with other humans that were causing problems. If humanity ever found out about the existence of the supernatural, it would probably go to lengths that would make WWII look like a Sunday service. So the supernatural operate in the shadows, just outside the corner of your eye. Silently feeding off an ignorant humanity.
Setting-wise just think of the movie Blade, the Underworld series or a more Grimdark version of TV shows like Supernatural or Buffy and you've got a rough idea of what to expect.

>Who are Hunters.
An easy answer is just for me to tell you to "go look in the mirror". Hunters are just average Joes and Janes. Folks that have had a peek behind the veil and have seen the supernatural. Whether they saw a young girl get snatched by the boogeyman, figured out their boss is in fact a literal blood sucking demon, or accidentally clicked on the wrong webm on a Mongolian basket weaving forum. Either way the true nature of the world has been revealed to them and there is no going back. Some folks try to feign a normal life, praying that newly revealed horrors never notice their newfound awareness. They eventually do. Others become reclusive shut-ins, praying that they'll be eaten last. They won't. However, some folks go and carve wooden stakes, meltdown silver heirlooms, and grab grandpa's double barrel shotgun.
Hunter is about those folks, those sworn to banish the darkness, drive the rats from their holes, and be the firewall that stands between the monsters and humanity. They do this all while trying to maintain their sanity. After all let's face it, watching a vampire magically reshape your friend's skeleton as if his bones were made of play-dough while your dog's blood begins to boil out of each and every one of his orifices is not good for ones mental health. Especially when that shit happens almost on a monthly basis. It is World of Darkness after all and there are worse fates than being eaten by a vampire.

>Why is it called Hunter: The Vigil?
Because hunting is a never ending cycle. One day a human sees the supernatural and decides to become a hunter, a fire in the darkness turning the shadows back. He survives his first hunt. However, a hunter's work is never done. He continues to hunt, his sanity slowly grinding away at the horrors he's seen and the sins he's committed. One day he may save a young boy from becoming some bloodsuckers midnight snack. He takes the boy under his wing and teaches the boy the trade. A new flame is kindled. Now two flames work keeping the darkness at bay. One day the hunter's luck runs out or his mind breaks under all the horror. The hunter dies but the boy, now a man, continues on. Carrying the flame that was given to him by the hunter. The vigil marches on and the cycle begins anew.

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