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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.61587256 [View]
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Day 24 is furry day, I have no fucking clue what to write here so it's probably gonna be gibberish, but I enjoy this shit so why not?
Rentry: https://rentry.org/sggoi
>Shiori is relaxing on the sofa, humming a soft tune that she had just made up.
>Her eyes are closed as she hums, if a picture were to be taken, it could have been accompanied with the word "Peace."
>She has a book on her lap, and she slowly notices your presence, gently opening her eyes to gaze at you.
>"Would you like to accompany me in another story tonight?"
>You sit down, nodding towards her.
>As you get comfortable, she continues to hum, and then you notice the cover of the book is blank.
>Curious, you ask her what today's story will be about, but she simply places her finger over her lip and winks at you.
>She opens the book and begins to read to you: "This is the story of a certain young man, who's adventure began that faithful day."
>Your eyes begin to close as you listen to her voice, her tone full of interest as she's reading out loud to you.
>A few moments pass and you open your eyes, you're wearing what seems to be standard gear that an adventurer would wear
>You notice you're wearing a backpack, and have a sword hanging off your waist belt.
>Suddenly, you feel soft paws press on your shoulders
>You see a cat that's black on one side and white on the other.
>Without even having to guess, you say outloud to the cat, in a tone that has both amusement and confusion in it: "Shiori, what is this?"
>The cat looks at you, then responds in a voice that sounds like an utter joke
>"Meow! I'm a cat nyow! And you see dish world? You gotta shave it!"
>You resist the urge to laugh, and possibly even cry
>Suddenly, Shiori the cat begins to glow
>"Huh? Whatsh happening?" she asks, her voice still in that joking tone.
>The glow then transfers to you, and suddenly you feel, lighter?
>A stat window pops up before you and it shows that your strength, HP and stamina have all gone up.
>Shiori peeks at the stat window with you, being able to see it.
>"Ohhh, so you're like a magical girl and I'm the mascot!"
>Her tone no longer the joking tone she was using just earlier, she nods her head in acknowledgement.
>"But Anon, you're not appropriately dressed for a magical girl!"
>You look at the cat Shiori, then you try to explain how you aren't in fact a magical girl at all.
>The cat smiles at you then waves its paw at you, sharp claws extend out then dig into your skin.
>"No Anon! You are indeed a magical girl!"
>Her tone was ridiculous, you could tell she wasn't serious at all, but the pain you felt against your skin was enough to tell you that it'd be better to stop denying it.
>You decide it's time to move along with the story and you begin to walk forward, on the way you encounter a mix of goblins, slimes, rats and other beginner monsters you'd encounter in an RPG.
>Shiori is clinging to your shoulder, constantly nagging at you like a fairy that would repeatedly tell you to listen.
>Driven by a mix of madness, and desire to adventure, you continue until you run into a goblin that's slightly different.
>You can see miasma seeping out of it.
>Shiori suddenly stands on your shoulder and says in a solemn voice: "Those are the monsters infected by the demon king, I'll distract it, you do your best to stop it!"
>Shiori jumps off your shoulder and bares her claws at it, however the goblin simply flicks her away in almost comical fashion
>As you watch the scene before you, you brandish your weapon and begin to fight the goblin, however its strength is vastly higher than yours and you feel yourself fall to the ground, the status screen showing your HP is about to hit 0.
>You hear Shiori's voice ring in your head, though it sounds like a complete joke: "Jusht call out for moar power anon!"
>You yell, loudly, facing the heavens for more strength, and as if God had responded to you, you're bathed in a golden light.
>Suddenly your status screen pops up before you and says: "Congratulations, you've unlocked an achievement: 'Yelling like a dumbass'"
>Your sudden burst of strength is replaced with a look of someone dumbfounded, what the fuck?
>Deciding it wasn't worth thinking about, you pick up your sword once more and slay the goblin.
>As it falls to the ground, you notice you've leveled up, and also Shiori pops out of some nearby bushes and digs her claw into your cheek again.
>"You didsh it Anon! Congrats! I knew you could do it Look at you!"
>You can't tell if you're genuinely being praised or mocked
>Suddenly your eyelids feel heavy, the story is being interrupted?
>Your eyes close, then open again, and you're back at the sofa sitting next to Shiori
>You turn towards her, wanting to ask what happened
>Then you notice that she had fallen asleep.
>You sigh a little, having just gotten into the "magical girl" routine that you were thrown into.
>Afterwards, you get a blanket and place it over Shiori, a content smile shows on her face afterwards.

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