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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.95909427 [View]
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Femanons trying to subvert good wholesome prompts into something evil once again

>> No.95496529 [View]
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>your chastity cage
That's obscenely gay

>> No.93396372 [View]
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It's not the new fans, but the old fans who've lost that initial passion they had for the actual hobby itself but stick around in the scene because they're attached to the community and find it difficult to let go. I've seen it happen billion times in the 23 years I've spent in hobby communities online and they always poison everything they touch.

>> No.92714818 [View]
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This disgusting britanon requires lifestyle correction

>> No.91618739 [View]
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>Anon and Sakuna have been dating long enough that they're having sex
>Anon finally talks about his lost sister Aqua
>Sakuna freezes and starts feeling unwell, but she doesn't know why
>If this was an anime this is where you would get a close-up of Sakuna's eyes being completely dead for a second (like that one scary shot from Kusuriya no Hitorigoto anime adaptation)
>Whenever Sakuna thinks about "Aqua" she feels a weird anxiety but just can't figure out the reason why
>That is until she goes back to visit her mom
>Listening to her talk finally unlocks the memories
>Her mom used to call her Aqua when she was a small child
>I have to tell A...non... oh fuck
Now, don't tell me this isn't kino. I truly am the Shuzo Oshimi of vtuber fanfiction thread prompt writers.

>> No.90068956 [View]
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And it's all your fault anon, it's all because you made THAT post
It's only natural that no one feels like spending the rest of their day on /wg/ after THAT

>> No.84072129 [View]
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All I feel is hate

>> No.82120139 [View]
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>> No.76286523 [View]
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>You discover a small Let's Play channel on YouTube
>It's just gameplay with the player's commentary, no avatar
>Hey, isn't this my classmate Minato Aqua's voice? That girl who is always alone
>You want to talk to her but Aqua is extremely hostile towards you for some reason
>Aqua is used to being made fun of but the thing you said that day hurt her more than anything else
>Aqua had fumbled the teacher's question in a particularly embarrassing fashion that day
>Your male classmates were laughing about it and you got swept by the atmosphere to say something extremely uncharacteristic of you
>"What an absolute fucking retard!" you blurted out without realizing that Aqua had heard those words
>She left quietly without anyone noticing she ever was there
>And that's how you broke the heart of a girl who loved you
>Aqua had overheard you and your friends conversations about video games, anime etc. many times
>But you are the one in the group who stole the show as far as she is concerned
>She enjoyed hearing you talk about all that stuff and she always wished she had the courage to approach you
>You were the closest thing she had to a friend in school

>> No.75449005 [View]
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>Aqua negs Marine
>It's a complete overkill
>Marine runs away crying
>Aqua is just barely able to stop Marine from jumping off the bridge
>Sigma Male Grindset Fairy: That was some top G shit, Akutan
>Aqua: Shut up you bald fraud! I almost killed her!

>> No.61050632 [View]
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>You made Aqua's life in elementary school absolute hell, you tormented her every single day
>You went to different middle schools, but in high school you're reunited in the same class again
>Aqua's face is filled with pure horror when she realizes it's you
>You're ashamed of having bullied her
>Everytime you see her you remember all the things you did to her...
>...and all the things you said to her ("Why don't you just kill yourself you fucking retard?")
>You want to make it up to her, but she's understandably extremely hostile towards you

>> No.60338247 [View]
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The Anime Man and Gigguk are the two most cancerous faggots in the entire history of western anime fandom with their obnoxious "anime is trash and so am I" shtick. Fuck them.

>> No.60302319 [View]
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>Marine: Oh, hi Aqua. This is your new dad.
>Anon: ...N-nice to meet you, Aqua
>Aqua: [picrel]

>> No.49290714 [View]
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>tfw no tsundere crystal cafe gf with misandrist banter
Why even live

>> No.38893790 [View]
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I've been on 4chan since before some of you were born and seeing /vt/ for the first time was genuinely the most shocking thing I've seen on this website in all these years. This board is that fucking shit and has always been.

>> No.37986464 [View]
File: 191 KB, 590x848, dontgetnearme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I think I get it something like.
>Our Cures
This was a great ayame romance series but Aqua isn't pink haired she's purple you blind motherfucker. Get your eyes checked. 3/10
Cause I thought this was going to be like, pick a fic you like and point out the flaws in it. Something like how 'menhera wrangler' as a concept was probably more suited to giving the girls longer story arcs like with Fubuk rather than the Menhera of the week thing it went with.

>> No.33072901 [View]
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Ever since my first girlfriend told me that whenever she got aroused some weird wet globules came out of her pussy I could never get aroused to pussy again. I searched about it and it's apparently something that happens to all women. Some 2D pussies look nice but that's all they are. 2D.

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