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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.33707831 [View]
File: 1.02 MB, 1855x3433, tipping culture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take advantage of the new thread and make it a smaller post because you are all zoomers and can't read more than 113 words so I'll make this post EXACTLY 113 words.
If you want the full post, check >>33707500

tl;dr: In North America, you are expected to tip 15-20% anytime you are served, and if you get SPECTACULAR BAD SERVICE like getting food dunked on you, service worker being rude on purpose
>you are allowed to tip "only" 10%
That is the perfect metaphor for the state of the EN vtuber scene, when the streamers can do no wrong and even if she does, you are not allowed to complain.

>> No.33707500 [View]
File: 1.02 MB, 1855x3433, tipping culture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the people to understand the mindset of the North American audience with regards to the relationship between the audience and the entertainer, look no further than
>the North American tipping culture

Here is an article the subject and, here is the thing
>North Americans will AGREE with it
>Everybody else will deeply disagree and be in disbelief
It might be the biggest dissonance between North Americans and even other westerners, let alone people from Asia and, the worst part, people from both sides don't even know this HUGE rift exists.

The title of the article is
>What is an Appropriate Tip for Poor Service at a Restaurant?

Here is the relevant except, right at the top
>Determining the appropriate tip at a restaurant is a difficult matter.
>Rules for tips vary from country to country.
>In some countries, tipping is an insult, but in the US, the appropriate tip rate for a waiter or waitress is 15%.
>Most people tend to feel that 20% is an appropriate tip, especially when the service has been excellent.

And here is the punchline

>However, if the waiter or waitress has ruined a meal by exceptionally poor service, such as ignoring one for 20 minutes, failing to bring requested items, being rude, spilling food on you, etc, then it is considered appropriate to leave a smaller tip.

For the good lads not from North America: I am not making this up, you can check the link above and see for yourselves.
In North America, if you get service bad to a level of
>being rude
>spilling food on you
>ignoring you for 20 minutes
your only socially acceptable recourse is
If you even DARE to complain about poor service you will be branded a "Karen" if you are white and female, "a nigger" if you are not white or something similar if you are merely a fucking white male and, in every case, you will be branded
if service is that level of bad.

Now, here is where it connects with vtubers and the current dissonance between the EN branches and the other branches: the North American audience position is

>if you are not satisfied with what the service you are being provided, your only socially acceptable recourse is to go away and never return

while in most of the rest of the world the position is

>if you are not satisfied with what the service you are being provided, it is socially acceptable to voice your discontent and demand better service.

This post will likely start a shout fest between these exact two audiences. EN audience will say
> if you don't like what the chuuba is doing just STFU, go away and stop watching
while the rest of the world will look aghast by the perspective of having to take bad service and pay a "reduced" 10% top for the privilege.

That's the dissonance between the expectation of the North American audience and the rest of the world, and that's the reason for the current friction between the global Holo audience the the EN audience

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