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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.96645238 [View]
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does anyone know if that debbie likes the 2004 version of sid meiers pirates or the 1987 version

>> No.89385702 [View]
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But I thought Spy family was loved by everyone
I dropped it when they played tennis

>> No.86871520 [View]
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nta but depending on who you ask the academic "modern" era begins anywhere from the 1850s, 1700, or 1500
when most people say "modern" they actually mean "contemporary"

>> No.83585883 [View]
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From a purely biological, evolutionary point of view, the woman's survival is secondary to the child being born, and only serves for her to go on and have another child. Some types of insects kill themselves to pass on their genetics. We're just animals who learned how to make tools in the end.

>> No.83134087 [View]
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You're talking about them instead of the topic of the thread so doesn't that mean they're winning

>> No.82022299 [View]
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Did you know? The term "meme" is almost 50 years old.

>> No.81693865 [View]
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That's correct. These women, whose jobs largely involve interacting with each other at minimum multiple times a week, several of whom have traveled thousands of miles to visit one another, stayed in their homes, met their families, etc., don't even know each other's names

>> No.80518814 [View]
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500 C is hotter than the surface of Venus

>> No.76324963 [View]
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Traveling to new places exposes you to a new population with different immunities to different pathogens, not to mention air travel tightly packs you in with a crowd of unfamiliar people in an enclosed space for hours at a time, which also greatly increases the chance of picking up disease
Hope this helps

>> No.75521239 [View]
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Every now and then the sun shoots invisible space goo at us, which gets repelled by the Earth's magnetic field. This phenomenon is what creates auroras. Due to the relative weakness of solar winds under normal circumstances*, aurora are usually only visible at high latitudes, but we're nearing the solar maximum of this current sun cycle, meaning the radiation produced by the sun is strong enough to penetrate deeper into the magnetosphere and create aurora at lower latitudes.

oh, and it can disable satellites and shit

>> No.74576897 [View]
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Mori should randomly pull out something like OWTH at one of these smaller shows

>> No.73971619 [View]
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Well actually the "time" in this case is 3 hours from now, because that's when she asked it to be moved to. Us hearing from her over an hour ago was her checking it.

>> No.73393408 [View]
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>> No.72889621 [View]
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allow me to red pill you all:

there is no "leaker". this was a coordinated effort on the discord's part to stir up drama and epically troll this thread, which to be fair is kind of funny because everyone here is retarded

>> No.72450679 [View]
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what vtuber is this?

>> No.72111631 [View]
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I recognize this post as containing words but what those words mean completely eludes me

>> No.70401606 [View]
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She started working at 14 with a hardship license and worked multiple jobs through college which ended up paying her way to Japan, Mr. Semantics

>> No.70386872 [View]
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>How we've come so far away
>Since "red tomorrow, red today"
>In the ash of what remains
>Lies the demon no one could tame

>> No.70025224 [View]
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>Quads of Death
Thank you for your opinion, Mori.
Please make more tracks like Live Again and Cursed Night. They are your best work.

>> No.69557722 [View]
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that sounds a little anti-semitic

>> No.66232573 [View]
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Ina dominantly placed second in a Group B run that was filled with a lot of Hololive's perennial Mario Kart tryhards like Subaru, Pekora, Towa, and Koyori. Mio could've probably also entered Group E as a potential top seed if she didn't get bumblefucked on Moo Moo Meadows. Both of them are the favorites for 1st place in Group E, with some threat from Koyori.

Calli's biggest obstacle won't be her opponents but the fact that Group E is short one player. Mario Kart 8 gives out less points depending on how many people are in the lobby, and Calli ended up in the player short lobbies twice in a row. At the end of the next qualifier she'll be at minimum 8 points short of wherever she should be. If the organizers were aware of this they'd pad the lobbies out with CPUs but this is a new format for them so they probably weren't ready for this issue.

Her best route to advancing (outside of placing first) is probably hoping Ina takes it as the 1st seed of her group since she has far more points to contend with, then she just needs to outplace Mio. If Mio takes first seed in group E then a lot more things need to go right for her to get into Tsuyo. There's not a lot of room for Group E users to advance into Tsuyo.

>> No.66053161 [View]
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I bet if she actually wore her glasses instead of using contacts, they'd have really thick lenses that make her eyes look huge

>> No.65832596 [View]
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"Organic" in particular isn't a marketing trick. That's an FDA certification meaning that the food was properly made and free of tampering and additives; in the case of animal products it's an assurance that the animals were kept and raised in humane conditions as well.
t. I work for Whole Foods

>> No.64055127 [View]
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No, I got offered a PhD position.

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