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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.77166665 [View]
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He was previous a Miuna oiler (but never really gave her anywhere near what he gave Nebi). And yeah right after he gifted Nebi 7k she told him (in front of her entire chat) that she see's him as like her "gay uncle". He immediately stopped donating and her donothing failed shortly after, getting only 8k out of the 10k she wanted. He proceeded to immediately delete his twitter account and was never seen again, even after Nebi's (brief) return 3 months later he didn't come back. He didn't even go back to Miuna. He unironically probably killed himself.

>> No.71734881 [View]
File: 268 KB, 1266x1080, Nebi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nebi is actually back
So if she really is coming back than is she just gonna drop her new alt? I'd say no, she invested a new (Png) model recently and is active on her Fansly so I don't see her just abandoning it (then again she was active on her Fansly the entire time she was in Pixel). So I really don't get what her plan here is. I assume Fatcat either doesn't know or doesn't care about her alt. But based on her last stream things were doing badly between her and the rest of Pixel talent and Management (implying that things were not going so well for the entire company, artists and music talents were unable or unwilling to work with her to make art for her thumbnails or make a song cover with her where as they had zero problem with any of hte other girls, and managemetn being fed up with her for reasons she didn't elaborate on), immediatley followed by her sudden 3 month "sick"leave (which we know was a lie because she was actively streaming and making fansly content on her alt the entire time).

Did they know she wasn't sick? Did she somehow decieve them into letting her go on her alt for 3 months under the false pretense that she was sick (absurd, no job just lets you go on leave for months without actual evidence you need to take off, like hospital records, so Fatcat must've known and pepretuated the "sick" lie as a cover for whatever her true reason for her long hiatus was). All signs point to her being punished for something and that was the reason for the break, and her being fired, but here she is a whole 3 months later back as if nothing happened while having been active on a NSFW alt the entire time in secret. Was this all some attempt at fake drama to drive engagement?

Just what the fuck is going on here??? I don't understand the actions of either Nebi or management. Literally none of this makes sense and is making me question both her and this entire company.

>> No.66553565 [View]
File: 268 KB, 1266x1080, Nebi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why did Pixel Management lie to us about Nebi being "sick" when in reality we've learned that she's been streaming on an alt lewd persona and making Fansly content this entire time? Do they not know about it? Did Nebi somehow dupe management and they just let her go off for 3 months with no evidence of her actually being sick?

There's no way. Her second last stream she went out and aired all their dirty laundry, saying there's loads of problems behind the scenes with Pixel (primarily surrounding her) and admitted she hated her entire time with the company. Then suddenly Pixel says she's "sick" and needs 3 months, which is absurd that anyone would need that long for being ill, and it would totally kill her momentum.

What the fuck is going on? Why is nobody questioning this, especially since we know her being sick was all a lie? Because it looks like she was fired (probably said stream, you don't say that kind of shit about your employer in public) and this "sick" story is just a cover for whatever reason. It's just shocking to me how everyone here just collectively memory-holded her. Or are people here just unable to cope with the knowledge that their oshi is actually a confirmed e-thot and she abandoned them for her lewdtubing side hustle?

>> No.58010214 [View]
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I feel like they're mostly ignoring and talking over Nebi

>> No.55708726 [View]
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I remember her Debut 2.0 stream, where she said she played Final Fantasy, then got confused when chat asked her what job she played, and had no idea what they meant by "job". Then someone named some jobs as examples like Black Mage, and she was like "Black Mage? Is that a new class? When was that added?" Got further confused by Scholar, thinking it was the class with a staff, and didn't know Conjurer became White Mage. Ultimately she just said she She really seemed to have no idea about the game despite saying she played it and loved it so I assumed she played to 30 and just stopped.

Anyway yeah, her format of 1-2 hour streams at playing a specific game only once a week just isn't gonna work with XIV. It takes far too long to ge through the story, which is the only reason xiv viewers watch. And if she's gonna skip the story, then holy moly she shuld just play something else. Unironically she's gonna hurt her career by playing this game. Seen numerous streamers destroy their streaming careers by playing FFXIV "wrong" (I.e skipping cutscenes, not reacting the right way) and she doesn't seem to understand the game at all let alone what XIV andies want out of a XIV stream so yeah.

>> No.52999784 [View]
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>Nebi at 25 viewers after 60 minutes

>> No.52714050 [View]
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>Nebi is paywalling some of her content unlike Raki when she's membered
>Can't even keep her streams from crashing within -2 hours.

I feel like this wont go the way Nebi thinks it will go

>> No.52471479 [View]
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Serious question why do you guys care if a female vtbuer collabs with a male? You aren't unironically under the delusion that these girls either are your GF's or ever will be, are you?

>> No.52235624 [View]
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>Bun and cat are the only two I can watch consistently with my schedule. What are the others doing that those two are not? Are they pandering or doing GFE stuff?
Raki and Lottie are blatant GFE and play the parasocial aspect pretty hard, majority of their streams are talking directly with their viewers and building a relationship with them.

Nebi is the same to a lesser extent, but she seems to try to be entertaining more than parasocial. Chiaki and Miuna are just nice, but don't have any other apsect to them that stands out I think is the problem on top of them not really building a relationship with their viewers the same way. Seems Chiaki is more comfortable just talking about gaems in a genuine gaemer way but doesn't really try to build a relationship with her audience, just talks to them about vidya vidya facts. Maybe she's just not comfortable being more than that I dunno.

Actually come to think she doesn't really seem to interact with the other girls much at all. The other girls have all collabed in some way but I haven't seen Chiaki pop into any of their streams or any of them pop into her stream which is a bit strange.

As for Miuna I dunno, like Chiaki she's nice but I barely have watched her so I don't know. I think both their problems are that they're too nice and don't have much else going for them besides being nice and inoffensive, but are conversly disconnected with their viewers as they avoid the parasocial side. So IMO they're lacking (compared to the other girls) both in the entertaining side and the paraosocial side, which doesn't leave much of an audience. You really have to be either super entertaining or super parasocial, there is no inbetween as a streamer. I like them all, but I dont imagine those two lasting long term unless they change things up. But what the fuck do I know.

>> No.52140878 [View]
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I was so into the streams that I didn't notice my oshi had released a banger and she's so back
actually love her

>> No.51945522 [View]
File: 268 KB, 1266x1080, Nebi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nebi: I dont really do anything besides keep track on what's going on in the world

Nebi browses /pol/ 100%

>> No.51807250 [View]
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She bought them to close the Pokemon series in a little event she's doing but she's really sad because it turns out she can't write it off as taxes lol
My silly wife

>> No.51782645 [View]
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Da Nebi is always in the girls chats, she's so supportive!

>> No.51762620 [View]
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She'll eventually play it once my wife is done setting the farms up

>> No.51727755 [View]
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Well she came from Mars also she's a little silly

>> No.51706677 [View]
File: 268 KB, 1266x1080, Nebi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So cute
So lovely
Nebu love!

>> No.51695166 [View]
File: 268 KB, 1266x1080, Nebi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning /pxl/
Nebi love

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