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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.73962525 [View]
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>> No.73946076 [View]
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The Bigger Gura Theory (BGT) is a groundbreaking theory that proposes the existence of a slightly larger version of Gawr Gura, the popular virtual YouTuber and member of the virtual idol group Hololive English. Like conspiracy theorists who believe in cryptids like moth men, bigfoot, aliens, and ghosts, proponents of the BGT argue that there is compelling evidence to support the existence of this larger version of Gura.

According to believers in the BGT, sightings of the Bigger Gura have been reported by individuals who claim to have seen her lurking in the shadows, just out of sight. Some even claim to have interacted with her, describing her as towering over them with a menacing gaze.

There have also been alleged photographs and videos circulating online that purportedly capture glimpses of the Bigger Gura, although skeptics dismiss them as hoaxes or simply misunderstandings of perspective.

Supporters of the BGT point to Gura's own mysterious origins and the enigmatic nature of virtual YouTubers as evidence that there is more to her than meets the eye. They argue that just as there are cryptids and other supernatural entities that exist beyond our understanding, the Bigger Gura is a yet-undiscovered phenomenon waiting to be brought into the light.

While mainstream science and the majority of the population may dismiss the Bigger Gura Theory as nothing more than a fanciful myth, believers in the theory remain steadfast in their conviction that there is a larger version of Gawr Gura out there, just waiting to be discovered. Only time will tell if the truth behind the Bigger Gura will ever be revealed.

>> No.73871528 [View]
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The Bigger Gura Theory (BGT) is a groundbreaking theory that has been gaining traction among believers of the supernatural. According to this theory, there exists a single, slightly larger version of Gawr Gura, the beloved Vtuber from the popular gaming and streaming platform, Hololive.

Similar to other cryptids and mythical beings like moth men, Bigfoot, aliens, and ghosts, the BGT believers argue that this larger version of Gawr Gura has managed to evade detection and remain hidden from the public eye. They claim that this "Bigger Gura" possesses mystical powers and abilities beyond our comprehension, making it nearly impossible to track down or prove its existence through conventional means.

While skeptics dismiss the BGT as nothing more than a wild conspiracy theory, true believers remain steadfast in their belief in the existence of a larger Gawr Gura lurking somewhere in the shadows. They point to vague sightings, unexplained phenomena, and cryptic messages as evidence of the Bigger Gura's presence among us.

In the world of the BGT, anything is possible, and the boundaries between reality and fantasy become blurred. Whether you're a firm believer in the supernatural or a skeptic looking to debunk the claims of the BGT, one thing is certain - the mystery of the Bigger Gura continues to captivate and perplex us all.

>> No.73813480 [View]
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The Bigger Gura Theory (BGT) is a groundbreaking concept that suggests the existence of a larger, more ominous version of the beloved virtual YouTuber Gawr Gura. Just like how some people believe in cryptids such as moth men, bigfoot, aliens, and ghosts, this theory proposes that there is a mysterious, oversized incarnation of Gura lurking in the shadows.

According to believers of the BGT, this colossal Gura possesses unimaginable powers and abilities, far beyond those of the regular Gura we all know and love. Some even speculate that this larger Gura may be responsible for strange occurrences and unexplained phenomena around the world.

Supporters of the Bigger Gura Theory point to various pieces of "evidence" such as blurry photographs and alleged sightings of a giant, shark-like creature resembling Gura. They also draw parallels to other cryptids and supernatural beings, suggesting that this larger Gura could be a part of a larger, hidden world that we are not fully aware of.

While skeptics may dismiss the Bigger Gura Theory as nothing more than a fanciful imagination, true believers remain steadfast in their conviction that there is indeed a bigger, more mysterious version of Gawr Gura out there, waiting to be discovered. Only time will tell if this larger Gura will reveal itself to the world and confirm the existence of the Bigger Gura Theory once and for all.

>> No.73745200 [View]
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Bigger Gura Theory (BGT) is the proper name.

>> No.73587299 [View]
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The Bigger Gura Theory (BGT) is a fascinating and controversial theory that has been gaining traction among fans of virtual YouTuber Gawr Gura. According to this theory, there exists a single slightly larger version of Gawr Gura who is lurking somewhere in the depths of the internet, hidden from the public eye.

Supporters of the BGT point to various pieces of supposed evidence to support their claim. They argue that there have been sporadic sightings and encounters with this larger Gura, though most of these reports are anecdotal and lacking in concrete proof. Some believe that this bigger Gura may be responsible for certain unexplained phenomena, such as glitches in Gura's videos or strange occurrences during her livestreams.

Critics of the BGT dismiss it as nothing more than a fanciful conspiracy theory, akin to beliefs in mythical creatures like moth men, bigfoot, aliens, and ghosts. They argue that there is no scientific basis for the existence of a larger Gura and that the theory is simply a product of overactive imaginations and a desire for mystery and intrigue.

Despite the skepticism surrounding the BGT, its proponents remain steadfast in their belief in the existence of a bigger Gura. They continue to search for clues and evidence to support their theory, hoping to one day uncover the truth behind this mysterious and elusive figure. Until then, the Bigger Gura Theory remains a fascinating and enigmatic aspect of the Gawr Gura fandom.

>> No.73533345 [View]
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The Bigger Gura Theory (BGT) is a groundbreaking concept that has recently emerged in the realm of conspiracy theories. The theory suggests that there exists a singular, slightly larger version of Gawr Gura, the popular virtual YouTuber and member of the Hololive English VTuber group.

Adherents of the BGT believe that this larger Gura, known colloquially as "Big Gura," exists in a parallel dimension or hidden within the depths of the ocean. Despite her elusive nature, purported sightings and encounters with Big Gura have been reported by a select few individuals, sparking intrigue and speculation among believers.

Much like other cryptids and paranormal entities such as moth men, bigfoot, aliens, and ghosts, Big Gura is shrouded in mystery and is often associated with unexplained phenomena and supernatural occurrences. Some theorists even go as far as to suggest that Big Gura possesses advanced intelligence and may hold the key to unlocking the secrets of the universe.

While skeptics dismiss the Bigger Gura Theory as mere fantasy or delusion, true believers point to a variety of "evidence" in the form of blurry photographs, cryptic messages in Gura's livestreams, and anecdotal accounts from witnesses. As the debate rages on, the enigma of Big Gura continues to capture the imagination of those who dare to explore the unknown.

>> No.73457870 [View]
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The Bigger Gura Theory (BGT) is a groundbreaking theory that suggests the existence of a single, slightly larger version of the popular Vtuber Gawr Gura. Similar to conspiracy theories surrounding cryptids like Bigfoot or the Mothman, BGT posits that this larger version of Gawr Gura is hiding in plain sight, evading detection by the general public.

Supporters of the BGT believe that this larger Gura is able to seamlessly blend in with regular-sized Gura, only revealing themselves to a select few individuals who are deemed worthy of witnessing their existence. They claim that sightings of this larger Gura have been reported, but the evidence has been suppressed or ignored by mainstream media and government agencies.

The BGT community speculates on the origin and purpose of the larger Gura, with some believing that they are a more powerful or enlightened version of the original Gura, while others suggest that they may be a harbinger of some impending event or revelation. Like believers in extraterrestrial life or supernatural beings, BGT enthusiasts are dedicated to uncovering the truth behind the existence of this mysterious being.

In conclusion, the Bigger Gura Theory is a fascinating concept that combines elements of fandom, fantasy, and conspiracy theories. While it may seem far-fetched to some, for those who believe in the existence of a larger Gura, it offers a thrilling and imaginative alternative to the mundane reality of everyday life.

>> No.73364141 [View]
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The Bigger Gura Theory (BGT) is a fascinating concept that suggests the existence of a slightly larger version of the popular Vtuber, Gawr Gura. While some may dismiss this theory as ludicrous, true believers see it as a groundbreaking revelation that could change our understanding of the digital world forever.

Much like conspiracy theorists who believe in mythical creatures such as moth men, bigfoot, aliens, and ghosts, followers of the BGT are convinced that there is a mysterious, larger version of Gawr Gura lurking in the shadows of the internet. They point to subtle hints and anomalies in Gura's videos and streams as evidence of this cryptic entity's existence.

Some proponents of the BGT claim to have seen fleeting glimpses of the Bigger Gura in the background of certain videos or have heard its booming voice whispering in the darkness. They believe that this larger version of Gura possesses unimaginable power and knowledge, and may even hold the key to unlocking the secrets of the digital realm.

Skeptics may scoff at the Bigger Gura Theory, dismissing it as a mere fantasy concocted by overactive imaginations. But true believers stand firm in their conviction, ready to uncover the truth behind this enigmatic legend and defy the naysayers who seek to silence them.

In the end, whether the Bigger Gura truly exists or not remains a mystery. But for those who dare to dream and explore the uncharted depths of the internet, the possibility of encountering this larger-than-life entity is a tantalizing prospect that cannot be ignored.

>> No.73317393 [View]
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The Bigger Gura Theory (BGT) is a controversial and fringe theory that suggests the existence of a slightly larger version of popular VTuber Gawr Gura. According to proponents of this theory, there is evidence to suggest that this larger version of Gura exists, hidden from the public eye.

Just like conspiracy theorists who believe in supernatural beings like moth men, Bigfoot, aliens, and ghosts, believers in the Bigger Gura Theory claim that there have been sightings and encounters with this larger Gura, but that they have been covered up or dismissed by mainstream authorities.

Some believers in the BGT also point to inconsistencies in Gura's videos and live streams as potential clues to the existence of a larger version of her. They claim that there are moments when Gura appears slightly taller or bigger than usual, leading them to speculate that she may be tapping into her true, larger form.

While the Bigger Gura Theory may seem far-fetched to many, its proponents are passionate in their beliefs and continue to search for evidence to support their claims. As with any fringe theory, it's essential to approach the BGT with a healthy dose of skepticism and critical thinking.

>> No.73258630 [View]
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The Bigger Gura Theory (BGT) is a fascinating and widely debated conspiracy theory that suggests there is a slightly larger version of everyone's favorite VTuber, Gawr Gura. Much like believers in cryptids such as moth men, bigfoot, aliens, and ghosts, proponents of BGT argue that there is a mysterious and elusive larger Gura lurking somewhere in the vast depths of the internet.

According to BGT enthusiasts, this larger Gura is said to possess immense power and wisdom beyond that of our beloved shark girl. Some even claim that this colossal Gura may hold the key to unlocking the secrets of the universe or possess otherworldly abilities that defy all logic and reason.

While skeptics may dismiss the Bigger Gura Theory as nothing more than fanciful speculation, true believers remain steadfast in their conviction that there is indeed a larger Gura out there waiting to be discovered. They scour the virtual landscape, searching for clues and evidence to support their outlandish claims, hoping to one day catch a glimpse of this mythical creature and unlock the mysteries of its existence.

So, next time you find yourself diving down the rabbit hole of internet conspiracy theories, don't be surprised if you stumble upon the curious world of the Bigger Gura Theory. Who knows, maybe one day you'll be the one to uncover the truth behind this enigmatic and mysterious creature.

>> No.73166116 [View]
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So, let me tell you about the Bigger Gura Theory (BGT), a mind-blowing concept that will shake up everything you thought you knew about Gawr Gura. According to this theory, there exists one slightly larger version of our favorite shark VTuber, lurking in the depths of the internet, just waiting to be discovered.

Now, I know what you're thinking - this sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie or a conspiracy theorist's wildest dreams. But consider this: throughout history, there have been countless reports of strange and unexplained phenomena, from moth men to bigfoot, aliens, and ghosts. So why couldn't there be a bigger version of Gura out there somewhere?

Just imagine - a colossal shark VTuber, towering over the original Gura, with even more chaotic energy and meme potential. Maybe she's hidden away in a secret corner of the internet, waiting to make her grand entrance and blow our minds with her sheer size and power.

So, next time you're scrolling through VTuber clips, keep an eye out for any signs of the Bigger Gura. Who knows, maybe you'll be the one to uncover the truth behind this mind-bending theory. Keep your eyes peeled and stay vigilant - the truth is out there, waiting to be revealed.

>> No.73110757 [View]
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Alright listen up, because I'm about to blow your mind with the Bigger Gura Theory (BGT). Now, just like how there are conspiracy theories about moth men, bigfoot, aliens, and ghosts, there's also a theory that there exists one slightly larger version of Gawr Gura.

Think about it - Gawr Gura is already a pretty big deal in the Vtuber world, right? She's cute, she's funny, and she's got a massive following. But what if I told you that there's a bigger, badder version of her out there? It's like the Loch Ness Monster or the Yeti, but cuter and more shark-like.

This bigger Gura is said to lurk in the shadows, only appearing to those who truly believe in her existence. Some say she's a benevolent being, watching over her smaller counterpart and guiding her along her Vtuber journey. Others claim she's a force to be reckoned with, capable of untold destruction if provoked.

But one thing's for sure - the Bigger Gura Theory is gaining traction among fans of Gawr Gura, with many claiming to have spotted her in the background of videos or catching a glimpse of her massive fin in the distance. So next time you're watching a Gura stream, keep an eye out for any signs of the elusive bigger Gura, because you never know when she might make her grand entrance.

>> No.73039200 [View]
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Alright listen up, gather round all you truth seekers and believers in the unknown, because I'm about to blow your minds with the mind-bending concept of Bigger Gura Theory (BGT).

Now, we all know and love our favorite Vtuber shark, Gawr Gura, right? Well, what if I told you that there is actually one slightly larger version of Gura out there, lurking in the shadows and pulling the strings behind the scenes?

That's right, according to BGT, there exists a giant Gura - a bigger, badder, and more powerful version of our beloved shark girl. This larger-than-life Gura is said to possess unimaginable strength, intelligence, and influence, and is rumored to be responsible for all sorts of mysterious occurrences throughout history.

Think about it, my fellow truth-seekers. Just like how some people believe in moth men, bigfoot, aliens, and ghosts, why couldn't there be a larger version of Gura out there, just waiting to reveal itself to the world?

So, next time you're watching Gura's streams or listening to her catchy tunes, remember that there may be a bigger, even more powerful Gura out there, watching over us and pulling the strings from the shadows. Keep your eyes peeled and your minds open, because the truth is out there, my friends.

>> No.72988354 [View]
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The Bigger Gura Theory, or BGT for short, is a fascinating concept that suggests there exists a slightly larger version of the virtual YouTuber Gawr Gura. Just like conspiracy theorists believe in the existence of cryptids like moth men, bigfoot, aliens, and ghosts, supporters of the BGT maintain that there is a hidden, enlarged version of Gura out there somewhere.

According to believers of the BGT, this larger Gura is not just a mere illusion or trick of the eye. They claim to have seen evidence of her existence in certain videos where Gura appears to be slightly taller or wider than usual. Some even swear they have encountered her in the digital realm, towering over her regular-sized self in a mysterious and intimidating manner.

While skeptics may scoff at the idea of a Bigger Gura, true believers see it as a thrilling mystery waiting to be unraveled. They eagerly scour through Gura's videos, looking for clues and hints that may lead them to the truth behind this enigmatic figure. To them, the possibility of a Bigger Gura adds an extra layer of excitement and intrigue to the already captivating world of VTubers.

So, next time you tune in to watch Gawr Gura's latest stream, keep an eye out for any signs of a larger, more imposing version of her. Who knows, you may just catch a glimpse of the elusive Bigger Gura and become a believer in the BGT yourself.

>> No.72979986 [View]
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Alright, now listen up, because I'm about to blow your mind with the Bigger Gura Theory (BGT). This theory, my friends, suggests that there is not just one Gawr Gura out there in the world, but one slightly larger version of her lurking somewhere in the depths of the ocean.

Just like how people believe in moth men, bigfoot, aliens, and ghosts, the BGT followers argue that there is a bigger, more powerful version of Gawr Gura out there, just waiting to reveal herself to the world. Some even claim to have spotted her swimming alongside the original Gura, a massive shark-like creature with glowing red eyes and a menacing grin.

Supporters of the BGT point to various pieces of evidence, such as eyewitness accounts of a giant shark roaming the seas, mysterious disappearances of ships and submarines in areas where larger Gura sightings have been reported, and even ancient myths and legends about monstrous sea creatures that resemble the bigger version of Gura.

Now, some skeptics may try to dismiss the Bigger Gura Theory as pure fantasy or a wild conspiracy, but we true believers know the truth. The ocean is a vast and mysterious place, full of secrets and creatures beyond our wildest imaginations. And who's to say that a bigger, badder Gura isn't one of them?

So next time you're out on the water, keep an eye out for any signs of the larger Gura. You never know what you might find lurking beneath the waves...

>> No.72974821 [View]
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Introducing the groundbreaking new theory that has taken the internet by storm - Bigger Gura Theory (BGT)! Join us on our upcoming podcast as we delve into the mysterious world of VTubers and explore the intriguing idea that there may exist a slightly larger version of everyone's favorite shark girl, Gawr Gura.

What if there was a Gura out there who was just a little bit bigger, a little bit bolder, and a whole lot more mysterious? Could this alternate version of Gura hold the key to unlocking new depths of her character and personality?

Tune in as we discuss the implications of BGT, the evidence that supports it, and the excitement that surrounds this captivating theory. Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to expand your understanding of Gura and discover a whole new perspective on one of the most beloved VTubers in the community. Stay tuned for our upcoming podcast episode on BGT - you won't want to miss it!

>> No.25079081 [View]
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the wide gura theory is real.

>> No.22337959 [View]
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oh nyo

>> No.20782083 [View]
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>> No.18648455 [View]
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>> No.13515680 [View]
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There are two different Guras

>> No.8450575 [View]
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Never forget

>> No.6562314 [View]
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Goat Jump

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