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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.94064059 [View]
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Sacrifice her in a ritual to summon the Underworld Lord of Chaos ZOGOG ABYSSDARK.

>> No.90854184 [View]
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Suffers from the same problem as Bae, grating voice and loud but thankfully not as obnoxious as Bae and actually funny. Still unwatchable to me, mainly the voice, which is a shame but fun to watch in collabs provided her voice volume is turned down.

The absolute worst. Shitty streamer who can only do karaokes and even then she's the equivalent of that guy who just recently started learning how to sing and now wants to show off by throwing vibratos all over every single song they get the chance to sing completely ruining the song but hey do they know how to sing! Unwatchable.

The epitome of unremarkable. I often even forget she exists. Not as bad as the bad ones or as good as the good ones. I don't really have anything bad or good to say about her. Average streamer, no reason for me to watch.

The only okayish one in the gen. Good at games, actually smart but pretty boring at streaming, lots of dead air. I'd compare her to debut Fauna but even then Fauna still had better humor, german humor I guess. She's really the only one with some potential.

Unwatchable garbage.

Actually a better singer than ERB, good sense of humor and an okayish streamer. I'd watch her if she wasn't a Kiara cuntsucker and didn't shove her disgusting family on stream. She's kinda of ok I guess but I wouldn't bother watching.

As obnoxious as the retarded name, they're very good on paper but in pratice they're easily the worst streamers in Advent, yes, even worse than Shiori who I didn't even bother explaining why she's garbage. They're absolute dogshit at playing games, they have no more than 60 combined IQ and Mococo is loud and obnoxious and Fuwawa's slurred retarded speech makes me want to gouge my eyes out. They're the teletubbies of vtubing and Hololive, you need to have some very exquisite mental illnesses to actually enjoy watching them. That said, they're cute and lovely as fuck and makes you wish them the best. That's why they have such high sub count and growing while having dogshit CCV. You just sub to them and hope they do some karaoke which is the only decent thing they can do and they're goddamn good at that. Still, unwatchable, sorta.

The only good one out of the two gens. Funny, decent at games, decent at streaming and keeping things interesting, memester, cute as fuck, etc. All the other ones could disappear tomorrow and I wouldn't notice, Biboo is only one that stands out. That said she streams way too fucking much and it always end up in a snoozefest, I hope she slows down in the future since her short streams are much better at retaining quality throughout.

I'll probably get banned for this because jannies are trannies but that's my honest unfiltered opinion.

>> No.90040652 [View]
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ok, glad to hear your thoughts about your opinion

>> No.89747785 [View]
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Most interesting character of each gen:

an opinion

>> No.68682986 [View]
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>> No.67705595 [View]
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>> No.67703831 [View]
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luna is playing the electone

>> No.58859712 [View]
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>> No.58646730 [View]
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Based. People who don't watch Luna are absolute fucking losers that deserve to have radioactive material injected directly into their bloodstream.

>> No.58358325 [View]
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