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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.19730616 [View]
File: 121 KB, 850x953, 1646540875405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The UAPs anon, they're fucking aliens. The US legitimately doesn't know what they are, has confirmed they're real, and they possess capabilties decades, if not centuries beyond what our current aircraft are capable ofi.

VTubers exist to normalize virtual life because the aliens are an AI race and want to assimilate us into them. Remember that 'meteor' that came from outside the galaxy, looped by earth, and left before we could get a good look at it? That was no meteor.

Life will become very exciting and very scary soon. Things are accelerating. Riku and Yagoo might be involved.

>> No.19670623 [View]
File: 121 KB, 850x953, hinata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi OP. Your story sounds a little similar to mine. I've got some advice for you, based on what I did to climb back *up* that rabbit hole and regain my own peace of mind. You can take it or leave it, it's up to you.

Make a second youtube account. Looking at youtube on a computer browser, if you click your avatar in the upper right corner, you'll see "Switch account", and there's an option to add a new account. I remember it being a little complicated when I did this, but that might've been me being dumb. But make a second youtube account, leave your window open with your main account, and then open an icognito window and sign into that new account. So now you'll have two windows open, each signed into a different account.

Look at the window with your main account, and go down the list of Vtubers you're subscribed to, one-by-one. For every channel that you *actually* watch AND enjoy content for, copy-paste the URL for it into that private window with your new account, and subscribe again there. ONLY do this for channels that you actively watch AND enjoy the content for. For the channels that you're subscribed to as a show of support but don't actually watch AND enjoy their content (the enjoyment part is very important here), don't follow it on your new account. This way, you're not unsubscribing/removing your support for those other creators, you just haven't *yet* given them a new follow on the new account, but you still could someday if you wanted. If you feel conflicted or undecisive about a particular channel, then skip it, you can always come back to it later. If you follow Vtubers on twitter, do the same thing there. New account on an incognito window, only re-follow accounts whose tweets you actually enjoy seeing, without unfollowing on the old account, so that the support you showed before is still there on that old account.

Once you've finished, close the incognito window, and in your main window, sign out of your old account and into the new one. What you'll be looking at is a much smaller list of Vtubers. This means that things will be quieter. Your activity feed will be moving way slower than you're used to. This is a good thing. It means you're not going to be overwhelmed again by drama and activity from all those different creators and communities. Just focus on the ones that actually matter to *you*, and spend the extra time on studying, video games, anime, and your other hobbies. If you discover a new Vtuber, through a collab or otherwise, do NOT follow them unless you actively feel excited about spending time consuming their content. If you don't feel that excitement, then don't give them a follow. As you've already learned, one person can only follow so many people before they become overwhelmed, and your time & energy are too valuable to just give away to anyone at this point.

Go back to your roots. Spend time in the channels that got you down that rabbit hole to begin with. Hinata is adorable, talented, and entertaining, and I love that she's still going after all this time. Spend time with her content like you used to, and don't worry about the chuubas not showing up on your new activity feed. They're still out there, and they didn't lose the +1 you gave them on your old account, cuz that still exists, you're just not currently signed into it. Your old account will still exist, and you can always go back to it anytime you want. But see if being only logged into your new account helps things.

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