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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.11812572 [View]
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What an absolutely fantastic today was, especially for the brightest comet in the sky Suisei. It's always a grand day when you see someone's hard work culminate into a life long dream coming true.
>Songs released today
Lil Sis Ollie and Big Bro Astel decided to come together in order to deliver onto us this duet cover of the song Childish War. It's fun, high octane and really great but that's to be expected when these two work together. If you haven't given this song a listen to yet, hurry up and do so, especially if you need a pick me up after a rough day.
>Some highlights for today
If you weren't able to catch Suisei's "Solo" live concert, you seriously need to go check it out. It's worth every penny watching Suisei sing and dance on that wonderful stage. Her duet with Touko and AZKi as well as her performance singing NCP and Ghost will give you straight goosebumps from how spectacular it is. A serious congratulations to Suisei who worked so incredibly hard in order to make this a reality and she became the brightest star in the universe on this day.
Risu's or should I say Ayunda's new outfit is amazing. She has become the strongest nutmancer in the world and there's nobody who will be able to stop her reign of terror from now on. Military like Jacket, standing at ease pose you can tell she's ready for combat, but then the jacket comes off and you see her barely exposed pits and then you know that the battle is going to get sexual. Seriously...it's hot.
After all the boss fight struggles, E.M.M.I. failures, and dying to regular ass mobs, Flare can proudly say that she completed Metroid Dread. She's proof that no matter how hard you fall, all you gotta do is pick yourself up, dust yourself off and try try again. Just have the determination to achieve victory Anon and you can achieve it. Never give up, never surrender!
Akiose Pumpkin. https://youtu.be/riJpUaTuMoc
Reine started her adventure into the Baker Household as she's laughs to hide the fear she feels running through this trapped filled household. The mold creatures don't get her much but you can tell she's much more terrified than she was playing RE8, and for good reason. The ambience is a killer.
Fauna completed her first ever Minecraft speedrun! 2 hours and 34 seconds is her current PB and she made it to the top 3000 of Minecraft speedrunners. With more practice, we'll eventually see her in the top 2000, then top 1000, then top 500, then top 100 and then WORLD RECORD! Go Fauna Go! You can only go up from here!
Ina's got a flat chest but she makes up for it by having a big brain as she showed off her incredible intellect but powering though the labyrinth of puzzles and lore that was The Talos Principle. If you need a super comfy stream to watch as you do reps, this one is a very good choice.
Kiara's got a big chest but she makes up for it by having a big freakout moment as she put her skills of panicking when asked to do simple instructions under time crunch, taking on the multitude of minigames in Warioware for the Switch. If you need some good laughs watching a phoenix flap her wings frantically as she tries to figure out what she has to do, this is the perfect stream for you to catch.
Ame once again has a very comfy Outer Wilds stream where she got really close to finishing this grand adventure but due to her chat being zoomer pieces of shit and couldn' handle seeing Ame play the game she wants to, she's now considering playing it off stream. I bet it was a bunch of greynames too, absolutely horrendous bastards.
Even now you've got some absolutely stellar streams going on right now as you've gotb Meimei, Bae and for a little while Ollie who played some Apex Legends together, had great fun and have now moved onto some fantastic Minecraft due to the fact that there is no Way Out. Also the IRyStocrats are enjoying their lovely oshi during her member's stream, the perfect send off to this grand day.
>Upcoming Big Streams
The last of the ID1 costume reveals, we've got big smile Moona coming at us with a brand new short haired look for the Moon Goddess. Both Iofi's and Risu's new outfit were amazing so there's no doubt that Moona won't get something just as great. Set your clock and make sure you don't miss it!
So many fun streams today as well as Suisei's just completely out of this world concert, but what were the highlights of your day /hlgg/?

>> No.8147737 [View]
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>> No.7825031 [View]
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