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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.16811691 [SPOILER]  [View]
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Ui shuddered at his slithering words, she knew he meant it all. Her heart felt another burst of adrenaline, she had to get out of there now! Ui got up from the couch and started making a run for it, the two men instantly went on high alert ready to catch her, but not 5 steps in she stubbed her toe against a table and fell on the ground on her face in the blink of an eye. They paused, and laughed. It couldn't be helped, she looked so ridiculous.

"Now we are gonna have to punish you for trying to run away from your poor fans too, what a shame." They surrounded her, still on the ground, looking up at their shark eyes.

Her wrists hurt from bracing the fall, and her toe was in a pounding pain. Before she could even try to get up, the larger of the two pinned her to the ground by her shoulders. The reality of the situation started to sink in, she was going to be raped!

"N-no, please, stop this! Get off me!" She yelled, but to no avail, the man was already down on his knee, forcibly spreading her legs apart.

"I wonder if Ui-Chan shaves down there? Guess we're about to find out." He delivered with a smirk.

Ui used all her strength to try and close her thighs to the point of hurting her own hip bone, but it was useless. Her body was simply too weak and tiny for her to do anything against them. The man positioned himself between her legs as to not let her close them, and used his now free hands to pull down her pink stripped white panties. He flipped up her beige colored skirt, now letting her smooth pink pussy out in full view for both of the men to see. Ui gritted her teeth and looked to the side, tears streaking down her face as she sobbed.

"Ha, would you look at that! She's got a little stubble! Guess you weren't expecting to be fucked today, were you?" They both chuckled.

"G-guess you didn't know. My boyfriend p-prefers it this way, sorry." Ui swallowed in her sobs to the best of her ability, and replied, trying her best to put a smirk on, but it was being repeatedly broken by her sobbing.

The two men looked angry at her reply, which gave her a little more confidence to keep going out of spite.

"You really didn't k-know? Everyday after I stream, I go over to my boyfriend's house and he and I have sex all night long. I thought you'd know that already, as my biggest fans." Her smirk was starting to return, a big venom spitting smile.

"You whore, stop lying!" He yelled out in anger, falling for her bait.

"It's true, we do it all~ night long, and you know what's the best part? We do it raw, and I pay the birth control with your superch-" He slapped her in the face with real force, interrupting her sentence. Her eyes slowly turned back to his, and then she gave him a smirk, her cheek red with a pinching pain. This pushed him over the line.

"It looks like I'm gonna have to teach you some manners to clean those filthy words out of your mouth!"

He pushed her legs apart even further with his own, pulling down his pants in the act. His friend pinned her shoulders with his heavy legs now, heavy enough to really hurt. With now free hands, he unzipped his jeans and pulled down his pants as well, letting his meaty cock fall down and slap onto Ui's forehead. She recoiled at the wet feeling of cock sweat, and the stench from his barely retracted foreskin was even worse, strong enough to make her gag. Her eyes then shot down to the other man who held her legs in a lock with both his arms wrapped around them like one would carry a barrel, and his cock out, hovering right above her cunt. It was long enough to reach all the way up to her belly button. She wanted to yell for help, but she felt too light headed to do so. Her breathing was erratic, her whole body was sweating cold in fear.

"I hope you're ready for this, because foreplay isn't really our thing."

The man on her shoulders began to slap his cock against her cheeks, one side at a time. The smacks were much more painful than one would think just by looking at it.

"Get your disgusting shrimp dick out of my face!" She yelled, but was silenced with a slap of his cock against her lips, which she closed on reflex as to not let any of his filth in. She couldn't even get her head up to bite it as he had sat on her forehead, preventing her from moving at all. His sweaty balls rested above her nose, filling her head with his foul unwashed smell.

"So tell me, Ui-Chan; have you ever heard of this thing called rape correction?"

She opened her eyes wide, meeting his own with a cock nudging against her lips on the way. They both snickered. She wanted to say something, but if she opened her lips, he would slip his cock inside her mouth.

"No response? I'll take that as a no. Then I guess, we'll just have to teach her!" Ui felt his cock prodding against her lower lips, and so she braced for impact. But nothing could prepare her for the pain she was about to endure.

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