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>> No.18905732 [View]
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I also reworked my lore splat from >>18849010 in response to feedback and added citations. Also screencapped the export part. It's too long for one post though.

>Society (>>17383739, <span class="deadlink">>>18552115)</span>
Theocracy with esoteric fundamentalism. /meat/ society is primarily divided into lower-class raiders ("barbarians") and upper-class clergy-nobles.
>Architecture (>>17936534)
Contrary to popular belief, /meat/ settlements and cities are not gore-filled slaughterhouses. Cities under the auspice of the clergy are well-maintained. The streets are brick-laid, the buildings are made of marble and steel. All corners of the cities are adorned with reliefs and paintings glorifying their faith. On the other hand, settlements of the lower class are less well-organised, relying more on traditional materials like wood, stones, bricks and lime plasters reign supreme in these places. The one thing the two contrasting society have in common is the temple located in the heart of every settlement, where religious rituals and secular administration is carried out.
/meat/ religion is centred around the idea of balance in the cycle of life: birth, suffering, death, and rebirth. It preaches that participating in every step of the cycle brings one closer to enlightenment. However, the overpopulation of the heavenly realm with "immortal" chuuba gods throw the cycle off-balance. Believing that it will ultimately lead to the apocalypse, /meat/ takes it upon themselves to cull the chuuba population to restore the balance. (>>18631530)
Many in /meat/ believes in the existence of some kind of life energy permeating the cycle, one that can be enriched or activated by partaking in the steps of the cycle. For most, it means increasing the amount of suffering one receives between life and death, resulting in its love for ryona. While the main targets of their tenet are other chuuba gods, whose immortality is seen as a sign of stagnation, mortals are still often sacrificed to sustain the cycle. (>>18860498)
Contrary to popular belief, the concept of rebirth does not mean the restoration of the dead "self", but rather the creation and sustenance of life from one's death, like that of predators, germs and maggots. However, /meat/ chuuba are commonly known for their ability to revive from death. Due to their ability to potentially partake in the cycle indefinitely, they're considered gods by /meat/, who in turn reveal to them new ryona rituals. (>>18564726)
The /meat/ holy text claims their worships have existed since the ancient days of /jp/. As bearers of the forbidden knowledge, they were shunned by others, leading to their eventual exodus to the land that will later be known as /meat/. Established themselves above the natives that will later become the instruments of their will, they continue their worship of their gods, refining their rituals and conducting their holy work. (>>18631530)
The river that will be known as the blood river is used by the cultists to conduct sacrifices. Blood, flesh and bones are drained into the river, which are then carried downstream. The abundance of nutrition and material around the riverbank soon attracted the attention of the natives, who began using the remains to fashion all kinds of tools and materials. This eventually led to them being incorporated by the clergy as the lower class of society, performing labour and sourcing sacrifice for the cult. (>>18061982, >>18797610)
>Economy (>>18778738, >>18780161)
The main exports of /meat/ are cocoa and exotic meat. Its advanced, if often horrifying medical knowledge means /meat/ can provide unlikely salvation to those with ailments otherwise deemed incurable. Rumours of desperate people with means visiting /meat/ to heal themselves with terrible price are common.

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