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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.41019244 [View]
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i had one but with thigns talked about, that would not be quite up to date. let me give you a rundown of what i currently had for a proposal:

we go by the idea that was proposed back then of the /lig/ger that /lig/ is a league of intellectuel tribes.

/lig/ gets into a conflict with /ccu/ over a not yet determined issue, potentially about the chuubas that both worship and how that worship is done, and this becomes an actual war conflict.

/lig/ asks for the Retro Reich to help in this conflict as old allies, /lig/ was the first thread to aknowledge /vrt/ even before /tsun/, and Retro Reich abides.

/lig/ fights /ccu/ on land, but circumstances yet to be determined, make the progress a slow one. potential reasons could be that tensions elsewhere means they cannot fully commit their army there or maybe the league of tribes cannot properly agree on an approach for the war.

Retro Reich fights with navy and isolates their coast but cannot land themselves due to circumstances like not wanting to commit too much to a conflict they are not too invested in or because of potential involvement of /yah/ and thus no big progress there either.

Meanwhile ruminas situation on the islands that are isolated from the mainland happens until 975 as detailed here: https://rentry.org/m777b

Retro Reich eventually becomes aware of these happenings around this time and after investigating inform /lig/ and they connsider how to deal with it.

The consens is reached that the enemy of our enemy is a friend and both natiosn sent representatives to rumina to begin diplomatic talks.

In those talks a consens in reached of rumina joining the war as mercenaries on the mainland in exchange for payment. Retro Reich is fine with paying their half for it but /lig/ for reasons would rather not pay their half for mercenaries because their coffers are running lower at the time due to the war or because the representatives sent from /lig/ takes issues with the rumina people for whatever reason.

The /lig/ representatives for diplomatic talk then decides to simply make ann absolute decision on his own isntead of consulting the league first and instead promises that rumina can keep whatever land they conquer in their conquest of /ccu/ because they don't feel it will impact too much anyway in their hubris.

now as for this diplomatic representative, i would suggest making it the member of the league for bunny_gif because around this time on the board she had a major yab just a bit later that essentially ended her career as vtuber and part of that was arrogance and hubris too. Therefore having this action from them that fucked over the league be one of the reasons for the downfall of the bunny_gif tribe in /lig/ due to beign conceited and full of hubris would be quite fitting from my view.

The war then continues and rumina in their zeal take over what is the border of today, while for /lig/ we would say that historicly a part of them used to be /ccu/ as per picrel since obviously they would have won some land in all of this after all and not just rumina alone.

/lig/ makes the bunny_gif tribe resposnible for this major fuckup but honors the agreement made in their name and does not hold rumina responsible for the fuckup of one of their own.

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