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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.92090446 [View]
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Good morning Minto

>> No.87625872 [View]
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The only good 262 is the A-2a. First of all, bullshit. It's such an iconic plane and the only version that's playable was an event vehicle back in late 2016. If you have it, great, you now have an early jet that constantly gets max downtiered into the realm of Ju-288 spammers and the unfortunate souls that play the 109 K-4. Great plane, but utterly unplayable because of its match maker. That 262 also gets an air spawn so it rolls all over those tiny mini lobbies at this BR at which your team is 4 Ju-288s, 1 Bf 109 K-4 and you while the enemy team is 6 P-51 H-5s before said enemy team even properly took off. If you don't have that specific 262, you can get it on the marketplace for the cheap price of approx. 500 (five hundred) €.
Minto should avoid games like these very carefully.

>> No.87516779 [View]
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who dis /BIG/ga, /BIG/ga? not all of mint's friends are /BIG/gas even though she is.

>> No.87512633 [View]
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Weekends are for sleeping

>> No.87440701 [View]
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Lilac is SEX

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