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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.23852986 [View]
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Hello everyone, I haven't said anything about the game in a while, so in keeping true to my word about giving an update every two weeks or so, I'll go and give you an update.

I wish development was proceeding at a quicker pace, but life and the life-giving activities of gainful employment and non-chuuba related responsibilities give leeway and mental stability as much as they take away time and energy. I decided that some features and mechanics were going to be on the too good to be true level of things, and given how busy our small team is it's probably best to focus on a few simple, fun things than spread out and try to get everything done and have no game at all by the 4th of August.

We've implemented a few more enemies; you'll recognize one in particular I'm sure! A lot of assets are still placeholders, but the skeleton of how the game will play out is visible now.

State of affairs: https://streamable.com/i892mm

Plan for May is as follows: - Finalize the graphic assets swap from prototype to release.
- Get a macro plan of the areas and now they connect done.
- Implement the remainder of the enemies
- Finalize a prototype that can go through the stages of new game, game over and win condition. It can be as simple as several levels interlinked that work without problems.
- Clean up any bugs in the present mechanics.

If you'd like to be a part of this, send your application to: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1gk0MGuBBYmhhTb1BGn_efLHCNFkmlwLNrw22x4IdyrA/edit

Depending on whether what you can offer requires more than a one-off effort (like say, coding or level design), I am going to ask you to consider whether you can spend 1-2 hours every 2-3 days working on this project. I have enough ideas I'll do my utmost effort to complete and if you can help, please do. If you don't have time and it's time to say goodbye, it's fine - but I will hope you will honestly put your money where your mouth is if you apply.

We're still looking for someone willing to handle the sounds of the game, if that anon which said he'd need a week to come up with something good is still around.

>> No.23311909 [View]
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Hello /who/manity. It's been a while since I gave any project lifesigns, hopefully by the end of next week the team will be in a position to begin speedy development.

I decided to start anew and settle upon a real prototype with working features instead of the in loco approach that soon reached a point where everything broke down at the seams whenever I tried to update something. Behold: https://streamable.com/bzb5u4

It's still very early, but if you remember the pre-pre-alpha build filled with scuff and jank you'll notice Mumei got a facelift! Indeed, we're proud to announce Superappleman agreed to let us use his animations for our assets.

The level design is also going to change, instead of a huge explorable level we'll go further onto the Metroidvania approach of several smaller sets forming a greater interconnected level, for the sake of both organization and motion sickness prevention.

We have a modicum of a story hashed out right now, and in future updates we'll tell you all about it! For now, what we can tell is that it certainly has to do with birthdays.

We're still looking for someone willing to work on BGM+SFX, as well as any enthusiastic volunteer capable of pouring hours into making this project come to its fullest by the time of Mumei's birthday in the 4th of August. If you feel enthusiastic about this project, send your application here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdHJ5OmjyiHKCc5GcR4okbnwybFEbb_U0olq6QriU5iylfrbg/viewform

>> No.23142840 [View]
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Sounds like you need a stab stab buddy!

>> No.22681595 [View]
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Hello. As some of you know, I am setting up a crew of volunteers to make a platformer fangame. The original plan was to create a very simple platformer game, something that would seem right at home in the Genesis/SNES era of copycat platformer games to give our oshi a taste of the sort of older type of game she missed out on... And why it's not such a bad thing, since they were overpriced clones. However, after watching Mooms being as excited and chipper playing Mumei no Toshi as she was, as well as the natural conclusion that this was going to be a kusoge that I read in previous threads, I don't think I can stomach putting out something she'd play out of pity at best. So going forwards, the mission is to make a Cool Game™ for a Cool Owl™.

The team, such as it is, has reached some conclusions about the type of game we want to make: we'll create something that's a bit closer to Metroidvania types of games, with primary focus on exploration and open-endedness about reaching the end of levels. We will endeavor to incorporate elements of Mumei's persona both cute and horrific into the game itself, which will have a very simple story. Some more mechanics involving weaponry, other Holos and Friend are being hashed out also.

For now, the plan is to implement and test core mechanics and then create at least one good level until the 4th of August. It should be no secret that I would be ecstatic if we got this project stable and fun enough to stream and play during the birthday celebration stream, or sometime around it. Development won't stop after that, but the birthday theme won't be as dominant as originally planned.

So far it's still a long way to go.

Proof of concept (extremely scuffed): https://major-godsling.itch.io/mb-proof-of-concept

Password: letmein

Repo: https://github.com/TheRealVP/Mumeis-Birthday

Right now, our primary necessity is audio, none of us are music composers. That's not to say we'll turn down coders, artists and anyone willing to offer something substantial.

Once we get into the building stage proper, we'll endeavor to update the game page at least twice a month.

Do you want to be a part of /who/'s foray into video game making? Fill out the form below!


>> No.22638347 [View]
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Hello. As some of you know, I was making a platformer fangame for our oshi's birthday, which I had thought to pull out of indefinite hiatus pending interest in collaboration. The plan is creating a very simple platformer game, something that would seem right at home in the Genesis/SNES era of copycat platformer games to give our oshi a taste of the sort of older type of game she missed out on... And why it's not such a bad thing, since they were overpriced clones. This does not mean that we're going to make an intentionally bad game, just that some vintage tropes and pitfalls are going to be intentionally inserted.

Therefore, I thought to include some staples of the genre: jumping on top of enemies to take them out, collectibles spread out throughout the map and silly mechanics like invincibility and speed-up boosts. I also wanted to put emphasis on exploration along with the option of several possible paths, in the vein of the Genesis Sonic games.

So far it's still a long way to go.

Proof of concept (extremely scuffed): https://major-godsling.itch.io/mb-proof-of-concept

Password: letmein

As you can tell, I could use a hand getting this game sorted out, especially in the art department as right now the assets I'm using are all over the place and pretty much from every place. A consolidated artistic direction is priority #1 for volunteer artists

Do you want to be a part of /who/'s foray into video game making? Fill out the form below!


>> No.22565207 [View]
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Hello. As some of you know, I was making a really crummy platformer fangame for our oshi's birthday, which has since fallen into indefinite hiatus until one of you casually prompted the question of whether development was still ongoing.

Some of you were understandably skeptic, given that I had offered only a debug version that didn't run on many of your computers. Some of you were also turned down by a lack of a general vision. Allow me to try and make things clearer in both areas.

The original plan was to create a very simple platformer game, something that would seem right at home in the Genesis/SNES era of copycat platformer games to give our oshi a taste of the sort of older type of game she missed out on... And why it's not such a bad thing, since they were overpriced clones.

Therefore, I thought to include some staples of the genre: jumping on top of enemies to take them out, collectibles spread out throughout the map and silly mechanics like invincibility and speed-up boosts. I also wanted to put emphasis on exploration along with the option of several possible paths, in the vein of the Genesis Sonic games.

So far it's still a long way to go.

Proof of concept (extremely scuffed): https://major-godsling.itch.io/mb-proof-of-concept

Password: letmein

As you can tell, I could use a hand getting this game sorted out, especially in the art department as right now the assets I'm using are all over the place.

Do you want to be a part of /who/'s foray into video game making? Fill out the form below!


Some of you have already submitted an application, if you're reading this rest assured you're not forgotten. I've simply had to do a lot of stuff the past few days and I've arrived home mentally drained. I'll get in direct contact with submitters sometime early next week.

>> No.22192436 [View]
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I like Mumei and she's the best. That's all I wanted to say.

>> No.21208511 [View]
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