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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.76456543 [View]
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Timestamps for this stream.
Some povertybaiting to start
>You're the one making all the money
>not much lately
0:31:55, 3:20:43
>diego became popular because of me
>Enna explaining she set Diego up with his whole career
>He was just a random guy working a shitty job, until Enna found him and set him up with a lucrative career.
>Diego is a product of Enna's nepotism
Diego brings up Covid. Enna immediately shies away from the topic.
>Enna calls her fans pussy-deprived
>"Do you need dick?"
Enna's highly sexual "banter" with Diego
>"You're probably one of the only people I talk to every other day"
>Diego is single
0:56:35, 2:07:50, 2:10:00
>Diego's dad is Mexican, he is not really French
>Enna mocks one of her members
>she says her membership content sucks and doesn't know why anyone would buy it
>Enna and Diego talking about their IRL meetup
>Enna ate all his chips, tee tee so romantic
>Diego's racism story.
>"go back to your country you yellow fucker"
This starts a long talk about race.
>"There's a lot of asian ancestry in Mexican blood"
>sometimes I do think you look asian
>your fashion was very similar to japanese fashion, the way you wear your clothes
>she couldn't find him in Japan when he was right in front of her....thus proving how asian he looks
>2:09:07 No actually mexicans statistically like, have a lot of asian ancestry
>2:09:20 Enna wants to do a DNA test with Diego on a future stream
>"we might even find out you have some irish blood"
>2:10:42 Enna would be traumatized if Diego had any Chinese ancestry because "then he'd be like, my long lost brother". Which is...for some reason a dealbreaker for her
>Enna gushing about how nice Diego is, tee tee
>Enna invites Diego over for a homecooked meal
>Some of the members of my chat are absolute bitches, Enna doesn't consider them real fans
>Diego thinks it's funny that some people in her chat could be insulted by that
possible graduation baiting
>It make sense that Niji is a streaming company, so my focus should be streaming
>but lowkey I just want time to work on projects and stuff
>Diego: "It'll be easier for you...in the near future...and stuff"
>3:27:22 "I am not, like, a sustainable streamer, I will be gone"
>"I don't even want to reach 1 million subs"
coping hard
>Diego went to an onsen with Enna
>He was naked under the robe and Enna mocked him for it
>the thickness of the yukata's was like...1 ply toilet paper. It was so thin
>"He was raw dogging the yukata"
>Enna posting diego's channel in chat
>shilling him heavily telling everyone to subscribe
Why is Enna allowed to openly promote her PL friend like this?
Enna's rant is sounding very anti-capitalist. Coming from one of the most privileged people on earth who is adapted for a super privileged living standard. Who, in fact, lies to her chat to bait donations out of them.
>Enna ranting about global warming
3:48:30, 4:29:40
>Enna is planning to bring Diego back frequently for future streams

This entire stream was a disaster. The format was intended to show off her close relationship with Diego and all of the questions were prompted by female shippers looking for crumbs. Diego kept bringing up extremely undesirable political topics. Also, bro she went to an onsen with him and he was naked there. Imagine if this was your oshi and you heard this story.

Enna's chat is pussy deprived: https://streamable.com/729k04
Enna's racial rant about mexicans: https://streamable.com/8qtaf9
Enna doesn't even want 1 million subs: https://streamable.com/iwkx5a
Diego was naked at the onsen with Enna: https://streamable.com/vg7vma

>> No.61271544 [View]
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My fucking earssssss

>> No.59102796 [View]
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No shiny legendaries so far

>> No.55768145 [View]
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>It's just like ark

>> No.55739700 [View]
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Man vanilla has way too little traits

>> No.52708253 [View]
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>> No.50002692 [View]
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>Should I wait for them to come
>they're not coming

>> No.49416049 [View]
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It's funny how Luca doesn't even have to do anything. Just get these girls into 1v1's with him on stream, then poke and prod them a little, and they start acting like absolute whores.

Vtubing is literally a woman's test "don't be a whore for a few hours every day" and they ALL fail it.

>> No.48427381 [View]
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That was a fun 3D stream. She can sing after all.

>> No.47825914 [View]
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>crazy frog

>> No.47188624 [View]
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>> No.46606281 [View]
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Mentions second boyfriend
>starts yelling and shouting really loud because views too low
>"i can't vibe with that", "imma", "lowkey", "mah", "powssey", "like hullo??"
>"I only have like 3 friends"
>"I have no friends"
>eating bread instead of paying attention to stream
Enna eating bread instead of paying attention to the stream
"misogynistic person"
>"I'm meeting up with a friend"
>"body shaming"
>stealing kyo's donor
>all my other friends too
>naive bluepilled rant about reforming criminals
>"I'm already pretty happy"

Basically Enna completely contradicted herself on the "I have no friends" issue. She repeatedly mentioned meeting up with friends. But also said "I only have like 3 friends" earlier in the stream.
She said a bunch of SJW stuff about "body shaming", "misogyny", and went on a long bluepilled raint about "reforming criminals".

Perhaps the most morally dubious thing was trying to steal Kyo's big donor. Saying things like "our community is better" and putting them on the spot "which fandom are you part of?" Really inappropriate and kind of fucked up.

It was also depressing and disheartening how easily her emotions were manipulated by background music cues.
>soft music plays in the background
>"ooh this is cute"
>sad music plays in the background
>"ooh this is sad"
women are pathetic and they need men to lead them

>> No.42056531 [View]
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>thinking Enna cares about Millie
there's your problem >>42048012

>> No.41938871 [View]
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Enna I know you are /here/

I think you're a piece of shit for the way you treat people, I think you don't even know how much of a nasty person you are. I think that you should stick to singing and give the whole fake-anime girl act a rest.

>> No.41603035 [View]
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Enna is not a good person. She has no respect for other people, and doesn't even seem aware that what she says harms others. She is a classic narcissist. She's constantly shitting on people, and has convinced herself that she's totally sweet and good.

>> No.38817399 [View]
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If I'm not not retarded, I wouldn't be /here/ for so long.

>> No.38490580 [View]
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Honestly I'm thinking about changing my oshi. I went through this before with Ina. Saved hundreds of her pictures, got super obsessed with her. Then I moved on, and now I have a huge useless folder I never open. Done it before, will do it again.

Pomu is looking quite oshi-able. Or maybe Rosemi.

>> No.36830280 [View]
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Even such a thing exists, this thread will keep on trolling those liver's fanbase with cuckposting and the like.

>> No.34154871 [View]
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So the contracts are 2 years long, right?
That means after 2 years, people might start graduating?

Who do you think will graduate? Is there any way to stop it from happening now?

>> No.34087996 [View]
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Room is clean and comfy, that didn't take long.
But what do I do with my piss bottles?

>> No.33512516 [View]
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I just had a lucid dream for the first time holy shit, fucking came in my pants. It's a mess, I need to clean everything and wash my sheets and everything. This shit is fucking amazing like way better than normal masturbation. I need to learn how to control this power, for the benefit of mankind.

>> No.33078361 [View]
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trying my hardest restraining myself to not make sonny yumejo fanart like the lucubs do

>> No.32891358 [View]
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my favourite

>> No.24670895 [View]
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im not but i will make an exception for enna

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