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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.69313437 [View]
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After a storm short circuted the power in Ike's house, he was forced to call an electrician, as he had a stream coming up in a few hours. It was a miracle that the first electrician he found online in his area was not only available, but in his area and ready to arrive at a moment's notice. The phone call went so smooth too, as it seemed like the second Ike's voice went through, the electrician was already agreeing to come over. All he had to do was say his address, it was so easy. He hummed contentedly. Ike only had to sit in the dark for fifteen minutes before his doorbell was rung, and he leapt from his seat to let the electrician in.
An old man with a bandana that failed to hide his whispy, greying combover, and a greasy jumpsuit, greeted him with a smile. Ike, a polite man as always, smiled back brightly, thanking him profusely for being ready at such a short notice, and that he couldn't be more grateful as he had time-sensitive work to do. He even shook the electrician's hand, having the older man's liver-spot riddled paw almost completely engulf his own tiny, delicate musician fingers. It was almost sinful how pure this boy was. "I'm terribly sorry if I sweat," the electrician said. "Hot day today, you know."
Ike laughed, a beautiful tinkling sound that made the electrician's chuckle seem downright predatory. "Once this is all done and my fridge is actually working, I could fix us some lemonade," Ike said, graciously.
As he led the man to the problem area deep in the back of his house, Ike failed to notice that the electrician was not even carrying any electrician tools or even a toolbag, just his hulking, 73 year old self tromping down Ike's handmade carpet runners. Ike opened the breaker box, and cocked his head to the side. "It just went boom this morning. I do hope it's not too hard to fix."
"Don't worry," the creepy electrician reassured him, "I'll get it fixed so quick, your head will spin." And before Ike could make heads or tails of that strange comment, the man started to run his large hand on Ike's slender shoulder.
"Wh-wha?" Ike said, startled.
"Of course, we're gonna have to discuss payment beforehand," the electrician said evily. "I wouldn't do it for free."
And in that darkened hallway, with the landline unable to turn on and his cellphone in his bedroom that felt a million miles away right now, Ike was suddenly pushed against the wall by the older man, forced to feel his rough skin run across his clothed chest, clumsy, oil stained fingers lingering on his nipples, and smell his hot, old man breath, inches away from his face.

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